  • Oats useful properties

    Oats sowing is a herbaceous plant 60-100 cm high. Annual herbaceous plant with a bearded root. Stem is rounded hollow, up to 1 m high - of straw, erect, hollow, with swollen, dense knots. The leaves are roughened, linear-lanceolate, with long vagina embracing internodes. The flowers are green with long awns, collected in two-flowered spikelets, which in turn form sprawling panicles. Flowers are bisexual, small, dressed with scales, collected in spikelets on long peduncles, located in sprawling panicles. Blossoms in June-July. The roots are adnexous, fibrous. Fruit - grain - an oblong grain with a groove and a tightly fitting pleated hymen.

    Medicinal raw materials are cereals and flour of oats, as well as straw. Grains contain 44% starch, 13% protein substance, in addition there is gum, sugar, fat, mineral salts( phosphoric, calcium, etc.), vitamins B1, B2, A. How to use oats for the treatment of various diseases, see here.

    Oat seeds contain up to 60% starch, about 16% proteinaceous substances, fats( 9%), enzymes and B vitamins.

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    In official medicine, oats are not used. In folk medicine it is used as an enveloping agent for diseases of the stomach and intestines, intestinal atony, viral hepatitis, iron deficiency anemia and heart rhythm disturbances.

    Oatmeal is prepared from oatmeal, which is considered a good dietary for convalescents and as an enveloping agent for gastrointestinal diseases accompanied by diarrhea, in these cases it is recommended to use decoctions of oatmeal.

    In folk medicine, oatmeal straw is prepared with decoctions and tea, which are used as a diaphoretic, diuretic, carminative and antipyretic agents, in addition, the broth of straw is consumed and externally. Oat groats soup is a useful diet dish, especially for children with scrofula. When detaining urine from children it is useful to give them an infusion of oatmeal on the water.

    Decoction of grain with honey is an excellent refreshing and nutritious remedy for people who have weakened after debilitating illnesses. The dietary oat soup mentioned above is recommended even with pulmonary tuberculosis as a strengthening agent.

    A decoction of straw is used, as well as from cereals inside with edema of kidney origin, various gastrointestinal diseases in children.

    For rickets and scrofula in children, baths are recommended from the decoction of oat straw. When sweaty feet make a bath for feet from a strong broth of oat straw with the addition of decoction from the oak bark. With renal stone disease, hot compresses are recommended from strong decoction to the lumbar region as a means to facilitate the passage of stones.

    Alcoholic tincture of green plants is recommended to use as a strengthening, tonic in case of fatigue, poor appetite, insomnia, to strengthen the nervous system.

    In folk medicine, infusion of oats is used as a choleretic agent.

    Broth 1: 30-40 grams of chopped straw per 1 liter of water;Drink as a tea( or spoons) as a diaphoretic, diuretic, carminative, antipyretic, etc.

    Broth 2: 1 cup of oats brew 1 liter of water and puff until evaporated 1/4 of the taken liquid. Take 2 glasses 3-4 times a day as choleretic;or 2 cups of oats brew 1 liter of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, strain and take in a cooled form half a cup 3 times a day( choleretic).

    Broth cereals: 20 g per 400 ml, or 1 tbsp.a spoonful of oats into 2 cups of water, boil for a long time.

    Broth of oats with milk and honey: 1 cup of oats or oatmeal for 5 glasses of water, evaporate to half, to the density of the liquid jelly. Strain and pour into the broth an equal amount of milk( about 2 cups), boil again. In the liquid thus obtained, add 4 teaspoons of honey( to taste) and boil again. The resulting pleasant and caloric drink should be consumed in a non-heated or heated form during the day or in 3 divided doses, and a decoction of cereals should be drunk as a tea.

    Decoction of straw - externally: 20 g per 200 ml or 300 ml per bucket of water.

    Oatmeal. Oatmeal is soaked for the night, the infusion is drained and brewed in the morning - a kissel is obtained. From the remaining soaked cereals boil the porridge.

    Tea and decoction of oat straw are used by the people as a diaphoretic, carminative and diuretic. Decoction is also used in the dropsy of the abdomen, which has arisen in diseases of the kidneys, and as an antipyretic.

    Broth: 30-40 g of shallow straw per 1 liter of water - with mental fatigue and to strengthen the nervous system.

    Oats are also used as a restorative for prolonged diseases, tuberculosis, and scrofula. Infusion and decoctions of grain of oats reduce the sugar content in the blood in patients with diabetes mellitus. Tincture of dried green grass is considered a good soothing, helps with insomnia, fever.

    As a source of large amounts of diabetic fiber, oats are good at lowering cholesterol in the blood, eliminating constipation, and facilitating bowel movements. This is very important for the elderly and obese people. Oatmeal is indicated for people with diabetes: with regular intake of oatmeal, the body's need for insulin is significantly reduced.

    Some phytotherapeutists find it expedient to use oats preparations as a diuretic for edema of kidney origin.

    Outwardly oats decoction in folk medicine is used for baths, lotions for rheumatism, frostbite, skin diseases. Hot compresses from steamed oats, laid on the kidneys, facilitate the passage of stones in kidney stones.

    German priest and healer S. Kneipp wrote about the healing properties of oats: "Long-term boiling extracts from the oats the healing power contained in it. Such a nourishing, refreshing drink with an internal heat is a real joy for the convalescent, and at the same time an excellent nutrient. It is prepared very simply. A glass of oats is washed 6-8 times with fresh water, and then boiled in 2 glasses of water until it is half boiled. To the cast decoction add two spoons of honey and this mixture is boiled for a few more minutes. "

    TENTAL FOR RECEPTION INSIDE: 3 tbsp.l.cut oat straw into 2 cups of boiling water. Infuse 3 hours in the oven, drain. Take 0.6 glasses three times a day.

    PRIMARY FOR BATH: 0.5 kg of chopped straw to boil in 2 liters of water for 20 minutes over low heat in a well-sealed vessel. Strain, pour into the tub.

    TASTE: crushed grain pour alcohol with a strength of 70 ° at a rate of 1: 5.Infuse 14 days in a warm place, drain. Take 20-30 drops three times a day.

    MULTIPLE REFILL: 100 grams of cereals or cereal soak for a few hours in 1 liter of cold water, cook until thickened with sour cream. Drink instead of water.

    As a soothing means to drink tincture from oats for 30 drops 2-3 times a day.

    For depleted patients, a good fortifying agent is a decoction of oatmeal with honey. Drink 1 glass 2 times a day.

    When intestinal disorders in children are recommended to give them oatmeal.

    Porridge of oatmeal or oat flakes is very useful for patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    With gout and joint diseases, folk medicine recommends drinking a decoction of 40 grams of oats per 0.5 liters of water. Boil for 15 minutes over low heat, drain. Drink 1 glass 2-3 times a day.

    A strong broth of oat straw with an equal amount of chopped oak bark is a good remedy for sweating.

    In Indian medicine, it is recommended to use a decoction of young green oat plants in order to get rid of the passion for nicotine or drugs. Drink 1 glass three times a day for a month.

    Broth from oat straw for baths with rheumatism: 1 kg of oat straw cook 30 minutes in 3 liters of water. Strain and pour into the tub.

    Broth from oat straw for foot baths with sweating feet: 300 g of oat straw on a bucket of water, boil 40 minutes with 300 g of crushed oak bark. Strain.

    When preparing decoctions or infusions of oat flakes, it is recommended to soak them for the night in cold water, and in the morning to cook.

    Decoction of oatmeal with honey is recommended to take when the nervous system is exhausted.

    About The ovarian creature is used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and also as an expectorant for diseases of the respiratory system.

    Dosage form: the grain of oats is boiled for about 1.5 h, the mucus formed is taken at 1 tbsp.l.before meals 3-4 times a day.

    When insomnia take 1 tbsp.l.grains of rye and oats and cook them in 3 glasses of water until they burst. Strain. Drink during the day.

    In folk medicine, infusion of green oat kernels is recommended as a choleretic agent for jaundice. Drink 1 glass 2-3 times a day.

    Infusion of finely chopped straw oats( 40 grams per 1 liter of boiling water) is recommended as a diuretic. Drink 1 glass three times a day.

    If swelling of the feet, prepare a decoction of 2 tbsp.l.grains of oats, 2 tbsp.l.nettle nettle and 0.5 lemon without grains. Cook 20 minutes in 0.5 liters of water, cool, drain. Drink during the day instead of water.

    For angina and other inflammatory diseases of the throat, it is recommended to prepare the following composition.

    Oats( decoction of peeled grains) - 0,5 glasses

    Mother-and-stepmother( decoction of leaves) - 1 glass

    Broth of peeled oat grains( based on 1 glass of grain per 1 liter of water) mixed with decoction of leaves of mother-and-stepmotheror sage( based on 1 tablespoon of leaves per 1 glass of water).Use the mixture for regular gargling.

    For asthenic conditions, baths and douches of the following composition are recommended.

    Oats( straw) -Z kg

    Mint( leaves) - 3 handfuls

    Oat crushed, mixed with mint, pour 10 l of water, boil for 30 minutes, wrap and insist hour. Drain, use for baths and pouring.

    For ingestion in asthenic conditions, it is recommended to prepare the following tincture

    Tincture of seeds of sprouted oats -100 ml

    Tincture of motherwort grass - 70 ml

    Eleutherococcus rootstock tincture - 250 ml

    Mix the vodka liqueurs( 1:10) seed of sprouted oats, grasspustyrus, rhizomes of Eleutherococcus.

    Take with asthenia in old age for 30-40 drops 2 times a day - in the morning and at lunch 30 minutes before eating.

    For atherosclerosis, the following remedy is recommended.

    Oats( cereals) - 1 glass

    Milk - 2 cups

    Pour oatmeal in 1 liter of boiling water to half the volume, drain, add milk.

    Take 1 glass 3 times daily before meals.

    Protein in the urine of pregnant women

    It is recommended to make compresses and baths of oat straw.

    Prepare a decoction of oat straw.

    2 times a day( in the morning and before dinner) put on the abdominal cavity compress, moistened in a warm broth( 36 ° C) of oat straw for 2-3 hours.

    Warm baths of oat straw( 36 ° C) are useful for up to 25 minutes, followed by repetition of the compress or warm wrapping.

    For normalization of sleep, it is recommended to prepare the tincture of oats.

    Oats( green tops) - 100 g

    Vodka - 0,5 l

    Shredded green tops of oats pour vodka, insist in a dark place for 3 weeks, at room temperature( periodically shake).Strain and wring out. Ready tincture to plant, 20-30 drops in 1 tbsp.spoonful of water, and take 3-4 times a day for 20 minutes before eating.

    Another option for making tinctures for insomnia.

    Oats( green grass) -2 tbsp.spoons

    Vodka - 1 glass

    Prepare the tincture: the grass, crushed in a meat grinder, pour vodka and insist in a warm place for 15 days. Take 20-30 drops 2 times daily before meals.

    In case of insomnia, the following remedy is also considered effective. Oats( peeled grain) -2 tbsp.spoons

    Dill( seed) -2 tbsp.spoons

    Hawthorn( fruit) - 1 tbsp. Spoon

    Mix oat grains and dill seeds with hawthorn fruit. Pour 0.6 liters of boiling water. Boil for 30 minutes on low heat, persist for 4 hours, drain. Divide the broth into equal portions and drink during the day, consuming 30 minutes before eating.

    When insomnia is recommended, prepare the next broth.

    Oats( grain) - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Rye( grain) - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Mix the grain of oats and rye, pour 0.6 liters of water and cook until they start to burst.

    Quickly cool and drink a decoction during the day.

    The following composition is recommended.

    Oat green( straw) - 2 parts

    Tartar( leaves) - 2 parts

    Cumin( seeds) - 2 pieces

    Hawthorn( flowers) - 1 part

    Camomile( flowers) - 1 part

    All components to mix, 1 tbsp. Spoon a crushed mixture with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for half an hour. Drink half a cup 4 times a day.

    Cope with insomnia will help infusion of oats and mint.

    Oats( Straw) -З kg

    Mint( leaves) - 3 handfuls

    Oat crushed, mixed with mint, pour 10 liters of water, boil for 30 minutes, wrap and insist an hour. Strain, use for baths and douches.

    In diseases of the prostate gland the following composition is recommended.

    Oats( peeled grains) - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Parsley( root juice) - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Peel the grain of oats in 0.7 liters of water( the grains must fully swell).Strain in a cooled form, squeeze, add the root juice of parsley. Vypit for a day( instead of water) with stones in the prostate gland. The same composition can be taken with prostatic hypertrophy.

    For arthritis pain, it is recommended to make baths with decoction of oats.

    Oats( straw) - 0,5 kg

    Water -2 l

    It is necessary to prepare a decoction for the bath: chopped oat straw with hot water, boil for 30 minutes, strain and add to the prepared bath( water temperature 37 ° C, duration 15 minutes).Take 2-3 times a week.

    For the treatment of inflammatory joint diseases it is recommended to prepare the following remedy.

    Oats( grains) - 1 glass

    Water -1 l

    Grain the oats with water, simmer until 0.25 of the liquid volume is evaporated. Strain. Take half a cup of honey 3 times a day before meals.

    For the treatment of inflammatory joint diseases it is recommended to prepare the next broth.

    Oats( straw)

    Hay( friable)

    Pine( tops of twigs)

    Fill the enameled pan with 2/3 oat straw, hay, pine branches in equal quantities. Pour cold water, boil over low heat for 30 minutes. Insist. Take 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals.

    This same decoction can wet a sheet, cotton socks and small rags. All press. Fold the sheet four times and wrap it up to the armpits, brush the wool with rags, put socks on your feet. Lying 1,5-2 hours under a warm blanket;apply 1-2 months. This decoction can also be added to the bath.

    For internal use and preparation of baths for joint diseases it is recommended to prepare an infusion of oat straw.

    Oats( straw) - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 1 glass

    Chopped oat straw pour a glass of steep boiling water. Infuse 1 hour. Take 0.5 cup 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before eating.

    It is recommended to use steam baths with the above infusion. To do this, a wooden lattice is placed on any container filled with a solution, the legs put on it are wrapped in some kind of cloth so that the steam does not come out. The procedure should be done for 20 minutes, then rinse your feet with cold water and lie down for a while under a warm blanket.

    For preparation of baths with joint diseases it is recommended to prepare the following composition.

    Oats( straw)

    Burdock( leaves)

    Warm or hot baths with oat straw and dried burdock leaves. Daily or 1 time in 2 days, for a month from 5 to 20 minutes.

    In rheumatism the following remedy is recommended.

    Fill the bags with a grain of oats, pour boiling water, lightly cool and apply hot to the sore spots.

    For rheumatic pain, it is recommended to use oats grass.

    Oats( grass) - 4 tbsp.spoons

    Scald fresh oat grass( or 3 tablespoons of dry oat straw), wrap it in gauze and apply overnight( hot) to the sore spots. For the preparation of compresses for joint diseases it is recommended to use straw oats.

    Enamel dishes filled with half oat straw, pour over with cold water, bring to a boil, cook on low heat for 30 minutes. Insist. Use for compresses.

    For the treatment of bronchial asthma,

    is recommended the following composition.

    Oats( grain) -2 kg

    Aloe( fresh leaves) - 400 g

    Cognac with honey addition - 400 ml

    Milk - 3 l

    Honey - 1 glass

    Devyasil( crushed root) - 100 g

    Oat grains, fresh aloe leaves( 200 g), mix cognac with honey( 200 ml), place in enamel ware, pour 5 liters of water and put in the oven for 3 hours( temperature for baking).Then strain, squeeze and add another 200 grams of aloe and cognac with honey. In the oven again bring to a boil, immediately remove and cool, strain and wring out.

    In addition, get the whey from the milk, add honey and crushed elecampane root to it, put in a hot oven for 4 hours. On cooling, strain and wring out. Keep both decoctions in a cool place. After a light meal, take 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-4 months, sometimes enough for a month, even 2 weeks. With such treatment it is desirable to drink mineral water "Borjomi".

    In bronchitis, the following remedy is recommended.

    Oats - 0,5 glasses

    Milk - 2 cups

    Oats pour in milk, simmer at moderate temperature in the oven for 2 hours. Put on a napkin. Press the liquid out. Take 1 glass at night.

    In bronchitis, this composition is also recommended.

    In bronchitis, this composition is also recommended.

    Oats - 1 glass

    Milk - 2 cups

    Honey - 2 tbsp.spoon

    Oats pour 5 glasses of water, evaporate over low heat to liquid jelly, strain through gauze, pour the milk into the filtered mixture, bring to a boil, cool, add honey( it can not be added to the boiling mixture!).Drink in warm form for half a cup 3 times a day.

    The following composition is recommended.

    Oats( spikelets) - 10 pieces

    Rosehip - 10 pieces

    Flax( seed) - 5 pieces

    Chicory( root) -5 pieces

    Mix oat spices, rose hips, flax seed and chicory root, all grind, 1Art. Spoon the mixture with a glass of steep boiling water. Infuse in the thermos for 6 hours. Strain. Take 3 times a day for 1/3 cup 30 minutes before eating.

    The following tool is recommended.

    Oats( straw) - 40 g

    Water -1L

    Pound the oat straw with boiling water, boil for 20 minutes on low heat. Infuse for 1 hour in the heat. Strain. Take 0.5 cup 3 times a day.

    It is recommended to take oats with honey.

    Oats( straw) - 50 g

    Honey - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Straw chopped, pour 2 cups of boiling water, cook for 20 minutes, cool, strain, discard the residue. Sweeten honey, drink half a glass 2 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

    It is recommended to prepare the following tincture.

    Honey 10 g

    Oats( grains) - 10 g

    Birch( buds and leaves) -10 g

    Siberian herrings( grass) -10 g

    Horsetail grass( grass) -10 g

    The mattress of the north( grass) -10 g

    Hawk hairy( grass) -10 g

    Cleansing acrid( grass) -10 g

    Alcohol 40%( vodka) -1L

    All components are mixed, pour alcohol, infuse for 10 days. Drink 3 times a day for 1 tbsp.spoon.

    Sinusitis is a disease( acute or chronic) associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus( maxillary sinus).The most common disease occurs as a complication of influenza, less often - with inflammation of molars.

    For the treatment of sinusitis it is recommended to make the heating of the sinuses with oatmeal. Heat the oat grains in a dry frying pan, pour them into linen bags and attach to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses. Oats are good for a long time and keep warm and deeply warm up the area of ​​the nose.

    For the normalization of gastric secretion, the following remedy is recommended.

    Oats( grain) -10 tbsp.spoons

    Water -1 l

    Grain the oats with water, boil, close well and simmer for 3 hours. Drink 4 times in 20 minutes before meals.

    It is recommended to prepare the following composition.

    Oats( straw) - 2 parts

    Gravel city( leaves) - 1 part

    Wild strawberries( leaves) - 1 part

    Mix straws of flowering oats, gravel and strawberries.2 tbsp.spoon collection pour 2 cups of boiling water, hold in a water bath for 5 minutes, insist 1 hour. Drink the whole broth during the day in equal portions 30 minutes before meals.

    It is recommended to prepare the following composition.

    Oat( straw) - 6 pieces

    Rosehip( Fruit) -3 parts

    Wormwood bitter - 0.5 parts

    Mix the straw of flowering oats with the rest of the ingredients.

    A tablespoon of collection pour 1 cup of boiling water, close, boil on low heat for 15 minutes, insist 40 minutes. Take 2 tbsp.spoons 30 minutes before meals.

    It is also recommended to use a decoction of oat straw.

    A handful of chopped oat straw is boiled in 1 liter of water until the volume of the liquid is halved. Strain and take 1 glass 3 times daily before meals.

    It is recommended to prepare the following formulation.

    Oats( straw) - 6 pieces

    Crayfish ordinary( grass) - 2 parts

    Cinnamon cinnamon( leaves) - 1 part

    Mix the straw of flowering oats with the rest of the ingredients. A tablespoon of collection pour 250 ml of boiling water, boil on low heat for 5 minutes, insist 40 minutes. Drink the broth during the day in equal portions 30 minutes before meals.

    It is recommended to prepare the following composition.

    Oats( Straw) -4 parts

    Peppermint - 2 parts

    St. John's wort - 0.5 parts

    Mix straw with flowering oats, mint and St. John's Wort. A tablespoon of collection pour 1 cup of boiling water, close, insist 2 hours. All the infusion to drink during the day in equal portions.

    It is recommended to prepare the following formulation.

    Oats( straw) - 5 pieces

    Swamp grass( grass) - 3 parts

    Cleanness - 1 part

    Mix the straw of flowering oats with the rest of the ingredients. A tablespoon of the collection to pour 250 ml of boiling water, to insist for 2 hours. Take equal parts throughout the day.

    For hypertension, the following formulation is recommended.

    Oats peeled - 0.5 glasses

    Strawberries( berries) - 0.25 cups

    Rosehips - 0.25 glasses

    Mix oats with strawberry berries and dry rose hips, chop. Pour a mixture of 0.7 liters of boiling water, boil until the water is reduced by half. Divide the broth into several equal portions and drink during the day, eating 10 minutes before eating.

    In case of hypertension, it is recommended to prepare the following formulation.

    Oats( grain) - 5 g

    Pyrus( rhizome) - 5 g

    Juniper( berries) - 10 pcs.

    Connect the components, pour 1 liter of boiling water and cook until the liquid is reduced to 0.7 liters. To drink within 40 days on 0,25 glasses 6 times a day.

    For hypertension, it is recommended to prepare the following formulation also.

    Oats peeled - 1 glass

    Berry mixture - 1 cup

    Combine the purified oats with a mixture in equal parts of the berries of viburnum, black currant and chokeberry. Pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 40 minutes on low heat. Infuse 2 hours, drain. Divide the broth into several equal portions and drink during the day, consuming 30 minutes before eating.

    It is recommended to take oat broth.

    Oats( peeled grains) - 1.5 cups

    Water - 1.5 cups

    Peeled grain of oats pour boiling water and boil on low heat until the liquid decreases by 2/3, drain. Before use add honey and drink in the morning and evening before eating.

    When depressed, it is recommended to drink infusion of oat straw.

    Oats( straw) - 3 tbsp.spoons

    Chopped oat straw, pour 2 cups of boiling water. Insist. Strain. To drink during the day.

    For treatment of depression it is recommended to prepare the following composition.

    Oats green( straw) -2 parts

    Tartar( leaves) - 2 pieces

    Caraway seeds( seeds) - 2 pieces

    Camomile( flowers) - 1 piece

    Hawthorn( flowers) - 1 part

    Grind all ingredients and mix.1 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for half an hour. Drink half a cup 3 times a day.

    For the treatment of diabetes it is recommended to prepare the following composition.

    Oat( straw)

    Flax( seed)

    Beans( leaves)

    Blueberries( leaves)

    Mix all ingredients in equal amounts and grind them. To fall asleep in a thermos bottle. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave overnight. Strain. Take in warm form 2/3 cup for 30 minutes before eating.

    The same mixture can be prepared in a different way.

    3 tbsp.spoon collection pour 3 glasses of water, boil 10 minutes, wrap, insist for 40 minutes, drain. Take 0.25 cups up to 8 times a day.

    It is recommended to prepare the following composition. Oats( uncooked grains) - 100 g

    Water -0,7 l

    Unclean the grain of oats with boiled water. To insist 12 hours. Take half a cup 3-4 times a day.

    It is recommended to prepare the following composition. Oats( uncooked grains) - 250 g

    Barley( straw) - 30 g

    Water -2L

    Unclean grain oats mixed with barley straw and pour cold water. Infuse overnight, in the morning cook in a sealed container for half an hour. Insist( until it becomes cold), drain. Drink instead of drinks, adding before use a few drops of lemon juice.

    It is recommended to prepare the following composition.

    Oats( grains) - 400 g

    Water -6L

    Honey - 100 g

    Wash the grain of oats pour 6 liters of boiling water, cook until the liquid is reduced by half. Strain, add honey, boil. Drink like tea.

    It is recommended to prepare the following composition.

    Oats( uncooked grains) - 1 cup

    Water -1L

    Unclean oat grains to pour cold water, to insist overnight, in the morning cook on low heat in a sealed container until the liquid is reduced by half. Strain, take half a cup 4 times a day for half an hour before meals.

    It is recommended to prepare the following composition.

    Oats( green grass)

    Flax( seed)

    Beans( flaps)

    Blueberries( leaves)

    Cranberries( leaves)

    Strawberries( leaves)

    Mix evenly all components, grind them.3 tbsp. Spoon a mixture of pour 3 cups of boiling water, wrap. Insist for 20 minutes. Strain, take 0.25 cups up to 8 times a day.

    It is recommended to prepare the following composition.

    Oats( green straw) - 1 part

    Beans( leaves) -2 parts

    Blueberries( leaves) - 2 parts

    Mix the straw of green oats with the rest of the ingredients, grind them.1 tbsp. Spoon mixture pour 1 cup boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, insist half an hour. Take 1 glass 3-4 times a day before eating at the beginning of the disease.

    It is recommended to prepare the following composition.

    Oats( straw) - 3 tbsp.spoons

    Elderberry( leaves) -2 tbsp.spoons

    Flax( seed) - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Buckwheat( flowers) -2 tbsp.spoons

    Lavender - 3 leaves

    Mix all the ingredients.3 tbsp. Spoon the mixture to brew 0.8 liters of boiling water. Take 50 g 5 times a day for severe diabetes.

    It is recommended to prepare the following composition.

    Oat( straw)

    Beans( pods)

    Flax( seed)

    Blueberries( leaves)

    Mix in equal quantities all ingredients.3 tbsp. Spoon mixture pour 3 glasses of water, boil for 10 minutes. Infuse for 1 hour. Take half an hour after eating half a cup 3 times a day.

    For the treatment of diabetes it is recommended to use the infusion of oats.

    Oats( grains) -100 g

    Water - 3 cups

    Oats should be poured with water. Insist. Take half a cup 3-4 times daily before meals.

    It is recommended to use oat seedlings for the treatment of diabetes.

    Oat seedlings should be washed, dried, ground. The resulting flour is diluted with cold water, pour boiling water and cook for 2 minutes. Insist for 20 minutes. Strain.

    Take 1 glass 3 times a day before meals( only fresh).

    For the treatment of diabetes, it is recommended to use a cold infusion of oatmeal.

    Oats( cereals) -100 g

    Oat groats pour 1 liter of boiled cold water, leave for 8-12 hours at room temperature. Drain the clear water and take it 0.5 glasses 3 times a day.

    It is recommended to prepare the following composition.

    Oat( straw) - 4 g

    Burdock( root) - 3 g

    Nettle( leaf) - 4 g

    Dandelion( root) -2 g

    Blueberry( leaf) - 4 g

    Rosehip - 4 g

    All mixed, pour a glass of boiling water, heat on low heat for 20 minutes, insist 20 minutes, drain. Drink instead of tea.

    It is recommended to prepare the following composition.

    Oats( flowering top) - 4 parts

    Nettle aspiration( leaf) -4 parts

    Rosehip 4 parts

    Dandelion( root) - 3 parts

    Burdock( root) - 3 parts

    All components are ground, blended,2 tbsp.spoon pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and simmer for 30 minutes, then soak on a small fire for another 10 minutes, then strain. Take 0.5 glasses after eating 2-3 times a day.

    It is recommended to make lotions with infusion of oat straw.

    Oats( straw) -2 tbsp. Spoons

    Grind, pour a glass of boiled water. Heat for 5 minutes over low heat. Insist 15 minutes, drain. Apply lotions to the sites of diathesis irritation.

    Baths with oat straw infusion are also recommended.

    Oats( straw) - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Grind, pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for 30 minutes. Infusion add to the bath for the baby.

    As an antipyretic agent, you can use the infusion of oat grass, prepared at a rate of 1:10.Infusion should be kept for 24 hours. Strain. Take half a cup twice a day.

    For the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, the following remedy is recommended.

    Oat flakes - 100 g

    Water -1L

    Flakes pour cold boiled water, infuse for 4 hours, cook until thick. Eat daily instead of breakfast.

    To improve digestion, the following remedy is recommended.

    Unclean the grain of oats soak in water for a day. Mix with honey and vegetable oil. Eat instead of breakfast. Promotes the removal of toxins from the body.

    The liver by its functions is very important for the body organ. It participates in the processes of digestion, metabolism, circulation, ensures the constancy of the internal environment of the body. Liver cells synthesize bile. In the liver, the synthesis and cleavage of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates( regulates blood sugar levels), vitamins( formed and accumulates vitamin A) and other substances. From the "exchange fund" of the liver, the body receives many necessary substances;in it one-seventh of all of its energy is released. Through the liver, about 1.5 liters of blood per minute flow, and in its vessels can be up to 20% of the volume of all circulating blood.

    Complaints for chronic liver diseases are in many cases nonspecific, and therefore have a very modest diagnostic value. And still, what should I look for?

    Weakness, fatigue, decreased performance, weight loss, pain in the upper abdomen, bloating, fever, itching and joint pain, and in clinically pronounced stages - jaundice. Urine can become dark in color, and excrement becomes discolored.

    Often, liver disease is not detected until a sharp deterioration of the condition. For an accurate explanation of the nature of the liver disease, it is usually necessary to conduct detailed laboratory tests, ultrasound, X-ray or endoscopy.

    The gallbladder is located on the inferior surface of the liver. The bile duct, formed by the fusion of the ducts of the gallbladder and liver, opens into the duodenum.

    Dyskinesia of the biliary tract, dysfunction of the gallbladder - a functional disturbance of the tone and motility of the gallbladder and biliary tract. They manifest themselves mainly in the right upper quadrant of various character and intensity. They can be one of the local manifestations of a common neurosis or arise in diseases of other internal organs: peptic ulcer, colitis, adnexitis, etc.

    Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder. This disease is characterized by bitterness in the mouth, heaviness in the right hypochondrium, which occurs after eating fatty foods, fried meat, smoked products, alcohol. If the disease is started, complications that threaten life can develop. The cause of cholecystitis is congestion in the gallbladder. This is facilitated by irregular eating, combined with overeating, sedentary lifestyle, chronic constipation. The gallbladder can also become inflamed if microbes from the intestine or with blood get into it. The situation may be exacerbated by poor heredity.

    In many cases, inflammation of the gallbladder is combined with the presence of stones in the gallbladder( less often in the hepatic and bile ducts), as with bile stasis, its main components( cholesterol and bilirubin) precipitate, which leads to the formation of stones. The disease is accompanied by catarrh of the gallbladder and biliary tract due to infection.

    Sometimes gallstones do not cause any suffering or cause only vague dyspeptic disorders( in the stomach);attacks of the so-called biliary or hepatic colic appear only when the stones begin to move, or more often when they are joined by an infection that causes inflammation in the gallbladder;biliary colic begins for the most part suddenly, a fit of severe pain in the right hypochondrium, giving in the stomach and under the right scapula, less often in the right shoulder and in other places. Often there is nausea, vomiting, fever, sometimes a weak pulse.

    There is also a state known as postcholecystectomy syndrome.

    This term denotes a variety of symptoms that can remain in patients after surgery for cholecystitis or cholelithiasis. This term has a collective meaning.

    In liver diseases, the following agent has a beneficial effect.

    Oat flakes - 100 g

    Water -1L

    Flakes pour cold boiled water, infuse for 4 hours, cook until thick. Eat daily instead of breakfast.

    In case of jaundice, the following remedy is recommended. Grind a handful of oat straw, pour 1 liter of water. Boil until the volume of the liquid is halved, drain. Take 1 glass 3 times daily before meals.

    For diseases of the liver and bile ducts, it is recommended that a course of treatment be performed using the following remedy.

    Oats( grains) - 3 glasses

    Birch buds - 3 tbsp.spoons

    Cowberry( leaf) - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Sporish( grass) - 3 tbsp.spoons

    Corn( stigma) - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Rosehip( fruit) - 1 glass

    Mix oats, birch buds and a sheet of cranberries, fill it with enamel ware, pour 4 liters of cold water and press for 24 hours. Then put the dishes on a moderate fire and cook, after 15 minutes add spores and corn stigmas and cook for another 15 minutes. Remove from heat, infuse for 45 minutes.

    In another enameled utensil, cover the crushed rose hips, pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil 10 minutes and insist in a cool place for a day. Strain the infusions, pour into bottles of dark glass. Infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for 5 days.

    To be used:

    for children from 2 to 5 years for 15 ml

    from 5 to 10 years for 25 ml

    older than 10 years for 50 ml

    adults for 150 ml

    Drink 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals in a warm form( notlater 7 pm).The course of treatment is 30 days, with a break in 2 weeks.

    The following composition is recommended as a choleretic.

    Oats( grains) - 15 g

    Yarrow( grass) - 5 g

    Cumin( seeds) - 30 g

    Dill( seeds) - 30 g

    Mix all the ingredients. Pour 0.5 liters of water and boil for 10 minutes. Infuse until cooled. Strain. Drink during the day.

    It is recommended that the following remedy is also used as a choleretic.

    Oats( grains) - 2 cups

    To insist on 1 liter of boiling water 20 minutes, strain. Take infusion in a cooled form half a cup 3 times a day.

    It is recommended to take oats as a choleretic.

    Oats - 1 glass of

    Water -1L

    Oats brew in water and evaporate to 0.25 volume. Take 0.5 glasses 3-4 times a day.

    For diseases of the liver and bile ducts, the following remedy is recommended.

    Oats( grains) - 1 part

    Water - 10 parts

    The oats should be poured with water at room temperature and infused for 24 hours. Strain. Take 1 glass 2-3 times daily before meals.

    For diseases of the liver and bile ducts, the following remedy is recommended.

    2 times a year( in spring and autumn), it is recommended to carry out the following course of treatment: a third of the jar should be filled with oatmeal, pour water, heated to 70 ° C and insist. Then cool.

    Drink 30 minutes before meals( morning and evening).

    A good effect on kidney disease in children is provided by an oat broth prepared in the following way.

    Oats( unpurified) - 2 cups

    Water - 3.5 L

    Oats pour boiling water, put in the oven for 4 hours, then in a warm place for 8 hours. Strain. You should get 2 liters of broth. Add salt and sugar to taste. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day for 20 minutes before eating. A decoction can be used for several days if stored in a refrigerator.

    It is important to know that eating whole grains of oats prevents the formation of stones.

    For renal colic, the following composition is recommended.

    Oat( straw) - 200 g

    Camomile( flowers) - 20 g

    Lipa( flowers) - 20 g

    Malva( leaf) - 50 g

    Mix, brew 5 liters of boiling water in an enameled bucket, wrap it in a warm blanket, insist onfor an hour, drain, pour into a bath. When immersed in a bath, a person should be covered with water slightly above the waist.

    In case of nephrolithiasis, the following composition is recommended. Oat( Straw) - 10 g

    Blueberry( leaf) -10 g

    Corn( stigma) -10 g

    Beans( leaves) -10 g

    Tuya( shoots) -10 g

    Plawn-clavate -10 g

    Mix all the ingredients, grind, 4 tbsp. Spoon the mixture to insist in warmth during the night. In the morning, boil on low heat for 10 minutes. Insist 4 hours, strain, take 0.25 st.spoon 30 minutes after eating 3 times a day.

    For kidney stones, it is recommended to take a bath with a decoction of oat straw.

    Oats( straw) -100 g

    Water -3 l

    Oat stew to cook for 30 minutes. Broth pour into a warm bath( 30 ° C).The duration of the bath is not more than 1 hour. When leaving the bath, wash the whole body with cold water.

    Take 3 daily baths. A mandatory addition to them - oat broth from 1 tbsp.tablespoons brown oats for 3 cups of water( boil the oats no more than 30 minutes).Every day you need to drink 2 cups of this decoction.

    In case of nephrolithiasis, the following composition is recommended.

    Oats( green straw) -3 parts

    Beans( leaves) - 1 piece

    Violet three-color( leaves) - 1 part

    Mix, 2 tbsp. Spoon mixture pour 2 cups of boiling water, boil over low heat for 30 minutes, let it brew for 2.5 hours. Drink during the day in equal parts 30 minutes before meals.

    Broths of oat grains contribute to the dissolution and excretion of stones from the kidneys, relieve pain and maintain strength. It is recommended, for example, such a composition.

    Oats( green straw) - 6 pieces

    Parsley garden( grass) - 2 parts

    Purity( grass) - 1 part

    Mix components, 1 tbsp.spoon collection pour 1 cup boiling water, boil in a water bath for 10 minutes, insist 40 minutes. The whole broth is taken during the day in equal parts 30 minutes before meals.

    As the general strengthening, diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent, which also has a slight soothing effect, the following composition is recommended.

    Oats( green straw) - 6 pieces

    St. John's wort - 0.5 parts

    Hops( cones) - 4 parts

    Mix components, 1 tbsp.spoon collection pour 1 cup boiling water, boil in a water bath for 5-7 minutes, let it brew for 1 hour. Drink the whole broth in equal parts during the day 30 minutes before eating.

    In case of nephrolithiasis, decoction of the following herbs is recommended.

    Oats( green straw) - 2 parts

    Birch white( leaves) - 2 pieces

    Rosehip( flowers and leaves) - 1 part

    2 tbsp.spoon collection pour 2 cups of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. Take all the broth during the day in equal portions 30 minutes before eating.

    In case of nephrolithiasis it is recommended to boil the following herbs.

    Oats( green straw) - 3 pieces

    Blackberry sizaya( leaves) - 1 part

    Plantain large( leaves) - 1 part

    2 tbsp.spoon collection pour 2 cups of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 20 minutes, insist 40 minutes. Drink the whole broth during the day in equal portions 30 minutes before meals.

    In case of nephrolithiasis, decoction of the following herbs is recommended.

    Oats( green straw) -4 parts

    Stinging nettle( tops) - 2 parts

    Rose tea( petals) - 1 piece

    2 tbsp.spoon collection pour 2 cups of boiling water, hold in a water bath for 10 minutes and let it brew for 3 hours.

    Take all the infusion during the day in equal portions 30 minutes before meals.

    In case of nephrolithiasis it is recommended to boil the following herbs.

    Oats( flowering tops) - 6 pieces

    Lovestock( leaves) - 2 pieces

    Tansy( leaves) - 1 piece

    All ingredients are mixed and grinded.1 tbsp.spoon collection pour 1 cup boiling water, boil under a lid on low heat for 20 minutes and let it brew for 40 minutes. Strain and take during the day in equal portions 30 minutes before meals.

    In case of nephrolithiasis, decoction of the following herbs is recommended.

    Oats( green straw) - 4 pieces

    Nasturtium( flowers) - 2 pieces

    Grapes of cultivars( leaves) - 1 part Mix and grind.2 tbsp.spoon collection pour 2 cups of boiling water, hold in a water bath for 5 minutes, drain. Take during the day in equal portions 30 minutes before meals.

    One of the most serious kidney diseases is pyelonephritis, which, like other diseases, up to oncology, is difficult to treat. Traditional healers offer the following recipe.

    Oats( unrefined grains) - 1 kg

    Water - 4 + 1 l

    Rosehips( dried ground fruits) - 1 glass

    Honey - 1 glass

    Aloe( juice) - 0.25 cups

    Unrefined oats pour 4 liters of water, notinglevel, and then add another 1 liter of water and boil until the water level again reaches 4 liters. Add the dry ground hips. After 10-15 minutes strain and in a slightly warm broth add 1 glass of honey and 0.25 cups of aloe juice. Broth to drink to children on 100-150 ml, and adults on 180-200 ml after meal. After taking the decoction immediately, drink it with the same amount of whey. Keep the broth in the refrigerator, but take warm. It is necessary to make up to 3 courses.

    In inflammatory diseases of the kidneys it is recommended to take a decoction of oatmeal with milk.

    Oatmeal - 1 glass

    Water - 1 l

    Milk - 2 cups

    Boil the oatmeal in water to half the volume, strain, add milk, boil for another 20 minutes and drain again. Take 1 glass 3 times daily before meals.

    The following composition is recommended for nephritis. Oats( fresh flowering tops) - 4 parts St. John's wort( flowers) - 1 part

    Lime tree( leaves and flowers) -2 parts

    Mix all the ingredients.2 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. Infuse for 30 minutes. Take equal portions 30 minutes before eating.

    The following composition is recommended for nephritis.

    Oats( grass) - 1 part

    Chicory( root) - 1 part

    Rosehip( Fruit) -1 part

    Thyme( grass) - 1 part

    Spore grass( grass) - 1 part

    Mix all ingredients, grind them.3 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water. Insist for 4 hours. Strain. Drink 0.5 cup 2 times daily before meals.

    The following composition is recommended for nephritis.

    Oats blooming( fresh straw) - 4 pieces

    Willow( root) - 1 part

    Lovestock( root) - 1 part

    Mix components, grind them.2 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. Infuse for 40 minutes. Strain. Divide into several equal portions. Take 30 minutes before eating.

    The following composition is recommended for nephritis.

    Oats( flowering tops) - 3 parts

    Primula( leaves) - 1 part

    Camomile( flowers) - 1 part

    Mix the ingredients, grind them.1 tbsp. Spoon a mixture of pour 250 ml of boiling water, press for 40 minutes. Divide into several equal portions and take 30 minutes before meals.

    The following composition is recommended for nephritis.

    Oats blossoming( straw) - 2 parts

    Wild strawberries( leaf) - 1 part

    Grind, mix.2 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water. Close the lid. Boil on low heat for 30 minutes. Divide into equal parts and take during the day 30 minutes before meals.

    The following composition is recommended for nephritis.

    Oats blooming( fresh straw) - 1 part

    Sage( leaves, stems) - 3 parts

    Nettle( tops) -2 parts

    Stir, grind.2 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water. Close the lid. Boil in a water bath for 30 minutes. Strain. Divide into equal parts and take during the day 30 minutes before meals.

    In jade, it is also recommended to boil green oat straw.

    Oats( green straw) - 40 g

    Grind. Pour 1 liter of water. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes.

    Take 1/3 cup 4 times daily before meals.

    The following tool is recommended.

    Oats( grains) - 0,5 glasses

    Boil the oats in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes. Infuse for 2 hours. Drink a glass 3-4 times a day.

    The decoction has a decoction of oat straw.

    Oats( straw) - 10 tbsp.spoon

    Pour the shredded straw 1 liter of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes in a water bath. Infuse for 3 hours. Drink in hot form 3 times a day for 1 glass an hour after eating.

    The best ancient remedy for constipation is liquid oatmeal, boiled on water. With a constipated constipation, the medicine man advises drinking water in which plums or oats were cooked.

    The following bathtubs are recommended.

    Oats( straw) - 40 g

    Prepare a decoction of oat straw for baths: pour dry water and boil for 30 minutes, strain and add to the bath( water temperature 37 ° C, duration 10-15 minutes).

    Get rid of heartburn will help the following remedy.

    Slowly chew between meals for 5-6 grains of oats to form a lump. Spit the saliva, spit it out after a while.

    When exhaustion, as well as general weakening of the body after illness, heavy physical exertion, it is very useful to eat oatmeal with honey.

    Sciatica is called sciatic nerve damage, more often with osteochondrosis of intervertebral discs.

    This disease manifests itself with pain, often intolerable, in the buttock, thigh, lower leg and other very unpleasant symptoms. To facilitate the condition of sciatica, it is recommended to make baths with decoction of oat straw.

    Oats( straw) - 0,5 kg

    Bath decoction: 0.5 kg of chopped straw for 2 l of hot water, boil for 30 minutes, strain and add to the bath( water temperature 37 ° C, duration 15 minutes).Take 2-3 times a week.

    The following proven cough remedy is recommended.

    Oats - 1 part

    Rye - 1 part

    Barley - 1 part

    Chicory - 1 part

    Almond bitter( peeled) -2g

    Brew, drink with hot melted milk.

    Climax is a period of gradual extinction of genital function in women and men, taking place against the background of general age-related changes in the body. In most women, menopause usually occurs after 40-45 years and in a number of cases, it causes a lot of trouble because of hormonal, vegetative-vascular, nervous changes - on the one hand, and the formation of consciousness about the beginning of the end of sexual desire, on the other. However, in reality a woman, perhaps, only after forty years and gets a full opportunity to understand the joy of communicating with a man. Of course, against the background of hormonal adjustment, when the number of female sex hormones decreases and the number of male hormones decreases, correction is necessary. Abroad, women after 40-50 years have long been introduced female sex hormones - they not only contribute to a milder course of menopause, but also retain sexual attraction, which makes a woman at this age more attractive.

    The situation is somewhat different for men. Few people know and draw attention( even doctors) to the fact that men also experience menopause, only in less pronounced form and usually in the period of 50-60 years. They also have a natural process of physiological aging of the body: the synthesis of testosterone, the active male sex hormone produced by Leydig cells, decreases. And since the work of the entire hormonal system in our body is interrelated, it leads to a weakening of the sexual desire, a decrease in the function of the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, which in turn worsens the metabolism, the general tone of the organism. Do you remember how one time were carried away by testosterone hormones for rejuvenating the body? Only this did not work. After all, you can achieve rejuvenation only with the help of natural factors, and not at the expense of artificial spurs! So, hormonal changes in men are exactly the same as in women, but less pronounced form: sudden flashes to the head, palpitations, sweating, fatigue, irritability, inadequate response to others, decreased sexual function and increased frequency of urination.

    Can menstruate severity be avoided or reduced? Yes it is possible. And the recipe is simple. More kindness and warmth in conjugal relationships, active lifestyle, walking, jogging, water procedures will allow you to pass this period of life more calmly. Smoking, alcohol, conflicts, jealousy, which often visits people at this time, on the contrary, aggravate the process and lead to neurasthenia, impotence.

    Food should be diverse, easily assimilated and uninvested. It is necessary to limit the consumption of meat, fatty foods. In the period of menopause, a tendency to constipation may manifest, so you need to monitor the normal operation of the intestine.

    Traditional medicine recommends in the climacteric period instead of water to drink oat tea with additives.

    Oats( grains) - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Water - 0,6 l

    Grain of oats pour boiling water, cook for 20 minutes on low heat in a closed container. Immediately strain and add 50 ml of the juice of the raw roots of parsley. You can cool the broth first, strain through a thin cloth and add honey and lemon. Use as an additive for breakfast

    For the treatment of lichen skin lesions the following remedy is recommended.

    Oats( straw) - 2 tbsp. Spoons

    Grind, pour a glass of boiled water. Heat for 5 minutes over low heat. Insist 15 minutes, drain. Apply in the form of lotions.

    It is also recommended to use oat straw for bath preparation.

    Oats( straw) - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Grind, pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for 30 minutes. Use for bathtubs.

    This is called a lumbago - acute pain in the lumbar region, resulting from sprain of the spine, infringement or compression of the roots of the spinal cord. More often such a disease is observed in people who have suffered spinal injuries or suffer from a metabolic disorder. In addition, it can occur with rheumatism or in connection with the developmental defects of intervertebral cartilage.

    Seizure usually provokes hypothermia or infectious diseases, as well as muscle overexertion, especially weight lifting. Any movement during an attack is difficult to perform, even cough causes acute shooting pain. The muscles are very painful when pressed. The attack usually lasts up to 4-5 days.

    Traditional medicine recommends for the treatment of lumbago to take baths with decoction of oat straw.

    Oats( straw) -0.5 kg

    Water -2L

    Prepare the decoction for the bath: pour the chopped straw with hot water, boil for 30 minutes, strain and add to the bath( water temperature 37 ° C, duration 15 minutes).Take 2-3 times a week.

    When a fit of lumbago, you must also comply with bed rest, take painkillers, do rubbing, keep a diet - to limit meat and spicy dishes.

    It is recommended to make dressings of the following composition.

    Oat( bran) - 200 g

    Flax( seed) - 100 g

    Oat bran is mixed with crushed flax seeds, moistened with dry grape wine, warmed, put the mixture on the dressing and put on the chest for 2-3 hours.

    The following composition helps with flatulence.

    Oats( straw)

    Dill( seeds)

    Yarrow( grass)

    Mix in equal parts the specified components with

    with 2 parts of cumin seed.8 tbsp.spoon mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water, 10 minutes warmed in a water bath. Infuse for 2 hours. Strain and drink 0.25 cups throughout the day.

    It is recommended to prepare a decoction of the following plants.

    Oats( straw) - 3 tbsp.spoons

    Dill( seeds) - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Cumin( seeds) - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Yarrow( leaves) - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Valerian( root) -1 hour.spoon

    Finely chopped oat straw mixed with seeds of dill and cumin, chopped yarrow leaves and Valerian root.3 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with 3 cups of cold water, cook over low heat( in a sealed container) for 15 minutes. Cool, drain. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day for an hour before meals.

    It is recommended to prepare a decoction from the following plants.

    Cumin( seeds) - 20 g

    Dill vegetable( seeds) -10 g

    Yarrow( grass) - 20 g

    Oats( straw) - 30 g

    Air( rhizome) -10 g

    Valerian( rhizome with roots) - 0, 5 g

    Mix all the ingredients.3 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with 3 cups of raw water. Boil for 15 minutes. Drink in 3 divided doses per day.

    In flatulence, it is also useful to take oats. You can take a pharmacy. Take 20-30 drops 2 times a day before meals.

    It is recommended to drink an oat broth as a diuretic.

    Oats( grains) - 1 glass

    Boil oat grains on a water bath to evaporate half the water. Strain, add honey. Boil for 5-10 minutes. Eat 0.5 glasses 2-3 times a day.

    It is also recommended decoction of oat straw.

    Oats( straw) - 40 g

    Water -1 l

    Boil the straw in boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain. Take a glass 3 times a day.

    The following composition is recommended as a diuretic.

    Oats( Straw) -4 parts

    Nettle( roots) - 1 part

    Burdock( roots) - 1 part

    Mix the straw of flowering oats with the roots of nettle and burdock, take 2 tbsp. Spoon the mixture and pour 2 cups of boiling water. Boil in a closed form on a water bath for 20 minutes. Infuse for 3 hours. Divide the broth into equal parts and drink during the day 30 minutes before eating.

    The following composition is recommended as a diuretic.

    Oat( straw) - 3 parts

    Black currant( leaf) - 1 part

    Birch white( leaf) - 1 part

    Mix the straw of flowering oats with a sheet of black currant and white birch, pour 2 cups of boiling water and boil in a closed form on a waterbath for 10 minutes. Insist 40 minutes. Divide the broth into equal parts and drink during the day 30 minutes before eating.

    The following composition is recommended as a diuretic.

    Oats( straw) - 2 parts

    Clover meadow - 1 part

    Parsley garden( grass) - 1 part

    Mix, 1 tbsp. Spoon a mixture of pour 1 cup of boiling water and boil in a closed form for 5 minutes in a water bath. Stand for 30 minutes. Divide the broth into equal parts and drink during the day 20 minutes before eating.

    The following composition is recommended as a diuretic.

    Oats( peeled grains) - 0.5 cups

    Water - 3 cups

    Grain pour boiling water and boil over low heat to leave the liquid half as much. Take 3 times a day, adding before the reception a small amount of honey and melted milk. The course of treatment is 30 days with a break in 2 weeks.

    The following composition is recommended as a diuretic.

    Oats( corn) -15 g

    Yarrow( grass) - 5 g

    Cumin-seeds -30 g

    Dill( seeds) - 30 g

    Mix all the ingredients. Pour 0.5 liters of water and boil for 10 minutes. Infuse until cooled. Strain. Drink during the day as a cholagogue.

    In India, 20% vodka tincture of green oats is used to treat addiction to tobacco and opium.

    It is also recommended to include dietary dishes from oats in the diet( it detects substances that help to get out of drugs).

    In order to get rid of the habit of smoking, folk medicine recommends taking 20% ​​vodka tincture of green oats. It is also necessary to include dietary dishes from oats in the diet.

    It is recommended to prepare tinctures of oat sprouts.

    Oats( green sprouts) - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Vodka - 1 glass

    Prepare the tincture from the green sprouts of the oats of the seed: raw the grind in a meat grinder, pour vodka, insist in a dark place for 15 days, drain. Take 20-30 drops 2 times a day before meals.

    In the case of a disorder in the menstrual cycle, the following remedy is recommended.

    Oats( grain) - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water -1L

    Soak the grain of oats with water, boil to half the volume, strain, add 2 cups of milk, boil 10 minutes over low heat. Take 1 glass after eating( add 1 tablespoon chopped toasted walnut in a glass) with heavy menstruation.

    The following composition can also be prepared.

    Oats( grain) - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Water - 0,6 l

    Parsley( root) - 1 piece. The oats should be poured into water and boiled for 20 minutes. Add to the broth the fresh crushed parsley root, insist for 2 hours, strain. Drink during the day( instead of water) in case of excessive menstruation.

    An excellent remedy for restoring metabolic processes in the body are cereals. It is known that only oats, added to the food of horses, make them beautiful, strong and healthy due to the substances necessary for the body contained in it.

    For normalization of metabolism, it is recommended to take oat broth.

    Oats( grain) - 10 tbsp.spoons

    Water -1L

    Oats pour water, boil, close well and cook on low heat for 3 hours. Drink for 4 hours, 20 minutes before meals. With obesity, it is recommended to take oat broth. Oats( peeled) - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Water -1 L

    Oats cook in water until the grains dissolve. Wrap, insist for 8 hours. Strain, take half a cup 3 times a day, 30 minutes before eating.

    For obesity, it is recommended 1-2 times a week for the following fasting days:

    Oat groats( in the form of cereal or soup) - 200 g

    Rosehip( broth) -1-2 glasses

    For neurasthenia, the green oat grass tincture has a good effect.

    Oats( green grass) - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Vodka - 1 glass

    Prepare the tincture: grind the green grass in a meat grinder, pour vodka and insist in a warm place for 15 days. Take 20-30 drops 2 times daily before meals.

    It is recommended to prepare the following.

    Oats - 1 glass

    Water - 5 glasses

    Rinse the oats, grind( in a meat grinder), add water, boil 10 minutes, insist. Take 0.5 glasses 30 minutes before eating.

    It is also recommended to take a decoction of oats sprouts.

    Oat seedlings should be washed and dried. To grind. The resulting flour is diluted with cold water, pour boiling water and cook for 2 minutes. Infuse for 20 minutes. Take 1 glass 3 times a day before meals( only in fresh form!).

    The following recovery tool is recommended.

    Oats( tops) - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Vodka - 1 glass of

    Cut to 20 cm from the top of the oat stalk in the earing stage and dry under a canopy in sunny weather or in a dryer at a temperature of 60 ° C.Grind in a meat grinder, take 2 tbsp.spoons, pour a glass of vodka.11stave in a dark place for 15 days. Take 20-30 drops 2 times a day before meals.

    It is also recommended to make baths with the following composition.

    Oats( straw) -Z kg

    Mint( leaves) - 3 handfuls

    Oats chop, mix with mint, pour 10 l of water, boil for 30 minutes, wrap and insist for an hour. Strain, use for baths and douches. It is recommended to use tincture of young oats. Oats( green sprouts) -2 tbsp.spoons

    Vodka - 1 glass

    Prepare the tincture from the green shoots of oats seed: chopped raw meat pour 1 glass of vodka, insist in a dark place for 15 days, drain. Take 20-30 drops 2 times daily before meals with physical and mental fatigue.

    In Greek, the name of this disease means literally a "trap for the feet."The reason for it is an increase in the content of uric acid in the blood and the deposition of its salts in the joints, as well as other tissues and organs. At a gout at the person there are sharp attacks of an arthritis, joints are deformed and their functions are broken. In addition to hereditary predisposition, among the causes of the disease is usually called overeating, especially the abuse of meat and alcohol.

    Traditional medicine recommends for the treatment of gout, in particular, the following remedy.

    Oats( grain) - 1 glass

    Water - 1L

    Milk - 2 cups

    Boil the water filled with water until the volume of the liquid is reduced to half, strain, add milk to the broth, boil 10 minutes, drain. Take 1 glass 3 times a day.

    In the disorder of a chair, the following remedy is recommended.

    Oat flakes - 100 g

    Water -1L

    Flakes pour cold boiled water, infuse for 4 hours, cook until thick. Eat daily instead of breakfast.

    When diarrhea in children is recommended to cook oatmeal.

    Oats( grain) - 1 glass

    Grain pour 5 cups of water, evaporate to a thick liquid jelly, drain. Divide into 3 portions and drink during the day before eating.

    With a tendency to diarrhea, it is recommended to eat oatmeal cooked without oil.

    In case of loss of appetite, the following composition is recommended.

    Oats( peeled grains) - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Dill( seeds) - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Hawthorn( fruit) - 1 tbsp. Spoon

    Mix the peeled grains of oats, dill and hawthorn. Pour 0.3 liters of boiling water. Boil for 30 minutes on low heat, persist for 4 hours, drain.

    Divide the broth into equal portions and drink during the day 30 minutes before eating.

    If you have an appetite disorder, it is recommended that you prepare a tincture of oats.

    A small amount of fresh crushed oat plants pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Infuse for 2 weeks in a tightly closed container in a dark warm place( periodically shake).

    Dilute 30-40 drops in 1 tbsp.spoonful of water and take 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

    It is also recommended to make baths and douches with the following composition.

    Oats( straw) -Z kg

    Mint( leaves) - 3 handfuls

    Grind the oats, mix with mint, pour 10 l of water, boil for 30 minutes, wrap and insist for an hour.

    Strain, use for baths and douches.

    For colds in the cold season, it is recommended to make baths with decoction of oat straw.

    Oats( straw) - 1 glass

    Straw chopped, pour 3 liters of boiling water, heat 5 minutes over a low heat. Insist for 15 minutes. Strain, add to the bath.

    For general irritability, the following remedy is recommended.

    Oats green( straw)

    Valerian( root)

    Motherwort( grass)

    Patrini( rhizome)

    Mix in equal parts all the ingredients.1 tbsp. Spoon a mixture of pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Insist for 30 minutes. Drink half a glass 3 times a day.

    In rickets, children have a beneficial effect baths with the addition of oat straw decoction.

    Oats( straw) - 40 g

    Water -1L

    Dry the raw material with water and boil for 30 minutes, then strain and add to a bath with a water temperature of 37 ° C.The bath lasts 10-15 minutes.

    With impotence, the following tool helps.

    Oats( grains) - 1 glass

    Milk -2l

    Oats in milk to simmer on low heat for 2 hours. Take 2-3 glasses a day for 1 glass per day.

    For impotence, it is recommended to take oats.

    A small amount of fresh crushed oat plants pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist in a tightly closed container in a dark, warm place( shake occasionally).

    Dilute 30-40 drops in 1 tbsp.spoonful of water and take 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

    When frigidity is recommended, the following remedy is recommended.

    Oats( refined) - 1 glass

    Water -1L

    Milk - 2 cups

    Oats pour water and cook until the liquid is reduced by half Strain, add milk to the broth and boil again. Before use add 1 teaspoon of honey or cocoa.

    Take 1 glass a day.

    It is proved that heart and vascular diseases, and above all, the most common of them - atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease and myocardial infarction, are associated mainly with the way of life that leads a person, and, therefore, depend on him. The role of these causes in the occurrence of diseases is difficult to quantify, therefore, with respect to heart diseases, they are not spoken of the immediate causes of their occurrence, but of "risk factors".The more these factors and the more vivid they manifest, the more likely the occurrence of cardiovascular pathology. At the same time, the approximate value of each of them, their comparative danger, is estimated.

    The simultaneous impact of several risk factors is not determined by their arithmetic sum, but is derived from a more complex law that always acts not in favor of the victim.

    The World Health Organization published a list of risk factors for coronary heart disease: elevated blood fat content( this is determined by a blood test for total cholesterol and its constituent lipoproteins, cholesterol complexes with proteins), proteins;In addition to total cholesterol, the main risk factor is the high content of so-called low density lipoproteins;high blood pressure( arterial hypertension);smoking;obesity;insufficient physical activity, often accompanied by obesity;violation of blood coagulability - a predisposition to the formation of blood clots( blood clots, clogging blood vessels);aggravated heredity or hereditary predisposition( genetic risk factor) - the presence of cardiovascular diseases in parents and blood relatives;sharp and long physical and psycho-emotional overloads( stresses);increased blood glucose, especially in diabetes mellitus;unfavorable environment( environmental factor) - pollution of air, water, food with harmful substances.

    Novosibirsk scientists have established that a heart attack is not just a blockage of blood vessels. Inside the heart muscle cell there are protein structures - myofibrils - a sort of gum that shrink and stretch. So, under the influence of taking medications, alcohol, prolonged fasting and other factors, a violation of protein synthesis in the body occurs, which leads to the launch of a programmed mechanism for self-destructing the cell - adaptosis. The cell, the charter to process incoming foreign substances, makes the decision: it is better to die than to live such a life. At the autopsy, infarctions do not find blood clots, but detect a loss of cardiac muscle cells to 30%.After such a loss, the remaining cells can not withstand the load that falls on them. What here can be inferred? It is necessary to restore the cells. Go to a healthy lifestyle - the problems will disappear.

    Disease of peripheral veins, known as varicose veins, is manifested by their considerable expansion, elongation, deformation( the formation of gyri and knots).In fact, this is a clinical manifestation of chronic venous insufficiency - one of the most common diseases in the modern world. It is believed that in developed countries they suffer 30-50% of women and 10-30% of men, mainly adults.

    With varicose veins, as a complication after childbirth, surgery, infectious diseases( typhoid, etc.), the vein wall can become inflamed with the formation of a thrombus that clogs its lumen-thrombophlebitis.

    Another common vascular disease is hemorrhoids - an expansion of the cavernous veins of the lower part of the rectum, in which nodes are formed, sometimes bleeding, inflamed and infringed in the anus. To hemorrhoids predisposes the stagnation of blood in the rectum( constipation, sedentary lifestyle).

    In the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, celandine can also help.

    For cardiovascular diseases, the following remedy is recommended.

    Oat flakes - 100 g

    Water -1L

    Flakes fill with cold boiled water, infuse for 4 hours, cook until thick, eat daily instead of breakfast.

    It is recommended to conduct a course of treatment using the following means.

    Oats( peeled) - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Water -1l

    Prepare and drink oat milk instead of water: pour oats with water and boil until it boils. Then cool and strain, sweeten with honey, pre-cooked in a water bath for 10 minutes. Drink is recommended 2-3 months in a row.

    To restore and maintain body strength in tuberculosis, it is recommended to take oat broth.

    Oatmeal - 1 glass

    Water -1 l

    Milk - 2 cups

    Boil the oatmeal to half the volume, strain, add the milk.

    Take 1 glass 3 times daily before meals.

    In folk medicine, the following effective antioxidant for the treatment of tuberculosis is known.

    Oats - 2 parts

    Fresh milk - 1 piece


    Put the oats in a pan, fill the remaining part of the dishes with milk, do not fill only two fingers from the top edge of the pan, add the lapwing to the width of one finger, close the lid, put in the oven, Add milk until the oats are boiled. Drink this liquid mixture on one glass 3 times a day. Milk should be fresh, unpasteurized.

    With this symptom it is recommended to take baths with decoction of oat straw.

    Oats( straw) - 0,5 kg

    Water -2L

    Prepare the bath decoction: pour the chopped straw with hot water, boil for 30 minutes, strain and add to the bath( water temperature 37 ° C, duration 15 minutes).Take 2-3 times a week.

    The following tool is recommended.

    Oat straw( chopped) - 250 g

    Water-3 l

    Strew the straw with water, cook for 30 minutes. The broth should be used for baths lasting 5-10 minutes( 35 ° C).For more effective at night make warm compresses from broth( oatmeal chopped - 10 tablespoons, pour 1 liter of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes), simultaneously take the broth inside( oat straw chopped - 2 tablespoons, pour a glass of water,cook for 3 minutes, cool, drain, drink 5 times a day).

    It is recommended to prepare the following formulation.

    Oats( green straw) - 1 part

    Rosehip - 1 part

    Thyme( grass) - 1 part

    Highland bird( grass) - 1 part

    Chicory( root) - 1 part

    Birch white( kidney) - 1part

    Plantain large( leaves) - 1 part

    Stir components, pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, insist for an hour, drain, take 1/3 cup 4 times a day.

    Grind, stir, 1 tbsp. Spoon mixture pour a glass of boiling water, close well, heat on a water bath for 0.5 hours, wrap, insist for 40 minutes, drain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

    The following composition is also recommended.

    Oats( green straw) - 1 part

    Birch white( leaves) - 1 part

    Licorice( root) - 1 part

    Corn( stigma) - 1 part

    Rosehip( fruit) - 1 part

    The following composition is also recommended.

    Oats( green straw) - 1 part

    Rosehip( fruit) - 1 part

    Birch white( kidneys) - 1 part

    Birch white( leaves) - 1 part

    Licorice( root) - 1 part

    Chicory( root) - 1 part

    Plantain officinalis( leaves) - 1 part

    Melissa( leaves) - 1 part

    Spore( grass) - 1 part

    Thyme( grass) - 1 part

    Grind, stir, 1 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with a glass of boiling water, close well, heat on a boiling water bath for half an hour. Wrap up, insist for 40 minutes and strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

    If the eyes are known to mirror the soul, then the skin is a mirror of health. Improper nutrition( mainly meat, starchy foods with lots of sugar and fats) leads to the appearance of acne, acne, boils and other inflammations of the skin. Slagging of the body as a result of poor performance of the gastrointestinal tract contributes to the development of putrefactive and fermenting processes in the body, self-poisoning, hence - unpleasant odor from the mouth, sweating. There are various skin formations - warts, moles, papillomas, eczema, psoriasis, etc., that is, the body signals an internal mud that looks for an outlet in various manifestations.

    Having established a food and a mode of a life, having cleared an organism, you will help the skin to breathe and carry out all the functions.

    With eczema, it is recommended to make lotions with decoction of oat straw.

    Oats( straw) - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Grind, pour a glass of boiled water. Heat for 5 minutes over low heat. Insist 15 minutes, drain.

    Use as a lotion.

    It is also recommended to make the following baths.

    Oats( straw) - 2 tbsp.spoons

    Grind, pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for 30 minutes. Use for bathtubs.

    Oats - 400 g

    Water -6L

    Honey - 100 g

    Wash under flowing cold water oats with water, boil to half, wipe through a sieve. To the resulting broth, you can add 100 g of honey, but it is better not to add anything and once again bring to a boil with a tightly closed lid. Cool, pour into clean bottles, tightly cork and put in a cold place. Before you can add lemon juice.

    For medicinal purposes, the broth should be drunk cold or slightly warmed up according to the following scheme:

    • 0.5 cups on an empty stomach,

    • 1 glass 2 hours before dinner,

    • 1 glass 3-4 hours after lunch.

    To make your body easier to get used to a drink, you can start taking one glass a day. In large doses, one drink should not be drunk, since it will not have time to digest and become acid fermentation. Very useful for strengthening the body, contributes to longevity. The course of taking superovs is 2 weeks in spring, in summer and in autumn. Repeat every year.

    Oats( mixture of peeled and with husk) - 2-3 tbsp.spoons

    Water - 0,5 l

    Pour into the water a mixture of oats. Boil this mixture on low heat for 2-3 minutes. According to another recipe, the mixture in the same proportions( peeled oats is better ground on a coffee grinder) is boiled on low heat for 15-20 minutes, filtered, easily squeezed through gauze.

    This water perfectly renews and revitalizes the blood, normalizes metabolism, kidneys, helps with rheumatic inflammation of the joints, with joint damage, with nervous disorders, it works well for the whole organism: it revitalizes, invigorates, strengthens sleep. It is recommended to use for washing.

    Oats( flakes) - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Apple or pear - 1 pc.

    Walnut - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Dried fruits - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Honey - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Lemon( juice) - from 0.5 fruit

    Water - 3 tbsp.spoons

    Oat flakes insist for 3 hours in water, add lemon juice, mashed fresh fruit, honey, mix well and sprinkle with crushed dried fruits and crushed nuts. Eat 3 meals.

    Oats( grain in the husk) -3-4 st.spoons

    Water - 1 glass

    Honey - 1h.spoon

    Cinnamon - 0,25 tsp.

    Steaming freshly washed unpeeled oat in boiling water from the specified calculation. Then rub through a sieve, add honey and cinnamon.

    Oats( flakes) - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Water - 3 tbsp.spoons

    Lemon( juice) - from 0.5 fruit

    Apples - 1-2 pcs.

    Sour cream or condensed milk - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Walnut walnuts( ground) - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Dried fruits( crushed) - 1 tbsp.spoon

    All mix well. Apples can be replaced with a cup of fresh berries. Eat 3 meals. Recommended for children with severe thinness.

    Oats( flakes) - 3 tbsp.spoons

    Nuts walnuts - 3 pieces.

    Raisins( or dried apricots) - 1 tbsp.spoon

    Milk sour or ryazhenka - Withered spoons

    Honey -1 hour.spoon

    At 4 pm, pour the flakes with warm water in a can of mayonnaise;insist 16 hours;then grind the walnuts and add raisins or dried apricots( all this soak).

    At 8 o'clock in the morning of the next day, drink water from the flakes, and mix the hazel with nuts, raisins( or dried apricots) and sour milk or fermented milk, and also with honey.

    Now all this mixture can be eaten, breakfast after 2 hours. The course of recovery is designed for 3 months.

    Oats( fresh) -100 g

    Vodka - 0,5 l

    Fresh shredded oats plants with vodka. Insist in tightly sealed dishes in a dark, warm place for 2 weeks, shaking the contents from time to time. Strain, the residue otzhat. Prinimaat 30-40 drops with water 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

    This alcoholic tincture raises the general tone of the body during exhaustion, mental fatigue, abstinence from smoking, impotence, insomnia and sluggish appetite.

    Oats( tincture) - 50 ml

    Motherwort( tincture) -20 ml

    Lemongrass( tincture) - 20 ml

    Eleutherococcus - 50 ml

    Mix ready tinctures.

    Take 1 tsp 2 times a day for 30 minutes before a meal, with a decoction of rose hips.

    Oats - 1 glass

    Water - 5 glasses

    Wash the oats several times in cold water. Add cold water. Boil for 30 minutes on low heat. After wrapping, insist 12 hours, strain, bring to the original volume of cold boiled water. Drink such a broth should be 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. In a month your forces will be fully restored.

    Oats( young inflorescences) - 100 g

    Water -0,7 l

    Shredded leafless apexes of young inflorescences of oats of sowing pour boiling water, insist 1 hour. Strain.

    Take 0.5-1 cup 2-3 times daily before meals.

    Oat pudding is a curative, restorative, tonic drink, normalizing metabolic processes, it acts rejuvenatingly on the internal environment, it removes the aging process. Do not spend money on all sorts of foreign herbalife, it is better to spend them on something else. Remember, there is everything in Russia, you just need not be lazy and take care of your health and the continuation of life on your own. A oat jelly, just like an infusion of oats, is the best means of restoring the enzymatic, hormonal and secretory apparatus and normalizing the intestinal microflora.

    The method of preparation of oatmeal according to the recipe of Izotov is described in detail, and it is also indicated how it is possible to enrich such a kissel, slightly changing the method of its preparation. There are other recipes for oat jellies, as well as a variety of health drinks from oats, which would be quite good to diversify their diet - they are also listed below.

    The Izotov oatmeal is prepared as follows.

    Stage 1: fill the 3-liter jar half( better) or one-third with "Hercules" or ground oatmeal, or add 10-15 stems to the "Hercules" pack( 0.5 kg).spoons of crushed oatmeal, or use only crushed oatmeal.

    Pour boiled water at room temperature, add 0.5 cups of yogurt and a small slice of rye bread. The bank should be filled almost to the top.

    Stage 2: After 2-3 days. Strain the fermented mixture through a colander in a large enamel saucepan. The liquid is again poured into a 3-liter jar and allowed to settle. Prepare two 3-liter jars.

    Thicker, left in a colander, several times rinse with small portions in cold water, which each time needs to be drained into an empty 3-liter jar until the liquid becomes clear.

    The flushing liquid should be about 3 times larger than the liquid after fermentation( if the liquid after fermentation is about 2 liters, then the wash liquid must be at least two 3-liter cans).Banks close the lids and allow to settle at room temperature for 12-16 hours.

    Stage 3: After 12-16 hours. All the banks formed 2 layers: the upper one - liquid, the lower one - white loose sediment. Remove the top layer gently through a tube. A white precipitate( approximately 500 ml) is poured into a liter jar and closed with a lid.

    This is the concentrate of jelly. All banks put in the refrigerator. In the future, the concentrate can be used as a ferment.

    Stage 4: 2-7 st.spoonfuls of concentrate, 1.5-2 cups of cold liquid, remaining from the filtration, bring to a boil over low heat, stirring intensely, and boil until the desired density( about 5 minutes).It is better to boil the kissel. In the end, add any oil( preferably sunflower unrefined, olive, corn, sea-buckthorn).You can pour a little. Cool slightly. Kissel is ready.

    This recipe is considered classic, but the drink will only benefit if the recipe is slightly modified. You need to take 0.6-0.7 kg of ordinary oats, rinse well with warm water 2-3 times, then pour warm boiled water at a level slightly above the oats and put in a warm place for 6-8 hours( you can overnight).Then pour off the water, cover with a warm moist napkin the mass of oats, cover with oilcloth and leave for a day. Sprouted oats to pass through a meat grinder. And then proceed as in the preparation of oatmeal VK Izotov. It seems that in this version of the jelly there will be much more biologically active substances, microelements and vitamins contained in oats.

    90 g oat flakes, 5 grams of sugar, 2-3 grams of salt, 5 g of butter, 230 ml of water.

    Oat flour or croup "Hercules" is poured with cold water, mixed, the dishes are closed with a lid and left for about a day. Then the mass is filtered. In the resulting liquid( oat milk) put a crust of black bread and leave in the warmth for a day. The fermented liquid is drained, sugar is added and boiled until a thick mass forms, continuously stirring. Hot jelly is poured into molds or plates, allowed to cool and cut into portions. Let go with cold milk.

    1 liter of milk, 0.5 cup oat flakes, 2 tbsp.tablespoons oil, 2 tbsp.spoons of raisins, 2 tbsp.spoons of cocoa powder, sugar, nuts.

    From oat flakes weed out flour, pour the flakes on a baking tray, put small pieces of butter on them, put them in a hot oven and, occasionally stirring, fry until light brown. Mix cocoa with sugar and oatmeal. Milk boil, add flakes, scalded raisins( can be replaced with dried apricots or prunes) and a mixture of cocoa, stirring, cook for 5 minutes. Kissel pour on the forms, sprinkle with crushed nuts.

    3 handfuls of oatmeal "Extra", 50 g of stale bread, 0.5 liters of water.

    Kissel is very good for those who want to lose weight. It is irreplaceable in the treatment of duodenitis, as it envelops the intestinal mucosa.

    In the evening, pour the oatmeal with water, put a crust of bread. Put in a warm place for 12 hours.

    In the morning, infuse the infusion. Boil the jelly on the bottom grill of aerogrill until thickening( at medium temperature and speed).

    250 g of oatmeal or "Hercules", 1 liter of water, 100 g of pork bacon.

    The way of preparation is the same as in the previous recipe. To the hot jelly add diced and fried in a frying pan.

    Serve with milk or sour kvass.

    250 g of oatmeal or "Hercules", salt, 1 liter of water or milk.

    "Hercules" or oatmeal pour warm water and put the kvass in a warm place. Sour the sour mixture, add milk to the resulting liquid, cook, stirring constantly, until the bubbles appear. Salt.

    Serve hot or cold with milk.

    200 g of oatmeal, 100 g of sugar, 40 g of berries( currants, blueberries or others).

    Oatmeal or Hercules diluted with cold water, let it sour well, strain through a sieve and boil the thick jelly, pour into molds and cool. Serve on the table, pour syrup of berries. Kissel can be served with cold boiled milk.

    1.5 liters of water, 1.5 cups of oats, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of honey, 0.5 lemon.

    Oats to sort, rinse, pour cold water, bring to a boil. Infuse in a warm place 3-4 hours a, add finely chopped or grated on a large grated lemon zest. Broth strain through 2-3 layers of gauze, add honey, lemon juice. Serve warm with

    1.5 l of water, 1 cup of oats, 0.25 cups of raisins.

    Oats and raisins to sort out, rinse, pour cold water, bring to a boil and infuse for 3-4 hours at a temperature close to the boil. Strain the broth, serve warm.

    1.5 l of water, 1 cup of oats, 0.5 cups of cranberries, 0.25 glasses of raisins, 3 tablespoons of sugar or honey.

    Oats and raisins to sort out, rinse, pour cold water, bring to a boil, let it brew in a warm place for 3 hours, put on a strong fire, bring to a boil, add crushed cranberries, allow to boil once and insist 1 hour. Strain, add sugar or honey. You can serve warm or cold.

    1.5 l of water, 1 cup of oats, 0.25 cups of raisins, 0.5 cups of apricots.

    Oats, raisins, dried apricots, wash, pour cold water, bring to a boil and infuse for 3-4 hours at a temperature close to the boiling point. Strain the broth, serve warm.

    1.5 l of water, 0.5 cups of oats, 1 glass of carrots, 2 tbsp.spoons of raisins, 1 lemon.

    Put well-washed oats, raisins and dried carrots into enameled dishes. Pour cold water, bring to a boil and press for 3-4 hours. Broth strain, add lemon juice, serve warm.

    1.5 l of water, 1 cup of oats, 0.75 cups of sea-buckthorn, 3 teaspoons of sugar or honey. ODDS OAS, clean, rinse, pour cold water. Bring to a boil and insist in a warm place for 3 hours. Put on a strong fire, bring to a boil, pour the mashed buckthorn, give again to boil and insist an hour. After insisting, drain the broth, add sugar or honey. You can serve warm or cold.

    1, l of water, 1 cup of oats, 0.75 cups of sea-buckthorn, 0.25 glasses of raisins, 3 teaspoons of sugar or honey.

    Oats and raisins sorted, rinsed with cold water, bring to a boil and let it brew in a warm place for 3 hours. Put on a strong fire, bring to a boil, pour the mashed buckthorn, give again to boil and insist an hour. Strain, add sugar or honey. You can serve warm or cold.

    1.5 l water, 0.5 cup oats, 0.5 cup dried apples, 1 tbsp.spoon of honey, 1 lemon. Wash oats, dried apples, pour lemon zest in cold water, bring to a boil and press for 4 hours. Strain, add lemon juice and honey, serve warm.

    1.5 liters of water, 1 cup of oats, 0.5 cups of viburnum, 3 teaspoons of sugar or honey.

    Oats to sort, rinse, pour cold water. Bring to a boil and insist in a warm place for 3 hours. Then put on a strong fire, bring to a boil, pour the mashed potatoes, give a boil and insist an hour. Strain, add sugar or honey. You can serve warm or cold.

    2 tbsp.spoons of dry shredded oats grass, 0.5 liters of boiling water.

    Grass boil with boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, strain and drink hot half a cup 3-4 times a day for colds.

    For 1 liter of milk - 1 cup of washed oats with husk.

    Cook over low heat for an hour. Strain, drink hot( can be with butter and honey).It is useful to take at night. In the thermos can not store the broth - it quickly sour.

    Recommended for severe pneumonia, especially useful for impaired patients.

    30-40 grams of oatmeal( straw), 1 liter of water. Strew the straw, pour water, boil for 10 minutes. It is recommended as a diaphoretic, carminative and diuretic, as well as abdominal edema, kidney diseases and as an antipyretic.

    Oats( straw), plantain large( leaves), black elderberry( flowers) - all in equal parts.

    For 1 liter of boiling water - 3 tbsp.spoon collection. Take once a day for 30 g with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. The tea has a pleasant aroma and taste. It is also recommended for healthy people.

    Oats( straw), Japanese japanese( fruits), thigh-saxifrage( grass), white birch( kidneys) - in equal parts.

    For 1 liter of boiling water - 3 tbsp.spoon collection. Take 7 times a day for 100 g with a long-term non-healing ulcer of the stomach - only according to the doctor's prescription.

    1 cup( grains), 2 tbsp.spoons of honey, 2 cups of water.

    Boil the oats in a water bath until half of the water evaporates, drain and add honey, boil for 5-10 minutes. Take half a cup 2-3 times a day as a diuretic.

    Zernovki pour cold water in a ratio of 1:10, insist 1 day, strain and take 1 glass 2-3 times daily before meals as a diuretic that regulates metabolic processes in the heart muscle and nervous tissue.

    Oat root( root crop), barley( grain), oats( grains) - in equal parts.

    Roots are washed, cut into pieces not thicker than 1 cm and dried at 100 ° C for 10-12 hours, then roasted to the color of natural coffee( but not overcooked) and grind in a coffee grinder or rub in a mortar. Use ground oats root alone or in combination with grain components - fried and ground barley or oats - at the rate of 1 part of coffee from oat root to 2 parts of grain. Brew as a natural coffee, drink with sugar or milk, adding them to taste. Welding rate: 1 teaspoon of coffee per 1 cup of boiling water.

    Coffee from the root of a goat berry( oatmeal) is a diet drink. It is useful to people suffering from diabetes.

    3 g of acorns peeled and ground into flour, 2 g of crushed grains of barley, 1 g of crushed grain of rye, 1 g of crushed grain of oats, 2 g of chicory root, 1 g of dandelion root.

    Grain of each of the cereal plants and acorns to fry until reddening and mix. Chicory fry not on fire, but in the stove, just turned off, but not yet cooled. This precaution is necessary, as chicory is easily ignited. Store in a glass, well-corked container. Use as usual - with milk and sugar, even better - with honey.

    In the people this coffee was drunk with scrofula and cramps of various origin in children.

    5 g of chicory root, 7 g of barley grain, 4 g of soybean fruit, 4 g of rowanberry fruit, 4 g of oat grain.

    Blend the mixture into hot water( 1t spoon for 1 glass of water), heat to boiling, let it brew and pour into a glass. Add sugar and milk to taste.

    Coffee drinks do not excite the nervous system, so they are recommended to people suffering from hypertension, gastritis with high acidity.

    50 grams - oats( grains), rye( grain), rice, barley( grain), chicory( root), 3 g of almond( seeds).

    Components grind and mix. For 1 liter of water - 6 tbsp.spoons of collection. Brew as coffee. Drink 30 grams of tea before bedtime. It is recommended for severe pneumonia, bronchitis with asthmatic syndrome.

    Today, as a rule, such a derivative product from oats, as flakes, is used for food. In addition, they use oatmeal, oatmeal or, in some cases, grain itself.

    Oatmeal is usually cooked porridge porridge: 100 g oat flakes cook until thick with 1 liter of water;so that the calcium and phosphorus salts dissolve better, before cooking it is recommended to soak the oat flakes in cold water for several hours.

    In terms of easily digestible proteins and fats, oatmeal is richer than other cereals. Even in the oatmeal, although it passes water-heat and enzymatic treatment( frying in special vats for 5-6 hours) and peeling, still contains 15% of valuable proteins, 7% of fat, which includes lecithin. From oatmeal, except cereals, you can cook pancakes, pancakes.

    Cereal flakes, soaked for 12 hours before consumption can be eaten and raw, which is still more useful. Such flakes of the famous nutritionist Bircher-Benner introduced as a basis in the dietary diet he developed( now widely known as "muesli"): 1-2 tbsp.spoons of flakes, 1-3 grated or finely chopped apples, juice of half a lemon, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of condensed milk, honey or fruit jelly, or the same, but with the addition of ground nuts, grated carrots or prunes.

    If on a science. ..

    Oat flakes to pass through a meat grinder. A tablespoon of the resulting mass is diluted with water to a mushy consistency. This gruel is applied to the face and neck and slightly rubbed until it begins to "roll down", easily sliding over the skin. Then rinse with water.

    ( Let's make a note: if you have dry skin, then wash off any cosmetics with warm water, if it's greasy, then in a contrast way: first hot and then cold.)

    This procedure should be performed daily at bedtime for a month.

    It's very simple. ..

    If oatmeal porridge is your usual breakfast, you can boil one more portion( without salt and sugar).When it cools down, wipe the face with it, then rinse with water at room temperature. This is a great tool for cleansing dry skin, although fatty also does not hurt. Instead of oat flakes, you can use flax seeds or bran.

    Any bran - wheat, rice, oatmeal - to pass through a meat grinder, a tablespoon of the resulting mass to dissolve the water to a gruel-like consistency. This gruel wipe your face and neck until you feel that it slides easily over the skin. Then rinse thoroughly with water.

    Precisely the same cleansing of the skin of the face and neck can be carried out using the crumb of rye bread soaked in hot water.

    Facial cleansing is performed daily( before bedtime) for a month.

    Grate baby soap and add bran or oat flakes( 2 tablespoons of bran or cereal for 1 tablespoon of soap) to a small grater, dilute with water at room temperature. The resulting gruel wash your face, lightly massaging the skin, for 3-4 minutes. Then rinse and rub with lotion.

    2 tablespoons oat flakes boil for 15 minutes on milk or water. Cool to about body temperature( 36-37 C), add 1 tablespoon of honey and apply the mixture on the face. To sustain 20 minutes. Rinse off with water at room temperature.

    In spring, oats are sown first of the cereals, while the soil is still quite wet. Seeds for germination need to absorb 65% of water from the mass of the grain( barley, for example, only 50%).Cold soil for this culture is not terrible. Even accidentally falling after sowing snow will not do harm.

    An acute need for water oats is experienced only during the germination period, and then from tillering to sifting( the formation of grains).Lack of moisture at this time can lead to a sharp decline in yield, and sometimes even to a complete death. To the atmospheric drought oats are most sensitive in the flowering phase. At this time for him the most favorable is the humid, quiet weather with a low temperature of 15-18 ° C.

    Unlike wheat and barley, oats are possible on all soils, except for strongly sandy and alkaline soils. It is better than other crops to transfer acidic soils, responds well to liming.

    An oats with a row spacing of 15 cm are sown. About 20-25 g of seeds are sown for each square meter. On heavy soils, the seeds are closed up to 3 cm deep, 2 cm on the swamps to be harvested, 4 to 6 cm on light and dry soils, and lightly harrowed on heavy soils( before emergence) to destroy the soil crust and destroy germinating weeds. The second harrowing can be done during the period of plant tillering - it will also significantly reduce the number of weeds in the crop. Oats are already able to drown out all the weeds.

    The growing season is relatively short - from 98 to PO days. This makes it possible to successfully grow oats in the northern regions, where, however, autumn frosts in the phase of milk ripeness of grain are dangerous for him. Oats are a plant of temperate climate. The most favorable temperature for him is 15-25 ° C.

    If green plants are required for the preparation of medicines, oat grass is harvested at the beginning of flowering. Cleaning of ripe grass is carried out when the grains in the upper part of the panicles reach the wax ripeness. Plants are cut and tied into sheaves, which are dried in an enclosed area( shed) and threshed. After threshing, straw is harvested for treatment and phytodesign.

    For nutrition, digestibility and cheapness, these products can be put on a par with wheat and rye.

    Milk and fresh oat porridge very well restore the forces of women in childbirth, increase lactation, help patients who have had a serious illness or operation, quickly gain strength and get back on their feet. With diarrhea oat broth or liquid jelly from oats is considered one of the best medicines.

    Rice contains more carbohydrates than oats, but the amount of protein in it is limited. Therefore, when preparing dishes from rice, you need to add milk or eggs. Rice broth strongens the stomach, especially with dyspepsia in children. When preparing dishes from rice, you need to remember that the main vitamins are not contained in the rice grains, but in the husks. During heat treatment, the outer part of the grain becomes slightly crispy, and the inner softens.

    The peculiarity of rice is its ability to grow in shallow fresh water in a warm and humid climate. Farmers usually flood rice fields to provide growing grasses with moisture and for the destruction of weeds.

    As the main food product, rice was distributed mainly in the countries of South-East Asia.

    Rice is an excellent substitute for all cereals and can be used for nutrition in a variety of forms. Consumption of rice can be recommended to people who are allergic to wheat and products from it.

    Rice contains a large amount of lysine and is therefore a good source of protein. Peeled rice, in addition, is also rich in Group B vitamins( nicotinic acid, pyridoxine).Rice bran and waste from polishing rice are the concentrated sources of these vitamins.

    In husked rice, magnesium and iron are found, but phytic acid present in bran can worsen their curative value. To increase the absorption of minerals from the husked rice, you need to include foods containing vitamin C.

    Sliced ​​rice is an excellent source of soluble fiber. More than 100 years ago it was found that the constant consumption of purified rice in food leads to a disease called bery-beri( polyneuritis).It is characterized by degeneration of the nervous system and heart failure. As the consumption of refined grains became more and more common, the beriberi disease in the past centuries has become a big problem for the inhabitants of Asian countries. In the middle of the twenties of this century, thiamine was isolated( a table spoon of thiamine was extracted from one ton of rice).Currently, vitamin B1 is used as an additive to refined grains of rice. As a result of this measure, beriberi disease is very rare.

    In folk medicine, rice is used in the following diseases:

    Rice bran can be recommended to increase the fiber content in the diet to prevent constipation. When rice bran was offered to volunteers, they increased the time of passage of the contents through the intestine. To prevent the appearance of constipation, especially in old age, add a tablespoon of rice bran in the morning porridge.

    Studies show that rice reduces the acidity of gastric juice and prevents the throwing of gastric juice into the esophagus( a frequent cause of heartburn).

    Doctors-clinicians treated 182 patients with calcium stones in their kidneys with rice bran. Patients were given 10 grams of rice bran two times a day after meals. As a result, the formation of new stones significantly decreased. If you suffer from kidney stone disease, try treatment with rice bran. In any case, there will be no harm from this treatment.

    This is a disease in which a person suffers from constantly alternating constipation and diarrhea. Rhys removes this kind of frustration. During the treatment with rice, you should not eat foods from such cereals as wheat, oats, barley.

    Substances contained in rice are involved in the stabilization of blood sugar( starch is digested and digested hard and slowly, the product of its cleavage - glucose enters the blood gradually);for this reason, rice dishes can be present in the menu of people with diabetes.