
Gifts for guests and parents at the wedding of the newlyweds: how to make them and how to deliver them

  • Gifts for guests and parents at the wedding of the newlyweds: how to make them and how to deliver them

    For a long time gifts at the wedding were received only by the immediate culprits of the celebration - a young married couple. But for the last several years, the European wedding tradition has been increasingly popular, taking its roots back in the Middle Ages, according to which a mutual exchange of presents takes place between the young and the invited.

    To thank those present at the wedding with small gifts in many world countries is a must. Get a present is always nice, guests will be pleased to carry home a sweet surprise that will save a piece of general joy and positive.

    Various kinds of gifts can be presented during the wedding celebration as souvenirs for various "merits" at the celebration. Guests - for winning the competition, for performing a special dance or song at the request of the newlyweds. Parents - in a sign of respect for the education of "such beautiful and lovely guys" who fell in love with each other so much that they decided to get married.

    Gifts to parents are usually presented by the toastmaster. The presentation of gifts fits into the script and is scripted.

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    How to present gifts

    Souvenirs can be beautifully presented in a bonbonniere. This intricate name came to us from abroad. And is called so simple small bag, sewn from a beautiful( for example, satin) fabric, tied with a ribbon. Color bonbonniere can be very different. An interesting solution when they are performed in colors, different for men and women.

    The original gifts for guests at the wedding will be cups with a symbolic inscription and a memorable date, as well as small calendars depicting young spouses.

    If the budget and invited guests are allowed a little, you can order a bottle of good wine or champagne for each family, on the label of which there will be a photo of the newlyweds and the date of the solemn event.

    If you want to make a present to everyone, then miniature bottles with alcohol or chocolate bars will perfectly suit. Very often newlyweds get small figurines, piggy banks, candlesticks and photo frames.

    Of course, gifts for parents - more expensive and meaningful than for guests. When choosing gifts, it is necessary to take into account the age of those who are presented with gifts, their hobbies and passions. At the wedding are usually invited guests from among well-known people.

    If guests are presented with small souvenirs as a thanks for coming to the celebration, bonbonniere with a gift can be placed at the cutlery with a sign with the name of the guest. As an option, a nameplate can be sewn to a bonbonniere, it looks particularly nice. And the guests are happy in advance that they are welcome at this wedding.

    Bonbonniere with gifts can be given by the toastmaster in accordance with the holiday scenario. If there are no presents in the script, the waiters can smash the bonbonniere, if agreed in advance with them about it.

    Thus, the wedding celebration will become a holiday not only for the newlyweds, but also for the guests.

    Video materials on the topic of the article

    Original bonbonniere:

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