
Necessity and basic features of classification of human reflexes Heading 2.

  • Necessity and basic features of classification of human reflexes Heading 2.

    The human nervous system is based on the "cooperation" of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes. The modern complete classification of reflexes will help to understand them.

    Knowledge of reflexes is relevant both for specialists in the field of neurophysiology, and for people interested in this issue.

    General Information

    Classification of reflexes involves a division according to the following criteria:

    1. By the origin of the occurrence.
    2. Biologically significant.
    3. By the nature of the called activity.
    4. On the methods of development.
    5. The features of the conditioned stimulus( simple, complex and chain).
    6. The ratio of activity of stimuli( cash and trace).
    7. By the nature of the reception( exteroceptive, interoceptive, proprioceptive).
    8. According to the peculiarities of the efferent response( vegetative and somatotonic).

    The first group of

    This group includes natural and artificial conditioned reflexes. The first reflexes are based on such unconditioned stimuli as the smell of the edible and the kind of foods.

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    They are strong and last for a lifetime. Their "birth" occurs together with the birth of a person.

    Artificial reflexes arise in response to the behavior of non-biological provocateurs. Of the development is much slower.

    In the absence of reinforcement, artificial reflexes are rapidly extinguished.

    Fourth section of

    This section contains the 1st, 2nd and higher order reflexes.

    • For reflexes of the first order, reinforcement is characterized by the use of an unconditioned reflex.
    • For second-order reflexes, a stable conditioned reflex is necessary.

    For reflexes of higher order, the conditioned reflex of the second and third order developed earlier is an effective reinforcement.

    The formation of reflexes of this type is characteristic for the younger generation. They are at the heart of the development of thinking. They also do not differ in resistance and are prone to rapid extinction.

    Special section of

    This section includes imitative conditioned reflexes that are generated during the observational process by a person after another individual.

    The development of social skills and the majority of speech acts is due precisely to the imitative reflex.

    According to the definition of Professor L. Krushinsky, extrapolation reflexes also belong to a special group. The motor reaction is formed against the background of the appearance and movement of the conditioned stimulus.

    Preliminary training is not expected. Today, this reflex is widely used in the study of complex behavioral forms.

    Many researchers used this reflex with respect to twins. This gave them the right to talk about the prominent role of hereditary factors in the conduct of behavioral reactions.

    What else do you need to know about reflexes?

    Knowledge of human reflexes allows specialists to correctly establish a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. There are a lot of them, and everyone requires at least a quick familiarization.

    Value of tendon reflexes

    Tendon reflexes play a special role in human life. They contribute to the regulation of tense muscles. Another probable function of this reflex should be considered equalizing the contractile force of individual muscle fibers.

    Overly stressed elements reflex inhibit, and weakly stressed elements are strongly excited. This promotes a uniform distribution of the muscle load on each of the fibers.

    In addition, thus preventing isolated muscle sites. This is relevant for those areas where the overextension is expected for a number of fibers.

    Of great importance is the Achilles reflex. In order to call the corresponding reaction, the specialist is obliged to apply a small point strike on the current zone. The tendon zone is slightly above the heel.

    This is a constant reflex, formed on the 7th day of a newborn's life. In a healthy person, it persists until the end of his life. Its absence indicates a serious pathology of the CM or spine.

    Unconditioned Reflexes

    Among the unconditioned reflexes, knee and plantar are of no small importance.

    The knee reflex is performed due to nerve impulses moving in a certain direction. The scheme of the reflex arc is not complicated by complexity. It consists of:

    • effector;
    • links;
    • receptors.

    As a stimulus protruding blow. The process is carried out through the cooperation of SM, motor neurons and the sensory system.

    Plantar reflex is formed on the background of a dashed stimulus applied by a sharp object or handle of a special hammer. The external or internal plantar margin is affected. The answer should be considered the extension of the toes.

    The plantar reaction is also called the Babinsky effect.

    Pupillary reflex is characterized by a change in the diameter of the pupils. Irritant is the effect on the retina of the visual body of light.

    The reaction of pupils is observed when exposed to pain stimuli.also the reaction can be observed under any stressful situation. If a person is in a rage, his pupils also expand greatly.

    A serious danger signal is dilated pupils in asphyxia.

    Cremaster reflex is included in the group of unconditioned skin reactions. It is a reduction responsible for raising the testicle muscle. The reaction is observed against the background of stroking the skin of the inner surface of the human thigh.

    This reaction can be either high or low. In the second case, one can assume a certain degree of nerve fiber damage.

    The braking and starting of motion is due to spinal reflexes. Over time, the elementary motor programs can be modified into deliberate movement.

    Pharyngeal and proboscis reflexes are of particular interest. In the first case, muscular contractions of the larynx and pharynx provoke coughing, swallowing, or vomiting. The second reaction is normal only in young children under the age of 3 years.

    The oculocephalic reflex is also referred to as Cantelli's symptom. Its presence is revealed in a person who is in an unconscious state. His absence from a person in a coma, indicates a severe damage to the brain stem structures.

    Vegetative reflexes

    Vegetative reflexes are involved in most reactions. They are provoked by the irritations of intero and exteroceptors. The pulses are transferred from the central nervous system to the peripheral organs. Parasympathetic nerves also take part directly in this process.

    These reflexes are of great importance in medical practice. Particular attention is paid to:

    • kuntanno-visceral;
    • viscero-knitted;
    • viscero-visceral.

    The main criterion here is the location of the receptors.

    Swallowing reflex

    A complex 2-way coordinated act is a swallowing reflex. It involves a significant number of muscles, the reduction of which occurs in accordance with a certain sequence.

    Against the background of a stroke, this reflex can be lost.

    Its recovery is a rather complicated and lengthy process. Recovery involves participation:

    1. Therapist.
    2. Nutritionist.
    3. Speech therapist.

    In the most severe cases, the patient is fed by a probe.

    Corneal reflex

    A superficial physiological phenomenon is defined as a corneal reflex. The reaction occurs as a result of touching a piece of cotton wool to the actual area. The subject should be in a horizontal position.

    The lack of a reaction usually indicates a damage to the Valorium bridge. If there is a break in the connection between the trigeminal and facial nerves, this indicates the presence of oculomotor anomalies.

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