
How to get rid of facial hair - getting rid of facial hair at home

  • How to get rid of facial hair - getting rid of facial hair at home

    Light fluff on the cheeks, barely noticeable tendrils on the female face are like a stiff beard with sideburns. To see this in your mirror image is like turning into a Neanderthal man for a moment!

    And because only after discovering such a spectacle in its own reflection, the girls rush to get rid of the hair once and for all, well, or for a long time. However, before starting a "war" with unwanted hair, you first need to understand what is the reason for their rapid growth and appearance in general.

    The main causes of

    The main reasons for the growth of excess hair

    In the appearance of excess hair on the white face of the girl, the male sex hormones are to blame. Yes, almost everyone has known this fact for a long time, and, despite this, read further information.

    If the number of male hormones in the female body increases dramatically and dramatically, then there is a disease called hyperandrogenism .The specialists deduced a number of symptoms that determine the disease: increased activity of the sebaceous glands( later develops acne), a sharp and significant fullness( extra pounds are chosen not only by the thighs and buttocks, but also by the back, shoulders, chest), menstrual cycle disorders, problems with conceptionand bearing a child, alopecia( complete hair loss of the head).

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    Yes, there are no pleasant symptoms here, in principle, this is natural. And another symptom in the same piggy bank - hirsutism( in other words, the male type of hairiness in women), and it is considered the most common. You can easily determine if you have hyperandrogenism or not. To do this, remove all clothing, go to the big mirror and carefully examine all the hair zones or just better take a closer look at your body. Do you have an excessive amount of hard thick hair, both on your hands and on your legs? They grow even around the nipples on the chest, in the lower abdomen and even on the face? If so, then I dare to disappoint you: the disease did not deprive you of attention, and these androgens are to blame for everything.

    Whiskers in women

    An excess of hair in the face can be hereditary. If your grandmother or mother has a fluff above the lip, then chances are good that you will have the same. Although, even in this situation - hormones are to blame. Surplus hair on the face - a common phenomenon in southern girls. For example, the Mexican famous artist Frida Kahlo carefully and accurately painted each individual hair above the upper lip on their own self-portraits. However, the level of testosterone in the southerners is quite high. Scientists attribute this phenomenon to the hyperactivity of sunlight. By the way, hirsutism received by inheritance is not so terrible and has no dangers, except for aesthetic: high natural testosterone does not affect in any way the figure( the southerners are slender and have feminine forms), and there is no influence on the ability to healthyprocreation. Only for the average girl, the risk is considered high, and for the one whose grandmother and grandmother wore a man's mustache, it's okay.

    However, if the "extra" hairs appeared suddenly( on the chin, above the upper lip, etc.), you need to seek help from a specialist, since hyperandrogenia may have the most serious reasons. Imbalance of male and female hormones can arise due to frequent stress, internal disease, diabetes, the reception of pharmaceuticals, oncological diseases of the ovaries.

    And the only, perhaps, pleasant news - rumors that the antennae of women - a sign of their sexuality, indeed, the truth. These tendrils indicate a sufficiently high level of testosterone, and in fact it is responsible for the libido. But how to get rid of hair on the face? It does not look very attractive.

    What is forbidden to do

    Shaving facial hair

    The basic rule of : shave or cut hair in the front zone is strictly forbidden, otherwise the lightweight fluff, which some very much like, will become male bristles. And you have to shave it every morning in the morning, turning into a man! It is better to leave this occupation to men, and try other ways of getting rid of unnecessary vegetation.

    Lightening Hair

    If unnecessary hair is not very thick and thick, you can simply discolor them, so that they become less noticeable to girlfriends and representatives of the "strong" sex. To achieve this, it is enough just to purchase cosmetics based on hydrogen peroxide, it can be creams, solutions, etc. With this affordable, simple and non-dangerous way, the main thing is not to overdo it. It's not worth it. After all, it was the poets who at that time compared the female face with the fluffy and delicious peach.

    The fluff is undesirable when you try to create a tan effect with the help of different bronzers, as they look a bit sloppy on the gun. In this case, discoloration does not help you, you will have to use other hard methods. Although, nevertheless, it is easier to remain natural( with respect to sunburn).

    Folk remedy

    1. Remove the "Rivanol" solution in a ratio of 1: 100, then apply a piece of cotton swab or just cotton wool and daily wipe them with fluff and unwanted hairs. A sufficient time will pass, and you will forever forget about the hair on your face.
    2. In metal utensils it is necessary to pour a teaspoon of sugar( without a slide), moisten with a half-hour spoon and put on a slow light. Let boils until the crystals disappear completely. Then add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Next, cook until dark brown. A teaspoonful of this substance should be poured onto a plate, it will immediately solidify and become firm. On the same frying pan you need to pour 3 teaspoons of water, put into a syringe or an enema of small size and this solution should moisten the frozen mass on a plate. And then massively rub the mass into a problem place. Twice a day( morning and evening) smear unwanted hair for a couple of hours and then rinse with warm water. So do it all the time. As a result, hair will become much lighter, thinner and their growth will slow down.