
How to get rid of bloating( flatulence) - causes of gas

  • How to get rid of bloating( flatulence) - causes of gas

    Many people have first-hand knowledge of such a nuisance as bloating. For this disease are quite unpleasant sensations in the navel and below. In addition, during flatulence a person may experience feelings of heaviness and discomfort, as well as a constant and noticeable rumbling.

    In order to understand how to get rid of bloating, you must first determine the true cause of the gases in the intestine.

    What causes flatulence

    Change of diet

    It should be noted that from this trouble periodically affects more than seventy percent of the population of our country. In addition, it is believed that bloating, in view of the physiological characteristics, most often occurs in women.

    So, let's consider the most common reasons why a person develops gases in the intestines:

    • Air. As is known, in the course of a meal a certain amount of gases enter the human body, which in the future can affect the functioning of the intestine. It is also worth noting that the amount of swallowed air increases several times, if during the absorption of food a person speaks too much.
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    • Carbonated drinks. Many experts say that it is sweet water with carbon dioxide that directly contributes to the occurrence of flatulence.
    • A lot of fiber in apples Fiber. According to doctors, products that contain too much fiber stimulate the bacteria in the intestine for active activity, as a result of which excessive air is formed in this organ. Such ingredients include the following products: cabbage, legumes, apples, bread from bran, etc.
    • Chronic or acute diseases of the digestive system. Often the cause of constant bloating are diseases such as polyps, intestinal dysbacteriosis, pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction, colitis, cirrhosis, enteritis, etc.
    • Changing the diet. There are cases when gas formation occurs due to the fact that a person dramatically changes his habitual diet and diet.
    • Menstruation. As a rule, during and before the onset of menstruation, many women are prone to develop such trouble as flatulence.
    • Stress. Quite often, bloating occurs against the background of frequent excitement, stress and depression.


    Exercises for bloating

    Before you get rid of bloating, you need to analyze your eating behavior in the last two days. After all, in most cases it is unbalanced nutrition that causes this ailment.

    So, in order to permanently forget what meteorism is, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

    1. Change the usual menu, which contains products directly contributing to fermentation in the stomach. Such ingredients are often various semi-finished products, confectionery, fresh bread, etc.
    2. In the process of exacerbation of flatulence, the consumption of raw fruits and vegetables should be minimized, since they can cause an even greater activity of bacteria that produce gases in the intestine.
    3. Stop using dishes cooked with roasting. It is recommended to eat foods that have been steamed or simply boiled to gas.
    4. To avoid gas formation it is recommended to exercise more often. This will help a person to restore not only the nervous and vascular system, but also significantly improve the work of the digestive system.
    5. In order to get rid of regular bloating, many doctors recommend that patients forever forget about addictions. After all, in the process of smoking a person as if "chews" the air, due to which from the brain to the stomach comes information about the need to digest food, but, as is known, there is nothing to digest there. It is these "idle" enzymes that constantly provoke gas formation.
    6. Mint broth Often to get rid of flatulence, many people resort to alternative medicine. As a treatment, they can drink several cups of decoction every day with such soothing plants as melissa, mint, chamomile, aloe, dill seeds, valerian, etc.
    7. Almost always from the meteorism saves the use of a drug such as activated charcoal. After all, everyone knows that these tablets have absorbent properties, due to which all signs of swelling disappear within a few hours.
    8. If flatulence occurs in women during menstruation, then it is necessary to use such means, which greatly facilitate menstrual and premenstrual syndrome. In addition, it is necessary to take additional vitamins of group B, as well as magnesium and potassium.