
Treatment of cystitis in the home - how to treat cystitis at home

  • Treatment of cystitis in the home - how to treat cystitis at home

    Many women prefer to treat infectious diseases of the genitourinary system at home. Some are ashamed to talk about such problems to doctors, others simply do not trust them, and some do not have time to go to hospitals. Self-treatment always carries certain risks. Treatment of cystitis at home is no exception. Doctors are strongly advised to undergo therapy in the hospital or to perform procedures at home, but under the strict guidance and supervision of an experienced urologist.

    A big problem in independent treatment is the selection of medications. Many people are just too lazy to clarify once again the method of application and dosage of the drug, and then have to go to hospital because of complications. This applies to the duration of the course of taking the drug.

    If you still decide to treat cystitis at home, then there are several ways to conduct therapy.

    Medical preparations

    Treatment of cystitis with

    tablets Most often this method is chosen by women. Antibiotics quickly affect the body, allowing you to quickly recover lost health. The correct choice of an antibiotic is very important. It is best to contact a specialist. He will prescribe you a drug according to the individual characteristics of your body.

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    In the treatment of cystitis the most popular are:

    • Monural. It is prescribed in the presence of acute bacterial infection, its recurrent forms, urethritis or other infections of the urogenital tract that developed after the operation. A monoral is taken two hours before or after a meal. It is also recommended to take the remedy before going to bed, after going to the toilet, having dissolved the sachet( three grams) of monural in one third of a glass of warm water. Children's( up to five years) daily dose is two-thirds of the sachet( two grams).The therapeutic course lasts only one day. In case of a difficult situation, it is recommended to take the medication again after a day.
    • Paste Phytolysin. It is a herbal preparation that is used in the treatment of nephrolithiasis, urinary tract infections, urolithiasis, cystitis. Phytolysin has spasmolytic, diuretic action, relieves inflammation. The extracts of rootgrass, parsley roots, birch leaves and other plants contained in the preparation enhance the loosening and removal of urinary calculi, that is, prevent the formation of sand and stones in the kidneys. Phytolysin is a paste, the daily dose of which is not more than a teaspoon three times a day. For children this rate is reduced to one-fourth. Before taking phytolysin it is necessary to dissolve in a glass of boiled water with sugar. Side effects can be: nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, dizziness, etc.
    • Furadonin. The drug has proven itself in the treatment of pyelitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis and other infections of the urinary tract. It is also used for preventive purposes. Furadonin can cause allergic reactions, dizziness, nausea, vomiting. The drug is taken orally. The maximum single dose is 0.3 grams, the daily norm is 0.6 grams. Children's norm per day is only five to eight milligrams, which are divided into four doses.
    • Furamag. It is a source of disinfecting and healing substances that actively restore the balance of the urinary tract, helping to normalize the return of urine. Furamag is used in the treatment of not only urogenital infections, but also with gynecological diseases, as well as with severe infected burns. Adults are recommended to take fifty to one hundred milligrams of the drug three times a day. For children this rate is halved. The drug does not cause any side effects.
    • Cyston. It is an additional agent in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary system. Take two or four tablets a day before or after meals. The course of cyston therapy is long enough: from sixteen to twenty-four weeks.

    Folk remedies for cystitis

    Ginseng root

    Granny's herbs, infusions and various ointments have never lost their relevance. Many women prefer modern medicine. And this has its own meaning: folk remedies rarely cause allergies, because they are natural, practically have no side effects and have good efficacy.

    For preparation of infusions use:

    • ginseng;
    • aralia;
    • Eleutherococcus;
    • radiolink pink;
    • Schisandra;
    • levise;
    • flower pollen;
    • propolis.

    A full course of treatment with such a tincture should last at least two weeks. Tinctures of propolis and pollen should be taken at least a month. The norm of a single dose is fifteen to twenty drops.

    Infusion of rowan bark

    You can make a tincture of ashberry bark. To do this, take one hundred grams of bark and pour it with boiling water for ten minutes. Drink this infusion should be in place of tea. Infusion of ashberry bark is very effective. The results can be felt as early as the day after the start of the procedure.

    Cornflowers serve for preparation of broth. A handful of dried flowers should be poured a glass of boiling water and insist half an hour. Then the resulting broth should be drunk in two portions: half during the evening, and the second half in the morning.

    Purity is good for cystitis. For this, the plant must be chopped finely and filled with a glass. Then put all the grass in gauze and put this bag in a three-liter jar, securely fastened so it does not float up. In the jar, you should pour the whey over the neck and cover with gauze. The period of insisting is twenty-eight days, during which the infusion is periodically stirred. At the end of the period, the cans are filtered into another container and placed in a refrigerator. The received liquid should be taken fifty grams three times a day.

    Purity of

    The effect is also brought about by heating with milk. To do this, it is necessary to heat three liters of milk and pour into a basin, then sit in this basin and warm up.

    Flax seeds help not only with gastric ailments, but also with cystitis. The broth is prepared in this way. A glass of seeds should be poured a glass of water and boiled for five minutes. Take before meals three times a day.

    Prevention of diseases is half the victory over them. With transferred cystitis, you need to consume more fluid, preferably mineral still water. The daily norm of a healthy person in the consumption of water should be from one and a half to two liters, not counting tea, coffee and other beverages.

    Cranberry juice is a good preventive and strengthening the walls of the urinary tract. Cherry and lemon juices are conducive to a speedy recovery from an ailment.

    You can warm up with cystitis using red brick or potato in a uniform. In this case, it is necessary only to ensure the safety of the skin so as not to get burns.

    Constipation from cystitis will be well helped by prunes and yogurt, which is not only useful, but also delicious. From the diet should be removed foods with a large number of concentrates contained in them, as well as spicy seasonings and spices. Enrich your diet with garlic, pumpkin, carrots, meat, fish and cheese.