  • Treatment of diphtheria with folk remedies and methods

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    Diphtheria begins with a sore throat, then fever, swollen the cervical glands. In the throat, on the small tongue and at the sides of it, on the arches and back of the pharynx appear films of yellow-gray color, arranged in groups. With a severe form of the disease, the films penetrate the entire larynx and even into the nose, from which the fetid sour begins to flow. They are rarely recovered from a severe form, and if the child is saved, then subsequently suffers from any complications: paralysis of the limbs, leakage from the ear, deafness.

    As soon as a suspected diphtheria appears, you should immediately go to a doctor and put the patient in a hospital to inject him with antidiphtheritic serum. If this is impossible for some reason, then it is up to you to take such measures yourself.

    Give the patient a laxative. Then rinse your throat with a strong solution of table salt or strong vinegar, which helps remove the films. Do not try to lubricate the throat yourself inside, because when pressing on the raids you can easily put pus from them into open wounds and thereby infect the blood. Give a sulfur color to 1/4 teaspoon per day.

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    On the neck put cold compresses, replacing them. In case of difficulty swallowing give to swallow ice.

    If the cervical glands are swollen, do not put cold compresses on the neck, but lubricate them with ichthyol ointment( or at least iodide).When penetrating into the nose, douche it with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, putting a teaspoon of peroxide on a glass of water.

    When the raids come down, you have to switch to a throat rinse with hydrogen peroxide or lime water. It helps to destroy raids and heal lemon wedges - drink juice or eat slices with honey( without peel).

    To prevent paralysis of the heart, the patient should remain in bed for at least three weeks, as long as his pulse is below 60. During the illness, follow the milk diet, then different soups, jelly, and to reinforce the strength to give wine and port.

    Folk remedies for diphtheria. Cover the throat with fresh cabbage leaves and tie, replacing the leaves as soon as they warm up. In this case, the disease is affected not only by cooling, but also by the medicinal properties of the cabbage itself. The use of this remedy is more effective than cold compresses from water, as practice has shown.

    . Infusion of herbs is taken with diphtheria. Preparation of the infusion: 1,5 teaspoons of herbs pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist 2 hours and strain. Drink according to 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

    In folk medicine, the ability of silver to kill bacteria is used. Silver water is produced by the electrolytic method. To make silver water at home, it is enough to have a battery or a battery giving a direct current of 3-12 V. The piece of silver is connected by a wire to the positive pole of the current source and immersed in a glass of water. To the other, negative pole of the voltage source, connect the same conductor, the end of which is lowered into the water at some distance from the silver. The time of preparation of silver water varies from 15 to 60 minutes.depending on the specific sources of current and silver products.

    With diphtheria, a solution of silver with a concentration of 10-20 mg / l in 1 tablespoon every 4 hours is taken inside, and also used as a warm rinse.

    At the beginning of the disease, diphtheria is helped by purified kerosene. Wrap the wool on the wand, dipped in kerosene and lubricate the inside of the sore throat and especially the raids on it. Do the procedure 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening. You can mix kerosene in half with vegetable oil.

    Take 1 glass of lemon juice, and warm it up with a small sip. The second glass gargle every half hour. In the squeezes pour one a glass of alcohol, apply a compress on the throat. The disease is cured in 3 days.

    Russian healer PM Kurennoye recommends treating diphtheria with such a folk remedy.

    Folk remedy for sore throat, diphtheria and scarlet fever

    These diseases are real scourges of humanity. Their victims are mainly children, but adults are no exception for them.

    The most dangerous of these diseases, it seems, is now the so-called malignant angina, against which as yet no effective remedy has been found.(Official medicine, at least, so believes).As is known, diphtheria and scarlet fever are successfully treated with serums.

    But against these diseases there is a simple remedy that has been used in the national strata of Russia from time immemorial, and perhaps in other countries. This means - a thirty percent solution of citric acid.

    This solution needs to gargle. To do this, you need to keep your head thrown back and exhale the air so that the solution bubbles in your mouth. Rinse every hour during the day. This solution perfectly helps with any diseases of the throat, if these diseases are trapped in their initial stage.

    In the absence of such a solution, you can take two or three slices of lemon, at first cleaning them from the peel, and one by one to take in your mouth and keep, trying to slice the lemon was near the throat. It should be sucked, these slices, and then swallow them. So you need to act every hour until the patient feels relief. This remedy is effective at the very beginning of the disease, but if it is not captured immediately, then the lemon is already useless and it is necessary to use citric acid.