  • Infectious and parasitic diseases

    The most dangerous and insidious for our body are infectious diseases. Their course is a complex biological process that destroys the body, causing great damage to it. The causative agents of these diseases, among which viruses and bacteria are most often found, are transmitted from the diseased organism to the healthy.

    Mycoplasma, rickettsia, spirochete, chlamydia, and a number of others are also infectious diseases. Since pathogens can have different localization in the body, specific modes of transmission and ways of release into the environment, several groups of infectious diseases are isolated.

    The first group includes intestinal infections. The spread of these infections occurs fecal-oral, and infection is through the mouth.

    The second group is respiratory tract infections, they spread by airborne droplets, and infection occurs through the respiratory tract.

    The third group includes blood infections - transmissible, the transmission route of which - through mosquito bites, fleas, ticks.

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    The fourth group is non-transmissible blood infections, infection occurs with injections, blood transfusions, and plasma.

    The fifth group is an infection of the outer integument, the transmission pathway is contact( through the skin or mucous membranes).

    Each infectious disease is characterized by its incubation period, a certain clinical picture.

    The initial period of these diseases is accompanied by an intoxication of the body with the products of the disintegration of infectious agents. This stage is characterized by an increase in body temperature to 38-40 ° C, general malaise, weakness, a feeling of shattering, chills, headaches, muscle and joint pain, loss of appetite, poor sleep;possible nausea, rarely vomiting. On the part of the respiratory system, catarrhal and tonsillar syndromes will be noted. Catarrhal syndrome in itself includes nasal congestion, mucous membranes, or purulent discharge from the nasal passages, sneezing. Tonsillar syndrome is characterized by perspiration in the throat, pain during swallowing. From the gastrointestinal tract should be noted abdominal pain of a different nature, dyspeptic disorders in the form of diarrhea or constipation;for some diseases characterized by liver damage, clinically it is manifested by its increase. From the side of the skin there is their icteric staining, lesion of the skin in the form of a small bubble rash.

    The most important in the treatment of infectious patients is nutrition.

    1. There are special diets for each disease. A full-fledged diet should contain a certain amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins in sufficient quantities.

    2. In addition to treatment with chemotherapy, it is important to treat medicinal plants, honey, milk, mummies.

    During the rehabilitation period, it is important to comply with the regime, therapeutic nutrition. Showing exercise, massage.

    A special group of infectious diseases are worm diseases - helminthiases. The causative agents are worms. The clinical course of helminthic diseases is influenced by nutrition, the state of the immune and nervous systems of the body. Treatment of helminthic diseases is effective when combined with preventive measures to prevent new infections. It is important to eat fully, nutrition should include a balanced amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins.