
Whether it is possible to pregnant women to drink jodomarin - jodomarin at pregnancy

  • Whether it is possible to pregnant women to drink jodomarin - jodomarin at pregnancy

    A touching period of pregnancy is a time of waiting for a new life. Future parents tirelessly ask themselves the question: "Is everything okay with the baby, is it developing correctly?" Among the many factors that ensure the successful development of the child, one important - iodine in the female body - stands out. What role does it play, for which it is taken in the form of tablets and whether it is possible for pregnant women to drink Iodomarin - let's try to figure it out.

    The role of iodine in the body

    Almost all metabolic processes in the body depend on iodine, a vital element that provides the thyroid gland with the proper performance of its function: iodine is directly involved in the production of thyroid hormones called thiroid hormones. In turn, hormones regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, affect the work of the brain, the development of genital organs, mammary glands, cardiovascular system, immune system( the production of phagocytes - cells of the immune system occurs with the participation of iodine).

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    The replenishment of the body with iodine occurs mainly with the consumption of water. In food, it is negligible. We all know that the greatest amount of iodine is found in seafood - sea fish, seaweed, and sea kale. But we consume such products mainly in canned food, where the amount of iodine decreases drastically, so this does not have a significant effect on the concentration of iodine in the body. In addition, it should be noted that the meat of sea fish contains many salts of heavy metals, which are completely undesirable for the organism of the future mother.

    Receiving iodomarin
    Please note! Many regions of Russia have iodine deficiency in the environment, iodine-deficient, endemic. This contributes to the predisposition of residents of these regions to various kinds of diseases, based on iodine deficiency, which affects the thyroid gland. Therefore, it is very useful to consume exactly iodized salt or sea salt instead of the usual salt.

    This is a special conversation for pregnant women - for them a trace element of iodine is extremely necessary. This is due to the fact that during the fetal development the need for iodine increases by 30-40%.Compensatory capabilities of the female body in this period, unfortunately, are not unlimited, which means that the moment of iodine deficiency inevitably comes, which will soon affect the development of the baby. In the perinatal medicine with the goal of preventing iodine deficiency, Iodomarin is used.

    It should be noted that for the preparation of the female body for bearing a child, Iodomarin's intake is practiced at the planning stage of pregnancy, at least six months before conception, in order to avoid all sorts of problems after. Lack of iodine and is at all capable of provoking miscarriage at an early stage of pregnancy. The need for iodine replenishment of the pregnant woman's body retains during all 9 months of bearing the baby and the entire breastfeeding period. Ideally, Iodomarin should begin several months before conception, and end six months after the end of breastfeeding.

    Pros and cons


    Justifiably, the appointment of iodine-containing drugs becomes clear when it comes to the fact that iodine deficiency in the body of a future mother creates a risk of developing a terrible disease - cretinism - in the fetus. There is a risk of mental underdevelopment of the baby already in the womb. The baby's developing and developing body needs iodine as well as the mother's body. Iodine is most directly involved in the growth and fetal development of the fetus through its involvement in the production of thyroid hormones.

    Iodine, which has a female body during pregnancy, is used both for the proper operation of all maternal systems and organs, and for the formation of the child's organism through penetration through the placenta. The result is the creation of the brain, skeleton, muscles, nervous system, etc. Otherwise, the child's body is underdeveloped, which has never been remedied by any means due to the irreversibility of these processes. Therefore, the answer to the question about the justification of prescribing iodine-containing medications to pregnant women is obvious: the mother's body needs more iodine than ever, and iodine-containing drugs are essential for the prevention of serious disorders in the child's body.

    Thyroid problems

    The question is rather the choice of the drug and its dosage. It is understandable tactics of doctors who recommend Jodomarin. Whether it is possible to drink pregnant women Jodomarin, and in what quantity - each mummy was interested, without exaggeration. In the end, each of them was convinced - Iodomarin can not only be taken, but also necessary. And that's why( let's repeat once again the most important factors):

    • Iodomarin replenishes the body with iodine, thereby ensuring the functioning of the thyroid gland;
    • thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland perform vital functions:
      • metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, fats;
      • of brain activity;
      • maintenance of the cardiovascular system;
      • regulation of the reproductive system, breast function;
      • successful growth and correct intrauterine development of the baby - the main goal during pregnancy.

    Adverse symptoms

    Prescribing physician
    Please note! It is worth remembering that Iodomarin is a medicinal product. It should be taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription, following the dosage and duration of administration. If the recommendations of the doctor are violated, there may be side effects in case of an overdose of Jodomarin.

    Overdosing manifests itself by staining the mucous in brown, developing conjunctivitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, the appearance of a taste of metal in the mouth( the so-called "iodism" effect), "iodine fever", "iodine acne", reflex vomiting, abdominal pain, intestinal disordersdiarrhea).Intolerance to iodine can lead to severe allergic reactions, in very rare cases - even to the swelling of Quincke. With such intoxication, the stomach should be washed with protein solution, starch or sodium thiosulfate solution( 5%).

    Please note! In addition to intolerance, the use of Iodomarin is contraindicated in the case of a thyroid tumor, and also with its increased function of hyperthyroidism.
    Risk of eye disease

    All of these side effects, indicated in the annotation to the drug, are of great concern to women. But it is important to remember that these are, rather, exceptions to the rules, which are completely remedied if you immediately stop taking Iodomarin and immediately consult a doctor in order to think over alternative options for replenishing iodine deficiency.

    In all other cases, this drug is indicated and is extremely necessary. At recommended doses, it is safe. Side effects are rare and only in case of individual intolerance - a risk of 1/100, but the dangerous and irreversible consequences of iodine deficiency for the baby will come anyway.

    Iodomarin is taken before meals, 200 μg / day with one tablet or 100 μg / day twice a day. It does not violate the concentration of attention, so it does not affect the ability to drive vehicles, the management of any kind of machinery.

    Medical workers are only positive about this drug, which ensures the normal course of pregnancy and the proper development of the baby in the womb.


    Read more about the need for iodine during pregnancy see below: