  • Treatment of folk remedies

    Stretching is a minor trauma, which we can fully cure.

    Symptoms: stretching is characterized by severe pain. The joint swells, possibly creating a significant bruise. When stretching, accompanied by rupture of ligaments, pain, swelling and bruising are formed immediately after the injury. If a rupture of ligaments did not occur, then all this appears the next day.

    What's going on? Stretching occurs when two forces act simultaneously on the ligament tissue in mutually opposite directions. Trauma occurs as a result of an awkward movement that goes beyond the usual for this joint. Sometimes the stretching is accompanied by a partial, and in the most severe cases, a complete rupture of the ligaments, then at the moment of trauma a crunch is heard.

    What should I do? First of all, immediately after getting the injury, carefully inspect the damaged area to make sure there is no fracture, a crack in the bone or a dislocation.

    If, at the slightest attempt to move a damaged limb, severe pain occurs and the bones in the joint region are displaced inward or outward by more than a centimeter, it is possible that a fracture or dislocation of the joint occurred at this site, and an urgent medical intervention by the trauma doctor for the finaldiagnosis and further assistance.

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    With less serious consequences of injury, there is the possibility of self-treatment or, at least, relief of suffering, although healing of ligaments and complete restoration of movements in the joint is a long process.

    Immediately after the injury, cold should be applied to the affected area to relieve inflammation and reduce pain. To do this, any capacity with ice, a bottle, cellophane bag or hot water bottle with cold water, just a rag soaked in cold water, will do. Then you need to bandage the damaged joint with an elastic bandage, fix it and limit the mobility, and do not remove the bandage for 2-3 days. All this time, it is impossible to tolerate any loads on the injured limb. If after 3 days you remove the bandage and find that the pain has not yet passed, apply the bandage for a few more days. You can complete the bandaging with warming compresses from onion gruel or tie to the diseased joint the cut and mashed leaves of aloe or washed in cold water and mashed cabbage leaves.

    After the pain has passed, it is necessary to limit the load on the injured limb for another couple of weeks.

    If pain and swelling do not go away even a week after getting injured, it is necessary to consult a trauma doctor.

    Warning! Children, as a rule, do not have sprains. At an amplitude of movements in the joint exceeding the permissible limits, a bone fracture occurs.

    If your child has stretched an ankle, let him lie down for half an hour with his foot raised on the pillow. This minimizes internal bleeding and swelling. If the leg swells, you need to see a doctor, because a fracture or fracture of the bone is possible.

    When stretching the knee, you should always consult a doctor who will determine the treatment. If you do not heal the damaged cartilage in time, it will affect many years. If the child falls on the wrist and pain persists, when he moves his hand or when it is still, you need to suspect a crack, even if there is neither curvature nor a tumor.

    Therefore, with any stretching that continues to cause pain, you should consult your doctor. Not only because of fear of cracks, but also because with most stretches the child feels better with a properly laid tire or bandage. With many stretches and cracks the first hour pain is not felt, but then it becomes stronger.

    If elongation occurs in the elbow area, you should remember the PCP rule - rest, cold, protection.

    Immobilize your hand and apply a cold compress to your elbow for a minimum of 30 minutes. If by the end of this time the pain has passed, and the tumor has not appeared, the compress can be removed.

    To ensure peace of hand with dislocations of the shoulder or elbow, arrange it for a bandage, and if a wrist injury requires a langet. This will allow the child to move without harming the injured place.

    Cold compress should be applied for half an hour every fifteen minutes. If a tumor appears, continue this procedure for eight hours.

    After 24 hours, make a hot compress.

    Injured hand can be started to move also through

    24 hours. The normal state comes in 72 hours, otherwise seek medical help from a doctor.

    Complete recovery will occur in 4-6 weeks. During this time, the child should avoid those activities in which repeated injuries of the same place are possible.

    The doctor will carefully examine the injured place. If necessary, he will make an X-ray.

    If the picture shows a fracture of the bone, the specialist will impose a plaster bandage.

    The dislocated elbow of the doctor will need to be corrected, and then he will give instructions to keep the injured arm on the bandage. Also, if necessary, the doctor will recommend painkillers.

    Sprains and ligament ruptures occur, as a rule, with sudden movements in the joint, exceeding its physiological volume. Characterized by the appearance of sharp pains, the rapid development of edema in the area of ​​trauma and a significant violation of the function of the joint.

    First aid in stretching is the same as with bruises. Hospitalization in the hospital is usually not required, the patient is sent( transported by car) to the emergency room.

    Recipes. Traditional medicine recommends for the treatment of stretching hot milk compresses, hot baths with infusion of eucalyptus and sage, and also rubbing with lavender oil.

    Rinse the affected areas with warmed wood( olive) oil, and then compress from pure bran steamed in wine.

    Repeat the procedure for 10 -15 days and the disease will pass.

    Helps also rubbing with the consumption of fish oil.

    When walking with a foot, at first no pain is usually felt, although there was an extension of the lateral ligaments at the ankle. Only an hour or two at the ankle foot begins to swell, ache, often a person has a fever, the temperature rises. To the disease is not delayed, it is necessary at once, as soon as the leg has turned up, without waiting for the appearance of a tumor and pains, to lower it for half an hour into very hot water and take aspirin. So you can bring the stretched ligaments to the normal state. But, in order to avoid repeated stretching( which easily happens, if the treatment is not completed), it is necessary to at least a week to do foot massage at the ankle for 15 minutes every day, after which the leg should be bandaged and walk less. In addition, at night put a warming compress of vodka or water in half with alcohol. If the ligaments are not cured, they will remain weak, the leg will be easily tucked, the so-called habitual stretching will result.

    Bumps, bruises, abrasions, wounds that can lead to severe inflammation and the formation of abscesses.

    Tips for preventing them:

    1. Stir 300 g alcohol( 40 °) and 30 g camphor, moisten with cotton wool, apply to a sore spot for 5-5 days. Change the lotion three times a day so that the wound does not get stung,

    2. Pulverize 5-6 heads of onions, add a spoon of rock salt, apply a slurry on a rag, apply to a sore spot. Change the compress three times a day. Repeat the procedure for 7-8 days.

    3. In summertime it is possible to make compresses from the crushed raw foliage of elderberry. Change the bandage three times a day. Continue the procedure until complete recovery.

    Usually, when the ligaments are stretched, a tight bandage is applied to the damaged joint. After removing the bandage at night, compresses and lotions using vodka infusions of medicinal herbs can be used to relieve pain and quickly resolve the swelling.

    1. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 100 g of birch buds, 50 grams of hop cones and althea root.

    Method of preparation. Mix the herbs, chop and fill with vodka. Insist 4 days, then strain.

    Method of use. Apply compresses to damaged areas. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

    2. Requires: 400 grams of vodka, 100 grams of chamomile flowers, 50 g of sweet clover grass, 30 g of althea root.

    Method of preparation. Herbs fill with vodka. Insist 3 days.

    How to use. Make lotions every night for 2 weeks.

    3. Requires: 1/2 liter of vodka, 50 grams of althea root and sweet clover grass, 100 grams of mallow flowers and flax seeds.

    Method of preparation. Pour the mixture with vodka. Insist 2 days.

    How to use. Do the lotions. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

    4. Requires: 400 grams of vodka, 100 grams of althea leaves, 50 grams of lime bark and chamomile flowers.

    Method of preparation. Mixture of herbs pour vodka, insist 3 days.

    How to use. For compresses and wraps. Repeat the procedure for 3 weeks.

    5. Requires: 300 grams of vodka, 50 grams of willow and linden bark flowers, 30 grams of anise seeds and leaves of coltsfoot.

    Method of preparation. Pour a mixture of herbs into vodka. Insist 2 days. Strain.

    How to use. This poultice on a sore joint. Do poultices for 3-4 weeks.

    6. Requires: 1/2 liter of vodka, 50 grams of Leaf of Labrador tea and St. John's Wort, 2 tbsp.l.juice of aloe.

    Method of preparation. Leaves of wild rosemary and St. John's wort pour vodka, add the juice of aloe. Insist 4 days.

    How to use. For compresses and wraps of a sick joint. The course of treatment is 4 weeks.