
How to cook squid for salad, how to clean it, how to choose fresh squid in the store

  • How to cook squid for salad, how to clean it, how to choose fresh squid in the store

    How to cook squid for a salad is not known to every hostess. Squid has already become a familiar product on our tables. This is probably the most popular "sea reptiles."From squid cook an incredible number of dishes, but the most popular salads with squid meat.

    Dishes from squid are not complex, but here the preparation requires some knowledge and rules. There are some tricks here and if you do not know them, you can spoil the whole dish. The squid's meat will become stiff, rubbery. In order for the squid's meat to become soft, you need to know how long it takes to cook the squid.

    But first you need to buy squid.

    How to choose squid

    In stores, squid has a completely different color and size. You need to know that different colors only cover the carcass of the squid, and inside the meat should be white.

    Squids that have lain long in the display case, or those that have already been defrosted, absorb the color of the film and their meat changes color, not to mention taste.

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    Therefore, when buying squid, pay attention to how the carcasses look and how they separate from each other. If all the rules of freezing and storage have been met, then the carcasses look neat and separate well. In this case, you naturally get a quality product. And if the carcasses are stuck together "tightly" and turned into a single mass, then do not buy such squid. The storage rules were violated.

    Preparing squid

    Before cooking, the squid carcass must be cleaned. To do this, pour it well with steep boiling water. Then a dorsal chord is extracted from the inner part of the squid. Remove the top film from the squid both outside and inside. After scalding, it is removed very easily. Rinse the squid in cold water. He is ready to cook.

    Boiling time

    Now the most important: how to cook this sea delicacy correctly. Squid pawn in a pot of boiling water. Water salt, if desired, you can add spices.

    Hold the squid in boiling water for 30 seconds, then turn off the water, cover the pan with a lid and leave for five minutes.

    One of the rules - put the squid carcass only in boiling water and cook for no more than three minutes.

    Video materials on the topic of the article

    The entire cooking process is shown in great detail:

    How to clean, cook and make a squid salad:

    Chef's advice:

    Salad with fried squids: