  • Vegetative reproduction

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    A number of vegetable crops are usually propagated only vegetatively by means of their vegetative organs: cuttings, bulbs, tubers, rhizomes. This is due to a number of reasons, among which an important place is occupied by the features of the biological development of plants. For example, a multi-tiered onion, garlic, horseradish do not form seeds and can only reproduce vegetatively. The rhubarb when propagating with seeds gives a considerable dispersion in the offspring, some varieties of onions and potatoes, when sown with seeds, form very small productive organs that do not have economic significance. In all these cases is applied to vegetative propagation of cultures. When propagates with stem cuttings , the stem branches are cut with 1-2 leaves and rooted in a greenhouse or in a box with sand, covered with a film or a glass jar. After the formation of a well-developed root system, the plants are planted in a permanent place. In this way, tomatoes, potatoes, tarragon and lovage are grown.

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    Reproduction by root cuttings is used for horseradish breeding. When harvesting horseradish, some root branches are thinner than 1.5 cm, and short rhizomes with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm can be planted in the soil and new plants can be obtained. If the root cuttings are 20-25 cm long, they can be planted in a permanent place and they will give full-fledged food bodies in the first year. Of small root cuttings, vegetables can not form in the first year, so they are planted in a nursery for growing. This makes it possible to obtain a full planting material for laying the next year's beds.

    Reproduction by the division of rhizomes is a simple and convenient way of vegetative reproduction, as it simultaneously promotes the healing and rejuvenation of the mother plant. The rhizomes of perennial crops, such as rhubarb, asparagus, tarragon, lovage, are divided into parts so that each one has at least 2 renal buds, and planted on a permanent place.

    Reproduction by bulbs. In acute varieties of onions, as well as in shallots, garlic bulbs form 3-5 to 25 teeth, of which after planting on a permanent place grow independent plants. Long-standing multi-tiered onions and garlic-shaped forms form air bulbs( bulbs), planting which, you can get independent plants that can yield the crop for the next year. Reproduction by tubers is practiced in the cultivation of potatoes and Jerusalem artichoke. Tuber is a modified underground stalk, on which are located eyes with kidneys. Under favorable conditions, out of the eye, above-ground stems and underground stolons grow, where tubers are subsequently formed. From each tuber can form from 5 to 15 new tubers. With a shortage of planting material, tubers are divided, cutting them across and planting the upper and lower lobes separately. If necessary, the rapid growth of a variety of tubers is germinated in the soil. Formed sprouts carefully break off and planted first in the greenhouse, and then on a permanent place. This method allows you to get a large number of new plants from one tuber.

    Some Agrotechnical Techniques for Caring for Plants

    To obtain a good stable harvest of quality fruit, plants need to be groomed according to their biological characteristics and needs. Among the unconditional, common for all cultures activities include soil cultivation, fertilization, irrigation. However, there are a number of special agrotechnical techniques.

    Soil rind, formed after rain and watering as a result of the compaction of the top layer, is especially dangerous for weak shoots of carrots, parsley, etc. The soil crust poorly passes oxygen, so it is necessary to loosen the soil with light tools. Loosening is advisable to be carried out the day after the rain, until the soil is dry.

    Frequent loosening of the soil contributes to better oxygen penetration, air circulation in the surface layer, and the accumulation of air moisture due to the condensation of vapors.

    In some years the soil has to be loosened 3-8 times before emergence. In this case, the lighthouse crops of fast-growing cultures( salad, radish, etc.) can be of great use. Pre-emergence loosening between the rows is carried out to a depth of 3-5 cm. In the future loosening is combined with weeding. At the same time, in the case of plants of root crops, the soil is loosened to a depth of 4-5 cm, then, as it grows, up to 12-15 cm. In the crops of cucumber, tomato, cabbage, the depth of loosening decreases with each time. Protective zone - the zone adjacent to the roots - in all vegetable crops, as the growth of plants increases. And the ground here is not loosened, so as not to damage the roots of plants.


    Hilling is a type of loosening, in which the ground mound is raked to the base of the stem. Hilling is primarily aimed at caring for the roots, and also improves the fertility of the soil and nutrition of plants, increases their resistance to disease. For example, in cabbage, the center of gravity is high, the leaves are large, and the wind strongly shakes the plants, revealing the stump, undermining the roots and drying the soil. If the soil is poured on the plant, subordinate roots are formed in such crops as cabbage, tomato, cucumber, which improves their nutrition. It should be taken into account that hilling sharply reduces the humidity of

    soil in a dry year, but it brings great benefit in wet weather, as excess moisture evaporates, and the place of water is occupied by air.

    Loosening and hilling is carried out by a hoe while destroying weeds. Loosening rows between different cultures is carried out until the rows close. With the loosening of cucumber, pepper, one must be very careful - the root system is located close to the surface of the soil.

    With the growth of root crops, the trouser leg is bored so that the head does not turn green. When the root crop reaches 5-7 cm in diameter( 40-50 days after disembarkation), the beam bundle is cleaned.

    Cabbage plants grow in the phase of 8-10 leaves. It is advisable to do this after rain or watering. The early and Brussels sprouts are hilled one time because of rapid testing of the stem and, consequently, poor formation of accessory roots.

    Medium and late varieties of cabbage hibernate 2-3 times in 15-20 days, color - several times every 2 weeks.

    Regular loosening of the soil between the rows is carried out by a hoe. This measure allows us to successfully combat weeds and maintain the soil in a wet, wet state, which significantly improves the conditions for the growth and development of plants.

    pruning is also carried out as needed. Trimming

    Pruning involves the removal of a large part of the plant, which involves the loss of a large amount of vegetative mass. By trimming, it is possible to form a plant, that is, to give it the most diverse form. This technique is often used in the formation of plants of the pumpkin family to accelerate fruiting, redistributing nutrients, for example, in long-leaved pumpkin forms, when they want to receive larger fruits. When pruning, you need to know the biology of the plant well in order to prevent its death. Therefore, when you start pruning, you need to know what buds, how many and when you will move into growth. One form of pruning is removal of growth points, for example, in Brussels sprouts and pumpkins. At the first to accelerate the growth and formation of the head of the flies remove the tip of the stem for 1.5 months before harvesting;the second for 20-30 days before the autumn frosts remove all newly formed female flowers and the tips of young shoots. The prickling of the of plants, or pasynkovanie, is an agrotechnical technique designed to ensure that with the timely removal of young shoots that feed on the leaves of the main shoot, the supply of nutrients to fruits and ovaries on the main axis is increased, it becomes possible to obtain an earlier crop. Prischipka is used for tomatoes, pumpkin crops, beans, broccoli. Pasynkovanie tomatoes in the open ground begin in late June. Do this regularly, for which leave 2-3 lower shoots, and the rest as they appear remove, that is, pinching, leaving small( 1-2 cm) hemp, which helps to avoid regrowth. The prickling of the main shoot is used in pumpkin cultures during a period of vigorous growth. Pinched tugastustschego or stopped in the growth of the plant does not have an effect, until the growth will not resume. Pinching the main stem leads to branching and increased growth of lateral shoots and flower buds located in the axillary leaf.

    After 40-45 days after sowing, pinch the growth point in broccoli plants. Although this does not increase the yield, it contributes to the formation of inflorescences of higher commercial qualities. When the mass flow begins, the vegetable beans are pricked with the point of growth of the main and lateral shoots, removing the tops. This leads to the fact that the forces of the plant and nutrients are redistributed and are not spent on stretching the shoots, but on the formation of fruits.

    Bleaching and shading

    The bleaching procedure is also called etiolation, or etiolation. The basis of this agrotechnical technique is the process of growth and development of plants in the dark. In the absence of sunlight in the plant chlorophyll production ceases, as a result of which the plants have a pale color, softened tissue and small delicate leaves, many lacking the characteristic bitter taste of petioles and leaves.

    Bleaching of leaves of endivia is carried out 2.5-3 months after sowing. Endivia plants are carefully tied with twine. This prevents lodging of delicate leaves and reduces their decay. Then proceed to bleaching - cover the plants with opaque vessels, turned upside down, or black film. Bottom between the edge of the pot and the soil leave room for ventilation. After 2-4 weeks, the leaves get a creamy-white color and are ready for use. Plants are cut at ground level.

    For the production of bleached tender petioles of celery, plants hibernate or bind bushes and wrap with opaque paper. To ensure that the paper does not fall off, the base of the bush should be tied with a soft tape or twine. After a while, as the regrowth grows, the stems will acquire a light color and a delicate taste.

    In order to obtain white dense heads, shade cauliflower. The heads are covered with broken leaves or bind the leaves over the cabbage head. In the conditions of shading, the heads of cauliflower can be grown white and dense,

    Bleaching of endive leaves

    To whiten the endive leaves of the plant, carefully twine the plants with twine so that the bush is broken up and covered with a black, non-impermeable film. Along the edges, the film is compressed with stones, so that it does not blown away by the wind

    as they earlier stop growth and there is no extremely undesirable spillage of the inflorescence.

    Cultivation of

    With the reduction of the duration of a day of light, other methods that are independent of the length of daylight are used for the cultivation of vegetable crops. One of them is cultivation. The procedure of cultivation is applied to a number of vegetable crops in order to obtain additional fruits after the end of the growing season.

    Cultivation of crops

    When growing, plants together with roots and leaves are transplanted from the open ground to greenhouses, cellars or greenhouses where they continue to vegetate and form food organs. This method is used for cauliflower, celery, parsley, leeks, cabbage salad, romaine lettuce, Peking cabbage until November-December. When growing, plants do not need to be illuminated, since productive organs are formed by nutrients accumulated by plants during the summer period.

    At the end of September, unripe cauliflower bushes are harvested and laid in cleaned greenhouses or cellars. For growing, only healthy plants with a diameter larger than 3 cm are selected. Plants with a clod of earth are densely laid one to the other in moistened grooves. So that they evaporate less moisture, the roots are tied with paper. Dilute at a temperature of 0-2 ° C, without light, for which the greenhouse frames are closed from above and sprinkled with mats or other insulating material. Just like cauliflower( without pruning leaves), parsley, celery cherry celery, leeks are added to the storage. Cultivation of root crops of celery and parsley allows to prolong consumption of their greens till December. For this, a part of the dug roots, intended for growing, is cut by 1-2 cm, so as not to damage the sleeping buds, transplanted into pots with a diameter of at least 20 cm or boxes with soil mixture and put on a window or in winter greenhouses;the landing rate is 6-8 kg / m2.The receipt of products begins 30-40 days after planting, the yield is 6-10 kg / m2.To evenly receive greenery, a part of the root crops are stored in a cellar in boxes, interspersed with lime-pushenka, and after 2 months they are planted.

    Cultivation can also be carried out on the bed during the season during the growing season of the plant. In early cabbage, as well as in color, you can get a second crop after carefully cutting the head on a stump with the remaining lower leaves. The soil for this is well loosened and make a full mineral fertilizer( 10 g / m3 each type), then the plants are hilled to form additional roots. In the axils of the leaves, kidneys gradually begin to wake, 2.5 months later, tender baby heads with a mass of 200 g are formed.

    Dismantling of

    Distillation is another method of planting vegetables in a short light day during the autumn-winter period. At the heart of the forcing is the use of nutrients accumulated by plants under favorable conditions and deposited in rhizomes, tubers, bulbs, root crops and other storing organs.

    For forcing use well-ripened bulbs, root crops, rhizomes, which have a period of deep dormancy. The method of forcing grows green onions( feathers), parsley, celery, lettuce( chard), asparagus, chicory salad, rhubarb, lover, sorrel and other crops. Plants leeks, harvested in October and dug in the basement in the sand, you can use for forcing in the winter. The weight of a good planting material should be 150-250 g. The height is 15-20 cm, the diameter is 3-5 cm. The leaves are trimmed at a third of the height, and the roots are half-buried and the plants in the greenhouse are buried at the depth of the bleached part with the spacing between the rows of 10-12 cm, in a row( close) - 150-200 pieces When prikopke in the ground abundantly watered. Cultivate for 2 months in greenhouses and 3 - 4 months in greenhouses. The temperature is maintained at 6-8 ° C, the soil humidity is 65-70 %, and air - 65-75 %. The yield is 8-10 kg / m2.

    For distillation of rhubarb in the end of October - beginning of November dig out perennial rhizomes with a clod of earth and leave on the surface for 1-2 weeks, where they are exposed to low temperatures, which contributes to better growth of leaves during forcing. Then put the plants in a box close to each other, sprinkled on top of the soil and watered. The filled boxes are covered with empty ones of the same size and on top with a black film to prevent light from entering. The temperature at the distillation of rhubarb 10-13 ° C.From time to time, the plants are watered, after 4-5 weeks, the petioles are harvested, and the plants are discarded.