  • Anorexia symptoms

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    Anorexia refers to the total loss of desire to take food, caused primarily by psychomotor and vegetative processes, or rather, their inhibition. In other words, anorexia is a complete lack of appetite with an objective need for food.

    May occur in a child with various acute and especially chronic diseases, with improper, monotonous feeding, with forcible feeding. The child may have a negative reaction to the type of food, dishes from which he could receive a bitter, tasteless medicine, on the person who feeds him. To provoke anorexia in children may be the presence of an unpleasant or frightening person when fed, an unpleasant smell or taste of food, and the punishment of eating.

    Treatment. It is necessary to exclude the cause of anorexia( treatment of the underlying disease), to prescribe the correct, according to age, regimen and diet, to stop the forcible feeding. Enzymes of gastric and pancreatic juices are necessary - pepsin with hydrochloric acid before meals and pancreatin after meals, a complex of vitamins, especially group B, ascorbic acid. In severe cases, gamma globulin is recommended at 1.5-3 ml every other day 2-3 times.

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    How to apply folk remedies for this disease look here.

    In adolescents and adults, it can be a persistent unwillingness to take food in order to attain weight loss in mental illness.

    A complex disorder, in which - usually teenage girls - show a strong aversion to food, fearing to gain weight. Among the causes of this disorder: public pressure and the desire to follow the fashion, where a slender figure and beauty put an equal sign, discord in the family and pressure from relatives, forcing children, despite everything, to strive for success. Girls are malnourished, and if they eat normally, then for purification of the body take a laxative or cause vomiting. They quickly lose weight and can become so seriously ill that they will need hospitalization and help from a psychiatrist.

    Even in the early stages of this disease, many important organs can be affected and the body's functions can be disrupted. Anorexia nervosa can result in death.

    If your son or daughter, being a teenager, is disgusted with food, pay special attention to this, go to a well-disposed doctor. Harmony in the family is necessary for those who suffer from anorexia. Stop putting any pressure, settle home conflicts and, most importantly, do not read notations because of food - you can not push food into your mouth.

    The food offered to those who are disgusted with food, should be appetizing, attractive, colorful, should arouse interest. Salads from leaves of different plants, from greenery of dark and light shades are quite appropriate here, and to make the colors even more vivid, put bananas, apples, nuts and raisins. Try to cook the dishes that the anorexic patient used to love, tell him that with the right and moderate diet do not get fat or gain weight. Offer food in small portions, several times a day. Let's, for example, meat or light vegetable broth;Milk pudding made from millet, rice and / or buckwheat;try to have the patient drink a lot of fresh fruit juices.

    Anorexia affects not only women, as people think, but also men. Women lead to this disease desire to look like a Barbie doll, and men - the pursuit of the ideal of male beauty( huge biceps, muscular body and thin waist).

    Symptoms: emaciation and other symptoms of starvation amid a complete loss of appetite and loss of hunger.

    At the first stage, the patients are characterized by hostility, oppression, secrecy, heightened anxiety. They can complain of chilliness and constipation. Despite the obvious danger associated with the refusal of food, the patients do not want to change their behavior, hardly realize their painful condition and stubbornly resist treatment.

    What's going on? Patients with anorexia or simply limit themselves to eating so that they eat almost nothing, or they take food as always, with the only difference being that they then empty the stomach with artificially induced vomiting or taking laxatives.

    Anorexia is accompanied by a sharp depletion( weight loss of 40% or more), all signs of dystrophy, lower blood pressure and body temperature, poor tolerance of cold and heat. Women stop menstruating, men lose potency.

    What should I do? As a rule, patients with anorexia do not realize that they are seriously ill and try to hide their problems from others. In case of anorexia, psychological help is needed, and in severe cases of exhaustion, forced feeding by intravenous glucose is necessary.

    The excitement of appetite is an important condition for the restoration of body forces.

    From drug therapy use tranquilizers or antidepressants. In more advanced cases, treatment is carried out in a hospital by psychiatrists.

    Anorexia, associated with the underlying disease( peptic ulcer, cancer), is treated along with it. At other conditions first of all pay attention to the rational dietary food enriched with vitamins. Dietary food is selected strictly individually.