
Why the coccyx hurts during pregnancy - pain in the coccyx during pregnancy

  • Why the coccyx hurts during pregnancy - pain in the coccyx during pregnancy

    Pregnancy is a burden on the entire body. Often a woman experiences pain, which she did not previously have. In addition, the hormonal background changes, which can also lead to changes in well-being. Most often, women complain of pain in the coccyx. What is the cause? Does this feel like a normal ? Why does the coccyx hurt during pregnancy? We will understand all these questions.

    The main causes of

    Pain in the coccyx during pregnancy
    • pain may be the echo of old injuries experienced before pregnancy;
    • , the anal space behind it also has a beneficial effect on the development of pain in the coccyx;
    • disrupted work of the neuromuscular apparatus and pelvic floor create favorable conditions for the development of pain;
    • various infections, diarrhea or constipation, sciatica. Inflammatory processes, for example, the fallopian tubes or ovaries, as well as in the joint that connects the coccyx and the sacrum. Neuralgic diseases of the spine and rectum( hemorrhoids, anal fissures, proctitis);
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    • in the presence of a pilonidial cyst or with the omission of the perineum, the appearance of pain in the coccyx is very likely;
    • bone displacement in the body preparing for delivery can cause unpleasant sensations. Dislocating bones can pinch the nerve at the exit from the coccyx;
    • shortage of mineral substances such as calcium and magnesium;
    • should not forget about the eternal enemy of human health - stress. Unbalanced mental state can not only significantly weaken the body, but also cause a number of inevitable processes. Therefore, pregnant women are particularly trying to protect themselves from various stressful situations.

    Classification of pain in the coccyx

    1. The presence of pain in the coccyx is called a cocktail.
    2. Oral pain syndrome is spoken of when a woman complains of pain in the rectum or anus.

    By nature, coccygeal pains are:

    • Stitching
    • Blunt
    • Drawing
    • Pressing
    • Irradiating, that is, spreading beyond the source of origin, originating from the hearth and damaging tissues.

    Pain in the coccyx may occur during sitting. The emergence of this kind of pain is due to several reasons:

    • Stagnation of blood flow
    • Traumas and microtraumas
    • Consequences of severe previous births of
    • Deformation of coccyx and many other reasons.

    Get rid of discomfort

    Therapy with grandmother's herbs

    Pregnancy is the period when a woman with special care must monitor her health. In the case of taking medications, a certain problem arises. After all during pregnancy, most of the funds are contraindicated to the future mother. Painful pills and suspensions are forbidden for pregnant women. Special remedies are often very expensive, because they are based on natural extracts and are created in small quantities.

    Alternative can serve as unconventional therapy and grandmother's herbs. It should also take into account the sensitivity of the female body to various herbs and plants. Undoubtedly, with a pronounced allergy to this or that medicinal component, you should not use it in therapy.

    In addition to various infusions, decoctions, compresses, warm water helps to remove the pain. You can just stand under the shower and massage the water with a bit of a sore spot. A wonderful solution will be visiting the pool. In special classes for pregnant women not only help get rid of discomfort, but also teach how to properly engage in order to keep the skin and body healthy and prepare for childbirth. In these classes, there is always a medical staff, which monitors the well-being of expectant mothers. Communication with pregnant women will help dispel all fears and doubts. You can find new friends, and communication with like-minded people will give a good mood. A healthy and positive emotional background is very important for a future mother.

    Gymnastics for pain in the coccyx

    Gymnastics in special groups will help to reduce pain in the coccyx or completely get rid of them. Exercises are selected in such a way as to relieve the lower abdomen, transferring the entire load to the upper part of the trunk. Pregnant women can practice with special gymnastics balls. Such exercises help develop and preserve plastic, are an excellent preparatory tool for childbirth.

    Heat always helps to soothe pain. You can heat the sand or salt and put in a pouch on a noisy place. But it is necessary to consult with a doctor about the possibility of such procedures, because during pregnancy, not all women are shown thermal procedures.

    Acupuncture, a variety of ointments and gels should be used only after consultation with your doctor.