  • Treatment of measles with folk remedies and methods

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    Measles is an acute infectious disease characterized by large spots of the rash on the body, fever, inflammation of the eye mucosa, oral cavity and respiratory tract. Measles is very contagious, transmitted by airborne droplets.

    Symptoms: usually begins with measles in the form of a severe cold. Possible phenomena of conjunctivitis( reddening of eyes and lacrimation), severe dry cough, significant fever, headache and general malaise. For more information about symptoms in adults, see here. About the symptoms in children, look here.

    What's going on? On the 3-4th day from the onset of the disease, the temperature rises sharply. Simultaneously with the rise in temperature, pinkish spots appear behind the ears. Then the spots appear on the face and on the body, increase in size and darken.

    Lymph nodes increase, liquid stool and abdominal pain are possible. This process lasts 1-2 days and is accompanied by a very high fever and a strong cough. Then recovery begins.

    Infection with measles occurs 1-2 weeks after direct contact with the patient.

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    What does do? At the first signs of the disease, measles should consult a doctor. The patient must comply with bed rest. In his room there should be a maximum of fresh air and a minimum of bright light. Compliance with hygiene is of paramount importance for recovery and avoidance of complications.

    Lime-colored decoction as a soothing and analgesic( 2 tablespoons lime-colored for 2 cups boiling water and boil for 1-2 cups overnight).

    1 tbsp. Spoon fresh and dry chopped roots of parsley and pour 1 cup of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 6-8 hours, strain. Take 1 tbsp.spoon 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes.before eating when treating measles. Infusion( tea) from the root of parsley faster "expels the rash" and shortens the duration of the disease.

    2 tbsp.spoons of dried raspberry fruits pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour. Drink with measles like tea several times a day.

    To prepare the product you need raspberries and honey, and raspberry is dry. And so, pour 30 grams of raspberries with boiling water, insist half an hour, then wrap it in something warm. Then take the tincture and add honey to it. Drink like tea.

    The eyes should be rinsed with a solution of boric acid, but one should not wet one's face while the rash keeps.

    Throat gargle with sage or chamomile infusion( 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water).

    In severe cases, use warm baths( 34-35 ° C), bathe the baby several times a day for 10 minutes.

    At the beginning of peeling in the bath add a decoction of bran.

    If the rash occurs very slowly at the measles, give the child a decoction or infusion of dried flowers of pansies to prevent the rash from coming on to the internal organs, as this is fraught with serious complications.

    From an excruciating cough helps infusion of altite root, instead of tea. Alteyny root can be taken as a part of the collection, for example:
    root of the althaeus 1 part, licorice root 1 part, the roots of the elecampane high 1 part.2 tsp.mix brew 1 cup of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes, drain. Take a warm 1/4 cup after 3 hours.

    Take the inoculum of the lettuce in olive oil;Preparation of the infusion: one tablespoon of finely chopped fresh leaves of lettuce to let in 100 milliliters of olive oil and, stirring occasionally, to insist in some cool place for a day, drain from the sediment;drink a child one teaspoon once or twice a day.

    It is necessary to mix one part of the medicinal althaea, one part of the medicinal borage, one part of the knotweed lard, one part of the ordinary barberry. All mix well. Further, fifty grams of the resulting mixture is brewed with one liter of boiling water and put on a very slow fire and leave to infuse for twenty minutes. After filter through cheesecloth. Infusion is recommended to drink a little for a day.

    In the room where the child lies, you can hang the windows with red cloth until the temperature drops.
    If the temperature does not decrease and 2 days after the onset of the rash, then the complication begins.

    Typical after-root complications are bronchitis, croup, pneumonia and otitis. Sometimes meningoencephalitis develops.

    An anti-measles vaccine if not completely blocks the possibility of measles disease, in any case promotes the course of the disease in mild form.