
Causes of early menopause - early premature menopause

  • Causes of early menopause - early premature menopause

    All women with the achievement of 45-55 years of age begin to feel the approach of their new period of life. It is at this time that significant age changes begin to occur in the body, during which the production of female hormones( estrogen and progesterone) is significantly reduced.

    Typically, this restructuring lasts about five to eight years, as a result of which a woman completely stops menstruating. But do not worry too much about this, it's quite a natural process, which every representative of the beautiful half of humanity must experience at one time.

    However, there are cases when the climacterium finds a woman at a very young age. This can greatly affect the psychological state of a person and suppress it not only physically, but also spiritually.

    Menopause is considered early if it occurs in women well before the age of 45 years. As practice shows, menopause can manifest itself even in 35-39 years. What are the causes of early menopause?

    Seven causes of early onset of menopause.

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    . Harmful habits of . Women's bad habits Those women who could not overcome themselves and their passion for cigarettes or alcohol, are more likely than others to have an early onset of menopause. This is due to the fact that by poisoning the body with nicotine or alcoholic beverages, it begins to wilt several times faster than in normal conditions.

    Frequent and severe stresses .Often it is nervous exhaustion and constant emotional stress that leads a woman to an early menopause. In this regard, do not take too seriously and close to the heart of these or other life situations. Overweight, malnutrition, constant diets, hunger strikes .This behavior of the woman necessarily leads her to early menopause. That is why in no case can we neglect our health in youth, because everything that is done at a young age, will necessarily echo in the future.

    Contaminated environment Contaminated environment .At present, many industrial enterprises, despite not all prohibitions, constantly discharge chemical gases into the atmosphere. Such cases do not pass without a trace on the human body, which needs only fresh and clean air.

    Hereditary factor .In medical practice, it is very common situations where a woman who has an early onset of menopause claims that her mother or grandmother also suffered from premature menopause. However, do not be upset in advance, because the hereditary factor can not always be the cause of this trouble.

    Severe diseases .As you know, serious diseases severely undermine the immunity of the patient, and the early menopause is a clear witness to this.

    Result of surgical intervention Surgical intervention .It is worth noting that after removal of the ovary or as a result of aggressive therapy, a woman may permanently cease monthly, and as a result, a premature menopause occurs.

    Thus, knowing the causes of early menopause, any woman can determine in advance whether her body is predisposed to this trouble. After all, only a timely appeal to a specialist will help many ladies avoid painful sensations during the onset of menopause.

    As a rule, in such situations, doctors try to assign to their patients only the best and most effective medications. It is thanks to them that negative phenomena that are inherent in this difficult period in the life of any woman are significantly reduced.