  • Cortical brain hypotrophy: causes and treatment

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    With age, the human brain gradually decreases in size, loses volume and weight. As a result, dizziness occurs, memory deteriorates, hearing and eyesight drop sharply, movement coordination is observed.

    The older the age, the more pronounced the inability to cognitive processes, the more noticeable the inhibition of thoughts and the violation of control of behavior. The reason for this is cortical brain hypotrophy, to which the aging of vessels leads, a decrease in their lumen and, as a consequence, a disturbance in the nutrition of the cortical layer.

    Causes of cerebral hypotrophy

    The severity of cortical hypotrophy is due to genetic factors, the external environment and lifestyle only accelerate or deepen the process. Clinical forms of the disease differ in the area of ​​the affected cortex and in the depth of their hypotrophy. At all stages of the disease there is a slow but progressive disintegration of mental activity, leading to total polumia.

    An external factor aggravating the disease is osteochondrosis of the spine of the spondylosis, which are accompanied by compression of the vertebral arteries, which leads to a lack of brain nutrition. Similarly, the supply of the brain can worsen due to head injuries, stress and diabetes. Smoking and alcohol abuse also make a negative contribution.

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    Treatment of cortical hypotrophy

    Treatment of the disease is mainly symptomatic, aimed at alleviating individual symptoms and minimizing external manifestations of the disease. Eliminate the underlying cause that caused the disease, it is almost impossible, because at present there are no methods and preparations for the treatment of hypotrophic processes occurring in the cortical layer of the brain.

    With pronounced apathy, patients are assigned psychotropic substances with stimulating effect. A good result is the intravenous administration of drugs that improve cerebral circulation, reduce blood viscosity and promote the utilization of oxygen. Vitamins and antioxidants, lipoic and pantothenic acids are useful in cortical hypotrophy.

    Drug therapy combines well with physiotherapy. Improved nutrition of the cortical layer of the brain is observed in quantum therapy and ozone treatment. Good results are provided by the massage of the collar zone, warm baths with the addition of pine extract, bromine and sea salt.

    At the first symptoms of cortical hypotrophy, it is not recommended to place the patient in the hospital, tearing it away from the habitual habitat, as this can cause a sharp deterioration in the condition. It is necessary to create conditions for an active way of life, to force the patient to move a lot, to load with feasible domestic chores, to stimulate interest in everyday problems. The placement in the hospital is recommended only if there is pronounced senile wit and with the impossibility of constant supervision and care of the patient.

    Unfortunately, prevention of cortical hypotrophy does not exist, and it is impossible to protect yourself from the onset of this disease. Reduce the severity and extend mental health can a healthy lifestyle and timely treatment of vascular disease.

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