  • Why does the baby cry?

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    All parents dream that their beloved child never screams and does not cry, but always stayed in the best of mind. They forget that for a baby the only sure way to remind oneself and give a signal about one's own misfortune is to cry out or cry. So, too much to worry about because of child's crying is not worth it - it is absolutely necessary for the normal development of the

    baby and quite often it helps. Constant crying in the first weeks of life is a temporary phenomenon, which does not mean that the child is sick.

    And yet you can not neglect such baby signals, they can be alarm signals.

    Generally the first three months of life are a period of adaptation of the nervous and digestive systems of the infant to the external world. Some easily cope with it, others are much more difficult. The most common causes of discontent of babies are hunger or thirst, wet diapers, cold or heat. Particular mention should be made of fatigue. The child is still too small, he is tired even from sucking

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    Most often, babies do not cry "by the way so."There is always a reason for this: if a child screams, it means that something is hindering him or, on the contrary, is required. We must try to understand what the kid does not have enough for peace. Learn to distinguish all shades of crying and crying. If the mother succeeds, it will be easy for her to help her child and meet his needs.

    and from wakefulness. Many mothers notice that when guests gather at home, even if only the closest people, the child then becomes restless for a long time. He gets tired of people's attention. Therefore, it is better to protect the baby from excessive interest in it. Most often the newborn cries of hunger. If the feeding time is right and the child is screaming, then it is necessary to feed him, and he will stop screaming. In this case, it is the easiest to console him. Studies have shown that only the food, that is, milk, can stop the cry of a hungry child. No other methods will help: you can try to give it a sweetened water, give a pacifier, divert attention with a rattle, but it will only shut up for a minute or two, and then it will scream again.

    If a child cries for 10-20 minutes or more, and since the last feeding was a half to two hours, it is best to feed the baby. In addition, it should be taken into account how much milk he drank in the previous feeding. If feeding calmed the baby and he fell asleep - then the decision was right.

    The second possible reason for crying a newborn is the pain that causes the baby to cry from the first minutes of life. Even an experienced specialist does not always reliably determine what bothers the baby. Very often the baby stops crying as soon as he is taken in his arms, or after he spits the air, "lets the winds", lie on his tummy. In any case, we must try all these ways to calm the child. Maybe he had a lot of air in his stomach and it hurts.

    Ordinary fatigue from too intense stimuli, too, can cause a baby crying. If adults take it too often on their hands, toss, brak, playfully play when they need to sleep, turn on the TV too loudly and the radio, talk loudly and loudly - all this can have a big impact on the nervous system of the

    baby. He enjoys playing when he does not want to sleep, is full and happy with life, but the same game will cause desperate crying if the child wants to sleep, eat or just relax. Weeping from fatigue and irritation the baby should be cuddled, you can shake a little - but do not play with it.

    It happens that babies begin to yell with fright when they freeze. It can be from wet diapers, in them the baby quickly becomes cold and unpleasant. The cry will cease, it is only necessary for the child to change into dry clothes and let him stay in a warm room. Very often, screaming and crying are accompanied by changing and swaddling the baby. He is annoyed that one must obey some actions, and besides, he roars, because his skin is in contact with cool air, he is simply uncomfortable and uncomfortable. Here he also opposes it with all his strength. A few minutes after changing clothes, the cry stops. Experienced moms try to do all the manipulations as quickly and skillfully as possible, while gently talking to the baby.

    Most babies need direct contact with their mother. They quickly get used to her hands and start screaming as soon as they are put in bed. It's too early to say that the child is spoiled. He just needs physical contact with his parents. The child calms down when he is affectionately taken in his arms, even the pain can retreat for a while. Of course, this does not mean that the baby should literally grow on the hands, but in moments of irritation, discontent, and perhaps pain, the best way is to hold it in your arms. And parents do not have to be angry, blaming the baby for being too demanding, it's better to have patience so that the child does not cry for hours, but can sleep peacefully. After all, only at the hands of the mother the child feels completely safe,

    's worries and worries disappear, and such a powerful factor can not be underestimated.

    Sometimes a warm diaper helps to soothe a screaming baby. Flannel diaper ironed with a hot iron and folded several times, put on the tummy of the baby or wrap it in a warm diaper. This additional heat mimics the warmth of the hands, and the baby relaxes and calms down faster.

    Much controversy causes motion sickness of the baby. It happens that for a child who can not relax himself, the regular rhythmic influences perfectly function - calm, uniform rocking. At the same time, internal and external stimuli are blocked( except, of course, hunger), which prevent a child from falling asleep. If the child is irritated or very nervous, then a short, quiet motion sickness is quite appropriate.

    Sometimes the yelling baby is positively influenced by quiet melodic music,

    , after all, there are no wonder lullabies. It is important that the music does not stop until the child falls asleep properly, otherwise it will immediately wake up as soon as the melody stops.

    There is still a very popular remedy, which quite easily soothes the baby, - a pacifier. How many complaints were voiced about this, but nevertheless this is a good and harmless remedy quite often helps to calm the baby. After sucking, he satisfies his instinctive need. Of course, a dummy child will calm a dummy, that is, deceive, only for a second, but if he is full, with a pacifier he will almost certainly fall asleep peacefully. Quiet by nature, children are completely without pacifiers, and it will be better for them to fall asleep without them. But a restless baby can be quite easy to calm down, if you let him suck the nipple. All the energy that went to the scream is spent on sucking dummies. Gradually the rhythm of sucking becomes calmer, and the child falls asleep.

    Of course, a dummy should not become a "medicine" for all occasions. First we need to figure out what the baby needs, and try to fulfill his desire, and not give him a saving pacifier at the first cry.

    A less attractive way to calm a child is by letting him suck his own fingers. Some babies begin to suck their fingers from the first day of life to calm down. If a child screams a lot and does not help, he will have to accept that he is quiet, only thrust his fingers into his mouth.

    Some children do not fall asleep until they scream, this is the peculiarity of their nervous system. Probably, they are very tired, and the nervous system strains, not allowing to relax. In this case, you must put the baby in the crib, even if he screams, and wait for ten minutes. If the baby does not calm down, and begins to cry more and more, you will have to take it in your arms and warm it up a little. Often, children calm down when they are shaken in a stroller or crib or carried on their hands. It is better to help a tired child to calm down and fall asleep in this way than to watch as he bursts into screams.

    But, unfortunately, it happens that the child can not be comforted in simple ways. Parents make any attempts, but the cry does not stop for a minute. With a child who screams without ceasing, which nothing can be comforted, it is difficult to get along. Constant screams tire and irritate parents, it seems to them that the child yells "out of harm" and rejects any effort to help him. Parents feel their uselessness and, as a result, are discouraged and angry. From this it only gets worse - one should never give up trying to understand the cause of crying, otherwise it will not stop. Moreover, the nervous, intense treatment with the child gives the same result - the child screams even harder. A long cry for no apparent reason arises even because the parents quarreled and are annoyed. Children perfectly feel all the moods of the parents, because they, being jerky, even touch the child and talk to him differently.

    It often happens that a child cries regularly in the evenings, about 18 hours. It is possible that by evening he is overworked or he has accumulated gases.

    Overwork from the mass of new impressions, food, wakefulness, own cry really happens. Sometimes a child expresses his concern with a cry before the night falls, and we must give him "to lose energy" and relax. After a daily "shouting session," he will calmly fall asleep.

    Gases are very common in newborns, they often stop annoying by 3 months, when the stomach is adjusted. But to warn them it is possible a mode of feeding and obligatory regurgitation of air after each feeding. In addition, when a baby is fed from a bottle, it must be ensured that he does not ingest too much milk with the air. You can help your child by putting his belly on his lap or on a warm water bottle wrapped in a diaper and stroking it on the back. If the tummy is often tense and the child at the same time screams for a long time, the best advice will be the local doctor. He will probably write out dill water or advise to make an enema.

    In infants, a very common cause of prolonged bouts of crying is cramping abdominal pain, which is quite common at the age of 3-4 months of life. Remember that intestinal colic can be a manifestation of various diseases. If they torture the baby for a long time - we advise you to turn to the pediatrician.

    You can imagine colic when the child cries for a long time and can not calm down after the evening feeding or falls asleep, but then wakes up with a cry. From the cramps the child screams with anger, long and hysterically, pulling his knees to the stomach or stretching his legs, he is beside himself with pain and sometimes releases gases. The usual means of calm do not help, crying does not stop. If the baby spews up the air, it calms down for a bit. If you give him a breast or a nipple, he starts to suck furiously, but immediately throws. You can put it on your tummy, it will calm down for a while, but quickly starts screaming again. So it can last up to three hours. When a child is tortured by colic, it is difficult to help him, but you can not leave him to suffer alone. At this time he needs maximum attention and love. Such attacks of crying can be repeated every evening until gradually cease by themselves, after 1-2 months.

    If the baby screams almost every night and quickly calms down when they take him in their arms and is happy while they hold him in their arms, but who are loudly indignant when they put him in the crib, it's not a colic, just a child needs communication.

    Of course, when a child cries for a long time and painfully, one can assume that he is sick. If it also looks unusual, you need to see a doctor.

    Especially it should be noted that there are so-called nervous children or children with a very excitable nervous system. They very quickly become tired, they shout for a long time, not resting in the usual ways, they sleep badly. We can advise parents to organize the most peaceful and gentle way of life, observance of silence, gentle and gentle caring for the child. It is necessary to completely exclude the arrival of guests at least in the first three months, let alone take the baby with them to visit or take walks to noisy places. You may need a special consultation from a doctor who will advise a sedative or prescribe a relaxing bath. The main thing - patience and love for the child, care and attention.