
How to visually enlarge the eyes - how to visually enlarge the eyes

  • How to visually enlarge the eyes - how to visually enlarge the eyes


    • Increase the eyes;
    • Secrets of professionals;
    • Classical make-up.

    Eyes can be called the most expressive part of the face of any person. Cleverly using decorative cosmetics, you can emphasize the natural beauty of your eyes and truly transform any appearance. Many women are worried about how to visually enlarge their eyes with makeup to make them even more expressive and attract the attention of men.

    From antiquity to the present day

    Egyptian make-up

    At all times, be it modernity or BC, women have always sought to emphasize the beauty and expressiveness of their eyes. Some still have a desire to change their form a little or radically. Some do this because they do not like the form that nature has awarded them, and others just to experiment and understand what make-up is more suitable for them.

    Eye enlargement with the help of cosmetics came to us from ancient Egypt. There, none of the rulers, never would have left her own quarters without a beautiful make-up. Of course, to emphasize the eyes, by the methods used by the Egyptians, we will not. But armed with modern tools and some knowledge, you can significantly change your appearance.

    instagram viewer

    Even now, when the makeup is becoming increasingly popular and does not stand out, making the eyes no longer makes any effort.

    Increase the eyes

    How does one increase the eye using only the magic of cosmetics?

    First you need to figure out what shape your eyes have and how far apart they are.

    Eyes are of the following types:

    1. Close or far away;

    2. Almond-shaped or round-shaped;

    3. With overhanging or convex eyelids.

    If the eyes are planted too close, the make-up should help them to detach a little visually from each other. To get this effect, you need to apply light shades of shadows at the inner corner of the eye, smoothly darken the color to the outer corner of the eye so that it is covered with the darkest shadows. After that, using a pencil draws a thin line near the growth of the eyelashes. And this line should start not from the inner corner, but from about the middle of the century, gradually thickening to the outer corner. Use a pencil better after the shadows are applied, so it will last longer, and will not blur.

    Secrets of


    Tongs To understand how to make make-up visually enlarging your eyes, you need to learn the secrets of professionals:

    1. Before applying mascara on the eyelashes, arm the tweezers for curling the eyelashes and twist them. You can certainly do this and after you have made up eyelashes, but then you will have to wait until they completely dry and only then twist. Before the mascara has dried to curl eyelashes it is impossible in no event - they simply can be broken.

    2. Why does not all women pay enough attention to their lower cilia and rarely paint them. But do not forget about them, because makeup artists claim that applying mascara to the lower eyelashes visually increases the eyes.

    3. To make the eyes wide open and the look naively seductive, you can bring the lower eyelid not with all the usual black pencil, but with its complete opposite - white. Unfortunately, this color does not go to everyone, but if you are the lucky one, on which the white color of the pencil looks wonderful, you can use this technique. White eyeliner, as it were, "opens" your eyes and makes them much more. In the same pencil, you can bring the lower, upper eyelid and inner corner of the eye. Experiment and understand which application looks best on you.

    4. Try using shades with metallic shades, instead of a white pencil - the emphasis on the eyes will be significant. In this case, the make-up of the eyes will be carried out quite simply: put the shadows under the eyebrow and shuffle well. Just remember that the main color should be more pronounced closer to the inner corners of the eye.

    5. If you want to conquer men with your expressive and big eyes, you should never forget about eyebrows. They must be plucked, properly brought and laid. Eyebrows affect quite a lot the first impression your eyes produce. Women, as a rule, do not realize how much eyebrows in appearance are important. The first time it is best to make eyebrows from a professional, only he will be able to create an ideally fitting shape that will perfectly frame your beautiful eyes.

    Make-up classic


    Make-up artists highlight several eye makeup options that can visually enlarge the narrow eyes. For a start, you can consider the classic version of this make-up. His scheme provides for the imposition of the darkest shade of shadows at the outer corners of the eye. In this case, all the mobile eyelid and wrinkle should be much lighter in color. And under the eyebrow you need to apply the lightest of all shades.

    There are other techniques in make-up that will help increase the eyes. If you have deeply set and small eyes, making them visually is more easy. First, look at your eyebrows, they in your case should not be too thick and very neat. On the mobile eyelid should be applied a light shade of shadows. Cover the eyelashes with two to three layers of carcass. False eyelashes or, fashionable now, naroshchennye "will open" your eyes and make them more visually.

    In general, such a makeup scheme fits very many forms of the eyes, but only not round. After all, this make-up makes the eyes rounder, which is absolutely not necessary, if you already have them round. This shape can be easily corrected and made more elongated, almond-shaped. You need to start by applying a light shade of shadows to the inner corner of the eye, gradually adding more and more dark color, which will end with the darkest on the outer corner of the eye. At the same time, approaching it, it is necessary to raise the shadows a little bit upwards, making the so-called "cat's" form. Now take the padding( you can use both a pencil and liquid podvodka) and draw a line that is thin at the inner corner, and closer to the outer corner, it will become thicker. The tip of the line should also be raised slightly upward.

    Recommended reading:

    • Natural make-up;
    • Evening make-up;
    • Perfect makeup.