  • Treatment of anemia( anemia) with folk remedies and methods

    Anemia( anemia) is a disease characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells. The main causes of anemia can be large blood loss, increased disintegration of red blood cells, a lack of bone marrow production, malnutrition of the gastrointestinal tract, etc. A characteristic feature of anemia is either an absolute decrease in the erythrocyte mass or a functional insufficiency of the erythrocyte system due to a decreased content of hemoglobin.

    In a literal translation, "anemia" means "bloodlessness."In fact, this anemia, or more precisely, the reduced content of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood. Anemia is most often the result of a loss of blood as a result of a trauma or surgery, as well as the result of malnutrition or chronic infection.

    Most often, anemia is caused by iron deficiency as a result of blood loss, including small, but prolonged, as is the case with hemorrhoids, peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, and also with abundant, prolonged menstruation. Sedentary lifestyle, mental and physical overload, stresses are provocateurs of anemia.

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    What's going on? Anemia develops oxygen starvation of tissues, which is manifested by patients' complaints of shortness of breath, palpitations, unpleasant sensations in the heart. However, oxygen starvation depends not only on the degree of anemia, but also on the speed of its development. With the gradual development of the body adapts to the new conditions of existence.

    What does do? Maintaining a diet with high-calorie products plays a big role. If the doctor has diagnosed you with anemia, you should eat more meat, especially the liver. Useful milk and cream, millet and yellow corn, pumpkin and bananas.

    Symptoms: waxy pallor of the face, weakness, dizziness and nausea, syncope possible. More about the symptoms, see here.

    There are various forms of anemia - iron deficiency, with deficiency of cyanocobalamin, hemolytic anemia, aplastic and hypoplastic anemia.

    Iron deficiency anemia can develop as a result of chronic blood loss due to peptic ulcers, iron deficiency in the diet( the causes are errors in cooking or a meager family budget), since it is the main component of hemoglobin, the main carrier of oxygen. The lack of iron causes a decrease in hemoglobin in erythrocytes, and the supply of organs and tissues to oxygen deteriorates. Once obtained by the body iron constantly circulates in it, passing from one erythrocyte to another. The loss of erythrocytes in bleeding leads, to one degree or another, to iron deficiency. Anemia in the people is called pale maidenlessness. Its main symptoms are: pallor, dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, malaise, fatigue, loss of appetite, headache, fainting and even convulsions.

    The food of a person suffering from anemia must be simple, well digestible. Obligatory products - milk, bread. There should be small portions, but often. It is not desirable to drink ordinary tea, instead of it tea from herbs is recommended. You should limit the use of ice cream, beer, soda water.

    A good source of iron are green cultures, lean red meat, beef liver, poultry meat, fish, wheat sprouts, oysters, dried fruits, porridges. To digest iron from food helps vitamin C, so the diet should necessarily include citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries. Useful exercise, work in the fresh air.
    Anemia leads to an inadequate supply of oxygen and other nutrients to essential organs, especially the brain and heart. The main signs of anemia are dizziness, pale skin, fainting, shortness of breath.

    The causes of anemia can be: blood loss, disturbed blood, increased blood loss.

    In the treatment of anemia, nutrition is important. When preparing a diet, the main attention should be paid to high-calorie foods - such as meat, liver. Old healers and healers recommend also meat juice, raw bovine blood, underfried steaks. Modern medicine pays more attention to such products as cream, butter, whole milk, millet porridge, yellow corn dishes. It has long been noted that yellow vegetables, fruits, root vegetables contain more vitamins than fruits and vegetables of a different color.

    To improve the composition of blood should be used as often as possible to eat celery, zucchini, apricots, honey, liver, nuts( especially walnuts).

    Traditional medicine recommends the following:

    a) a leaf of a nettle, flowers of a yarrow, a root of a dandelion( all fifty-fifty).A tablespoon of the mixture is brewed with 1.5 cups of boiling water, insist for 3 hours, drain. Drink a day in 3-4 hours for 20 minutes before eating. The course of treatment is 8 weeks;

    b) a sheet of nettle, flowering tops of buckwheat, a leaf of a spray( all equally).3 tablespoons of the mixture brew 2 cups of boiling water, insist 3 hours, drain. Drink a day in 3-4 hours for 20 minutes before eating. The course of treatment is 6-8 weeks;

    c) nettle leaf, birch leaf( equally).2 tablespoons mixture pour 1.5 cups of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain, add 1/2 glasses of beet juice. To drink for a day in 3-4 receptions for 20 minutes before a meal. The course of treatment is 8 weeks.

    Treatment of anemia primarily consists in eliminating the causes that caused this disease. In this case, blood transfusion is one of the most effective and common options. In combination with it, a course of treatment is promoted that promotes the normalization of hematopoiesis. You can supplement it with tinctures of various herbs on red wine.

    1. Requires: 200 g red fortified wine, 50 g dried hawthorn berries.

    Method of preparation. Crushed berries of hawthorn fill with wine. Close the dishes and put them in a cool dark place. Infuse the mixture for 3 weeks.

    How to use. Take a tincture of 25 drops 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals for 20 days, then take a break for 10 days, then repeat the course.

    2. Requires: 300 g of red fortified wine, 100 g of dried blueberries.

    Method of preparation. Chop the crushed blueberries with wine. The dishes are tightly closed and put in a dark cool place for infusion for 3 weeks.

    How to use. Take 30 drops 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

    3. Requires: 200 g of red fortified wine, 1/2 cup of peeled walnuts.

    Method of preparation. Pound the walnuts with wine. Close the dishes and put them in a cool dark place. Stir the mixture for 3 weeks.

    How to use. Take 20 drops 2 times a day after meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

    4. Requires: 100 g of red fortified wine, 20 g of nettle leaves.

    Method of preparation. Raw chop and fill with wine. Place the dishes in a dark cool place and insist 4 weeks.

    How to use. Take 30 drops 2 times a day( morning and evening) 30 minutes before meals. Recovering occurs, usually in 20-25 days.

    5. Requires: 200 g red fortified wine, 200 g fresh cranberries.

    Method of preparation. Blind the berries with a wooden spatula, pour the wine. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

    How to use. Take 1 tbsp.l.4 times a day after meals.

    6. Requires: 100 g of red fortified wine, 1 pomegranate.

    Method of preparation. Squeeze the pomegranate juice and mix it with the wine. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks.

    Disposal. Take 3 tbsp.l.3-4 times a day for 10-20 minutes before meals. Intensive course of treatment - 3 weeks. Then you can take a break for 20 days, then repeat the course. But it is also desirable to conduct preventive courses of treatment at least 2 times a year for 2 weeks.

    7. Requires: 100 g of red fortified wine, 20 g of dried berries of viburnum, 200 g of water.

    Method of preparation. Pour the calyx berries with boiling water, cover and put on a water bath for 15 minutes. After that, infuse the broth for 45 minutes. Chilled broth strain, squeeze the berries. The volume of the broth obtained is brought to 200 g with boiled water. Add the wine. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

    How to use. Take 1/3 cup of the mixture 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 4 weeks.

    8. Requires: 50 g of red fortified wine, 30 g of clover meadow flowers, 200 g of water.

    Method of preparation. Raw stuff with boiling water, cover and heat on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. After that, let the broth cool, strain, add wine. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

    How to use. Take 1 tbsp.l.3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

    9. Requires: 50 g of red fortified wine, 20 g of alfalfa leaves, 200 g of water.

    Method of preparation. Cut the alfalfa leaves and pour with boiling water, cover and put on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. Remove the broth from the water bath and cool for 45 minutes. After that, strain and add the wine. Store the broth in the refrigerator for more than 2 days.

    How to use. Take 1 tbsp.l.3-4 times a day after meals. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

    Prevention of ( and treatment) of anemia is a quiet lifestyle, sufficient exposure to fresh air combined with moderate physical activity and water procedures( wiping, dousing, cool showers in the morning).