
A recipe for jam from orange peels, as well as tips on what oranges are best for jam

  • A recipe for jam from orange peels, as well as tips on what oranges are best for jam

    Any citrus jam contains a lot of useful vitamins. Vitamins are able to support the body and provide protection during the cold season.

    As you know, in the peel of oranges contains even more vitamins than in their core. Most people do not like to eat peel, as sometimes it is not very palatable.

    But our jam of orange crusts, the recipe of which we will give you, will prove to you the opposite. The rind of fruit can also be delicious, plus that it contains vitamins, which are necessary for colds. Fresh oranges do not always want to eat, but jam with tea is very good.

    Useful properties of the orange

    Before you begin to prepare the jam, let's see what vitamins are contained in citrus. Orange in its crude form contains K, Zn, P, Mg, Fe, Pb, Ca, B, C, A vitamins, fatty acids, etc. It is most often used as an antiviral "preparation".

    Has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. Reduces the cholesterol content in the blood, can be used as a preventive agent for cardiovascular diseases.

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    Along with a positive effect on the body can be observed and negative, against the background of diseases of the stomach, intestines. Orange is considered the most powerful allergen, so do not forget about it to people with a tendency to allergies. It is enough not to overeat and everything will be fine.

    Varieties of oranges for jam

    So, what sorts of oranges need to be chosen, in order to prepare a jam? For jam are suitable only varieties of thick-skinned oranges, because the zest of them, of course, will be more than from varieties with a thin skin.

    For example, oranges of the Jaffa type are large, with a thick skin, but they are difficult to find( grown in Israel and Palestine).You can also choose Italian( or rather Sicilian) korolinki - medium-sized, with a barely reddish skin, which, however, is not too popular in Russia.

    Ingredients for jam

    Orange peel: 500 gr;

    Sugar: 500 g;


    Preparation of a tasty jam

    Collect the necessary number of crusts, rinse them. Transfer to a saucepan, pour water and boil for 15 minutes. Then drain the water. Fill with clean water and boil again. Repeat the procedure several times, this is necessary in order for the bitterness to go away.

    After the last cooking, let the crusts cool and weigh them to see how much sugar will be needed. To make the jam very sweet, the ratio of sugar and crust should be 1: 1.Grind the meat grinder. The resulting mass is sent to a saucepan, add sugar and cook for 40 minutes.

    Before the end of cooking, add citric acid or lemon juice. Put the prepared jam into prepared jars and close the lid.

    Options, how to cook this jam at home, a lot. You can simply cut the crusts into pieces or roll them into tubes, so they will look as elegant as roses.

    Video recipes

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