
How to get rid of toxemia - getting rid of toxemia

  • How to get rid of toxemia - getting rid of toxemia

    Toxicosis is the main "enemy" of a pregnant woman. Many are faced with this problem, carrying under the heart of the baby. There is no universal remedy for this ailment, because every woman is individual. Because of these features, you can not find a tool that would help everyone.

    Let's see what causes this ailment. Several versions of the sudden appearance of nausea, vomiting reflexes, and abundant salivation have been developed.

    Let's consider the basic versions of scientists:

    1. Vegetative. The central nervous system of a woman can not so quickly adapt to the fact that inside this body someone has appeared and is failing, which is expressed by unpleasant signs. In the second trimester, everything comes back to normal, and signs are inferior. An important role is also played by the hereditary factor. A connection has been established between the mother and her daughter. If the first had a toxicosis, then the second one will also have it.
    2. Gastroenterological. In the presence of a diseased liver, gastrointestinal disorders, the risk of toxicosis, as well as gestosis, increases.
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    3. Psychological. All the blame for the nerves. Experiences and fears can lead to nausea and vomiting.
    4. Immunological. Female body treats the embryo as a foreign body, something alien and enemy, defending itself in various ways.
    5. Hormonal. The placenta produces a hormone( lactogen).This hormone has a direct effect on the metabolism of the female body. The result of this impact is an increase in the stocks of amino acids that take part in the formation of the tissues of the baby. It is these amino acids that cause unpleasant sensations.

    It is very unpleasant to often run to the toilet or just feel nauseous. These manifestations cloud the happy state of the future mother. How to get rid of toxemia, so as not to harm the baby?

    Reasons to see a doctor

    First and foremost, you need to talk with your partner about what's bothering you. He will dispel your fears, help to calm down and relax. You can enroll together in the school of future parents and attend classes. They will tell you how to behave correctly during pregnancy, will teach everything necessary.

    If the toxemia really bothers you and you lose weight quickly, then you need to see a doctor immediately.

    Methods of combating toxicosis

    Methods of treating toxicosis

    A few tips that will help to combat unpleasant manifestations.

    1. Herbs and juices. Toxicosis provokes accumulation in the body of various harmful substances that are formed in the process of metabolism of biologically active components and hormones. These clusters must be removed from the body. Help yourself to a decoction of rose hips or cranberry mors. Juices from citrus, especially grapefruit or orange, will help to calm the attacks of vomiting. But drinking freshly squeezed juices is not recommended, because citrus fruits are one of the strongest allergens. Juices must be diluted with water in a proportion of 1: 3( one part of the juice and three parts of water).
    2. You can use aromatherapy. Essential oils, spreading the smell in the environment, perfectly remove discomfort, have a relaxing effect and soothing. It is best to use jasmine, lemon or anise oil. For lack of special devices for carrying out aromatherapy, you can simply sprinkle a simple handkerchief.
    3. Massage. In cases of toxicosis, a point massage technique is used. Nausea is removed by a slight massing of dimples that are between the thumb and forefinger. During the massage, close your eyes, relax and think about your future baby.
    4. Mint should be allocated a separate item. Mint broth or simply inhaling peppermint vapors, mint sweets help not only to suppress seizures of vomiting and nausea. Peppermint eliminates heartburn, often relieves headache and gives a charge of vivacity.
      Attention deserves the mint ice. Prepare the mint broth and freeze it in the ice mold. On hot days such cubes will become an invaluable help not only in the fight against toxicosis, but also with heat.
    5. Balanced diet. More and more doctors advise to keep a diary of nutrition. Write down every day everything that you eat. If there is an allergic reaction or any deviations, it will be easy to establish the cause of the changes.
      When toxicosis is not necessary to jump from the bed a little light. Arrange breakfast for yourself in bed. Let the partner help you to do this.
    6. Ginger tea. Ginger is an invaluable prodt that nature has given us. A lot of nutrients will help maintain the optimal vitamin-mineral balance in the body. It is enough to drink a cup of ginger tea a day. Unpleasant feelings will be lost after you drink a sweet drink with elegant bitterness.

    In case of severe toxicosis, the signs of which are not amenable to appeasement, it is best to consult a doctor.