
Hormonal failures in women - symptoms and causes of hormonal failure

  • Hormonal failures in women - symptoms and causes of hormonal failure

    Modern women often have glitches in the hormonal background. And for some reason, most of the fair sex are very disrespectful to them. And absolutely in vain!

    After all, no matter how hormonal failures become the cause of all sorts of female diseases? Failures in the hormonal background should be identified as soon as possible and, of course, begin to treat. Believe me, this is just incredibly important for your well-being and health.

    Causes of hormonal failure

    Causes of hormonal failures

    What are the causes of the appearance of hormonal failures in women? In fact, we can identify several factors, but here is to say exactly what led to violations, can only a doctor. And then after a full survey and conducted research.

    The most common factors that cause hormonal breakdowns can be called:

    • Past-transferred infections of .And those who are sexually transmitted( trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, syphilis, mycoplasmosis), and those that have absolutely nothing to do with sexual life( angina, acute respiratory infections, other infections that weaken immunity).Genetic predisposition of .Or the so-called "defect" of the hormonal system. It is believed that this condition is rather complicated, on the part of treatment, because it requires very detailed research and a complex, and most importantly timely treatment. Usually doctors advise "to sound alarm" when there is a primary amenorrhea - absence of menstruation by 15-16 years.
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    • Disorders in the endocrine system .They are the direct causes of the appearance of hormonal failures. What could it be? As diseases of the stomach, and thyroid, adrenal glands.
    • Surgery in the abdominal area of ​​, especially for operations on female internal organs. Doctors believe that artificial abortion is the most dangerous from this point of view. In fact they cause the strongest hormonal failures at women and the result of such intervention can become full sterility.
    • Some diseases of .Such as bronchial asthma, migraine, uterine myoma, atherosclerosis, breast cyst, polycystic ovary.
    • Stress and depression .Did you know that nervous breakdowns are common causes of abnormalities in the work of hormones? And this is exactly so, there is another reason to try to be less nervous. Of course, this is easy to offer, but how to carry out such a task, especially in our difficult times.
    • Periods in the female life that lead to changes in the hormonal background of ( adolescence - puberty, then pregnancy and childbirth, mature age - menopause).In such periods, hormonal failures are not uncommon. In some cases, such periods in the life of women with their hormonal failures require additional treatment or adjustment.

    Symptoms of hormonal failure in women

    Symptoms of hormonal failure

    Symptoms of hormonal failures and disorders differ depending on the age at the time of their onset is a woman. After all, the female reproductive system passes the moments of becoming, and therefore each of the ages must be considered separately and in detail.

    Adolescent girls

    1. If the girl is already 16 years old, and she still has never had( there were, but very irregular) menstruation.
    2. Males are poorly developed.
    3. Excessive thinness, long and thin legs and arms. Weight, which does not reach 48 kg.
    4. Excessive amount of body hair or complete absence of hair.

    Women of childbearing age

    1. Uterine bleeding.
    2. All possible disorders of the menstrual cycle. These include both delays and too frequent menses, soreness( not only on the first day), too scarce or on the contrary profuse menstruation.
    3. Problems with childbearing functions. For example, miscarriages. Inability to conceive, frozen pregnancy.

    Women during Pregnancy and Childbirth

    1. In pregnancy: the threat of miscarriage, spotting spots, often the pain in the lower abdomen.
    2. At delivery: insufficient labor activity, complications in the process of childbirth.
    3. After childbirth: problems with milk, slow uterine contraction, depression.

    Women during menopause

    This period in a woman's life can be called almost the most difficult. Because even women, who had absolutely no health problems, do not feel themselves very well. There are signs of a hormonal malfunction that must necessarily "guide" you to the doctor:

    • very strong manifestations of PMS( pain in the head, chest, joints, exacerbation of chronic illness one week before the moment when menstruation should begin);
    • constant fatigue, distracted attention, depression, apathy;
    • frequent waking up at about 4-5 in the morning( time of reduced hormone production).

    Treatment of hormonal failures

    Once you have completed all the examinations, that is, ultrasound, STD analysis and blood tests. Which show the number of these or other hormones, the doctor will find out the causes and ways of treating specifically your hormonal failure.

    Maybe it will be taking hormonal tablets, treating sexually transmitted infections, a certain diet, sometimes( in the most neglected cases) surgery: scraping the uterus or laparoscopy.

    The most important is the treatment that women undergo during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth. A woman in the position should register on time in the women's clinic, take all the necessary tests on time and inform the doctor in time about any changes in feelings.

    If very complicated births took place, or after they were complicated, the woman will have to be under the supervision of the attending physician and, possibly, to undergo the necessary treatment.

    Prevention of hormonal failures

    Everyone knows that it is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Therefore, women who do not want to know what hormonal disorders are in women and do not have problems with them should, as prevention, do the following:

    • keep a calendar of their monthly( mandatory);
    • monitor for any changes in menstrual flow;
    • do not forget about preventive examinations at the gynecologist! Pass them at least 2 times a year, even if it seems to you that nothing bothers you. Unfortunately, there are many "female" diseases that do not have any tangible symptoms, for the time being, of course.

    The most common treatment for hormonal failures involves the use of hormone-containing drugs. Fortunately, today's medicine has created a huge number of drugs, the dose of hormones in which is not very high. So, such treatment only in rare cases leads to adverse consequences.

    In addition, you can restore the hormonal background using fairly simple rules.

    First, be sure to focus on what you eat. It is necessary to use only healthy food that is rich in vitamins, and does not contain dyes and other unnecessary substances. Include in your diet products containing vitamins, beta-carotene and zinc. It is very useful for cleaning once a week to arrange for yourself unloading days( only juice or water).

    Secondly, you can do acupressure. He perfectly restores the hormonal background. Well, why not use it to nullify all the consequences of hormonal failure?