  • Garlic

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    Allium sativum L. ssp.vulgaie Holub

    As a spice or vegetable, garlic is primarily used fresh. Garlic is grown as an annual plant. Known is white garlic, shaped like a mace, which does not have a round stem, and so-called hard garlic of bluish color with a long round stalk on which air bulbs grow between flowers that can be used for reproduction and culinary use. Plant garlic in the fall( hard and some non-solid varieties) or in spring( narrow-leaved soft garlic, which can also be planted in autumn).Solid species are not planted in the spring. Garlic is grown in loosened soil, planting its teeth. Harvest the harvest immediately by wilting the stems, so that the heads of garlic are not in the ground. Spring garlic is well kept. Ogorodniki amateurs gather young green garlic for consumption with bread, salads.

    More often we grow varieties "Alan", "Ropal", "Bzenetsky Palichak", from spring varieties - "Japan", "Prim".The whole garlic plant has a specific pungent odor that forms an essential oil. In wild garlic, essential oil is more, and it is more flavorful than cultural. Garlic contains proteins, glycosides, and sugar.

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    Family - onion. Motherland - the countries of Asia, the Caucasus, the Mediterranean. A perennial, herbaceous plant with flat leaves. Bulb in garlic consists of individual teeth, which serve for reproduction. Garlic is divided into winter, arrow, shape and spring, not firing. Garlic - cold, leaves grow at a temperature of about 1 - 2 ° C.Green garlic has a pleasant aroma and taste, it is indispensable in the preparation of salads.

    In garlic essential oil, alliin is present, which under the action of the enzyme turns into allicin, which actively kills bacteria. In garlic contains about 15-25 mg ° / o vitamin C, B vitamins, sulfur, potassium, iron, calcium and iodine. Most vitamins in young garlic stems. Garlic stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, bile, soothes intestinal smooth muscles, affects respiratory organs, limits the development of harmful bacteria in the thick intestine, improves blood circulation in the coronary vessels of the heart. Garlic helps regulate blood pressure. In considerable quantities, garlic is used for influenza diseases, against intestinal helminths. It is also suitable for diabetes, meteorism and atherosclerosis. Young shoots of garlic, especially wild, affect the blood circulation. Therefore, garlic is a medicinal plant. It is also reported about the anti-cancer effects of it, as well as the effect against premature aging. In the winter months, garlic is especially important. However, it is recommended to consume no more than 2-3 cloves of garlic daily. The unpleasant smell of garlic partially eliminates milk, parsley or rue. Essential oil of garlic penetrates into exhaled fumes and sweat. It is better to eat fresh garlic. Store garlic in a dry, cold place where the temperature does not drop below 0 °.It also uses separately the essential oil of garlic, powder from it, dried garlic, pasta with salt or pasta with salt and lard. Garlic is used for cooking meat, especially lamb, poultry, rabbit, minced meat, mayonnaise, salads, soups, potato dishes.

    Garlic is winter, which is planted under the winter, and it happens spring, which is planted in the spring. The difference between winter garlic and spring wheat is that it has a future floral arrow in the tooth, which is clearly visible on the transverse section of the tooth as a darker circle. Spring garlic does not shoot. It multiplies only by denticles. Outwardly, they are easy to distinguish: the spring usually has two rows of small denticles, and the winter one has one row, usually 4-6 large teeth.

    Winter garlic gives a flower arrow in early summer, but seeds only mature in the southern regions. But at the end of the arrow at the end of the egg small bulbs are formed, which are used for the reproduction of garlic along with the denticles. Spring garlic is propagated only with denticles, since it does not give seeds or bulbocks. Spring garlic has one advantage: it is well kept in the winter in the apartment.

    Winter garlic

    Garlic is not grown from seeds. It is propagated by vegetative means, planting denticles in the open ground in autumn.

    If there are no traces of disease on the denticles, they can be planted immediately, if there are any doubts about the diseases, then soak the denticles before planting for half an hour in the solution of the drug "Maxim" or "Fitosporin" to prevent diseases by decay.

    Garlic needs well-seasoned organic, moisture and breathable soils with alkaline pH above 7, prefer a sunny location, but can tolerate a slight shading. Clayy or compacting soils, poor in organic matter, acid soils do not fit it.

    Garlic - the plant is cold-resistant, does not fear frosts, it rises early in the spring, because after planting the root system of garlic has time to grow well in the fall. But with too late plantings, the root system does not have time to grow, and garlic protrudes from the ground in the early frost. But even in this case, if you put him back to a depth of about 5 cm, he will yield, although somewhat later than usual.

    You can plant garlic in this way. The bed is prepared for planting around mid-August, 2 weeks before planting. Make a compost( bucket) or peat mixed with sand and ash( a bucket of peat, a half bucket of sand, a liter of ash) for each meter of planting. Slightly dig over a half-bayonet shovel. On the eve of planting, water is well watered with a solution of "Phytosporin" to disinfect the soil.

    Before landing, which falls on August 25-27, the peg is made deepening 12-15 cm deep. If you want to get larger teeth, then make a marking according to the scheme of 15 x 15 cm and even 20 x 20 cm. But when using large teeth are inconvenient, so they prefer to grow garlic with teeth of medium size and markup is done according to the scheme of 10 x 10 cm. Thenin each hole pour 1 tbsp.a spoonful of large river sand, lower a large granule of fertilizer AVA, then - a clove of garlic and poured into the hole 1 st.a spoonful of sand. After that, loosen the planting soil.

    Garlic does not come from such a large depth( except for imported or southern varieties).But even if it does, do not worry: garlic will overwinter. Garlic, planted in August, for a long autumn has time to build a good root system and early spring. Plants stand as a powerful wall, strong, green, and easily cope with any weather conditions. No additional fertilizing and watering is required for the whole season. The only thing that should be done regularly is to ensure that they are not hampered by weeds, and also loosen the soil a couple of times a month. This garlic ripens a month earlier than it was planted in September-October. The sand added to the wells creates around the tooth, and then around the growing head of garlic, microdrainage, so it does not overmoisten.

    When the garlic has a flower arrow, it should be broken immediately. No twisting and tying of the tops does not get rid of the arrow, but it harms the plant, since the leaves stop working normally. In addition, the resulting tissue rupture gets an infection, which can lead to a disease of garlic. One or two of the strongest plants should be left with an arrow in order to grow bulbs.

    As soon as the cheholchik on the flower arrow breaks, the plant must be taken out of the ground with the head, shake the soil off the roots and hang it up with roots for drying. Then bulbs can be removed. Or, right in the garden, you need to put on a kapron bag and tie it up so that the grown bulbs do not crumble. They will be required for you to improve your planting material.

    After the lower leaves of the garlic turn yellow, it can be excavated, preferably with pitchforks, not with a shovel. Garlic should be shaken off the soil and, attaching it in loose bunches, hang in the attic or in the attic upwards with roots to dry. When the nutrients completely pass from the leaves to the head, the leaves will dry. Now we need to cut off the roots, exfoliate the excess husk, weave the braid and hang it in the kitchen for winter storage. You can cut the dry tops, leaving a hemp height of 2-3 cm, hold the bottom of each head above the flame of the candle to slightly burn the bottom - this will prevent the head from premature loss of moisture. Then you need to spread out the well-dried garlic in three-liter jars, tie the hole with a cloth and put the garlic on the windowsills. Do not store garlic in the fridge - there it spoils faster.

    If you have found mold, rot or something else suspicious when cleaning garlic, clean the heads of excess scales, cut off the tops and roots immediately, lower the heads for half an hour in a solution of "Phytosporin" or "Maxima" and only then dry, spread outin one layer in the attic. Sometimes it is recommended to store the garlic, disassembled into cloves, in jars, pouring it with salt. Nothing, except for the extra waste of salt, this method does not give, because the salt takes moisture from the teeth, and they lose it, dry up and wrinkle.

    If garlic begins to deteriorate during storage, it is best to drop it into a shallow box with the soil for forcing greens, planting the denticles according to the scheme of 3 x 3 cm. After three weeks you will get a young greenery of garlic, which can be used for salads and green sandwiches. If garlic began to germinate ahead of time, then it should be planted on the bed( you can do it even at the end of March), defrosting the soil with hot water. You can plant in a small space fairly tightly, and then, in early May, plant a 10 x 10 or 15 x 15 cm scheme.

    The tips of the leaves in garlic lighten for the same reasons as onions, so see the corresponding answer in the section ononion.

    Garlic is seldom ill. The main attack - the rot of the bottom or decay of the entire head. The disease continues to develop during storage. The disease often appears in the southern regions, since it develops at a high temperature( 28-32 degrees), and in the Northwest it happens only in a very hot time, at the time of ripening of the head of garlic.

    Sometimes the flower arrow softens and spoils. The reason is in acidic and waterlogged soil or in causative agents of the disease, caught with a husk on a denticle or inhabiting the soil. For this reason, I recommend that you plant your garden with "Phytosporin" or any medicated medication( Hom, Polihom, Oksikh, copper vitriol at the rate of 1 tablespoon without top for 10 liters of water) before planting, spending notless than 2 liters of solution per meter of bed. In any of these preparations, you can soak the denticles for 15 minutes before planting with a prophylactic purpose. Garlic, planted in late August, usually goes from illnesses.

    Pest is often found nematode, occasionally - a pest eating a flower arrow. With shallow planting of garlic, the head may damage the larva of the onion fly. Nematode garlic attracts, so I do not recommend doing joint planting of garlic and strawberries, contrary to generally accepted recommendations. There is no escape from it, except to observe the correct crop rotation. From other pests should be used biologics "Fitoverm" or "Agravertin."

    To improve the planting material, collected and dried bulbs are planted simultaneously with the main garlic. Make a shallow( about 5 cm) groove across the garden with garlic on the very edge. At the bottom of the groove, a layer of sand about 2 cm high is poured, sprinkle the sand with a powder fraction of AVA fertilizer and spread bulbs 4-5 cm apart. Then they are covered with sand and on top of it they slightly bite the furrows with soil. No additional dressings will be required later, but watering in a dry time is necessary.

    So that the shoots of garlic do not kill weeds, the soil is regularly loosened. When in the middle of summer the grown greens begin to turn yellow, the plants must be taken out of the soil, dried as usual and again planted on small denticles small denticles obtained from bulbochek. These denticles are planted separately at the end of the garden with garlic, just like the main garlic, they only plant them to a depth of about 10 cm when planted in August and to a depth of 5-6 cm with a normal planting. Care is the same as on the main plantings. In Italy, digging up the garlic, you will find that instead of the head, the young denticles gave fairly large round bulbs-single-tooth. This is the very healthful planting material that you had to grow for two years. One month in August( or September, depending on when you plant garlic) is planted just like the main garlic, but it is better to note the place of their landing, because in the future you will use as a planting material the large teeth of the heads grown fromsingle-handed. Usually single heads grow heads with four very large teeth.

    There is one interesting point in growing a new planting material. In a year, when garlic grew from bulbock, it can not be excavated, but left in the garden. Make sure that the planting is not flooded with water. In the waterlogged soil left garlic can simply rot. The next year, planting garlic will not give a one-piece, but a whole bush of plants. They should simply be planted according to the scheme 10 x 10 or 15 x 15 cm at the very beginning of summer, and by autumn you will receive a new planting material in the form of garlic heads with small teeth that after digging and drying can be used for new plantings. So you save a whole year.

    You probably noticed that in the spring on the garden where garlic grew, garlic clusters appear. They grew out of those heads that you did not accidentally dug up. Here and seed them immediately in the spring. That is, you can not dig out some of the garlic, but immediately leave it to winter in the ground, and in spring simply plant it on a new garlic prepared for garlic. Garlic tolerates the transplant, you just need to slightly cut the roots and, when planting, make sure that they do not bend upwards. The easiest way to change garlic is not in individual holes, but in solid trenches, the depth of which should be sufficient to accommodate the roots in them. Seedlings are planted approximately according to the scheme of 15x15 or 20x20 cm. The main concern is only that the plantings are not flooded with autumn rains and melt water in the spring. Such garlic from the seedling will have to be fed with organic fertilizers( manure, weed infusion), as soon as the plants take root in a new place( they will have a new leaf).Then, at the moment of appearance of the flower arrow, it is necessary to give top dressing, as for onions, with any complex mineral fertilizer( 3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).

    Spring garlic

    Planting spring garlic is no different from planting winter crops, only planting denticles early in the spring, as soon as the soil ripens for planting. It should not be planted in damp soil, denticles can rot in damp and cold ground. So especially there is no need to rush, though, garlic is cold. Care for spring garlic is also the same as for winter wheat. Pests and diseases are the same for him.

    Dig out spring garlic later than winter, closer to the autumn. But do not leave it in the soil for too long. As soon as the lower leaves begin to turn yellow and dry, immediately dig out, because the head may scatter in the soil into separate teeth. However, with winter garlic this can also happen. You can store spring garlic directly on the kitchen shelf or in the closet. You can pour out the garcia prepared for storage in cloth bags and hang it for storage in the kitchen, you can fold the heads into paper bags( not polyethylene!) And store them open on the inside of the refrigerator door.

    For growing in the room conditions of it is best to use winter varieties Gribovsky, Jubilee, Otradnensky, Dungan, Kharkov 1, Sochi 56. In the garlic varieties on the flower stalk instead of flowers and seeds small bulbs are formed which can be used for reproduction.

    ♦ Accommodation. Planted in autumn in boxes or pots winter varieties of garlic are installed in light cool, unheated rooms. Spring varieties are planted in the spring and kept on windows or balconies at normal temperatures.

    ♦ Planting and care. Garlic for distillation on greens, like all onions, is planted in boxes or pots with separate denticles. The soil for planting garlic should be highly nutritious, with a high content of humus. It is best to use the environmentally friendly "Biohumus" for sale in the shops. The depth of the denticles is 2-3 cm. Garlic is very demanding for soil moisture. Watering is especially necessary for him during the germination of the denticles and in the time of the intensified growth of the leaves. One should adhere to the following rule - it is better to water less often, but abundantly. Garlic is responsive to fertilizers, with a lack of them, the growth and development of the whole plant is inhibited. The garlic head is formed small with a small number of denticles. It is best to introduce a universal granulated dressing for flowers or liquid concentrated fertilizer "Rainbow".

    Cut green garlic leaves with proper care can be done 30-35 days after planting.

    ♦ Pests and diseases are the same as all onion plants.

    ♦ Reproduction - with dice of bulb of garlic, depending on the species by seeds or bulbots.

    Application of

    The garlic leaves are used fresh in salads, like seasoning for meat and fish dishes, in soups. They are served as a separate dish.

    Leaves and denticles of garlic contain a significant amount of essential oils, phytoncides, vitamins and other nutrients. The healing properties of garlic were known since the days of Ancient Greece. The well-known Central Asian scientist Ibn Sina( Avicenna) recommended in the X century the use of garlic from all diseases.

    In modern medicine, garlic is often used for hypertension, atherosclerosis, colds, bronchial asthma. In addition, scientists have proven that phytoncides of garlic kill diphtheria and tubercle bacilli. Garlic is also used as an anthelmintic, especially for children.

    Garlic is also used in horticulture for combating diseases and pests of agricultural plants