  • Pumpkin

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    Pumpkin comes from the arid regions of Central America. Its ancient name is a Turkish turban. Nearest relatives pumpkin - watermelons - originate from the South African Kalahari Desert, melons from Asia. Iran, Afghanistan, zucchini and lagenarii( Vietnamese zucchini), like the pumpkin, came to us from the arid regions of South America. The origin of pumpkin determines their requirements for growth conditions, which means that all these cucumber relatives, unlike the cucumber itself, are drought-resistant, but like the cucumber, heat-loving, light-loving.

    At an early stage of development, it is sometimes necessary to do pollination by hand. To do this in the morning, you need to tear down a male flower( it does not have a small fruit under the flower), cut off the petals and insert it into the female flower. One male flower can pollinate 2-3 female( they have a small fruit under the flower), but it is better to make pollination more than once, and two, and different male flowers. For the best fruit setting, once every 2 weeks, sprinkle pumpkin cultures with gibberellin hormone( preparations "Ovary", "Buton", "Gibbersib"),

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    Seeds of pumpkin preserve germination for 5-7 years, and it is desirable to sow seeds 2-3 years ago,but not fresh, then the plants have more female flowers. This rule does not apply to hybrids, because they already have a predominant female blossoming type.

    General information: pumpkin is an ancient culture originating from the areas of Central America, Persia and Asia Minor. In Russia it was imported only in the XIX century. For cultivation use three kinds of pumpkin - large-fruited, hard-root and nutmeg. Pumpkin can be placed next to the cucumber. Its best predecessors are root crops, onions, cabbage, potatoes. The pumpkin is returned to its former place no earlier than in 4 years.

    Cucurbita sp. L. This is the vegetable that truck farmers could use more widely to prepare a variety of dishes l canning. Abroad, for example in Southern Europe, in Arab countries, in Africa and America, the pumpkin is valued much more than we have. Our pumpkin family is represented by four species, but the common pumpkin is more common( Cucurbita rero L.) and the pumpkin is large or large-bodied( S. maxima Duch.).In warm areas or in greenhouses, the pumpkin phylogenetic( C. ficifolia Bouche) and the more thermophilic muscatine pumpkin( C, moschata Duch.) Begin to be cultivated as a cucumber salad for cucumbers.

    Pumpkin tolerates cold weather better than cucumbers, but loves a sunny place, plenty of nutrients and moisture. Often a pumpkin is grown on compost. It is better to grow it from seedlings, especially in an elevated area. In warm areas the pumpkin is sown in the open ground. Pumpkin should be watered abundantly, at least on weekends. We have the following types: from the creeping varieties "Goliath", the fruits of which reach a mass of 60 kg, they have orange pulp, suitable for making compotes, and "Veltruska obrovska" - less demanding for heat, also suitable for canning compotes.

    Of the bush cultivars, the early cultivar Kveta is grown with greenish-white fruits. The acceptable time for collecting this pumpkin is the time it takes to reach 1-2 kg, although the fruits could still grow. We also grow disc-shaped squash, the fruits of which are still greenish. In gardening, the pumpkin spaghetti, originating from Japan, is becoming increasingly popular. Boiled entirely in salted water( for 30-40 minutes), it dissolves into fibers similar to spaghetti. Pumpkin fruits have a variety of shapes and sizes. They can be round, flat, ovoid, cone-shaped, short and long, dish-like, pear-shaped and turbulent. The surface of the fruit can be smooth, ribbed or bulging. The fruit color is yellow, orange, cream, green. Many of them have dark and light stripes on the surface, some are covered in a grid, others have spots or warts on the surface. Pumpkin flesh is greenish, creamy, yellow and orange. It can be tender and juicy, fibrous or mushy to powdery.

    Pumpkin contains about 90% water, some types and varieties have a great vitamin value. Among the sorghum of pumpkin with orange flesh, varieties with high carotene content( up to 38 mg / o) are found. In white and meat squash, carotene is small. They also contain vitamins B1, and B2, nicotinic, pantothenic acids, little vitamin C - only about 6 mg%.The nutritional value of pumpkin is small, but it is a dietary vegetable, widely used in restrictive diets. You can use not only the fruits of a pumpkin, but even its pleasant flowers. Young pumpkins, like patissons with a diameter of up to 5 cm, are suitable for marinating. You can boil the pumpkin, bake pancakes from it like potato, you can fry in breading, bake, boil soups, compotes, stuff it or bake pies with it. Pumpkin can be marinated in a sweet-sour marinade, like a salad, sweeten, using as a substitute candied lemon. You can use it as a substitute for cucumber in cosmetics.
    Requirements: for the pumpkin lead lighted and well-warmed areas with a southern slope. Most suited for it are sandy loamy, light and medium loamy neutral soils, well seasoned with organic. After harvesting the precursor, the soil is dug to a depth of 28-30 cm and 5-8 kg / m2 of manure, compost or decomposed debris, 25-30 g / m2 of phosphorus fertilizers and 15-20 g / m2 of potassium fertilizers are added.

    Before sowing the soil is again processed to a depth of 12-15 cm and gives a sowing fertilizer consisting of 15-20 g / m2 ammonium sulphate, 10-15 superphosphate and 10-12 g / m2 potassium salt. On poor soils, 2-3 buckets of organic fertilizers, 50 g of superphosphate and 2 cups of ash are added to each well, which mix well with the top layer of the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm.

    Composition: contains a lot of pectin, and yellow and orangeforms are richer in carotene, even than carrots. Of the mineral elements, the pumpkin most of all accumulates potassium, iron, calcium and phosphorus. The sugar content of the fruit reaches 14 %, especially in the south.

    Cultivation: for seeding use seeds heated for 2-3 hours at a temperature of 60 ° C, and then sprouted in wet sawdust or napkin for 2-3 days. To improve the cold resistance, especially muscat gourd, the seeds are quenched. Grow sprouts in greenhouses under the film or on the window in the room. To do this, 15-20 days before landing in the ground, the nosed or germinated seeds are sown in clay pots with a diameter of 14-16 cm, 2/3 filled with soil, consisting of humus.

    Pumpkin is a dioecious, monoecious, cross-pollinated plant. In some cases, manual pollination is required to ensure the production of the crop. To spite this, use a soft, lush tassel carefully along the anthers inside the flower, transferring the pollen to the stigmas of other flowers. You can also carefully approach the flowers to each other and connect their stigma and anthers peat and turf ground( 2: 1: 1).On top, they are covered with a mixture of the same composition, to which add 10-12 grams of wood ash and 5% solution of Mullein( per bucket).Germinate seeds at room temperature, with the emergence of sprouts, it is reduced to 12-14 ° C.Sprinkle the sprouts moderately and infrequently;twice fed with a mixture of organic and mineral fertilizers, spending 1 bucket of water for 1 liter of slurry, 15 grams of ammonium nitrate, 20 grams of double superphosphate, 15 grams of sour-potassium or 50 grams of garden mix. On 1 plant spend 0.3-0.5 liters of solution. Plant seedlings in the phase of 2-3 true leaves.

    In late May-early June, seedlings or seedlings are planted in specially prepared

    . Care: 2-3 days after sowing the pumpkin into the open ground, the wells are watered, sprinkling them after each irrigation with dry soil. When the first real leaves appear, the plants are thinned, leaving 1 large plant in the hole in the large-fruited pumpkin, and 2 in the hard-root and nutmeg-2. Finally, they break through in the phase of 3-4 true leaves.

    After 7-10 days after planting, top dressing with diluted mullein( 1: 10) or slurry( 1: 4) is done at the rate of 2 liters per plant. For fertilizing pumpkins, mineral fertilizers are also used( for 10 liters of water): first - ammonium sulfate( 20-22 g), superphosphate( 60-75 g), potassium salt( 12-15 g);in the second and subsequent - respectively, 30-35, 80-90 and 20-25.First, the fertilizers are introduced into grooves 6-8 cm deep, made from one side of the hole at a distance of 20 cm from the plants, then into grooves 10-12 cm deep at a distance of 40 cm. After fertilization, the furrows are covered with soil. Pumpkin is very responsive to non-root dressings, for which urea is used( 10 g per 10 liters of water) or a mixture of fertilizers( 30 grams of ammonium sulfate, potassium salt and 40 grams of superphosphate).Water the pumpkin regularly and abundantly - no less than 1 bucket of water per adult plant. The first loosening of the soil in the aisles and in the nests is carried out, as soon as the shoots appear, to a depth of 5-6 cm;the second - with the formation of 4-5 real leaves to a depth of 8-10 cm;in the subsequent - approximately in 1,5-2 weeks to a depth of 5-6 cm.

    To accelerate the formation of female flowers, pin the main stem over the 4-5th leaf. This operation is carried out when 5-7 ovaries with a diameter of 15-17 cm appear in the plant in the middle of August. In the future, all newly formed lateral shoots should be removed.

    Lateral shoots, growing from the sinuses of the 1-2 leaves, at a distance of 50-60 cm from the main stem are sprinkled with soil and watered. At the same time, the adventitious roots are formed faster and the fruit is poured. To make the fruits larger and ripen faster, 2-3 fetuses are left on the plants.

    Harvesting: The sign of the maturity of the fruits is the drying and testing of the peduncle, a well-marked pattern of the bark and its hardening. Ripened fruit is cut with the peduncle and removed to a dry cool room( in no case can not carry a pumpkin for the stem).The collection is carried out in dry weather. The fruits intended for long-term storage are dried and heated in the sun for 8-10 days. Store the pumpkin in a ventilated room where there is no direct sunlight, at a temperature of no higher than 10 ° C( preferably 3 ° C) and humidity 60-75 % 9632; Fruits are stacked on the racks in 1 row with the stems upwards so that they do not come in contact.

    Usage: thanks to the harmonious combination of proteins, vitamins, enzymes in the pumpkin, it is easily digested and quickly digested, therefore it serves as a dietary food for children and patients. Use a pumpkin for digestive disorders, the function of the gallbladder. Pumpkin pulp in its raw form acts as a diuretic and laxative, it is recommended to apply it to the skin in inflammatory processes, burns, rash, acne and eczema. Pumpkin juice with honey is used at night as a sedative. Pumpkin seeds are also very nutritious: they contain up to 55% of the most valuable for the body vegetable oil and have a curative effect - they expel ribbon worms.

    Choice of variety

    There is a large selection of varieties and hybrids, it all depends on whether you want to grow a pumpkin giant to hit neighbors or bring it to the exhibition, or you are more comfortable with small pumpkins for one-time use.

    Huge pumpkins( for example, Goliath or Big Moon) weighing from 40 to 60 kg, are usually fodder for livestock, but they can squeeze out the juice, and put the remaining squeezes in small portions in the freezer and use as needed for pancakes. But much less tasty for this is the smaller pumpkin, weighing about 10 kg, not intended for animal feed, such as the well-known Stobuntovaya and Volzhskaya gray.

    Of medium-sized pumpkin( weighing about 5 kg), the most tasty is therapeutic with a high content of carotene and sugars. First, it is stored before the new harvest and at the same time all the vitamins are stored in it. Secondly, it is so tasty that it can be eaten raw, adding to salads or preparing a pumpkin salad with apples. There are good varieties Vitamin and Mozoleevskaya.

    Of pumpkins, it is preferable to grow bush, for example, Cluster Yellow, Cluster Orange, as they do not spread around the site and take up relatively little space. In addition, they are well kept until the spring.

    But if you cut a pumpkin, then it should be used within a week or divided into pieces and frozen in the freezer, because the cut pumpkin is practically not stored even in the refrigerator. If you like to cook porridge porridge, it is better to grow small pumpkins weighing 1 -2 kg, which are easily used for a week, for example, Almond, Estamp red, Cinderella.

    There is an interesting grade of Turkmen muscat gourd Spanish guitar, with a very sweet flesh. Jam and pies with stuffing from this pumpkin resemble apricot to taste. Its elongated form of fruit is more like a zucchini than a pumpkin.

    Altai 47 is one of the fastest-growing varieties( from emergence to ripening 75-85 days).Fruits are hard-rooted, orange-yellow, with brown-yellow stripes, weight 2.5-5 kg. Volga series 92 - large-fruited, medium-ripening. Fruits are light gray, slightly greenish, weighing 8-10 kg, without pattern, under favorable conditions reach 40 kg or more. Pulp is thick, egg-yellow with orange shade, mealy, dense, sweet and tasty.

    Gribovskaya winter - hard, medium-ripening( 125-140 days).Fruits are gray, weight 3.2-4.2 kg. Pulp is thick, bright orange. The variety is mild, well preserved until the new harvest, while its taste qualities improve over time. Very good for recycling.

    Muscat vitamin - late-ripening, with increased content of carotene. Fruits are green with orange or dark orange pattern. The gray raid is well expressed. Fruit weight 4.6-6.8 kg. Flesh reddish and yellow-orange, crispy, tender.

    Almond is hardy, early ripening( 95-110 days).Weight 4-5 kg, flesh yellow with orange tinge, dense, crispy. The hundred-pound is an old Russian large-bodied variety. Late ripening( 110-115 days).Fruits are yellow or orange, but there are gray, white, pink, weighing more than 10 kg. The Ufa is large-fruited, early ripening( 84- 93 days).Fruits weighing 4.2-7 kg, pink or dark orange with gray stripes and spotting.

    Prepare the wells, well watered( 1.5-2 liters).In them must enter freely the pots and place the roots. Long-leaf varieties are placed at a distance of 2 m, bush - 1 - 1.5 m. After planting, the plants are watered abundantly. In the open ground pumpkin is sown about the same time as the cucumber.

    Growing seedlings

    Pumpkin seeds are large, with a dense shell( but there is also a gymnosperm pumpkin).You can soak them in warm water before sowing( at least 20 degrees).As soon as they proklyutsya, immediately sow on the rib in the prepared, moistened soil, zaglubiv at 5-6 cm, compact, cover with a film before emergence. Pumpkin seeds will ascend in a week at a soil temperature of about 20 degrees. If the soil temperature is below 15-16 degrees, the pumpkin will not rise.

    With the appearance of the eyelets, the film needs to be removed. Plants require a lot of light and heat. The best temperature for growth and development of plants is 22-25 degrees. Immediately after unfolding the cotyledonous leaves, the seedlings should be given weekly top dressing, best of all with the "Uniflor-growth" or "Kemira-lux" fertilizer, just like cucumber seedlings.

    If the cotyledon leaves are twisted or there is a "rusty", yellow-brown, spot( bacteriosis), the seedlings must be discarded and discarded, leaving only the best specimens with beautiful, regular shape, cotyledons.

    Watering should be done very mildly and necessarily with warm water, at least 20-25 degrees.

    Transplanting seedlings

    The transplant should be done no later than 20-25 days after emergence. Before transplanting the plants are well watered and planted together with a clod of earth transshipment into the prepared well. Before transplanting the seedlings, you should add a bucket of the manure or compost to the bed, dig it down to a depth of 12-15 cm, make a hole, add 2 cups of ash to it, add 2 tablespoons of ashes.spoons of superphosphate and pour 5-8 liters of water.

    After planting the seedlings, sprinkle the soil around the plant gently to the cotyledonous leaves, lightly watering so that the soil of the bed is connected with the soil of the seedlings( do not crush the planted seedlings).The soil under the plantings should be covered up( you can just cover the soil with a newspaper).Do not water for 2 weeks. Pritenit for 4 - 5 days, covering the seedlings with caps from the newspaper. If your seedling has overgrown and has 3-4 real leaves, then when transplanting, lower the leaf off. If there is cold weather, then cover the planted sprouts with spunbond directly over the newspaper caps.

    Sowing with dry seeds in the soil

    You can sow the pumpkin on a dry seed prepared beforehand, after the threat of spring frost passes. The soil should warm up to 15-16 degrees at a depth of 6-8 cm. In the Northwest, for example, it will be after June. You can sow much earlier, for example, May 10-15, but you must first warm the soil and cover the crops with film. As a heater, you can use an old coat or quilted jacket, a blanket or any unnecessary clothes, possibly non-synthetic. Textile trash is buried under the bed at a depth of 40-50 cm. Top is made of organic soil rich in soil.

    It is possible to dig trenches to the depth of two bayonets of a shovel from autumn and fill them with plant remains, weed-weed, fallen leaves, you can make a small amount of manure. By spring all this mass will settle, we need to add fertile soil to completely fill the trenches. Trenches can be excavated in the spring, but only for one bayonet of the shovel, and fill them with dry hay or leaves completely, from above place the dug from the trench soil, compact, water, cover for 10 days with a film. As soon as the soil warms up to 15-16 degrees, seeds can be sown.

    It's even better to sow a pumpkin on the last year's compost heap located in the sun, making in it grooves the size of a bucket. Pour in the hollows of a half-bucket of the overgrown manure or compost, add 3 tbsp.spoons of azofoski, adding 1 tbsp.spoonful of potassium chloride free fertilizer( or make a glass of ash and 1 tbsp superphosphate), pour out half a bucket of warm water and sow to a depth of 5-6 cm pumpkin seeds - 2 seeds per well. Instead of azofoski, you can put in a hole when planting 1 teaspoon of the AVA fertilizer powder fraction. Cover the whole heap with an old film.

    You can sow very early. In the North-West, for example, it can be done already in the first days of May. The compost pile under the seeds will begin to rot and give heat to the pumpkin roots;the plant will begin to develop rapidly. As soon as the plants grow to the film, cut the holes in it and let them go up, pour the soil to the cotyledonous leaves. If there is still a cold weather( temperature below 16-18 degrees) or there is a threat of nocturnal frosts, we need to put arcs over the plants and cover them with a double spunbond. It is not recommended to cover the arc with a film, as the plants under the film can "burn" with strong daytime heat.

    When planting on a compost pile for the whole summer, no fertilizing or watering will be required, except for a prolonged drought. In this case, water is poured under each plant from the kettle into the hole in the film. The film is not removed from the pile all summer. With this method of cultivation, the pumpkin will not give you any trouble. When planting a pumpkin you need a fairly large area of ​​food - the distance between plants is 1.2-1.5 m.

    There is an interesting way to grow pumpkins. In winter, the skin of pumpkins and zucchini, as well as skins from bananas and rind of vegetables and fruits, potato purification is dried on batteries of steam heating and gradually folded into open paper bags and stored until spring. In the early spring, as soon as the soil is thawed out on the sunny, elevated areas on the site, shallow shallow pits of 30x30x30 cm are dug out and all these dried up cleanings are poured there. The dry soil( from a layer of 15-20 cm) prepared from autumn is poured from above and covered with a black film. In the first days of May, the film is removed and planted seeds( or seedlings) of pumpkins and zucchini. Landings are covered with double lutrasil. On top of the film shelter. All the shelters are removed as soon as the spring frosts end. No additional fertilizing and watering plants is required all summer.

    Addition and watering of plants

    Pumpkin is quite voracious, it has a balance of N + P + K = 42, and the ratio between the basic elements of nutrition N;R: K is 29: 14: 57, that is, the pumpkin is a potassium-loving plant, besides it takes out quite a lot of minerals from the soil( 42 g per meter per season).Therefore, if you grow a pumpkin not on a compost pile, it should be fed regularly and watered all summer. You can follow the generally accepted recommendations, feeding a pumpkin azofovskoy: 2-3 tbsp.

    spoons after the 2-3th present sheet, 3 tbsp.spoons before flowering, 4 tbsp.spoons at the moment of fruiting, dissolving each time the fertilizer in water and adding 1 tbsp.spoon of potassium fertilizer. Under each bush pour on 1 liter of solution after watering. It is necessary to alternate mineral fertilizing and organic, introducing 1 liter of slurry, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, or bird droppings( 1:20).You can use a weed infusion, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5( 1 liter per plant).

    You can "pump" the pumpkin constantly, applying a weak solution of mineral fertilizer, added to the infusion of weeds or manure. To do this, take 3 tbsp.spoons azofoski and 1 tbsp.a spoonful of potassium per 10 liters of weed infusion, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5, or 1 liter of slurry diluted with 9 liters of water;add to the dressing 2 tsp "Uniflor-micro" and feed weekly plants, pouring half a liter of fertilizing under the root of each plant. Instead, you can add a glass of ash and 2 teaspoons of "Uniflor-micro" microelements to the manure solution( 1: 10).

    You can use AVA fertilizer. As already mentioned above, it is made directly when planting the plant in the hole for 1 tsp. You can add 1 tbsp.a spoonful of ash and superphosphate, if the soils are very poor, and more than the entire season, do not give pumpkin mineral dressings. But, since the pumpkin builds up a large green mass in the initial period of growth, it is necessary to give it organic top dressing constantly until the fruits grow.

    In the pumpkin's moisture, the demand is small. Watering should be done sparingly, but abundant, so that moisture penetrates to a depth of 40 cm, where the main mass of sucking roots lies. If you plant a pumpkin under the film on a compost heap and you will not film the whole summer, then watering is generally not required, except for a short period when the fruits begin to grow intensively. As soon as their growth stops, all fertilizing and watering( especially watering) should be stopped. If at this moment there are long rains, then it is necessary to put a film tunnel above the pumpkins( if the soil under the pumpkin is not covered with a film), otherwise in the juice of the fruit juice will accumulate excess moisture and they will not be stored.

    Forming plants

    Climbing gourds can produce whips for 3-5 m in length. Their growth should be limited. As soon as the fruit is fastened and begins to grow intensively, it is necessary to count 5-6 leaves after it, leave them, and all the subsequent ones to tear off. You do not need to leave more than 2-3 weaves on the plant, then the pumpkin will grow 2-3 large fetuses. But if you want to grow a very large pumpkin, then you should leave only one whip and only one fruit.

    On small garden plots it is more convenient to grow shrub pumpkins that do not give lateral shoots, and therefore take up less space. For their cultivation, an area of ​​1 m2 is sufficient. They should also not leave more than 1 -2 pumpkins. Of course, for home use is more convenient small( weighing about 1 kg) pumpkin, now quite a few relevant varieties.

    Large pumpkins( weighing up to 5-7 kg) are convenient for use for autumn harvesting( for jam or vegetable eggs, for freezing by pieces).Pumpkin-giants weighing more than 15-20 kg are inconvenient for transportation and storage, besides, they, as a rule, are fodder.

    Under the garnished fruit of the pumpkin, so that they do not rot, it is necessary to put a plank. When harvesting the berry( the fruit of the pumpkin - berry) must be cut so that it has a tail of about 5 cm long, then it is better kept.

    Pumpkin is well kept in the room until the very spring.

    Diseases and problems

    There are not many diseases in pumpkin. The main one is powdery mildew, which manifests itself in the form of a grayish-white coating primarily on the leaves. As a rule, the disease occurs with a sharp change in temperature over a long period.

    Sometimes pumpkins become infected with viral diseases, in which the leaves become mosaic. The disease usually occurs during periods of prolonged cooling.

    Ascochitis is a disease that manifests itself in the blackening of the stem and leaves. Gradual yellowing of the leaves causes bacteriosis.

    With all diseases, except viral, Bacterium-predator Bacillus Subtilis, which is contained in the "Phytosporin", perfectly copes. At occurrence of the first signs of disease it is necessary to water at once a solution of this preparation entirely all bush. Of course, you can also use "Zircon" for sprinkling on leaves.

    Of the pests, the main ones are slugs that eat large holes in leaves, sometimes aphids attack. The measures to combat them have already been discussed above.

    There are varieties of pumpkins and zucchini, which on the leaves can be seen gray mesh coating like wax plaque on the plum fruit. This is not a disease, but a peculiarity of the variety.

    Figollipeda pumpkin

    Its seeds are often sold to gullible gardeners in the guise of a pumpkin-watermelon or pumpkin-melon, but in fact it is just an inedible figovilna pumpkin from Peru.

    Generally speaking, the sale of seeds of such plants is not a very honest business, designed for the curiosity of amateur gardeners and their ignorance. If you are interested to see what will grow out of these seeds, then try, maybe you will like something. If you value time and your work or are experiencing financial difficulties, then you should not peck at such proposals. It is better to grow zoned for your region varieties of well-known crops.

    Recipes from pumpkin

    Pumpkin contains a large number of pectins that contribute to the assimilation of food, minerals, of which selenium is particularly valuable( it has antitumor properties).In the flesh of fruits contains carbohydrates, carotene and vitamins, especially a lot of B vitamins. Therefore, a pumpkin can be considered an anti-stress plant.

    It is indispensable in dietary and therapeutic nutrition, since it removes toxins from the body, improves salt metabolism, it is recommended by doctors for atherosclerosis, heart disease, liver, gallbladder, kidney. From the pulp pulp, a substance that suppresses the growth of a tubercle bacillus is isolated.

    Especially useful are raw pulp and juice. Raw pumpkin seeds have long been used as anthelmintic against ascarids and other roundworms. A piece of pumpkin is useful to wipe the skin of the face, especially prone to the formation of acne, as well as neck, because the pumpkin has a rejuvenating and therapeutic effect on the skin. From a pumpkin you can cook a variety of delicious, healthy and varied dishes.

    Pumpkin porridge

    500 g pumpkin( about 4 cups of diced cubes), 1 cup millet and 3 cups milk, salt and sugar to taste.

    Slice the pumpkin peel, cut into small cubes, pour milk and boil for 12-15 minutes.

    Carefully, in several waters, wash the millet and add to the pumpkin.

    Salt to taste, add sugar and cook, stirring, so that the porridge is not burnt, until thickened for about 20 minutes.

    Pumpkin with yoghurt

    The same amount of pumpkin, plums( or prunes), apples and raisins, a pinch of cinnamon, sugar to taste, yogurt or kefir for salad dressing.

    Pumpkin cut into small cubes and let in a small amount of water, discarded in a colander. Wash and scald raisins and prunes( or wash the plum).

    Apples and other ingredients to grind, add to the pumpkin. Add cinnamon and sugar, mix, season with yogurt or yoghurt.

    Pumpkin with tomatoes

    200 g pumpkin, 3 red tomatoes, 1 onion, salt, mayonnaise for flavoring to taste, parsley and dill greens.

    Grate pumpkin on a large grater, cut onions with onion rings, thin tomato slices. Finely chop the greens. Pumpkin, tomatoes and onion mix, season with mayonnaise, if necessary - salt to taste. Decorate with greens on top.

    Pumpkin with horseradish

    200 g of pumpkin, 1 tbsp.spoon of grated horseradish, leeks( can be replaced with onions) and a bunch of green onions, mayonnaise for refueling.

    Pumpkin pumpkin, finely chop the onions, mix everything, adding horseradish. Chop the onion finely.

    Season with mayonnaise and decorate with green onions.

    Soup on milk

    750 g of pumpkin, 0.5 cups of milk, 2 tbsp.spoons of butter, a peel of one lemon.

    Cut the pumpkin into slices and boil in a small amount of water until ready, wipe through a sieve. Grate on a fine grater rind with a lemon, pour it into a pumpkin. Add milk, butter, salt to taste and boil for several minutes.

    Pumpkin with meat

    400 g of pork or lamb, 600 g of pumpkin, head of onions, bay leaf, 1/4 teaspoon of cumin seeds, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of flour and a little fat, parsley and salt to taste.

    Boil meat in a small amount of salted water with chopped onion, bay leaf and cumin. Cut the pumpkin into cubes. Drain part of the meat broth and cook the pumpkin cubes in it until ready. Fry the flour on fat and dilute it with a small amount of meat broth - you will get a sauce. Finished meat to take out, cut into slices. Put the pumpkin on a dish, put the pieces of meat on top and pour the prepared sauce.

    Finely chop parsley and sprinkle on top.

    Pumpkin with cabbage

    500 g pumpkin, 300 grams of sauerkraut, 1 onion, 2 cups apple juice, 2 cloves, 50 grams of bacon, sugar, salt and pepper to taste.

    Finely chop the fat, melt. At this time, chop the onion and add to the fat. Add cabbage to the bacon. All to extinguish ju-15 minutes.

    Crush cloves, add to cabbage, stir. Sliced ​​pumpkin, add to cabbage. Pour the apple juice, add sugar, salt and pepper to taste, stew after cooking.

    Salad with honey

    Grated pumpkin, apple and carrot - 1 glass, spoon of honey, sour cream to taste.

    Grate pumpkin, apple and carrots on a large grater, add a spoonful of honey, season with sour cream and mix everything.

    Fruit salad

    50 g of pumpkin, 50 g of peaches, 40 g of apples, sugar, citric acid, sour cream for refueling.

    All chopped, mixed and seasoned with sugar, citric acid and sour cream.

    Pumpkin souffle

    1 kg of pumpkin, 180 g of semolina, 120 g of flour, 9 raw eggs, 0.5 liters of milk, salt, sugar to taste, 2-3 cc spoons of grated cheese.

    Pumpkin cut into cubes and boil in milk, remove, rub through a sieve. In the remainder of milk boil semolina, continuously stirring, about 10-12 minutes.

    Combine semolina porridge and mashed gourd, stir well. Separate yolks from proteins. Prepare the sauce: melt the butter, add to it, stirring, flour( do not fry it!), Pour in the milk, stirring thoroughly.

    Pour the sauce into the soufflé.Add yolks, sugar, salt to taste and mix thoroughly. Protein well beat up and gently enter into a cooled souffle.

    Fry the frying pan with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and gently transfer the souffle into it. Melt the butter, pour on the souffle. Grate cheese and sprinkle on top. Bake in oven until browned.

    Pumpkin baked in oven

    With a small pumpkin cut off the "lid", take out the seeds with the core, without removing the peel. Fill the inside with peeled and sliced ​​bananas and peeled and peeled, cut into pieces of apples.

    Cover with a "lid" and put in a small fire for about 40-60 minutes. Remove from the oven, add sugar inside, mix and again put in the oven for 15 minutes.

    Pumpkin blank for the winter

    500 g pumpkin, 100 g sweet pepper, 1 large onion, 2 tbsp.tablespoons vegetable oil, 2 tbsp.spoons of 5% vinegar.

    Pumpkin to peel, cut into pieces and put out in its own juice with sliced ​​strips of sweet pepper.

    Finely chop the onion and fry it. Mix the pumpkin and fried onions, add the vinegar, again bring to a boil.

    Quickly fold the finished hot mixture into sterile jars, roll it up, turn it over the lid, allow it to cool slowly under the blanket.

    Store in refrigerator.

    Use as an additive to garnish from boiled rice, adding sour cream and chopped dill.

    Pumpkin pickled

    650 g of pumpkin, 150 g of sugar, 200 ml of water, 2 tbsp.spoons of 9% vinegar( or 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid), 3-4 pcs.cloves, 1/4 tsp. cinnamon.

    Wash the pumpkin, cut into cubes, lower for 3-4 minutes in boiling water, then for 2-3 minutes - into a cold one. Put the pumpkin in a liter jar, add cinnamon and cloves.

    Boil marinade( 200 ml of water with 150 g of sugar boil y minutes), remove from heat, add vinegar or citric acid, stir and pour pumpkin, roll.

    Turn over and cover under a blanket.

    Store in a cool place.

    Pumpkin candies