  • Treatment of a cut with folk remedies and methods

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    Cut - mechanical damage to tissues with a violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane.

    What should I do? When cutting, the most important thing is to stop the blood and prevent infection. Therefore, you need to rinse the cut with an antiseptic( 3% hydrogen peroxide is very suitable) or running water. If the cut continues to bleed, you need to firmly press a sterile bandage or a clean handkerchief to it. To avoid infection, bandage the cut or seal it with a bactericidal adhesive plaster. A small cut or a scratch can be glued with medical glue. Bactericidal plaster or bandage should be changed daily until the wound is fully healed.

    If there is a foreign body in the wound, it is better to provide removal to the doctor. In this case, you can not tighten the bandage tightly.

    With severe bleeding, you need to raise your hand above the level of the heart( if the cut on the arm).You can put a gasket on the wound of a clean dense tissue without villi, such as a clean handkerchief or cloth napkin, and firmly press the minutes for 5-10.If the blood continues to go, put another one on the first gasket and fix them with a pressure bandage.

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    If you are unable to stop bleeding, contact the nearest injury center.

    Heart defects

    Heart defects are called heart diseases associated with impaired function as a result of damage to the heart valves and / or narrowing of the valves covered by the valves. There are congenital and acquired heart defects.

    Symptoms: shortness of breath, palpitation, heart pain.

    What's going on? Congenital heart diseases result from improper formation of the heart during fetal development. Acquired heart defects often accompany the disease with rheumatism. When the valves are inadequate, they loosely cover the opening and blood, when the heart is contracted, partially returns back to the chamber in which overflow and blood stasis is formed. Thanks to the compensatory mechanisms of the cavity of that part of the heart, in which excess blood accumulates, increase in size, and the muscular walls of the heart thicken. Accordingly, the strength of the muscle, which is able to cope with increased load, also increases. Under favorable conditions, the defects of the

    heart remain for a long time compensated and the heart works just like a healthy one. However, the enlarged cardiac muscle requires more blood for its nutrition, and if there is no additional blood supply, ceases to perform the hard work, which leads to the development of heart decompensation.

    What should I do? Treatment of compensated heart disease is in water procedures and medical gymnastics. When there are signs of decompensation, you must limit or change the work. With significant decompensation, bed rest is shown. Diet for heart defects recommended dairy-vegetative, with high content of vitamins, limiting the use of liquids and table salt. For the treatment of heart defects are used complex surgical operations, including the installation of synthetic prostheses of altered heart valves.

    Prevention of heart disease is the prevention of the occurrence of diseases that can lead to the onset of heart defects. With an existing heart disease, prevention is aimed at preventing decompensation. The most important is to choose a regime and work that matches the state of health. It is necessary to have regular sessions of medical gymnastics recommended by a doctor. When shortness of breath, palpitations, pains in the heart or liver, it is necessary to reduce the load and avoid stress, which caused these symptoms of developing decompensation.