
How to get rid of hair on the body - get rid of hair at home

  • How to get rid of hair on the body - get rid of hair at home

    Know the answer to the question "how to get rid of the hair on the body " forever, almost every girl dreams. There are a lot of ways to remove constantly growing hairs. They differ in terms of their period of validity, the sum of the means they are worth, according to the strength of painful sensations. This is probably the most significant factors that women pay attention to when choosing one or the other method of destroying unwanted hair.

    Quite often, if a woman incorrectly picked up the funds or performed a procedure for depilation, there may be redness, irritation on the skin and the same unnecessary hairs. How to get rid of hair on the body at home, while spending the minimum amount of time, money and nerves? Normal shaving to affect, most likely, is not worth it, as everyone knows its pros and cons. Choose for yourself a suitable way to remove unwanted hair.

    Depilatory cream

    Depilation with cream

    Removing unnecessary hair with specially created creams, foams and gels is a fairly new way that was given to girls all over the world by the chemical industry. In the composition of these creams there are chemicals that can literally dissolve the hair.

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    Usage of

    Usually, the cream works if you spread them, with a very thick layer, areas with unnecessary hair. Then you need to wait about ten minutes( this time for different creams is different, and the stiffness of the hair plays no small role) and everything, the hair is removed.

    Action time

    Many, of course, may be surprised, but this way of dealing with extra hair sometimes acts even less than shaving. All this is due to the fact that the cream is not able to completely root out the root zone of the hair. But the new blade on the razor removes unwanted hairs under the root, which allows the skin to remain smooth for longer.


    Not the cheapest option for getting rid of unwanted hair, especially if you consider the factor of their rapid growth. To remove hair with depilatory creams, you do not need the help of a master, so you only need to take into account the cost of purchasing the cream itself, which usually is not expensive. Plus such a tool - after it the skin does not require any special care, because most creams already have components that soften the skin.


    Her at depilation cream is not present in general. The only thing that you need to pay attention to is that certain components that make up the cream can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before using the product on a large area of ​​the skin, make a small test - apply a little cream on the elbow bend, if the skin does not turn red and irritation appear - you probably do not have allergies.


    Hair removal with wax

    This method - the removal of unwanted hair with the help of wax - is gaining increasing popularity. And no wonder, because thanks to him it is possible:

    • to pull hair from the root, which means a fairly long period of validity;
    • carry out the procedure with minimal time;
    • be sure that you use eco-friendly;
    • save - it costs such a method of hair removal is quite inexpensive.

    Time of action

    It depends on how well you have depilated and from your hormonal background. In general: from a couple of weeks to several months. Agree, not bad? And sometimes some lucky people, it turns out, stop the growth of hair on the body, not at all sites of course. This happens due to the destruction of the hair follicle due to permanent pulling.


    If you do wax depilation with wax in the cabin, be prepared to shell out for it a pretty decent amount. But in home use - everything is much cheaper: when buying ready-made strips, know that there is no fuss with them, but they are still not small, but if you yourself learn how to make wax at home - the procedure will be quite cheap.

    Also take into account the costs of cooling and soothing the skin, they need to treat the body after you have depilated. It is advisable to have a special oil, which you will remove the remains of wax from the skin.


    Painful sensations are very significant. But it's not so scary. After all, after you take advantage of such a hair removal option, the soreness will practically come to naught and you will not even wince if you remove the hairs.

    But do not expect that literally the first time you will be able to effectively remove all unnecessary hairs, and even not to experience pain. In order for the procedure to bring as little pain as possible and as many pleasant minutes as possible with smooth skin, you will have to fill your hand. To do this, it is best to visit the salon and observe how the hair is removed by the master. Or, if the last way does not suit you, see the video instructions how to remove hair on the body. Small areas of the skin can be handled on their own, but delicate and large areas should be entrusted to a specialist. Masters are advised not to remove hair wax in the armpits and face.


    Shugaring can be called a kind of wax removal, but a more economical version of it: not cosmetic wax, but ordinary sugar.

    Application of

    On the basis of ordinary sugar, caramel is cooked, which afterwards is covered with a skin area on which there are unnecessary hairs. After the caramel becomes cold, its one sharp movement is broken. Together with caramel unwanted hair is removed. Shugaring has one advantage over wax - the remains of caramel will not have to be washed away with any special means, ordinary water will do.

    Action time

    Everything is the same as with depilation wax: it all depends on the hormonal background and how professional you have removed hair.

    The cost of

    It is much lower than that of wax depilation. Most of the costs will go to skin care products, after you hold a shugaring.


    Exactly the same as when depilating with wax( provided that the caramel was cooled correctly).


    Hair removal with depilator

    Probably the most acceptable of all methods of hair removal. And for him, he will not have to learn any techniques of correct application of wax or caramel production - he simply turned on the device in a socket and you can start depilation. But, this method has one and quite a significant drawback: almost all adherents of the epilator after some time of using it, begin to notice a large amount of ingrown hairs on their skin.

    Duration of action

    Here, as well as depilation with wax and shugaring - all very individual. There are girls who forget about unwanted hair for only a couple of weeks, and there are those who are for a couple of months.

    Cost of

    Costs in this variant of getting rid of unnecessary hair can be considered only an investment in the epilator itself, the prices for which vary. If you want a simple option, it will not cost much, but those epilators that have a huge number of interchangeable heads( including cooling ones) will already be pulled by a considerable amount. Also it would be nice to buy yourself thermal water, it will perfectly soothe the skin after the depilation procedure.


    Also similar to wax and shugaring: it will be painful for a while. But after several sessions, you will no longer feel painful sensations from the epilator, but then - even stop noticing at least some discomfort.

    Unfortunately, no one knows how to get rid of hair on the body forever, because even laser and photoepilation do not always give such a result.