
How to properly measure body temperature - the measurement of temperature in humans

  • How to properly measure body temperature - the measurement of temperature in humans

    One of the physiological constants of the human body is the body temperature. It maintains the necessary level for a favorable course of biological processes in general. Temperature readings are important for determining health status. Deviation from the norm is the first indicator of a violation or malfunction of processes in the body. To confirm the temperature change, it is necessary to measure it.

    Carrying out measurements with a mercury thermometer

    Mercury thermometer

    To get the right result, you need to know how to properly measure body temperature. Most often, the axillary region is chosen for temperature measurement.

    Please note! To obtain accurate data, this area must be dry and undamaged.

    Humidity can lower the temperature reading, and the inflammatory process, on the contrary, can be increased.

    For measurement by a mercury thermometer, it is necessary: ​​

    • to inspect the skin of the axillary area, if necessary, wipe dry;
    • get the thermometer from the case, wipe it with a damp cloth, and then wipe it dry;
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    • if necessary, bring down the reading to 35 degrees Celsius, shaking it( the thermometer is made of glass and inside there is a reservoir with mercury, so you need to shake it with the utmost care not to break);
    • in the armpit, place the thermometer so that its tip, filled with mercury, is in tight contact with the body;
    • hand is pressed to the chest and held for at least 10 minutes;
    • to evaluate the result.

    Application of electronic thermometer

    Electronic thermometer
    Please note! The measurement of body temperature by an electronic thermometer is considered safer.

    Please read the operating instructions before use.

    For measurement by an electronic thermometer, it is necessary: ​​

    • to prepare the measurement area( similar to the one described above);
    • wipe the thermometer with a damp cloth and then wipe dry;
    • press the power button and wait for the signal;
    • after the Lo and C symbols appear on the display, place in the armpit;
    • for close contact with the sensor, it is necessary to press your hand well against the chest;
    • for the axillary area, after the signal it is worth holding for 2-3 more minutes;
    • evaluate the result.

    Temperature measurement in children

    How to measure temperature in children

    There are several ways to measure body temperature in children. You can measure the temperature in the armpit. To do this:

    • the child to lay on his back or hold in his arms;
    • raise the handle and make room for clothing;
    • place the thermometer and press the baby's hand tightly to the chest;
    • if the thermometer is electronic - wait until the signal, and if the mercury thermometer, then wait 5-7 minutes.

    You can measure the temperature in the rectum. To do this:

    • kid lay on his back, raise and slightly bend his legs in the knees;
    • thermometer tip lightly oiled with petroleum jelly or baby oil;
    • very carefully insert the device into the rectum no more than 1.5 cm;
    • wait for the signal and also carefully remove the device.
    Measurement of the temperature in the mouth

    No less popular, accurate and quick method of measurement is measuring the temperature in the mouth. It is necessary: ​​

    • accurately place the thermometer under the tongue;
    • should not be opened and talked during the procedure;
    • after the sound of the electronic thermometer signal, get the device and evaluate the result;
    • when using a mercury thermometer to withstand 5-7 minutes.

    Despite the independence of the child, throughout the procedure it is necessary to monitor compliance with all rules. This will ensure an accurate result.

    How to measure the temperature of a baby

    Infrared thermometer

    To measure the temperature of newborns and infants it is better to use a thermometer-a pacifier or an infrared thermometer that allows you to determine the temperature within a few seconds. It is enough to attach it to the forehead, to the temple or to the region of the tympanic membrane.

    Please note! Such statements are the most accurate and will not cause the child unnecessary anxiety.

    If you do not have such thermometers, then it is preferable to use an electronic thermometer.