
Breast changes during pregnancy - how the breast of a pregnant woman changes.

  • Breast changes during pregnancy - how the breast of a pregnant woman changes.

    During the period of gestation, many women face unpleasant symptoms. One of these is chest pain. These unpleasant sensations are experienced by about 90% of future mothers. Some women are very worried about breast soreness, but there are some who do not notice any changes. This is an individual condition, depending on the sensitivity of the body. Why does breast change occur during pregnancy and how to relieve pain?

    Causes of pain

    Pain in the mammary gland of a pregnant woman

    Most often, the chest starts to hurt at the very beginning of pregnancy. Pain caused by hormonal changes in the body. Progesterone and estrogen begin to be produced in large amounts. Under the influence of the hCG hormone, the breast increases and sensitivity increases. Tingling and itching are possible. Painful sensations appear from the 5th week of pregnancy, and pass to 12.

    Note! The chest is most strongly affected by early pregnancy, when the hormonal background is not yet established.
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    Sometimes they may occur at the end of the period immediately before childbirth. In this case, the pain is caused by an increase in the mammary glands and the preparation of the body for breastfeeding.

    Breast change

    Breast size increase

    Breast change for some women is the first sign of an interesting situation. It often occurs at one time with a delay in menstruation and the appearance of toxicosis. What changes in the breast are normal?

    Breast changes:

    • Breast enlargement. The chest swells and becomes 1-2 sizes larger.
    • Tenderness and sensitive nipples.
    • Changing the shape of the nipples. They can become more prominent and stretched.
    • The color of the nipples becomes dark, up to the chocolate one. Also, the area around the nipple may darken.
    • A vascular network may appear.
    • The appearance of rudimentary glands. These are small tubercles in the region of the nipples.
    • The second trimester may have small discharge of colostrum. This phenomenon is individual, some pregnant women can see the discharge immediately before or even after childbirth.
    • The appearance of stretch marks. Unfortunately stretch marks are a natural phenomenon with insufficiently elastic skin.

    All these changes occur at different periods of pregnancy, can be individually or combined.

    Dangerous signals

    Acute chest

    In addition to permissible changes in the chest, every pregnant woman will know the first signals of dangerous diseases of the mammary glands.

    Dangerous changes in the mammary glands:

    • Asymmetric breast augmentation, swelling and trough spots.
    • Painful seals.
    • Redness of the skin of the chest, accompanied by soreness.
    • Bloody, purulent and odoriferous discharge from the chest during pregnancy . Or colostrum with an admixture of blood.
    • Continuous pain in the mammary glands.
    Dangerous diseases
    Please note! If the pregnant woman has at least one of the above symptoms, then it is urgent to undergo an examination with a mammologist doctor.

    Early diagnosis of diseases reduces the risk of complications and facilitates treatment.

    Breast Care

    Comfortable underwear
    Please note! Breasts during pregnancy require special care, which will remove discomfort and reduce soreness.

    Effective methods of pain relief and breast care:

    • Wearing a comfortable bra. Sometimes discomfort can cause become tight underwear. Already at the very beginning of pregnancy you need to buy comfortable underwear. Linen should be made from natural fabrics, without lace, pits, additional seams and other decorations. In the first and last trimester, it is recommended to sleep in a brassiere.
    • Regular hygiene procedures. Breast washing should occur several times a day without the use of detergents. Recommended easy rubbing with a towel.
    Remedies for stretch marks
    • After hygiene procedures, it is necessary to apply moisturizers. It can be special remedies for stretch marks, baby cream, olive oil or body lotion.
    • When allocating colostrum, special napkins are placed in the bra.
    • If microfractures appear on the nipples, ointments or creams with panthenol, for example Bepanten, will help. It is safe, well cope with irritations, dry skin and must necessarily be in the medicine cabinet of the future mother.
    • Beginning in the second trimester, it is useful to harden the chest, for this you can use dousing with slightly cool water, or contrasting rubings with a warm and cold towel.
    Calendula and chamomile
    • Well relieve the discomfort of compresses from the decoction of marigold or chamomile. You can mix both herbs.
    • Traditional medicine in case of tenderness of the breasts recommends the application of leaves of ordinary white cabbage. It's quite safe and a good way. You can put the leaves in the bra at night.
    Fennel tea
    • It is useful to take tea from a pharmacy dill - fennel or nettle.

    Pregnancy is a very important period of life for any woman. At this time, you need to listen carefully to changes in the body and catch the slightest signals about the danger. And such satellites as toxicosis, chest pain and changes in appearance should not be the cause of a bad mood.