
How to get rid of the spiken - get rid of the spike

  • How to get rid of the spiken - get rid of the spike

    The Internet is full of tips on how to get rid of the spike. And some of them are completely strange and incomprehensible. But there are several painless and proven effective tools to deal with spines.

    What is a spike

    Spike is a viral skin disease called "human papillomavirus".Usually it appears on the feet( on thumb pads, heels).A little less often it can be found on the hands, even less often in other places( elbows, knees, etc.).A large number of people are carriers of papillomaviruses. But they begin to multiply actively after the weakening of immunity.

    Symptoms of spike

    In appearance, the spike is similar to corn, but unlike corn, the surface of the spitz is not uniform. Rather, it is dotted with holes. The main and main symptom of the spine is the appearance of severe pain with pressure. Usually, after a while, the heather begins to grow. Thus, if it appeared on the foot, after a short period of time you will feel pain when walking.

    Spiny differs from callus in that it includes not only a stratified skin layer, but also filamentous regrowth that extends deep into the muscle tissue. Because of this, all the treatments that are based on laser or nitrogen burning do not in every case lead to the desired result. At the site of the vanished spine there will simply be a new one.

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    Get rid of the spiken in your home

    To get rid of the spike, you can try these methods:

    1. Pair your leg with formation in hot water. After that, it should be wiped dry with a towel. Take a piece of the flower of the pinnate calanchoe, slightly open it with a spoon and attach it to the log. You can even fasten the flower with a plaster.
    2. Good help in fighting this disease horseradish. So, cut the horseradish leaves and fill it with water. It is water you should later use for washing and compresses.
    3. Another variation of the recipe with horseradish: grate the horseradish on a small grater, lay it on the log, top cover with cellophane, all bandage, put on the sock and go to bed. Preliminary it is necessary to steam up the leg. This procedure should be carried out daily until the recovery.

    By the way, horseradish bought in the store. Will not give any effect. We need only freshly grubbed.

    1. Another way to get rid of the spike. Undress the affected leg and rub a little bit of cement into it. Yes, yes, do not be surprised. This is a very effective way. When the cement dries, rub it again 3 times. To make the spike pass, several such procedures will be required. Believe me, this tool has helped a lot of people.
    2. Get the celandine in the pharmacy. Again, pair your leg. Then it is necessary to smear the skin around the spine with cream. To burn out education is necessary to blackness. Yes, it might hurt. But after about a week the spike will completely pass.
    3. Cut a small piece of adhesive. At its center, make a small hole, similar in size to the spike. Glue the patch so that the formation gets into this very hole. Now take the dough, mixed with 9 percent vinegar, and put it on the log. For three days you can not wet your foot. When they pass, remove both the dough and the band-aid. The wart itself should fall away. And the fossa, which after it remains, will eventually be completely prolonged after a while.

    Removing the spike in the hospital

    Remember that such formations are often returned. Therefore, removing them at home is not always 100% effective.

    Spoon is one of the most complex warts. Therefore, it is best to remove it under the supervision of specialists. It is possible that not even burning out. You will need a comprehensive treatment, after which you will get rid of the gum for good.

    Treatments can be treated in several ways: surgically( i.e., a nitrogen freeze), removal with a conventional scalpel, electrocoagulation, removal of radio waves or laser.

    Electrocoagulation is a method of removing warts with the help of high frequency current. He burns the surrounding tissue and covers the possibility of access to the virus to any healthy tissues. It is very important at the same time to ensure disinfection and absence of bleeding. But, unfortunately, very deep warts can not be removed.

    There are also less traumatic ways to remove the spike: laser and radio waves. These methods are rather painless and fast. And what is important, after them there is practically no visible scars and scars.

    Fighting the spike with liquid nitrogen is to freeze the deep layers of tissues. But with this method it can be difficult to adjust the depth of the required impact.

    You can try to remove the formation with a conventional scalpel. But it is worth noting that in this case the virus can still remain in the tissues. In addition, surgical intervention leaves a noticeable scar on the skin.