  • Treatment of appendicitis with folk remedies and methods

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    Appendicitis - an inflammation of the appendix of the cecum, caused by the introduction of pyogenic microbes. Appendicitis is acute and chronic. Aching pain near the navel on the right side, slightly downward. If no other phenomena are attached to these pains, it is enough to put the enema out of warm water and let the patient lie down quietly. Pain usually passes. But if there are more colic, the abdomen swells, nausea, vomiting, dark urine, temperature, then this is a serious inflammation. In this case, you need to call a doctor, go to bed and do not move. On the stomach all the time put ice with small gaps. In acute appendicitis urgent surgical intervention is necessary.

    Symptoms: Acute appendicitis in most cases begins with sudden sharp pains in the navel, which then spread all over the abdomen. Sometimes pains resemble fights. Deep breath and cough intensify the pain. Simultaneously with the pain, nausea, stool and gas retention, in the abdomen, rumbles, gurgles and overflows, palpable. Pulse part, dries up in the mouth, you want to drink. The temperature may rise. Pain can concentrate in the right side and in the lower back. Attack of acute appendicitis usually lasts no more than 4 days. More about the symptoms, see here.

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    What's going on? Appendicitis is dangerous not by itself, but by its complications. Such complications can be peritonitis, abscesses and sepsis. With peritonitis, the wall of the appendix breaks and pus spreads through the abdominal cavity. The pain in this case captures the entire area of ​​the abdomen, the stool and gases retreat, the abdomen becomes strained and swollen, the body temperature rises sharply, and the pulse becomes threadlike. In this case, urgent surgical intervention is necessary.

    If an attack of acute appendicitis has passed and the operation has not been performed, then appendicitis can acquire a chronic course. Then the mucosa of the appendix is ​​restored or replaced by a scar tissue. The connective tissue strongly expands, and the process is deformed. The appendix can be fixed or take an unusual position due to adhesions. Chronic appendicitis is periodically exacerbated. This creates unpleasant sensations in the right side of the abdomen in the region of the cecum with tension, jolting riding, increased walking or climbing the stairs. Pain can be given to the right leg or bladder.

    Characteristic for chronic appendicitis is a constant soreness in the appendix. Exacerbation of chronic appendicitis most often occurs when a flu, angina or other infections.

    What should I do? For abdominal pain and suspicion of appendicitis, call a physician immediately.

    Do not eat or drink anything. With a very strong desire to give a teaspoon of cold tea. No laxative.

    When the nausea passes and the pain subsides, the temperature drops, you can give a little milk with water, then switch to puree from vegetables and broth( carefully!).

    Dr. O. Morozov recommends a home remedy. When you have pain, you should immediately brew tea from the leaves of the blackberry and drink it. Helps drink every hour of hot milk, in which cumin is welded.

    But if the temperature rises to 40 ° and the pain increases, then this is a purulent inflammation. It is necessary to call a doctor and prepare for surgery, since purulent appendicitis does not respond to treatment. Call the doctor when the temperature rises.

    What can not be done with suspicion of appendicitis?

    To avoid the occurrence of perforation and peritonitis, , should not be applied to a painful place with a heating pad / enema, and also taking painkillers.