  • Anti-cellulite wraps at home

    Even the ancient Greeks used the healing power of wraps. Then this procedure was performed as a sacred ritual and was available only to noble, generous persons. The Greeks even had beauty salons - "ginekei", where they worked witch doctors, who knew the secrets of cooking various rubbing, ointments and creams that could give the female body the beauty of the lines, and the skin - velvety and elasticity. As you know, the beauty of the body in ancient Greece was erected in the cult, the statues of Aphrodite and Venus are an example.

    What is used for wrapping

    Today for wrapping, both old recipes and new ones based on scientific medical developments are used. All of them are performed only with the use of natural materials such as honey, seaweed, chocolate, therapeutic mud, various oils, including ethereal, cosmetic clays, herbal extracts, paraffin wax and wax.

    Wrapping is a surprisingly pleasant procedure, a magnificent gift that a woman can make herself, immersing himself in a world of fragrances and pleasant sensations, from which comes out refreshed and prettier, not only putting her tired mind in order, but also improving the appearance of her body.

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    Wrapping will help you:

    • to reduce weight;
    • get rid of cellulite;
    • eliminate edema;
    • remove the slag and cleanse the body;
    • to restore microcirculation in tissues and regulate metabolism;
    • increase skin tone, give it firmness;
    • to reduce the vascular mesh and stretch marks on the skin;
    • to receive surprising on the efficiency of a relaxation, to feel rested and relaxed.

    It is believed that the wrap is a special procedure for getting rid of cellulite. But the effect of it is much deeper, it covers all aspects of life, because the compounds used for wrapping, have increased healing properties, rejuvenate the body, increase immunity and cause a surge of energy. These procedures saturate the skin with vitamins and minerals, which she lacks in everyday life.

    Types of wraps

    Special body masks made from algae remove cellulite tubercles, give the skin elasticity and elasticity. The organism at the same time is saturated with vitamins and minerals, which quickly reflects on the appearance. Algae improve the functioning of the body as a whole, increase immunity and give an energy boost. Seaweed wraps are considered to be among the most effective.

    Therapeutic muds are used not only to eliminate cellulite, but also to improve the functioning of the nervous system, strengthen tissues, improve blood circulation, normalize metabolism, smooth skin. The effect of mud is enhanced by the addition of essential oils and infusions of herbs in them.

    Oil wraps are carried out with the use of vegetable oils, such as olive or almond. They can be added and essential oils. The effect of such wraps for the skin is simply amazing!

    Honey wrap is carried out with natural honey bees with the addition of essential oils and wine yeast. As a result of this wrapping, you will get cleansed, moistened, micronutrient skin, enhanced skin immunity, increased enzyme activity, cellulite resorption, stretch marks and scars, improved tissue respiration, increased lymph drainage, skin regeneration.

    One of the most "delicious" and pleasant wraps is chocolate. In addition, it has a remarkable effect. Chocolate contains vitamins of group B, folic acid( PP), retinol( A), magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, regulates metabolism, strengthens and cleanses blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure. It has a powerful anti-cellulite effect on the skin, accelerates the burning of fat cells, not only nourishes, but also moisturizes the skin, cleans it of acne and age spots, gives it velvety and a peculiar aroma. In addition, chocolate enhances the mood and gives an anti-stress effect, simply making life sweeter.

    The temperature of wrapping is divided into cold and hot. When hot, blood circulation becomes active, vessels widen. From the effect of heat, the pores of the skin expand, freed from toxins and toxins.

    Cold wrapping, on the contrary, narrows the capillaries and vessels, and toxins and slags enter the blood and lymph that belong to the internal cleansing organs. Cold wrap is useful for those who suffer from swelling, heaviness in the legs. Masks, in their composition similar to cooling gels, increase skin tone, smooth cellulite tubercles, contribute to weight loss and vascular strengthening.

    Mask for wrapping

    Depending on the desired result, various materials available for sale in ready-made form can be used for wrapping. Among the imported, the products of Beauty Image, Anesi, Algologie, Beauty Style and others are very popular. A wonderful result is provided by wrapping using a special cosmetic paraffin.

    Masks can be prepared on their own. Here are a few recipes:

    • Chocolate mask. 2 parts of cocoa diluted in 5 parts of hot water or milk.
    • Mask with white clay and cocoa. 6 pieces of white clay, 1 part honey, 1 part cocoa, 2 parts hot water or milk.
    • Mask made of algae. 2 parts of white clay, 1 part of dry kelp, filled with boiling water.
    • Mask made of blue clay. 5 parts of blue clay, 1 part honey, a little hot water until the consistency of sour cream.
    • Mask made of black clay. 1 pack of black clay, 1 liter.ginger, 1 liter.cinnamon, 4 drops of essential oils: patchouli, cedar, lemon.
    • A searing mask. 3 parts of blue clay, 1 part of powder of burning red pepper, dilute with hot water until consistency of sour cream.

    How to wrap

    Anti-cellulite wraps at home can be made not only cold, but also hot, although nobody has a special thermal capsule at home. For this purpose, an electric thermal blanket is suitable.

    How to self-wrap from cellulite? In order to get the maximum effect, the wrap should be done on a thoroughly washed body, well peeled or scrub. To do this, it is good to use a salt-based scrub. Such a scrub well exfoliates dead skin particles and removes fat, while deeply cleansing the skin. Great results are provided by the wrapping after the sauna, when all pores of the skin are open.

    Apply the extremely hot mask with a wooden spatula to areas of skin with problems, wrap the stretch film several times, wrap it around a warm scarf and wrap it in a thermo blanket. If you do not have it, then use the usual one. The longer the heat persists, the higher the effect of the procedure. In half an hour you can remove the film, and wash off the mask with warm water.

    Home anti-cellulite wraps are usually held once a week. If you use the purchased purchased mask, the method and frequency of use can be read on the package or special insert, and then follow the instructions.

    Wrapping the house is best done by consulting with a doctor. In general, wraps are not recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases, varicose veins, skin diseases, hypertension, pregnant women.