
How to prepare for childbirth - preparation for childbirth

  • How to prepare for childbirth - preparation for childbirth

    Pregnant women differently perceive their new condition. Someone is happy with two stripes, and someone, on the contrary, is upset, because the most important event in their life was not included in their current plans. And there really is a reason for strong emotions. With pregnancy, once and for all, a free life ends, the woman is now attached to the child, and should think, first of all, about him, and not about himself.

    pregnancy complications

    Pregnancy and childbirth is a serious test for a woman, both physically and psychologically. She needs to struggle for nine months with malaise, sometimes with serious toxemia. At least once a week, you need to go to a women's consultation, and at the latest dates, with a bigger belly, and more often. But you still need to remember about the family. Well, if there is anyone to help, and if all the relatives are already immersed in solving their own problems? Then the pregnant woman has to do all the work on her own. Deprived of support, she, already suffering from a change of mood, becomes even more alarming, even hypochondriac.

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    It's good, if the doctors do not find any deviations in the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus. It happens that doctors, in order to morally influence the patient, begin to tell all kinds of horrors from medical practice about pregnant women and women in labor, forgetting that pregnant women are very impressionable, and the story can sow the fear of labor in the soul of the future mother.

    The closer birth, the more a woman begins to worry about the upcoming new stage of her life. The woman is frightened by the unknown: joy is replaced by anxiety expectations. This prenatal time can be spent with benefit for themselves and the baby.

    Preparing a dowry for

    Preparing a child's dowry

    They say that before birth, one should not buy anything for a child, it is considered a bad sign. However, often pregnant women neglect this advice and can not deny themselves the pleasure of going shopping for children's things in order to buy a dowry given to a newborn. And, I must say, they do it right. After the birth of the baby and so it will be, what to devote time.

    At the time of departure to the hospital, you should buy a crib, some clothes for the first time, and it is better not the smallest size( often an ultrasound is wrong with the weight of the child, a gram of five hundred plus or minus).Still need to prepare a package of diapers, cotton wool and sticks, green and hydrogen peroxide, a medicine for bloating, such as Espumizan, bedding, baby scissors, one or two bottles, breast pump. With a stroller you can take your time, in the first week of your home stay, you will hardly need it.

    Preparation for maternity hospital

    Bags in the maternity hospital should be collected already somewhere about a month before the expected date of birth, as to prepare for childbirth, no doubt, you need to advance, they can start at the most unexpected moment. Collect everything you need for yourself. You will most likely need: a nightgown, a bathrobe, washable slippers, a postnatal bandage, a nursing mother's bra, wet wipes, water, a phone along with a charger, disposable panties and diapers, a hair band, a comb, a toothbrush and toothpaste, perhaps, its own dish, a cup and a spoon. In general, the list of necessary things should be specified in the hospital, since the orders are different everywhere. Do not forget to make a bag with things for your baby. Necessarily need diapers and moist baby napkins, can be useful cotton wool and sticks, but, again, clarify the information, usually all the baby is provided by the hospital.

    Physical training

    Physical preparation for childbirth

    Pregnant women can perform exercises from yoga, aerobics, swimming in the pool and doing respiratory gymnastics, only before doing anything, you need to consult a doctor. There are exercises that are specifically recommended for pregnant women.

    Accepting the pos. On the last days of pregnancy it is important to know about those poses that will help improve the blood supply of the lower part of the trunk, to remove various pains. One of these poses is the position of the tailor: the soles of the feet are brought together, they are pulled up to the body as close as possible - this is just the pose that provides more blood to the lower body, and it also increases the flexibility of the pelvis, which is extremely necessary for delivery.

    If your legs hurt or you just feel fatigued in your legs, lie on your back, lifting your legs above your torso: not only will you so well rest, so also provide your kid the opportunity to properly lie down in your tummy. For those who are concerned about the inappropriate position of the baby, you can advise one more pose - on all fours. It also promotes child upheaval and contributes to the flow of blood to the internal organs, as a result of reduced fetal pressure.

    Semi-squats. Stand near the wall about 60 cm from it, and start squatting, keeping your back flat, as if you sit on an invisible chair. You can do the exercise up to 20 times.

    Preparation of nipples. If you are going to breast-feed your baby, nipples should be prepared for this from the 28th week, especially if they are flat. Massage is done with a thumb and forefinger: grasp the nipple and perform stretching rubbing movements.

    Psychological training

    Psychological preparation for childbirth

    The pregnant process of childbirth and contractions is especially frightened. In fact, it is rather a fear of the unknown, a fear that something will go wrong, a fear of unbearable pain. Do not be so scared, of course, all individually, but the pain is usually quite tolerable. Calm yourself that almost all women go through it, and nothing - are alive and well. After childbirth, you will quickly forget all the experience. Many primiparous mothers say that after they were given their child in their arms, they immediately thought about the birth of the next.

    Read the information on the topic of how to behave in childbirth, about proper breathing. It is known that at the moment of fights it is necessary to breathe in a special way. In the special literature, the process of birth is described in detail and recommendations are given on how to behave. After reading, everything will fall into place. Often frightening is the ignorance of the process.

    If you still do not let go of worrying thoughts, be like courses for future mothers, there you will be trained by specialists. You can come with your husband, he will morally support you.

    The less you experience, the easier the delivery will be.