
The recipe for strawberry jam for 5 minutes, as well as video recipes of different ways of making jam from strawberries

  • The recipe for strawberry jam for 5 minutes, as well as video recipes of different ways of making jam from strawberries

    All sweet tooth and strawberry lovers will like our recipe of strawberry jam. For jam, take the berries are not large and try to make the berries about the same size. Large berries are good in fresh form.

    Each housewife, of course, has its own recipe for this jam and its secrets for its preparation. We will tell you the recipe for jam-five-minute.

    Strawberry jam is beneficial in that it retains the greatest amount of vitamins, and cooking takes not so much time. And another plus of this jam - the berries in it do not have time to boil, so the jam has a very nice appearance.

    Berries for jam are better to take later. They are usually the sweetest and have the most vitamins in them. So, the instruction is how to make a strawberry jam at home.


    For 1 kilogram of berries is taken 400-600 gr. Sahara. You can take sugar to taste. For lovers of more sweet jam, you can take more, and if you want to get a jam-free jam, you can take less sugar, but not less than 300 grams.per kilogram of berries.

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    Preparation of jam

    Carefully browse the berries, peel off the leaves and pedicles, gently rinse and dry. To dry the berries, you can put them on a cloth or on thick paper towels.

    Transfer the strawberries into a saucepan, pour the necessary amount of sugar and put it in the refrigerator for the night.

    Next day, put the berries on medium heat and allow to boil. Remove the foam and, without diminishing the fire, let the berries leave for five minutes.

    Pre-sterilize jars and lids. Ready jam should be laid out in dry and warm jars, so it is best to sterilize in the oven.

    Jam is poured into cans, turned upside down, covered with a towel and let stand.

    Keep the jam better in a cool place.

    We hope you enjoy our recipe.

    Video recipes

    One of the simplest jam recipes:

    Strawberry five-minute:

    Popular types of jam:

    Jam that is well-kept: