  • Development of speech of the child 4-5 years

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    In the fifth year of life, the child's speech becomes more diverse, more correct, richer. He already builds his answers from 2-3 or more phrases, more often his speech includes complex and complex sentences. The increase in the active vocabulary( by the age of five, it reaches 3000 words) enables the child to express his thoughts more accurately, communicate freely with both adults and children.

    If a two-, three-year-old kid, not knowing how to name a particular object, its characteristic feature, sometimes resorts to gestures: "That's it"( spreading his hands), referring to an elephant, the four-, five-year-old child already seeks to findthe right word, creates its own words. KI Chukovsky in the book "From two to five" gives such examples of the word-making of children: a small fire, everyone( universal), angry( wrinkles), shook, braked, creep( worm), mazelin( petroleum jelly)(loop), gulvar( boulevard), melkoscope( microscope), claster( plaster), etc. The words are really funny, but it is not worthwhile to fix them in the speech of the child. It is necessary to correct, to give exact names to concepts.

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    The five-year-old children are very much gravitating toward rhyme. They create their own poems( for example: "Tsytsykul, Tsytsykul, the mountains are Mikul" -B. C. Mukhina "Gemini").Pick up words that do not make any sense at all. But this very occupation is far from meaningless: it promotes the development of speech hearing, forms the ability to select words that are close in sound. In the fifth year of life, most children master the clear and pure pronunciation of the hissing sounds of

    [w], [w], [w '], [uh'], many begin to correctly pronounce the sounds [p], [p '], [n],but they do not always know how to use them correctly in all words. At this age they mix sibilant sounds with wheezing, sounds [p], [p '] - with sounds [l], [n']( sound is available, but not always correctly used).For example, a child correctly pronounces the sound [p] in the word shed and at the same time the same sound in a word the roof can say like [l]: hears.

    Mastering new sounds, however, is not without difficulties. Thus, clearly pronouncing the sibilant and sonorous sounds [p], [p '], [n] in syllables and often correctly using them in newly learned words, the child sometimes continues to pronounce them in the old way in words that have long been familiar. These errors can not be ignored, it is necessary to ensure that the new sound is possible everywhere.

    In some children, mastery of new sounds causes excessive infatuation with them. Kids start to use them even in words in which they do not exist. If, say, the child did not pronounce [w] and [x] earlier, replacing them with [s] and [s], now he starts to pronounce them, even when not necessary: ​​noise( bag), zhamok( lock), zhvezdochka(asterisk), etc.

    At this age it is necessary to continue acquaintance of the child with new words, to accustom it precisely to name the quality of objects, to determine what they are made of( table, chair, cabinet-of wood, bank, vase, glass-glass andetc.), to find similarities and differences in objects, to know such temporal concepts as morning, day, evening, yesterday, today, tomorrow;spatial relations: right-left, front-rear, top-bottom. To develop the ability to find similar and different signs in objects, you can give the child such an assignment: "Look carefully at the two apples. Same apples or not? How are they similar and different from each other? "The child discovers that one apple is large, red, with a speck on its side, sweet, other-small, green, sour. If a child misses some signs, the adult can ask suggestive questions or call them himself.

    Children's toys, household items can also be used for comparison, comparison and description. So, the girl can offer to tell everything she knows about her doll: what's her name? What are her hair, eyes? What is her dress, shoes? The boy can be offered to describe, for example, a car.

    Often children confuse temporary concepts: yesterday and tomorrow, morning and evening, spring and autumn. The game below will teach the child to navigate in such concepts that are still very difficult for him.

    • "When it happens".Name one or more signs of some time of the year, and ask the child to determine what time of the year they are talking about:

    - When do children sled?(In winter.)

    - When the buds bloom on the trees, the first leaves appear?(In the spring.)

    - When the berries ripen in the forest, you can swim in the river?(In summer.)

    - When the birds fly south, do the leaves turn yellow?(In Autumn.)

    Refine and consolidate the child's knowledge of temporal and spatial relationships:

    - When does the sun go in?(In the evening.)

    - What kind of hand are you drawing?(Right.)

    Knowledge of spatial and temporal relationships will help the child to better understand the speech of others, more accurately use his speech, move correctly and act as directed by adults. It is unlikely that a child will be able to find, for example, a book that lies on the upper shelf on the right, if he does not know where the top is, and where the bottom, where the right, and where the left side.

    To develop the orientation in space, that is, the ability to correctly identify objects in relation to yourself and use such words as in front, behind, left, right, can be as follows. The child, for example, must locate the chair in relation to himself. Put a chair in front of the baby and ask him: "Where is the chair?"( Ahead.) Then, rearranging the chair or changing the position of the child in relation to it, ask the baby to say where the chair is: back, left, right.

    During self-study of child-drawing, modeling, construction - pay attention to where, for example, are those or other objects in his picture. Ask him where in his picture the sun( above), the house( below), and where the Christmas tree in relation to the house( left or right).

    Pointing out the sizes of objects, children basically use words large, small and rarely high, low, long, short. Instruct the child to express his thoughts most accurately: the house is tall and low, the tape is wide, and the pencil is long and short. Learn to use and adjectives in a comparative degree. Ask which line is wider, which is already narrower;which wand is higher, which is lower;which book is thicker, which is thinner.

    Pointing to the size, color, shape, other qualities and attributes of objects, children sometimes make mistakes in matching words, in case endings of nouns, in verb endings, adjectives.

    It is necessary to pay attention to the grammatical correctness of the child's speech. Check how the baby connects the words with each other. Ask him what kind of doll he has."Beautiful," the child will answer."And what else? Is it big or small? "" Big, "he says."And what pencil?" - "Red, long".To fix the correct formation of the endings will help the child the next game.

    • "Find and fix the error."When pronouncing the phrase incorrectly, check the noun with the verb, adjective or use the wrong ending: "Dad bought a toy", "Tanya sang a song", "Katya has a beautiful hat".A child needs to find an error. Ask him: "So you can say?" The child should correct the phrase and say it again, but it's right.

    Unspeakable names of nouns, for example, cinema, metro, eskimo, etc., tend to bow to the child: "We were in the kina, we were driving a meter".Be sure to correct errors. Otherwise they will be fixed in speech and it will be very difficult to get rid of them in the future.

    The formation and development of coherent speech occurs primarily in the process of everyday communication with adults. At this age the child usually asks parents many questions, he is interested in everything: where does the bread come from? Why does the car go? Why butterflies? Where does the water run from the tap? Where the babies come from?etc. Sometimes parents try to evade an answer, but sometimes they say irritably: "Do not bother with stupid questions."And why, you ask, with the stupid? Do not we ourselves seek to understand the world around us more deeply? Why is a child who is just beginning to know him, should not be interested in what surrounds him? Of course, not all questions of the child can be given an exhaustive answer, but in any case, it is necessary to explain in an accessible form what interests him. It must be remembered that a preschool child draws his knowledge, learns new words only through communication with adults.

    Activate the child's speech and questions that parents ask parents: "Where were you?", "What did you draw?", "What did you see?" The answers should not only be correct and accurate, but also as complete as possible.

    The development of colloquial speech is an important stage in the formation of a coherent speech in a child. At this age, the kid is very fond of telling about something, sharing his observations, impressions, composing. No matter how busy you are, it is necessary to support the child's speech activity, to be able to listen to it, to help correctly convey the contents of the book read.

    Here, for example, how can a child tell a story four years: "Once upon a time there was a goat. She had seven kids. And she had a house with a stove. Every morning she went into the forest. The wolf really wanted to eat kids. But they listened to Mummy. Always looked out the window - who's there knocking. No wolf has ever eaten them. And the goat wolfed all the wolves. Here "(VS Mukhina" The Twins ").

    If your child is not talkative, then call him to talk. Ask what he is going to do now, how the house will be built, what details will be needed for this, what book the father read to him, what is said there.

    Children love when adults read to them, and what they liked is ready to listen for the fifth and the tenth time.("I will always, always read this book.) I'll read this book all my life until I die" - VS Mukhina "Gemini".)

    Do not be annoyed, annoyed at the request of children to read the beloved fairy tale again. But we must strive to ensure that the kid does not remain only a listener. After reading, be sure to check whether he understood everything, ask him what he liked, how he appreciates the actions of the heroes of a fairy tale or story. Such conversations will help the child to acquire a deeper understanding of the work and better remember it.

    Simultaneously with the expansion of the vocabulary, the child also improves the sound side of speech.

    In addition to the above we offer a few more games designed to develop auditory attention, perception and speech hearing.

    • "Say what you hear".Place the child next to him, suggest him, close his eyes, listen carefully and say what he hears around him( ticking the clock, slamming doors, tapping dishes in the kitchen, street noise).The same game can be conducted in the forest, in the park. So, in the forest, a child can hear the rustling of leaves, the knocking of a woodpecker on wood, the cuckooing of a cuckoo.

    • "Be considerate".The game is designed to develop a child's ability to hear and distinguish sounds in words. With a small interval, say the words: Mom, juice, dog, cotton, snow, box, phone, boots, cloud, nightingale- and offer the child when he hears a sound in the word [s], clap. If the child finds it difficult to distinguish the sound [s], then it must be pronounced in words in a word: s-juice, c-dog.

    Invite the child to clap his hands when he hears a sound [z] in words: a lock, a candy, a coat, an umbrella, a rabbit, a watering can, a plant, a snake, a cat, a machine, teeth.

    Suggest the child similar games with words including sounds [w], [w]( when you hear these sounds, you have to raise your hand): fur coat, fish, bump, pipe, dress, ball, ax, school, tire, bucket;beetle, hand, melon, toad, horse, belly, blanket, acorns, felt boots, giraffe.

    The same game can be performed for distinguishing between [p] and [l] sounds.

    Games can be gradually complicated - enter words in which sounds are in different positions: in the beginning, in the middle and in the end of words. It should be borne in mind that voiced consonants at the end and in the middle of the words are deafened before the deaf, therefore, for example, words like a gas, a hedgehog, a mug should not be given( pronounced like a gas, a hedgehog, a krushka).

    Usually in the fifth year of life the child's articulatory apparatus already reaches sufficient perfection so that the baby can correctly pronounce all sounds. However, some children can still experience lethargy of the muscles of the tongue, lips, lower jaw, this causes errors in pronouncing individual sounds and general vagueness of speech. Therefore, training the articulatory apparatus continues to be an important task.

    Suggest to the child such exercises: with a wide open mouth to rest with the tip of the tongue in the upper and lower teeth( "the tongue has lost its way and can not find an outlet to the street"), pull the tip of the tongue to the nose, make the tongue that wide( "spatula"),, then narrow( "cucumber");the tip of the tongue to knock on the upper incisors( "knock on the door");click on the tongue( "how the horses are knocking their hooves").To improve the mobility of the lips, the child can simulate the hum of the airplane( sound [y]), the neighing of the horse( sound [i]), the crying of a little girl( sound [a]).

    When pronouncing words in a whisper, as a rule, the work of the articulatory apparatus is strengthened.

    • The Secret. In a whisper, say a word, a phrase or a small poem and ask the child to tell the child what is said to the doll( teddy bear) secretly. For example: "Today after breakfast we will go to the park" - and ask him to repeat this phrase to the doll( teddy bear) so that he does not hear the bunny. When uttering phrases in a whisper, you must ensure that the child clearly pronounces sounds and words.

    There are children who are sometimes lazy to speak well, although they can pronounce the words clearly enough. In such cases it is necessary to remind more often of the need to speak clearly: "Tell me better. You know how to speak well. "Sometimes it is useful to pretend that you do not understand what the child wants, and invite him to say so that everything is clear.

    We recommend the following games to clarify, fix and distinguish sounds.

    • "Angry Snake"."A snake crawled along the grass. She saw the hedgehog, was frightened of it and hissed: sh-sh-sh. .. "Ask the child how the snake hissed.

    • "Run away the sparrows"."Tanya tore into a bowl of crumbs to feed the chickens. But the sparrows arrived and began to peck the crumbs. Tanya saw sparrows, waved her hands and cried: "Kysh-kysh-kysh."Offer the child to clearly reproduce these sound combinations.

    • Invite the child to repeat the tongue-tattle: "Our Masha was given semolina porridge", "I will not find the ears of our frog".

    • Learn a poem and a Russian folk song with the child:

    Drop the bear on the floor,

    Tear off the teddy bear,

    I will not leave it anyway,

    Because it's good.

    A. Barto

    Cockerel, Cockerel,

    Golden scallop,

    Oily head,

    Silk beard,

    What do you get up early,

    Golosisto sing,

    Masha do not give a sleep?

    • "The Fly"."Katya was playing with the doll. Suddenly a big fly flew into the room and loudly buzzed: w-well. .. »Ask the child how the fly buzzed.

    • Ask the child to repeat the tongue-twisters: "At the horror of the horror, at the hedgehog", "The hedgehog is lying at the tree, at the hedgehog".

    • Learn with the child a poem:

    Lived in the world Patty.

    He swallowed the curd.

    And for it Swallowed the Light.

    I. Kurlat

    • Ask the child to alternately reproduce the hiss of the snake, then the buzzing of the fly, that is, to say the sound [w], then the sound [w]: w-sh-w. ..-.-Sh-sh-sh. ..

    • Ask the child to repeat the tongue-in-cheek: "The hedgehog - the hedgehog, and the teddy bear", "the Acorns in the mouse, and the monkey bumps."

    • Learn with the child a poem:

    Mouse in a mug of green

    Boiled millet porridge.

    The children of a dozen

    Waiting for supper.

    All on a spoon got -

    No grain left!

    Czech song, per. S. Marshak

    • Ask the child to say that sound [s] in turn, then the sound [w]: s-s-s. .. -sh-sh-sh. .. -s-s. ..

    • Askthe child to repeat the tongue-twisters: "Sasha loves drying, and Sonya-cheesecake," "Sasha gave porridge, and Klashe-yogurt", "Hat and fur coat, that's the whole mishutka."

    • Learn with the child:

    Like our cat

    Fur coat is very good.

    Like a cat's mustache

    Amazing beauty.

    Eyes are bold,

    Teeth are white.

    I made a shirt for a teddy bear,

    I sew panties for him.

    It is necessary to sew a pocket to them

    And put the candy. ..

    3. Alexandrova

    • Ask the child to alternately reproduce that song of a mosquito, then the hum of a fly, that is, to pronounce that sound [z], then the sound [x]: z-s. .. -y-f. .. -y-z -...

    • Ask the child to repeat the tongue-twisters: "Zina has a lot of worries: she has a stomach ache," "Little Zina has a bear cub in the basket."

    • Learn with the child:

    Run along the field,

    In the garden ran,

    Carrot found,

    Sits and gnaws.

    Go away!

    The master is coming!



    Ran out milk,

    I hardly caught


    Being a mistress is not easy!

    R. Farhadi

    • "Traffic Engine".Invite the child to "be a train", which, puffing away from the station, puffs( pronounced choppy sound [h]]: h-h-h-h. ..).

    • Learn with the child poems:

    Our Tanya loudly cries,

    Dropped the ball into the river.

    - Hush, Tanechka, do not cry,

    Do not drown in the river ball!

    A. Barto

    Camel in a cage

    Throwing a candy.

    - It would be better to have thorns,

    I do not like pulling!

    E. Kotlyar

    • "The Song of the Saw".Invite the child to listen carefully to how she "sings" when she saws the boards( say the length of the sound [uh]), and then reproduce her "song", that is, draw out the sound [uh].

    • Ask the child to repeat the tongue-tattle: "Wolves are scouring, they are looking for food", "Tongs and mites are our things".

    • Have the child alternately pronounce the sound [q], then play the chugging of the locomotive that leaves the station, that is, say the sound [h '].The sound [q] is pronounced lingeringly: ts-ts-ts. .., the sound [h '] - abruptly: h-h-h. ..

    • Ask the child to repeat the tongue-twisters: "In a heron, a chicken, a rabbit has a tick", "Chickens and chicken drink tea on the street."

    • Learn with the child poems:

    I can shoe,

    If I just want.

    I and the little brother

    Learn how to teach. ..

    E. Blaginina

    I met the hedgehog bull

    and licked it into the barrel.

    But, licking it, a bull

    I stabbed my tongue.

    A prickly hedgehog laughs:

    In the mouth, do not you sweat!

    P. Voronko

    • Ask the child to say that sound [s] one after another, then the sound [ni ']: c-c-s. .. - uh-uh-uh.!.-s-c-c. ..

    • Ask the child to repeat the tongue-twister: "The wasps do not have a mustache, they do not exaggerate, but tendrils."

    • Learn with the child poems:

    . .. Under the bench whines

    The forgotten puppy.

    He is very sad,

    He is all alone.

    And if he goes with Natasha to walk,

    He barks and jumps,

    Puppy does not find out. ..


    And somine strengtheners

    Like long shoelaces.

    They pelt around everywhere with

    And they are looking for a cover for themselves

    On a sandy river bed.

    G. Lushnin

    • Offer the child a loud and lingering sound [l].

    • Ask the child to repeat the tongue-twisters: "Mama Mila washed soap with soap, Mila did not like soap", "At the Christmas tree, spikes", "We drank we caught fish".

    • Learn the poem and poteshka with the child:

    White snow, white chalk,

    The white hare is also white.

    But the protein is not white,

    White was not even there.

    E. Izmaylov

    Fox walking through the woods,

    Fox screamed with a voice,

    Fox whisked Fox,

    Bobbin lace braided.

    Russian folk song

    • Invite the child to pronounce the sound [p] loudly and slowly( as a tiger growls).

    • Ask the child to repeat the tongue twisters: "I paint the roof with red paint", "On the mountain, Egorka roars on the hill", "In the yard there is a hill, under the mink hill", "In this mink the mole, the hill is guarded".

    • Choose pictures with images of such objects, in the name of which there is a sound [p]( [p ']), located in the beginning, middle and end of the word: fish, Pinocchio, ball, radish, chicken, door. Invite the child to name these items.

    • Learn with the child poems:


    Thunder rolled in the mountains,

    Raged over a black cloud,

    growled above a black steep slope.

    Let the thunder roar in the mountains!

    We'll go for a walk anyway!

    N. Kostarev

    Wears Mama Kangaroo

    In a warm children's bag.

    And the guys-kindergarten

    The whole day

    They play hide and seek.

    B. Zahoder

    • Ask the child to say a lazy sound [l], then the sound [p]: l-l-l. .. -r-rr. .. -l-l. ..

    •Ask the child to repeat the tongue-twisters: "Lara at Valya is playing the piano", "Carrying the caramel ship, the ship has run aground, and the sailors have been eating spruce for three weeks."

    • Learn with the child poems:

    Fly in the sky flying,

    The somersault fell into the pipe.

    Feet for three weeks

    She was sick.

    Peresped with Czech S. Marshak

    - What are you crying, crocodile?

    - I lazy swallowed.

    And now I'm lying, sobbing,

    Turning myself into a lazy person.

    N. Osipova

    To make the speech of the child smooth, you need to save it from unnecessary pauses. For this, it is necessary to continue training the speech breathing.

    • "Football".At the end of the table of cubes( pencils) set the gate. The ball is a small lump of cotton wool or a scrap of light paper. Kid, evenly blowing air, holds the ball into the goal( first in several stages, and then on one exhalation).For training, the most usual childish fun will do: inflating soap bubbles, big balls, rubber toys, playing with pipes, whistles and other sounding toys.

    Note that these games and exercises only prepare the child for the ability to use speech breathing. And it is developed only with the direct utterance of the sounds of speech.

    Ask the child to speak jokes, tongue twisters, small tongue twisters, to answer questions on pictures. When pronouncing large phrases, one should not allow unnecessary pauses between individual words. When pronouncing long phrases consisting of 6-7 or more words, it is necessary to help the kid correctly, taking into account the content of the text, to distribute pauses.

    To develop the ability to correctly use the power of the voice, ask the child to pronounce at different volumes the previously learned sounds: to play "the little mosquito song" first( that is, to quietly pronounce the sound [h]), and then "the song of the big mosquito"( the sound [s] is pronounced loudly), buzzing a small and big fly.

    Ability to pronounce words and phrases with varying loudness is practiced in games.

    • "Echo".Pronounce the word or phrase, and the child, while at the opposite end of the room and performing the role of an echo, must quietly repeat what has been said. Then switch roles.

    As we have already noted, the clarity, intelligibility and correctness of speech largely depend on the pace at which the child pronounces words and phrases. If he is in a hurry, his speech becomes careless, blurry, fuzzy, in some cases even sounds are skipped, the endings are "swallowed".At a slow pace, the smoothness of speech is violated, the intonational expressiveness suffers, speech flabbiness is observed. A child who speaks slowly, often lengthens the pause between words.

    "Delayed speech-bradilalia-refers to a number of disorders where the speech rate is mainly disturbed. Children speak slowly, languidly, stretching words on the vowels. The speech sounds blurry, monotonous.

    Parents often misinterpret the cause of delayed speech( especially if bradilalia is not very pronounced), consider it to be pranks, criticism, make the wrong demands and thereby worsen the case.

    What is the cause of the bradylalia? Most often this speech defect occurs in children after meningitis, encephalitis, head trauma, chronic lung diseases, gastrointestinal tract, exhausting the body and its nervous system. Asthenic conditions slow down the processes of excitation and lead to a reduction in motor reactions, to a slowing down of the speech apparatus.

    The fight against a defect requires both medical and pedagogical measures of influence. Pedagogical( logopedic) methods provide for special work on speech. The techniques of this work are simple;in consultation with a speech therapist, parents quickly master them and are not unsuccessfully engaged with children at home.

    Classes should be conducted daily, their duration is 20-30 minutes. Each lesson begins with the articulatory gymnastics in front of the mirror: alternately opening and closing the mouth;lips in a smile, in a tube;clinking of the tongue.

    Then proceed to learning short rhythmic poems with a gradual decrease. You set the pace of reading, and the child continues, imitating you. Explain the poem alternating with reading prose works "(V. Lykov).

    In this case, reading together helps: you begin to pronounce at a given tempo some poem, riddle, counting, poteshka, and the child at the same pace should finish them. You can also offer to say at the different tempo the same tongue-twisters and tongue twisters. This makes it possible not only to control the tempo of speech, but also to improve pronunciation, to quickly switch the muscles of the articulatory apparatus.

    "Simultaneously with the correction of speech, it is necessary to work on the development of dexterity and coordination of the child's movements. Conduct classes on the coordination of the word with the movement. Movements are made in accordance with the text. Outdoor games are also recommended in the open air "(V. Lykov).

    Often, children enthusiastically and expressively talk about what they are deeply interested in;but at retelling, when reading poetry by heart they speak monotonously. It is necessary to help the child "see" the intonational structure of a fairy tale or a poem. When reading fairy tales and stories, show the kid that their characters( wolf, fox, hare, bear, goat) say each in their own voice. For example, a wolf from the Little Red Riding Hood speaks in a thin voice( when he pretends to be a Red Riding Hood), then rudely, sharply( when he speaks for himself).Let the child after reading an adult try to tell a fairy tale "on different voices".When reading poetry, you should also pay attention to the baby's how they are pronounced-fun or sad, fast or slow.

    To develop the ability to use a logical accent, you can suggest that the child alternately separate words from the phrases by voice. For example, you need to say this phrase: "Mom went to the store."First, ask the baby to say this phrase so that it was clear that the mother went to the store, but, for example, not the grandmother, that is, to highlight the word mother. Then ask him to pick out the word with a voice: "Mom went to the store"( and did not go), and finally, to allocate the word to the store: "Mom went to the store"( and not to the market).Learning and reading poetry, where there are questions and dialogues, retelling of tales by roles will help the child correctly use intonational means. Development of intonational expressiveness is also facilitated by listening to fairy tales, stories, poems recorded on audio cassettes or CDs, listening to and watching children's programs on radio and television.

    • Does it always accurately use words in its speech, how often does it use besides names of nouns, adjectives and verbs other parts of speech( adverbs, pronouns), does the description of toys and objects familiar to it fully describe it?

    • Can the child describe the picture, the subject in sufficient detail?

    • What sounds are still not clearly enough or wrong? Does it clearly and correctly pronounce words and phrases?

    • Do you hear sounds that are similar in sound or pronunciation, for example, [w] and [w], [l] and [p]?How does a child evaluate by ear the loudness and speed of speech utterances in someone else's speech? How does one recognize certain sounds in words, like, for example, singles out from a group of words those that include sounds [c] or [w]?

    • Can you use your voice device: speak loudly enough in everyday communication, talk quietly or whisper in necessary situations? Are there any abnormalities in the rate of speech-haste or overly slow speech?

    • Does it help to recite fairy tales, stories, when reading poetry by heart, use intonational means of expressiveness?