  • Delicious breakfast in a hurry: recipes for 5 minutes

    A delicious breakfast must be present in your daily routine. Someone does not like to eat in the morning, but still need to give a charge to the body in the form of a healthy and nutritious breakfast. It can be not heavy for the stomach, because the body has not yet fully woken up and tries to come back to normal, and you will take it at such a moment and load it with new work.

    Let's see what recipe for a delicious breakfast can be whipped up at home without spending a lot of time on it, but as a result get a delicious dish.

    Roll under a fur coat from an omelette


    Puff pastry: 300 gr;

    Cheese: 300 gr;


    Milk: 0.5 cup;

    Eggs: 1pc;



    Roll out the dough thinner. Grate the cheese on a grater with large holes. Cut the sausages finely. Mix the cheese and sausages in one bowl. Put the resulting filling on the dough, leaving a little space with the edge.

    We roll the roll, fix it in the place where the place was left. Place on a baking sheet in the form of a bagel. Mix the milk with the egg and pour the mixture with a roll. Place in the oven for 20-30 minutes. Lubricate with oil. Delicious breakfast is ready.

    instagram viewer

    Sandwich "Summer Breakfast"



    Celery: 1 stem;

    Bulgarian pepper:( quarter of different colors);

    Cottage cheese: 100 g;

    Cheese: 100 gr;

    Sour cream: 1 table.l.

    Salt, pepper to taste.


    Chop the celery, pepper, and drain the juice. Add the cottage cheese, mix.

    Grate the cheese on a grater, add it to the paste. Put sour cream, salt, pepper, mix.

    Fry several slices of the loaf. Put the resulting mass on the prepared toast. In order to make a sandwich more satisfying, add chicken fillet or ham. For decoration, you can use cucumber and tomato slices.

    Apple dumplings


    Apples: 1 pc;

    Eggs: 2 pieces;

    Milk: 1 tbsp.

    Sugar: 1 tbsp.

    Flour: 0.5 cup;



    Peel the apple from the peel and cut into cubes. Add the rest of the ingredients except flour. Flour pour parts, mixing well, so that no lumps are formed.

    Boil a liter of water, salt it. Using a teaspoon, shape the balls and dip them into the water. Stir to not stick to the bottom of the pan.

    After the float, cook for 3-5 minutes. Once cooked, place in bowls, pour sour cream, butter or condensed milk.

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