  • Results of the 2nd month

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    Motor reactions. The child is still helpless, although the volume of active movements is gradually increasing. He often takes his hands apart, raises them above the horizontal level, turns his head to the side. Holds the head in a vertical position, but not permanently, the head is still hanging. Lying on the abdomen, the head restrains on the middle line: tears off the surface for at least 5 seconds.

    Skills. Sucks its fists. Well sucks chest or nipple.

    Hand Actions. More and more often the cams are unclenched, the fingers close quite freely. If you show a bright toy, you can bring your hand closer and strike it involuntarily. Holds the rattle in his hand for 2-3 seconds. Increasingly he begins to look at the hand, and focuses attention on it longer. A blow on the toy or smearing it appears 2 weeks after the first long-time examination of the hand.

    Spotting reactions. Tracking becomes smooth, prolonged visual concentration is noted. The Kid fixes a fixed object or an adult's face. Without moving, he looks at a bright toy suspended at a distance of 50 cm from the chest for 20-25 seconds. Behind a moving toy follows a long, continuous 10-15 seconds, while turning his head.

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    The movements of the eyeballs become smooth, coordinated. The visual fixation of the object is observed not only in the position of the child on the back, but also on the abdomen and in the vertical position. The kid sees a three-dimensional object. Both eyes are brought together as the object approaches the face.

    Auditory responses. If you rattle with a rattle for 3-5 seconds at a distance of 40-50 cm from the side, out of sight of the child, then he listens for 5 seconds and makes head turns with prolonged sound. Possible head rotation in one direction. Also, the child can turn his head towards the adult's voice. To do this, talk with the baby outside his field of vision at a distance of 40-50 cm for 1 minute. The child listens attentively for 5-10 seconds and turns his head toward the voice.

    Speech reactions. The cry becomes intonational expressive. There are sounds of initial walking - separate vowels and consonants: it can repeat sounds for an adult.

    Emotions. In the pre-speech period, the child develops ways of communication. Requiring way: it is a congenital reaction of discomfort - cries with the nature of the requirement, not having a pause and suggesting an answer. During this period, the child quickly responds with a smile to the conversation. After three appeals, he long and broadly smiles to any person.

    • The formation of binocular vision, that is, the vision performed by two eyes, results in a single, stereotyped image and marks a new stage in the development of visual-orientational reactions.

    • Viewing the child of his fist indicates the appearance of interest in the object of the outside world, which is a step in the development of the child's intelligence.

    • Smiling and viewing the hand - the initial stage of learning.

    • During the day, the baby is awake 15-20 minutes per hour.

    • The diapers are replaced with sliders.

    • weight of the child by the 2nd month - 4800-5000 g,

    • weight gain for the month - 700 g,

    • growth -53-58 cm