  • Your baby is sick

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    When a very young child becomes ill, it is always unsettling. It is impossible to give specific recommendations to the book for all such cases of life, except for one, the most common - a sick child needs qualified medical help. Adults, of course, can take a pill of aspirin, if there are signs of a cold, but with a crumb it is impossible to experiment in any way. Do not try to diagnose the sick kid yourself - the danger and risk of making mistakes are too great. It is best when an experienced pediatrician watches a child from birth. Our task is to suggest the signs of the most common childhood diseases - gastric disorders, conjunctivitis, viral infection, etc. - and give recommendations on what to do before the doctor comes.

    Special attention in the newborn requires an umbilical wound, which usually heals at the 2 nd week of life. Prior to this, you need to ensure that the wound does not get wet, and maintain the purity of the skin around it. The cause for anxiety and seeking advice from a doctor can be the slow healing of the wound, the allocation of sugars or pus from it. If for some reason you can not turn to medical help, then you should gently treat the wound with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, dry the wound with sterile cotton or a sterile gauze cloth, and then treat it with diamond greens.

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    Inoculations. In the maternity home the child starts to get vaccinated against diseases. In the first 12 hours the newborn is vaccinated against hepatitis B, the vaccine is repeated in the 1 st and 6 th month of life. From the 3rd month with an interval of 45 days, the child is vaccinated against pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus and polio three times. On the 12th month - against measles and mumps( mumps).Sometimes parents doubt the benefits of vaccinations.

    But this is wrong. If the child does not have contraindications, vaccinations should not be avoided so as not to risk his health. The doctor may delay the inoculation for a period of time, for example, for a month, if the child has suffered some kind of disease and is weakened. In any case, all the ailments of the baby during the time preceding the vaccination, should definitely inform the pediatrician.

    After vaccination, carefully monitor the condition of the child. It is necessary to alert the fever, redness or swelling at the site of the vaccination, etc. Such symptoms immediately tell the doctor who should make sure that this is: a reaction to an inoculation or some kind of disease? Colds, runny nose. All children sneeze from time to time, but this is not necessarily a sign of a cold. Thus, a natural cleansing of the nose occurs - crusts, mucus, dust are removed. But when the sneezing becomes more frequent, and the runny nose is added, it seems that the child is really sick. This is an occasion to invite a child's doctor.

    A cold cat begins to be capricious, as he "lays" his nose and becomes difficult to breathe, especially when he sucks his chest. The child is nervous, crying, sneezing, he is very uncomfortable. First of all, the doctor will prescribe

    drops in the nose to facilitate breathing. Before dripping drops, gently clean the nasal passages with dry cotton wool. This procedure must necessarily be done before each feeding. For instillation in the nose use only fresh medicine, the shelf life of which is indicated on the package.

    It happens that the runny nose is very strong and the baby's nose is constantly crusted, and he does not know how to blow his nose. To clean the nose, you can drip a few drops of fresh Kalanchoe juice, which softens the crusts, the baby will sneeze, and the nozzle will quickly clear.

    From the folk remedies for the treatment of the common cold it is advisable to bury a tepid broth of chamomile, mineral water without gas, a solution of sea salt( 1.5-2 teaspoons per cup of boiled water) or a composition: a glass of boiled water for 1 teaspoon of cookedsalt and baking soda and 2 drops of iodine. These procedures facilitate the patient's condition, slightly removing the swelling of the nasal mucosa.

    Any medicine should be instilled only after cleansing the nose, then its application will be effective. In the nose, clogged with mucus and crusts, the drops do not reach the surface of the mucosa, but slip into the nasopharynx.

    With a cold it is useful to warm up your nose. To do this, use heated small bags of soft dense tissue with salt or a special reflector lamp. Warm your nose 1 -2 times a day, but always before bed.

    Colds are often accompanied by a cough, shortness of breath. This is already quite a serious reason for concern and calling a doctor at home. The slightest suspicion of bronchitis or pneumonia requires treatment to the pediatrician.

    During a runny nose, the infection can spread to the middle ear, and then otitis occurs. When a child's ears become ill, he becomes very restless, often screams in pain a lot, bad

    sucks his chest. Try to determine whether the cause is in the ears. To do this, gently push the child on the tragus of the ear concha. Well, if he does not cry, but if he cries, then most likely he has otitis. In any case, always consult a doctor.

    So that the ears do not suffer from a cold, you should warm them up in the evenings with a warm warmer, wrapped in a soft cloth, for 10 minutes.

    Conjunctivitis. In children in the first six months of life, the mucous membrane of the eye - the conjunctiva - often becomes inflamed. Sometimes the conjunctivitis is so strong that the eyes of the child are stuck together from the pus and after sleeping it hardly opens them. Such diseases are treated only by a doctor, but when mild seizures and conjunctivitis are not started, you can manage yourself. To do this, often, almost every hour, rinse alternately the eyes with a tepid infusion of chamomile, tea, or a solution of fu-racilin. And each time a new sterile tampon is required, for each eye separate.

    After washing, it should be dripped in the eyes 2-3 drops of drug solution, selecting it on the advice and recommendations of the pediatrician( !).Of course, all these procedures are performed with clean hands.

    Purulent discharge from the eyes is gently removed with a soft sterile tissue. If there is no improvement within two days of home treatment, a doctor's intervention is required.

    Indigestion. Perhaps most of the time babies have stomach problems. Should not be alarmed by hiccups and regurgitation after feeding - these are common phenomena. Most newborns regurgitate a small amount of milk in the first months of life, and it is not necessary to fight it. Regurgitation is not a sign of the disease, if the child is good in weight and calm. A few months later everything passes.

    But another thing is vomiting. In the first weeks of

    , vomiting can be caused by mucus accumulating in the stomach;it disappears without a trace. Unlike regurgitation, vomiting in young children can be a symptom of a serious illness. If vomiting recurs - call a doctor immediately.

    A single case of vomiting, most likely, is not dangerous. But if a child vomits almost after every feeding, it should be kept under the constant supervision of the pediatrician.

    It is difficult to determine the cause of unexpected vomiting, not accompanied by other symptoms of digestive disorders. It is necessary to observe the behavior of the child, and if he is calm, then probably the parents do not have to worry. If the temperature rises, diarrhea appears, the baby cries, then you need to call the doctor immediately.

    Sign of a serious illness can also be vomiting, if it contains bile.

    Easy indigestion. In , the first three months of a child's life are often troubled by gas-related bouts of pain. There are also more serious digestive disorders. At the same time, the child experiences anxiety, often cries, stretches tight legs, releases gases, constantly regurgitates, then vomiting and loose stools are added. In this case, a doctor's help is needed, even if the child is gaining weight well. He will recommend a certain diet. If a child is breastfeeding, then the mother is obliged to monitor her diet. It is necessary to exclude from the diet acute, salty and very fatty foods, smoked products, spicy seasonings, strong coffee.

    Diarrhea. In a small child, the stomach is very sensitive to all kinds of bacteria. To ensure that they do not cause disorders, you must strictly follow the rules of hygiene and child care. Most often, the disorders are mild and accompanied by diarrhea, the color of the stool can change

    .Even then, you need to see a doctor, he will determine the cause and prescribe the treatment. If for any reason there is no possibility to show the child to the doctor, take the following measures: while breastfeeding, do not stop feeding, try not to overfeed and exclude any lure. Breast milk is the best help with diarrhea.

    To breastfeed a child who is breastfed should be extremely cautious. It is best to cut the amount of milk or milk mixture by half and feed the baby so that only to eliminate the feeling of hunger. In this case, the intervals between the feedings are also reduced somewhat. This mode is maintained until recovery.

    Skin effects. The skin of newborns in the first months is very tender and sensitive, and often there are diaper rash, redness, rash, etc.

    Intermittence often occurs due to oversight, from long lying in wet diapers, irregular bathing, poor washing of diapers. Avoiding such trouble is quite simple - regularly disguise the child in dry linen, carefully prostrate, rinse and iron the diapers with a hot iron.

    But even with good care sometimes you can not avoid a slight diaper rash. In such a case, bathe the baby with the addition. Appearing with the diarrhea of ​​symptoms: a fever of +38 ° C, frequent watery stools, the appearance of mucus or even blood in the stool, vomiting, weakness of the baby means: the life of the baby is at risk! Emergency medical care is needed, possibly even before hospitalization. Before the doctor comes, you can give your child only boiled water.

    with 5% potassium permanganate solution in water, after bathing use special drying ointments containing zinc, baby cream or oil.

    Useful air baths - leave the places of diaper rash open for 2-3 hours in a warm room, surely covering the child so that it does not freeze. Change diapers as often as possible so that the baby is always dry.

    Especially irritated skin around the anus with diarrhea. Wipe the skin very gently with a soft cloth moistened with oil, and always use air baths.

    In a very warm room in winter, and in summer, children often have sweating in the heat - small pink pimples - in the armpits and neck, chest, behind the ears, sometimes on the face.

    The child's sweating practically does not bother, it's not a disease, but a skin reaction to overheating. But nevertheless it is necessary to take measures, that the skin functions normally, and to dress the child in accordance with the air temperature. In addition, you should regularly bathe and wash your baby, in the hot season, wipe with a wet napkin when changing clothes, powder powder. Air baths are also useful.

    If diarrhea or perspiration persists for a long time, despite all efforts, consult a doctor. Most likely, he will prescribe a special ointment.

    Diathesis and allergy. Even in young children, red spots may appear on the cheeks, sometimes very bright. After a week or two, the spots are covered with crusts. This is a manifestation of exudative diathesis, which is very disturbing to the baby, causing it an itch and pain. Often in young children on the scalp formed yellowish crust, similar to a scab. Do not try to remove them. This is also a manifestation of exudative diathesis. The cause of diathesis is the lack of nutrition of the child or

    mother, if the baby is breastfed. The doctor will help to find out the reason and eliminate the shortcomings in the care and feeding of the child.

    Mom during breastfeeding should exclude from the diet allergenic products - strawberries, chocolate, cocoa, oranges, tomatoes, poultry, spices, smoked products. It is better to give up early feeding.

    If the child is on artificial feeding and has signs of diathesis, then, probably, the mixture is too sweet and it is better to replace it with dairy products, for example kefir or acidophilin. Of course, all changes in feeding and treatment should be discussed with the pediatrician.

    Children prone to allergies are usually more susceptible to infection. Therefore, one should not ignore even small phenomena of allergy or diathesis, it is necessary to identify the cause and eliminate it as soon as possible.