
Hormonal failure after delivery - instability of the hormonal background

  • Hormonal failure after delivery - instability of the hormonal background

    The uniqueness of a woman in her ability to continue the human race, to recreate the living, in a physical sense, to create a new life. The ability of the female organism to bear childbearing, that is, the reproductive function, as well as the quality of life of a woman, largely depend on the balance of hormones.

    Hormonal background determines the appearance of a woman - the structure of the body, its mass, hair color, the growth of a woman. Some hormones determine the physical state of the female body, the woman's well-being, including emotions. The presence of all the required hormones in the proper proportions and make up a healthy hormonal background. The most important female hormones are testosterone, progesterone, estrogen, prolactin.

    Imbalance of hormones causes hormonal failure. Deficiency of hormones in adolescence leads even to the lack of menstruation in girls, to the underdevelopment of sexual characteristics. In women, a violation of hormonal balance leads to a violation of its reproductive function, to a change in the menstrual cycle. If in a disturbed hormonal balance a woman still managed to achieve pregnancy, then her outcome, most often, is miscarriage.

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    Changing the hormonal background

    Hormones and feeding the baby

    When a pregnancy occurs, the hormonal background of a woman changes. The indicator of pregnancy itself and the correctness of its development is the hormone HCG - human chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone is immediately released by chorion( part of the placenta) as soon as a fertilized egg is attached to the uterine wall. The hormone hCG includes two of its particles - alpha and beta. It is the unique structure of the beta-particle( b-hCG) that will necessarily provide its elevated level in the presence of pregnancy.

    Any change in the hormonal background affects the work of all organs of the female body. When pregnancy comes, its change consists not only in the development of a new hormone - hCG.The level of progesterone and estrogen also increases. In the postpartum period, new hormones are starting to be produced, for example, responsible for the presence of breast milk. Lack of necessary hormones leads to hormonal failure.

    Postpartum Syndrome

    Chronic fatigue of a young mother

    Sometimes a woman thinks after the birth of a child."I'm tired, I'm depressed", "I eat everything( or - there is no appetite)," "I'm irritable, I can not sleep," "I change my mood more often than diapers( diapers)", "I quickly get tired, no more strength. ..""- can often be heard from young mothers in the first year after childbirth. And it's not surprising - their activity and employment during this period are very high.

    In addition, the body of a pregnant woman, bearing a fruit, gives him a lot for the successful growth and development of the baby. Each mother probably noticed a change in the structure of her hair, teeth, sometimes the skin and many other changes in her body after the birth of the child. During pregnancy, the hair of the mother and child is strengthened by the intensive production of a large amount of estrogen. But in the postpartum period, his development in the body of a young mother falls sharply, which leads to hair loss and breakage. This is one of the examples of postpartum hormonal failure. As a rule, after a couple of months, the hormonal balance is restored, and all signs of impairment disappear.

    Deterioration of the condition of the hair

    However, if, under normal nutrition and the proper rest of the young mother, as if it was difficult for her to adhere to the first six months of her life, she still observes disorders in her body, which means that the hormonal failure after delivery has acquired a stable form thatrequires immediate medical attention.

    Diagnosis and symptoms of hormonal failure

    Impairment of vision
    Please note! Symptoms of a hormonal malfunction, there may be blood pressure jumps, frequent attacks of headache, blurred vision, swelling or insomnia, severe weight loss or continuous weight gain. Prolonged( more than 7 days) and painful menstrual cycle with abundant secretions( dysfunction of the ovaries) after the termination of breastfeeding, a decrease in hormonal drive also indicates a hormonal failure.
    Skin changes after childbirth

    External manifestations of violations after childbirth can be changes in the skin of a woman - striped skin atrophy, that is, the appearance of so-called stretch marks( striae).The reason for their appearance is not only in mechanical damage to the skin during childbirth or as a result of weight gain. The formation of striae leads to increased activity of glucocorticoids - adrenal hormones, as well as the intake of hormones( contraceptives) or the onset of menopause.

    Please note! Excessive growth of hair on the body of a woman due to an elevated level of the male hormone - testosterone to external manifestations of hormonal failure. In addition, there may be an itchy skin, which should especially alert the woman to timely exclude the likelihood of diabetes.
    Skin itching after giving birth
    Note! The causes of the hormonal failure may be heredity, increased or decreased hormone production( most often an increase in the level of estrogen), infectious diseases, reduced immunity, stress, chronic fatigue syndromes, adverse environmental conditions, too late or too early sexual life.

    In turn, hormonal failure after birth can subsequently lead to many diseases of women, including violations of the reproductive system, the impossibility of the next pregnancy or the inability to preserve it.

    The problem with repeated births

    In what condition the hormonal background after childbirth can be recognized by the results of a special blood test and hormone analysis, which will be a characteristic of the condition of all organs and systems of the body, as well as the general well-being of the woman. Based on the results of such an analysis, gynecologists and endocrinologists prescribe the necessary medication to maximally prevent the harm caused to the body by hormonal failure. Self-medication with hormones is unacceptable. But compliance with the diet( in some cases, and necessarily on the advice of a doctor), as well as a healthy lifestyle will only accelerate the recovery of the young mummy, which your child needs so much.