
When the child begins to move - the child's movements

  • When the child begins to move - the child's movements

    A woman, who is under the heart of a new little man, discovers many different new sensations and conditions. Immediately it is not easy to determine which of these experiences are the norm, and because of what it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    The brightest and unforgettable sensation, of course, are the first movements of the baby. Listening to his movements, moms often fear that everything is going well. On the motor activity you can understand how the pregnancy is going on, and whether everything is in order with the baby.

    The first half of the pregnancy the woman eagerly awaits that cherished push from within the rounded stomach, listening day and night. It is from this moment comes full awareness of what is inside you lives - a young, not yet strong baby, which will soon be born and will please you with its presence.

    Development and growth of the fetus

    Fetus is developing intensively in the womb. The child makes the first movements by the eighth week of his growth. At this time, he already developed nerve fibers and the first muscle bundles, which play a very important role in the process of movement. A child can not coordinate his movements, so everything happens chaotically. This is the result of underdevelopment of neuromuscular connections. At the beginning of the second trimester the ratio of the size of the fetus and the intrauterine space does not allow the mother to feel the perturbations at this time. The baby, if moving, does not touch the walls of the uterus.

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    Further, there is a more progressive development of the fetus. The central nervous system grows stronger and better. This contributes to more orderly movements of the child. During this period, the baby is already more or less consciously reacting to external stimuli. On the activity of the child, the mother can understand, for example, which music he likes best.

    Feel the fetus moving allowing a shrinking intrauterine space. The baby grows, gets strength, therefore the intrauterine volume around it decreases. The child is easier to reach the walls of the uterus.

    Women who wear the first-born feel the wiggling usually on the twentieth week from conception, and mothers who already have a second baby - for a period of eighteen weeks. The day of the first stirring is entered by the doctor into the outpatient card of the pregnant woman and is considered the middle of the term.

    Of course, rely on the date of the first stirring is not worth it, because sometimes it can be due to the physiological characteristics of the woman in childbirth. For example, fragile girls can feel the movements of the baby already at the sixteenth week of pregnancy. This is due to the underdevelopment of subcutaneous adipose tissue, which is observed in women with asthenic physique.

    What are the first movements of

    ? The first movements

    Often during the first movement, women take an increased intestinal motility or the formation of gases. Many describe the first movements, such as: "like a fish swam" or "like a butterfly in the stomach."In fact, it is difficult to convey the feeling in words. It is very emotionally colored, therefore it is deeply subjective. Every mother, overwhelmed with feelings, can describe the sensations of the first stirring of the fetus differently. But always they are accompanied by incredible joy, and they pass absolutely painlessly.

    As the pregnancy progresses, the mother may feel some discomfort. Often the wiggling of the fetus even interferes with sleep. It's clear. The baby becomes cramped in the intrauterine space, and he signals it to his mother. It is necessary to pay attention in which place the baby is most actively "knocking".In this place the limbs of the baby are located.

    How little the baby moves

    Starting from the first moment of stirring and until the very birth, the mother can observe the condition of her baby. Regularity of movements indicates the correct course of pregnancy and fetal development. At the same time, with non-standard movements of the child, one can suspect dysfunction.

    The duration of fetal movements is strictly individual."Zhivchiki" can not give rest to their mother for about half a day, so the standard time of fetal movements is not established.

    Often moms feel how their baby hiccups. In this there is nothing surprising and nothing dangerous. Hiccups appear in rhythmic twitchings or contractions inside the tummy. This condition occurs as a result of too much swallowing the baby with amniotic fluid, but it is absolutely harmless for the baby.

    At the peak of the

    activity Wobbles at the peak of the

    The most active perturbations are observed from the twenty-fourth to the thirty-second weeks of pregnancy. During this period the baby most intensively grows and develops. The space inside the mother's womb is rapidly shrinking, which contributes to a more sensual perception of the wiggling mom.

    In normal pregnancy, the infant's motor activity at the end of pregnancy decreases because of the tightness. This is completely normal. The baby moves to the bottom of the abdomen. At the thirty-second week of pregnancy, when the nervous system is formed, a cycle of calm-activity is established. During this period, the child has already formed not only physically, but also acquired the characteristics of his character and temperament. At this stage, the number of perturbations in normal pregnancy reaches fifteen times per hour. But if the baby does not give signs for three hours - this does not mean anything badly - he just rests.

    Pearson test

    Based on the dynamics of the baby's movements, several tests have been developed. The most vivid example is the test by D. Pearson "Count to ten".It can be used from the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy. To carry out the research is very simple: it is enough to record the number of movements of the fetus from nine to twenty one hours during the twelve-hour period. Time of stirring for the tenth time must be noted. For a normally occurring pregnancy, tenth episode occurs at 16-17 hours. With less than ten movements in half a day, you need to consult a doctor.