  • Arthritis treatment with folk remedies

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    Arthritis is an acute or chronic inflammatory joint disease. Arthritis is caused by a variety of bacteria and toxins. The cause of arthritis can also be allergies, metabolic disorders or trauma. The lack of vitamins in the body, as well as sickness and nervous system, can be "provocateurs" of arthritis or arthrosis. The disease can be acute or chronic, afflicting one joint or several. The defeat of several joints is called polyarthritis. To acute arthritis include the so-called rheumatoid arthritis, or polyarthritis, which affects almost all joints.

    X Characteristic signs of arthritis are pain in the joints, aggravated by movement.

    What's going on? As a rule, the symmetrical joints of the extremities are affected, often the joints of the jaws and spine are involved in the process. Pain can be extremely intense and powerful. The joints swell, the skin over them becomes thinner and blushes, the shape of the joints changes, and the muscles atrophy. As a result, there is a restriction of mobility of the joint, which varies from insignificant to complete. Arthritis can be accompanied by a fever.

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    There are diseases of one joint( monoarthritis) and many joints( polyarthritis).

    The causes of arthritis occurrence are manifold. The main ones are:

    1. bacterial, viral or fungal joint damage;

    2. deposition in the joints of salt crystals in the case of metabolic disorders, for example, with gout.

    Manifestations of the disease include pain in the affected joint, redness and swelling of the skin above it. When feeling, a local increase in temperature is noted. The function of the affected joint is broken and there is a restriction of active and passive movements in it.

    Diagnosis of disease includes examination, collection of complaints and history of the disease. Plus carrying out of laboratory-instrumental methods of research:

    • the analysis of a blood( inflammatory changes);

    • X-ray of the affected joint;

    • Tomography;

    • arthrography;

    • Ultrasonic examination helps to detect an effusion in the joint cavity.

    Distinguish rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

    45% of cases of arthritis are caused by rheumatoid arthritis( RA).RA is a chronic inflammatory process that affects the entire body, but in particular - the synovial membrane of the joints. Read more about the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

    Usually, RA has inflammation of many joints: knee, elbow, shoulder, hand, feet, wrist. Inflammation of the knee joints is often accompanied by accumulation in their cavity of a large amount of synovial fluid that stretches the capsule of the joint. Joints swell, skin over them blushes, gets a purple hue. In case of acute RA attack, even a light touch of the blanket causes suffering to the patient. As the disease develops, the joints of the hands and feet may become deformed, sometimes quite severely.

    RA is sick about 1 to 3% of the population, and women among patients are three times more than men. Beginning RA can at any age, but usually the disease occurs at the age of 20-40 years.

    Rheumatoid arthritis begins with an attack of the immune system on the joints of the body. For unknown reasons, a large number of blood cells rushes into the joint cavities. This causes inflammation of the joint. Then gradually the cartilage is destroyed, because of what the surfaces of bones stick together, limiting mobility and causing painful pain. The ligaments, tendons and muscles are loosened, which leads to loosening of the joint, of its partial dislocation and deformity.

    Commonly, rheumatoid arthritis affects joints symmetrically, affecting the wrists, knees and feet, both to the right and to the left. Bumps or nodules are often formed under the skin. Perhaps the development of anemia, fever and aching in the joints, as with the flu. The disease acts very individually, the manifestations of the disease, the nature and duration of its course vary greatly from case to case. In some, pain and stiffness in the joints increase gradually - weeks or even years. In others, the disease can begin quite unexpectedly.

    Sometimes rheumatoid arthritis lasts for several months, and then passes without leaving a palpable trace. But it happens that the periods of aggravation of the disease and the improvement of the condition can alternate or the disease ruthlessly torments for years, riveting the person eventually to bed and depriving him of the ability to work and the ability to serve himself independently.

    Diagnosis of RA at early stages is quite difficult, so if you think that you have rheumatoid arthritis, consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

    At the beginning of the disease the patient feels fatigue, weakness, slightly fever. Feelings and undefined painful sensations in the joints are felt. After a few weeks, there are pains in the symmetrical joints, and the joints swell. Severe pain and severe inflammation begin in the small joints, gradually grabbing the rest. In the early stages, inflammation can subside for a fairly long time( months and even years).

    Over time, changes in joints are increasing in all patients. X-ray examination usually shows swelling of soft tissues, destruction of cartilage and narrowing of the joint cavity. Analyzes show the presence of rheumatoid factor( RF) in the blood.

    However, there are also cases of sudden onset of the RA.At first, usually wrists or ankles are affected. Approximately one third of RA patients develop disease in one or more( few) joints.

    Increased fatigue, which occurs at the beginning, accompanies the entire course of the disease and is associated with progressive anemia. Other common problems include tunnel carpal tunnel syndrome( stitches and pain in the fingers caused by compression of the nerve in the wrist area) and Reynaud's syndrome( a condition in which blood flow to the fingers is dramatically reduced by cold action).

    In some cases, soft nodular thickening occurs under the skin above the bony surfaces. More serious complications, such as inflammation of the heart and lungs, enlargement of the spleen, are characteristic of the most severe cases.

    Osteoarthritis, , in contrast to rheumatoid arthritis, affects one or more joints and rarely spreads to other parts of the body. The disease slowly corrodes the cartilage, and the bones begin to rub against each other. On the bones formed growths, called osteophytes. Bones grow and deform, and cysts can develop. Characteristic are the following manifestations of osteoarthritis: knuckles become knotty, joints affected by arthritis, creak and grind, muscle cramps. All this is accompanied by pain and loss of mobility. In contrast to osteoporosis, which is preceded by a decrease in bone density, osteoarthritis is preceded by an increase in their density. Osteoarthritis is more common in the elderly or in the weakening of muscles and curvature of the spine. Osteoarthritis can be caused by a joint injury as a result of an accident or as a result of repetitive, repetitive movements( for example, at work).If the destruction of the joint has already begun, the process can be exacerbated by the overweight person. Women of middle age are affected by osteoarthritis, whose relatives suffered from this disease.

    Treatment, mainly medication. With a stable arthritis - surgical.

    Therapeutic exercise is aimed at maintaining maximum joint mobility and maintaining muscle mass. From physiotherapeutic procedures, electrophoresis of nonsteroidal diseases, hydrocortisone phonophoresis, dimexid applications are used.

    In folk medicine it is recommended for arthritis to consume any kind of asparagus, apples, plums, sorrel, blueberry fruit, bones, mountain ash, sea buckthorn, black currant.

    Treatment of the disease includes the appointment of anti-inflammatory drugs: in mild cases of non-steroidal, in severe - hormonal.

    Physiotherapy methods are also effective:

    1. ultraviolet irradiation;

    2. electrophoresis of pain relievers;

    3. phonophoresis;

    4. exercise therapy;

    5. massage;

    6. Mud treatment.

    A full treatment for arthritis can only be provided by a doctor - and the sooner you contact him, the higher the chances of recovery. Very useful exercise physical education, especially with joint pain and swelling, fatigue, malaise and depression. Physical activity inhibits a decrease in bone density. It is important to follow the diet so as not to gain excess weight. It is good to enrich your diet with calcium, which is found in green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits, as well as the meat of cold-loving fish.

    Traditional medicine recipes

    Traditional medicine recommends for the treatment of arthritis decoction of leaves of cranberries( 2 teaspoons of cranberry leaves pour a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes, then cool, strain and drink a little during the day).Well removes the arthritic pain of a leaf of cabbage( wrap the sick joints at night).

    8 kg of sea salt is dissolved in 200 g of water and used for baths. The water level should reach the axillae. The duration of each dive is 10-20 mi-put. The water temperature is 42 ° C.

    1.5 kg of fresh bran is boiled in water for 10 minutes. Then the water is filtered into a bath. You can add sea salt here.

    Wooden ash is placed in a jar, an equal amount of water is added and brought to a boil. Then at 12 o'clock put in a warm place. Water settles to the bottom, and the alkaline solution rises upward. For each bath take 2 liters of this solution.

    It is necessary to place 1 kg of fresh birch leaves( just 0.5 kg) in a cotton bag and boil in 9 l water for 30 minutes. Then this water together with the bag is placed in a hot bath. Take a bath before going to bed for 30 days. In the absence of birch leaves, coniferous needles are used.

    For treatment it is necessary to have a wooden box with a length of 1 m 80 cm and a width of 80 cm.

    Use only sea sand, as it is most saturated with iodine. It is thoroughly dried and heated either in the sun or on the stove. Once the sand is dry, it is necessary to cover a painful area. Duration of treatment from 30 minutes to an hour. This contributes to profuse sweating. Immediately after this procedure, you should wash yourself with warm water and go to bed for 2 hours. It is very important not to allow cooling.

    Sand can be used many times: store it in a warm, dry place. Do not allow moisture.

    At moderate disease severity and focal processes can be treated in the following way. Dry sand is poured into oblong cotton bags and well heated in an oven. Then these bags are applied to the sore spot, wrapped with a wool blanket and fix the sand on the sore spot until it cools, usually about 30 minutes. However, direct contact with sea sand, even if it is not very hot, is considered more effective, the course of treatment is 20 to 30 days, 1 time or twice a day. In progressive cases, this therapy is not enough.

    An old Ural ointment ( ointment used for arthralgia - joint pain)

    Mix 200 g of and salt 100 g of dry mustard, add paraffin and get a mass like a cream. Put in a warm place for the night. After that, the ointment is ready for use. At night, the affected parts should be rubbed with ointment until the skin becomes dry. In the morning, rinse with warm water. In those cases when there is swelling, it is good to bandage them at night. Repeating these procedures several times, the swelling decreases and the pain disappears.

    Ointment from birch buds

    Both kidneys and birch leaves have curative properties in the treatment of arthritis patients. It is best to use fresh buds and leaves, but in winter you can eat dry.

    Preparation of ointment: 800 g of fresh unsalted sunflower oil mix with 400 g of birch buds and lay in layers in a clay vessel, close tightly. Then put the vessel on for 24 hours in a warm oven. If dry buds are used, the residence time in the oven is increased to 48 hours.

    Then pass the resulting mass through a thick sieve and add a pinch of powdered camphor, about 6 g. Stir well and put in a cool place. Sore spots rub this ointment overnight.

    Ointment prepared with turpentine


    pure turpentine, 0.5 l,

    pure alcohol 96 °, 0.5 l,

    olive oil, 0.5 l,

    camphor, a third of a teaspoon.

    Method of preparation: dissolve camphor in turpentine, add olive oil, and then alcohol. Shake well before use. At night, rub it with ointment until the ointment hardens, then wrap it with a woolen cloth. The dressing should be left for the night

    1. Elderberry flowers, a sheet of nettle, dioecious, parsley root, willow bark( all equally).A tablespoon of the shredded collection brew a glass of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes on low heat, cool, drain. Drink 2 cups of broth a day with arthritis of various

    2. Cherry Ordinary( fruits).In folk medicine, the fruits of cherries with milk are used for inflammation of the joints - arthritis.

    3. Starry average, wet grass( grass).1 tablespoon of herbs per 1 cup of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 4 hours, strain. Take 1/4 cup 4 times daily before meals with arthritis, gout.

    4. The herb is fragrant( fresh grass).3 teaspoons fresh herbs for 500 grams of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 1 hour, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 - 4 times a day cold or warm with arthritis, rheumatism, gout.

    5. Portulac orchard( grass).1 tablespoon fresh herbs for 1 glass of cold water. Boil 10 minutes after boiling. Insist, wrapped, 2 hours, strain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day with arthritis.

    6. Chestnut horse.20 g of flowers to insist 2 weeks in 0.5 liters of alcohol or vodka. Tincture is used for 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day with arthritis.

    6. Mullein, bear ear( flowers).50 grams of flowers to infuse for 2 weeks in 0.5 liters of vodka or 70-degree alcohol. Alcohol or vodka tincture is used for rubbing as an anesthetic for arthritic and especially nerve pain.

    8. Gentian yellow( rhizome with roots).3 teaspoons of rhizomes and roots boil 20 minutes in 3 glasses of water. Insist, wrapped, 2 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times daily before meals with arthritis of various origins. The same action has gentian cross-leaf. Brew in the same way. Take 1/4 cup 3 times daily before meals.

    9. Take a bottle containing 0.5 liters of liquid. Place a piece of camphor in the size of 1/4 piece of lump sugar. Pour 150 ml of turpentine into the bottle, 150 ml of olive oil. Add 150 ml of 70-degree alcohol. Shake before use. Wipe dry before going to bed and tie it with anything from pure wool for the whole night.

    Vodka - 0,5 l, salt - 200 g, dry mustard - 100 g.

    Mix salt and mustard, pour with vodka. Insist 1-2 days. Shake before use.

    Do compresses on the affected joints. Hold for 2-3 hours. Repeat the procedure for 2 months.

    * * *

    Vodka - 20 g, camphor - 50 g, mustard powder - 50 g, raw egg whites - 100 g.

    In vodka, dissolve camphor, sprinkle mustard powder, stir, add protein and stir again.

    Gently rub into the diseased joint, after a few minutes, remove the remains of the ointment with a damp cloth. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

    * * *

    Red wine - 250 g, mustard powder - 2 tbsp.spoons.

    Mix the mustard powder with warm red wine, so that a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

    Wet a soft piece of cloth in the mixture, squeeze it out so that the liquid does not drain off. Then attach the compress to the joint area. After 15 minutes, remove.

    * * *

    Requires: 500 grams of red wine, 300 g of celery juice, 700 g of carrot juice.

    Method of preparation. Shift all ingredients and refrigerate 2-3 hours.

    Method of use. Drink 2-3 times a day for 1/2 cup before meals. Keep in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. The course of treatment is 12 days.

    With this disease you can do compresses and rubbing.

    * * *

    Requires: 300 g of red wine, 400 g of aloe tree, 10 g of alcohol.

    Method of preparation. Pass the leaves of aloe through a meat grinder, place them in a ceramic pot and pour in wine. Add alcohol, cover the dishes tightly with a lid and put in a cool place for 8-10 days. Shake the liquid daily. After 10 days, strain the tincture through the two-layered gauze.

    Method of use. Gauze, folded in several layers, moisten in tincture and apply to the sore spot. Top with polyethylene wrap and cover yourself with something warm. Repeat the procedure for 5 weeks.

    This disease is accompanied by pain in the affected joints, their redness and swelling. To facilitate the patient's condition, compresses and wraps are applied with alcoholic tinctures. They have a local warming and absorbing effect, reduce pain and swelling.

    1. Requires: 1 liter of vodka, 100 g of the wrestler's root.

    Method of preparation. The root of the wrestler pour vodka and put in a warm place. After 3 days the tincture should acquire the color of strong tea.

    How to use. Before going to bed 1 tsp.tincture gently rub into the aching joint( if joints on two arms or legs are affected, rubbing only in one limb, and the next day - in another), cover it with flannel and wrap it with woolen cloth, do not remove the bandage until the morning. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

    Wash hands immediately with soap and water, as the wrestler is a poisonous plant. In the morning wipe the joint with a cloth dampened in cold water.

    2. Required: 100 g of vodka, 120 g of ammonia, 60 g.turpentine, 1 pod of red pepper, 20 g of formic alcohol, 30 g of goose fat and camphor alcohol, 50 g of butter.

    Method of preparation. Pour all the ingredients into a bottle, chop the pepper and pour it there. Infuse for 24 hours. Shake well before use.

    How to use. Rub bed joints before going to bed, followed by a warm wrap. After rubbing, wash your hands thoroughly. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

    3. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 200 g of salt, 100 g of dry mustard. Method of preparation. Mix salt and mustard, pour vodka. Insist 1-2 days. Shake before use.

    How to use. Make compresses on the aching joints. Hold 2-3 hours. Repeat the procedure for 2 months.

    1. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 50 g of birch buds *.1 tbsp.l.honey. Method of preparation. Kidneys fill with vodka and infuse for 10 days. Before use, add honey melted on a steam bath.

    How to use. 0.5-1 tsp.mix in 1/2 cup of boiled water and drink 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2 months.

    2. Requires: 1 liter of vodka, 200 g of propolis, 1 glass of birch juice.

    Method of preparation. Propolis fill with vodka, add birch juice, insist 3 days.

    How to use. Take 5 tbsp.l.with 1 glass of water 3 times a day after meals. The course of treatment is 10 days.

    3. Requires: 2 l of vodka, 100 g of sarsaparilla root.

    Method of preparation. Pour the sarsaparilla root with vodka, infuse for 14 days at 20-22 ° C.

    Use Take 50 g 3 times a day for 1 meal for 20 days.funds You need to remember and observe the following recommendations:

    The first step is therapeutic starvation or "excluding" food, after which the products are carefully introduced into the diet again. Consciously watch after which foods the symptoms intensify, and avoid these

    Exclude from the diet all products of animal origin other than cold water fish

    Drink 500-700 grams of freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice daily so you will provide your body with antioxidants. Make and eat with juice a piece of fresh ginger about 1 cm in size

    Take 1-2 tablespoons of linseed oil

    Find out if you need to take hydrochloric acid additionally.

    Take pancreatic enzymes for 500-1000 mg( 3 times a day, 10-20 minutes before meals).

    Take strong vitamin and mineral complexes that contain the recommended amount of vitamin E, selenium, zinc and magnesium. Also take an extra 1000-3000 mg of vitamin C daily, in divided doses.

    Regularly do physiotherapy.

    Take high-quality thymus extract in adequate doses.

    Take 400-600 mg of the drug containing curcumin and bromelain( 3 times a day between meals).

    If you are taking corticosteroids or have done it before for more than six months, use herbal preparations that improve the adrenal glands.

    If you need additional support, take boswellic acid, pyrethrum or yucca.

    To relieve the joints, give them rest, you should lie down for 40 minutes - 1 hour, for example, after returning from work.

    The complex of therapeutic exercises is easy. It is important to ensure that the lessons are not too stressful, that is, do not cause severe pain and fatigue. The disease develops due to the presence in the human body of any chronic infection, which provokes a strong allergic reaction. It is called rheumatoid arthritis. As a rule, a person develops rheumatoid arthritis through 12 - 14 days after a cold, flu or sore throat.

    * * *

    For arthritis, any doctor will recommend you to consume as little salt as possible. But this medical advice concerns only internal application, but salt is very useful to apply salt, especially since salt and salt are not simple with us, but sea salt. Cow's milk with sea salt is a very good remedy for arthritis. Take a glass of milk, heat to 50 °, add a tablespoon of sea salt, stir it gently, allow it to cool. For the night, lubricate with salted milk sick joints for this technology. Lubricate the first time, wait, when it dries. Then repeat the lubrication. Again wait until it dries. And so five times Then you apply a warm bandage on the joint( for example, you tie it with a feather shawl or a woolen scarf).The course of treatment is 30 days. Then you need to take a break for 10 days and repeat the course.

    • Mix a glass of black radish juice, a glass of honey, half a glass of medical alcohol and 100 g of ground sea salt. The resultant "talker" for the night, rub into sore spots using the same technology as salted milk. Simultaneously with external application, this mixture should be taken orally on a tablespoon twice a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is three weeks. Then a week-long break and you can repeat the course.

    • In a glass of warm water, dissolve two tablespoons of ground sea salt. Make night warming compresses with this solution. It is recommended to apply to the sick joints during the period of exacerbation of the disease. But not more than three weeks in a row. Then you need a one-week break.

    • Preheated sea salt is placed in tissue pouches and applied as dry compresses at night to the arthritic joint, and with radiculitis to the waist. It is recommended to do this during an exacerbation of the disease, but not longer than three weeks in a row. Then - a week-long break.

    • If you have a traumatic arthritis, you are shown treatment with salt cold. Is it winter outside? Fine, blind snowball, taking a handful of snow and a handful of sea salt. Put this snowball in a sore spot and hold it until it melts. If the skin becomes red after the procedure, lubricate it with petroleum jelly or some fat cream. The course of treatment is 10 days. If you need to be treated in the warm season, you can freeze the ice from an aqueous solution of sea salt and apply ice cubes to the sore spots.

    In patients with RA, the content in the body of selenium, zinc, magnesium, pantothenic acid, iron and other substances important for health is significantly reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to eat the food that contains them. Since this may not be enough, you should use quality vitamin-mineral complexes.

    Selenium is an antioxidant and promotes elimination of free radicals from the body. A sufficient amount of selenium in the body reduces the risk of inflammation, while a deficiency of this element can cause serious consequences.

    The content of selenium in products is very different. Most of all it in fish and cereals. However, the amount of selenium in plant foods directly depends on its content in the soil, therefore it makes sense for

    to additionally take preparations containing selenium.

    Selenium significantly improves the condition in combination with vitamin E, which enhances its effect. In patients with RA, there is an increased demand for selenium and vitamin E, so it is best to add 50 to 200 μg of selenium and 200 to 400 IU of vitamin E to the day's ration.

    Try to eat more foods rich in zinc, whole grains, nuts, seeds. It is advisable to take an additional 30-45 mg of zinc daily.

    Natural sources of magnesium are nuts, whole grains, dried fruits, lettuce leaves. Meat, dairy products, poultry and seafood are poor in magnesium. Additionally, take 5-15 mg of magnesium every day.

    Vitamin C is a very important antioxidant. In addition to eating foods rich in vitamin C( broccoli, Brussels and white cabbage, citrus fruits, tomatoes and berries), patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis should supplement their diet with another 1000-3000 mg of vitamin C per day, in divided doses.

    The lower the level in the body of pantothenic acid, the harder the arthritis. Normalization of the level of pantothenic acid allows to mitigate symptoms to some extent.

    With daily intake of 2 grams of calcium, pantothenate in some patients decreases the morning stiffness of joints, increases their mobility.

    Anemia is very common among RA patients. However, conventional iron-containing additives can do more harm than good. There are two forms of edible iron: heme and non-heme. Hem iron benefits some RA patients, and non-haem iron only increases inflammation and generates free radicals and pro-oxidants. In most chronic diseases that cause anemia, the use of non-heme iron does not produce any result. Additives containing heme iron, in contrast, are usually very effective in the treatment of anemia, including concomitant rheumatoid arthritis.

    Natural sources of non-heme iron are meat, egg yolks, fish and shellfish. The best food source of heme iron is the liver.

    Personally, I advise those patients with RA who have found iron deficiency anemia to take liver extract. It happens in different forms: dried, in tablets, liquid. It is obtained from the liver of livestock grown in ecologically clean conditions.

    Thymus gland( thymus) is the main gland in the human immune system. It consists of two soft pinkish-gray lobes, located like a breastplate under the thyroid gland and above the heart. If the thymus gland is healthy, then the whole body's immune system is healthy overall. In people suffering from RA, the activity of the thymus gland and the immune system is disrupted.

    In the treatment of RA, it is necessary to maintain the normal function of the thymus. For this, in our arsenal there are several means:

    1) it is possible to increase the amount of antioxidant nutrients in the diet, such as carotenes, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc and selenium;

    2) can be added to food substances necessary for the production and action of thymus hormones( zinc, vitamin B6 and vitamin C);

    3) You can use products containing a calf thymus tissue extract.

    According to studies, oral intake of an extract of calf thymus rich in polypeptides is effective in many cases. It is used to prevent recurring respiratory infections in children, in the treatment of infectious hepatitis B, to restore the number of leukocytes in cancer patients after chemotherapy, in the treatment of allergic diseases, including asthma, hay fever, food allergies in children.

    Thymus extract is effective because it produces a number of hormones that regulate the functioning of the immune system and greatly improve its performance.

    Dosages of thymus extract from different manufacturers are different, so consult your doctor before buying this or that drug. Taking thymus extract, you will restore your immune system, disrupted due to the disease.

    Many plants with strong anti-inflammatory properties are used in the treatment of RA.Here are the most effective of them.

    Curcumin, the yellow pigment of turmeric, is perhaps one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory substances. Curcuma is the main ingredient of curry powder, which is widely distributed in many cuisines of the world, especially in Indian. In addition, turmeric is used in Chinese and Indian( Ayurvedic) medical systems as an anti-inflammatory component.

    Curcumin contains substances that depress the inflammatory mediators. According to scientific research, with acute inflammation curcumin is as effective as cortisone or a powerful anti-inflammatory drug phenylbutazone, but unlike them it is not toxic. Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant and better counteracts harmful effects of free radicals than vitamins C and E. Antioxidant properties of turmeric can help prevent cancer and protect the liver. Recent studies indicate that turmeric can lower blood cholesterol and platelet adhesiveness. However, the protection against inflammation and damage to the joints provided by curcumin is only partly due to direct antioxidant action and the removal of free radicals. Curcumin strengthens the natural antioxidant system of the body and regulates its anti-inflammatory mechanisms in general!

    Participants in one study received: an experimental group - curcumin( 1200 mg per day), control - phenylbutazone( 300 mg per day).The results in the two groups were similar, but the patient group taking phenylbutazone suffered from severe side effects, while they were absent when taking curcumin. In the treatment of acute inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis, curcumin significantly improves the patient's condition;it is safer and better tolerated.

    For the removal of inflammation it is recommended to consume 400 to 600 mg daily in three divided doses. To increase the digestibility of curcumin, it is combined with bromelain, which also has anti-inflammatory properties. If you use a drug that combines curcumin and bromelain, take it on an empty stomach 20 minutes before a meal or between meals. Also, the absorption of curcumin can be increased if taken with lecithin or other essential fatty acids( during meals).

    Bromelain is a complex of enzymes contained in pineapple. For the first time as a medical product, it was used in 1957. Since then, more than two hundred scientific papers on bromelain have been written, and this is not accidental: this dietary supplement has a wide range of effects.

    Bromelain is effective in the following diseases and conditions:



    sports injuries;



    removal of necrotic tissue in the burn area( excision of burn wound);

    digestive disorders;

    menstrual cramps;

    pancreatic insufficiency;


    rheumatoid arthritis;



    surgical trauma;


    Also, bromelain effectively reduces inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis, with regular application reducing pain in the joints and reducing their swelling.

    The optimal dose of bromelain is 400-600 mg per day for three meals on an empty stomach. If you have purchased bromelain in capsules of 500 mg each, take 1-2 capsules per day.

    It is very useful to drink freshly squeezed pineapple juice.

    Although ginger comes from South Asia, this spicy and medicinal culture is now widely cultivated in the tropics( for example, in India, China, Jamaica, Haiti and Nigeria).Jamaica is the largest exporter of this culture. This country exports ginger to all parts of the world - more than two million pounds annually.

    Ginger is considered a universal natural medicine. Records dating from the IV century BC.E., show that ginger has long been used in the treatment of many diseases, including rheumatism. In the cooking and medicine use the rhizome of ginger. Fresh ginger is more effective than containing dry preparations.

    Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, acting like bromelain. The effectiveness of this plant in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis has been proven by many studies. I will tell only about one of them.

    Seven RA patients were involved in this experiment. To all seven, traditional medical treatment brought only temporary or partial relief. One patient took on a day of 50 grams of slightly cooked ginger;the remaining six took either 5 grams of fresh, or 0.1-1 grams of powdered ginger per day. All patients noted that they had pain, joint swelling, almost morning stiffness and increased joint mobility. Further studies involving patients with osteoarthritis showed that the higher the dose of ginger, the faster the improvement and the more pronounced it is.

    Not everything is as yet clear with the optimal dosage of ginger. Inhabitants of India traditionally consume about 8-10 ginger daily, as for scientific research, in most of them patients were prescribed a much smaller intake of 1 g of powdered ginger root.

    To my patients, I recommend taking 2-4 grams of powdered ginger every day, equivalent to about 20 grams of fresh root. In such doses, ginger does not give side effects.

    The root of the sicklefish( Bupleurum falca-tum) is a part of many Chinese traditional remedies that suppress inflammatory processes. Scientific studies show that when using corticosteroids( for example, prednisone), the vesicle increases the activity of cortisone.

    Active constituents of the sicklefish are steroid-like substances - saicosaponins. The spectrum of their curative effects is very wide, they have an anti-inflammatory effect. Saikosaponins, apparently, activate the production of cortisone and other hormones of the adrenals and enhance their action. Since corticosteroids cause adrenal atrophy, some researchers recommend that patients taking these drugs use the herbal complexes into which the adrenal gland enters, in order to protect the adrenal glands.

    The action of the fiber strengthen licorice and ginseng, and in Chinese traditional herbal collections, these plants are almost always used together. Both licorice root and ginseng contain components that have anti-inflammatory properties, in addition, they improve the condition of the adrenal glands. Volodyushka contributes to the secretion of hormones by the adrenals, and the root of licorice prevents their rapid digestion by the liver.

    If you are currently taking corticosteroids or have taken them in the past, try a plant complex containing adrenal-strengthening substances. Medicinal plants can be used in any form( dry material, ready-made extract).Calculate the dosage according to the directions on the package.

    Here is a list of the plants that are included in this complex:

    Sickleberry, licorice root, turmeric,

    Korean ginseng root, Eleutherococcus root prickly, wild Mexican yam.

    If your adrenal glands need a serious recovery, use these plants for at least three months.

    Extracts of boswellic acid can give positive results in the treatment of RA.I will give one more example. An experiment was conducted in which patients with RA received boswellic acid extract for a month. In 14% of them, the treatment gave excellent results, 44% - good and 30% - satisfactory. Only 3% had bad results. The standard dosage of boswellic acid in rheumatoid arthritis is 400 mg 3 times a day. Boswellic acid is non-toxic and does not give side effects.

    Pyrethrum maid( Chrysanthemum parthenium) has long been known as an excellent remedy against fever, arthritis and migraine. In some cases, he copes better with inflammation and fever than aspirin. Pyrethrum already at the initial stage suppresses the synthesis of many substances that cause inflammation, and reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process.

    For the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, you need to take pyrethrum 3 times a day. The following options are available:

    infusion - 1 to 2 grams of dry herbs per 1 cup of boiling water;

    liquid extract( 1: 1) - from 1 to 2 ml( from V4 to 1/2 teaspoon).

    Pyrethrum is very well tolerated by patients, no serious side effects occur when used.

    Substances contained in the roots and stems of yucca contribute to increased production of cortisone, prevent the absorption of endotoxins through the intestinal walls. Thus, the yucca indirectly fights inflammation. A similar effect has also other plants containing approximately the same substances, for example, the root of sarsaparilla( Smilax sarsaparilla).

    Take yucca 3 times a day. The following variants are possible:

    powdery yucca leaves - from 2 to 4 g. Directly inside or in the form of infusion;

    liquid extract( 1: 1) - 1 to 2 ml( from 1 / A to 1/2 teaspoon);

    solid extract( 4: 1) - from 250 to 500 mg.

    Physiotherapy is far from the last in the treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Of course, in itself it does not heal, but it helps the joints and muscles to function properly.

    Warm compresses, wraps, hot baths are often used to relieve pain and relieve stiffness, relax muscles and increase mobility. Wet heat is more effective than dry heat. An excellent remedy for stiffness of joints and difficulty of movement are baths with bitter( laxative) salt. To conduct such a procedure, dissolve in a bath of hot water 4 tbsp.tablespoons of salt and lie in it for 15 minutes.

    At the stage of acute inflammation of the joints, try applying ice bags or cold compresses to them. With chronic arthritis with cold, stiff joints, warm compresses are often more useful.

    The exercises that strengthen joints and increase their mobility are of general health value. Patients with severe forms of the disease and severe inflammation should begin to engage gradually: first perform passive exercises, and then, as the state improves, move on to active exercises.15-20 minutes before the start of medical and exercise exercises, it is recommended to heat the joints.

    Physiotherapy exercises can provide invaluable assistance to RA patients, but remember: its use should be based on strict indications, on a skillful dosage based on the patient's condition, and on a suitable combination with other elements of physiotherapy and rest. Therapeutic physical training pursues three main tasks:

    1) protection from deformation in the joints;

    2) maintenance of muscular strength;

    3) maintaining the amplitude of movements in the joints.

    Therapeutic and physical exercises can be of the following types: static, passive, active with the help, active, active with resistance.

    Static exercises are used in the acute stage of the disease, they are needed primarily to prevent muscle atrophy. Such exercises lead to isometric muscle contraction, in which there is no movement in the joint and as a result there is no pain. Static exercises are shown most often to strengthen the gluteus muscles and knee extensors, which play an important role in walking and lifting. Such exercises are performed 6 to 12 times a day.

    Passive exercises are also prescribed in the acute stage of the disease. They are needed in order to keep the volume of movements in the affected joint. These exercises are conducted with the help of a medical worker or close patients, specially trained for this purpose. Passive exercises must be performed until the maximum amplitude of movement along all axes of the joint movement is reached. Depending on the condition of the patient, these exercises should be performed one to several times a day. Passive exercises are performed only while lying and sitting, with maximum relaxation of the muscles of the affected limb, in a gentle mode, which does not allow the occurrence of pain.

    Active exercises with external help are necessary in those cases when, despite the improvement in the amplitude of movement in the joint and the increase in muscle strength, the patient is not able to perform the necessary exercises himself. These exercises are aimed at improving the amplitude of motion in the joint and increasing muscle strength. They are also conducted with the help of a medical professional or family.

    Active exercises without assistance can be performed when the amplitude of movement in the joint and muscle strength are sufficient. They are carried out along the main axes of the movements of the affected joint at a slow pace, the number of movements increases gradually - from occupation to occupation. Common restorative and breathing exercises alternate with special ones. The more pronounced the pain, the more careful the exercise is.

    Active resistance exercises can be performed after a significant improvement in the amplitude of movement in the joint and in muscle strength has been achieved. Resistance to movement of the patient is caused either manually by the physiotherapist, or by means of mechanical resistance( bags of sand, special sandals with cargo, etc.).

    The complex treatment of arthritis includes massage, which increases blood circulation, helps to reduce puffiness in the affected joint area, significantly reduces pain and promotes an increase in the volume of movements. In addition, massage plays a significant role in the preparation of the affected joint to passive movements. First, stroking and rubbing is carried out, then easy kneading of the strained muscle groups and only then active kneading is advisable. Massage is contraindicated in the acute stage, as well as with infectious specific arthritis( tuberculosis, brucellosis, etc.).Typically, the attending physician educates his patients, suffering from arthritis, self-massage elements.

    Of the other physiotherapeutic methods, hydrotherapy is most often used in the treatment of RA patients. The main effect of hydrotherapy is to improve circulation and reduce pain and muscle spasm. Reducing the weight of the patient, water creates ideal conditions for the performance of physiotherapy exercises.

    For rubbing with rheumatic and arthritic pains in the people use mixtures with the juice of the Golden mustache.

    Also in arthritis, they take baths with a similar anti-rheumatic composition: a decoction from the roots of burdock and a golden mustache, grasses of heather, nettle, ledum, tartar, leaves of cowberry. Mix components in any reasonable dosage. When arthritis, gout drink napar 20 g. Elderberry flowers in a dose of about 1 liter of water. The dose is 3 glasses a day. It is recommended to lie in bed and take 20 drops of Golden Mustache juice three times a day. This same tea-napar drink as a blood cleanser, as well as for colds, wheezing in the chest and dry cough.

    People take a hernia in mixtures with other plants. Cook usually( 30-50 g per 1 liter of boiling water) and drink in a mixture with fresh juice of a golden mustache - 4 liters, 1/2 cup 3 times a day as a diuretic, with spasms of the bladder, with all kinds of kidney diseases,and especially with acute nephritis, with involuntary urination, with venereal diseases, and also as an "exterminating disease" for rheumatism, arthritis and gout, arthrosis, spandiles.

    Alcoholic infusion of dried chestnut flowers( 40 g. Per 1 liter of alcohol) mixed with fresh golden-berry juice is used for rubbing with arthritic pain. There is a wonderful universal remedy that can save you from a number of diseases. It includes garlic, honey and lemon, golden mustard, long known for its curative effects. It helps those who suffer from thrombophlebitis, polyarthritis, stomach ulcers. Of course, this drug is unlikely to cure you completely, especially if you have started the disease, but at the same time it will considerably alleviate your suffering, and - what is important!- Will not hurt. The product is perfect for general strengthening of the body, it can also be treated with ARI, because both lemon and garlic are known for their antimicrobial effect. Garlic contains a large amount of phytoncids, and the lemon contains a large amount of vitamin C. However, be careful - some patients suffering from arthritis are banned from citrus fruits.

    Ingredients: 2 cups of honey( flower or acacia lime), juice of six lemons, chop 5 medium garlic cloves in a garlic. Also chop 3-4 sheets of golden mustache, after which all the resulting components are mixed, put in a glass jar and put in a dark place for exactly one week.

    The course of treatment lasts one month, it is important not to miss a single day:

    1) 4 tsp.take 1 time a day;

    2) between meals should take a short break, about 5-6 minutes.

    The following mixture can be used in conjunction with the broth of a golden mustache, not only for the treatment of numbness of the limbs, blockage of veins, polyarthritis, but also bronchial asthma. Take the 7 lemons, peel and squeeze the juice. Peel 7 eggs from the films and boil for 5 minutes, then rastolkite. Mix the shell with the juice, leave for a week, then strain through a metal fine mesh and mix with 2 cups of honey.

    Separately grind 5 medium garlic heads, mix with the original mass, put dishes with mixture for a week in a dark place. The medicine is ready. Take it once a day after lunch for 4 tsp.in 4 divided doses, taking breaks for 10 minutes between doses. The course of treatment - a month or more. For arthrosis:

    15 gold ear plugs insist on one jar( 1/2 liter) of vodka or 400 ml of 40% alcohol. Insist for 21 days. Apply topically( rub).And finally, do not rush to such an extreme - starve yourself. Some "experts" assure that if it takes a while to get hungry, then,

    It is required:

    60 g of therapeutic mud, 6 tbsp.spoons of sunflower oil.

    Method of preparation.

    Dirt thoroughly mix with oil until smooth.

    How to use.

    Ointment applied to a sick joint and rubbed for 4-5 minutes. Ointment should be left for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The procedure is carried out every day for 2 weeks.

    Arthritis shows the treatment of grapefruit juice, because with this disease the body needs salicylic acid to dissolve calcium. Juice to drink at least 2 glasses of juice a day.


    for 1 tbsp.spoon stalks nightshade sweet, herb violets, Labrador grass, 250 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Components of harvesting, grind, stir, 1 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with pour boiling water, insist for 1 hour, strain.

    How to use.

    Take 2 dess.spoon 6-7 times a day.


    for 1 tbsp.spoon leaves of peppermint, fennel roots, chamomile flowers, valerian roots, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Components of collection, grind, mix, 1 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with pour boiling water. Insist for 1 hour, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze.

    How to use.

    Take 1 dec.spoon 6-7 times a day.


    for 1 tbsp.spoon of wormwood grass, sage leaves, chamomile flowers, yarrow herb, peppermint leaves, 250 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Components of harvesting, grind, mix, 1 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with pour boiling water. Put on a slow fire, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Broth filter through 2-3 layers of gauze.

    How to use.

    Take in a warm form 1 teaspoonful 2-3 times a day.


    for 1 tbsp.spoon of common bean pods, ordinary bearberry leaves, herrman's herb grass, cornflower blue flowers, horsetail grass, corn stigmas, birch buds warty, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Components of harvesting, grind, stir, 2 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with pour boiling water.

    Put on a slow fire in a water bath, bring to a boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Decoction cool and strain through 2-3 layers of gauze.

    How to use.

    Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day.


    for 1 tbsp.a spoon of flowers of a thorn, leaves of a birch verrucous, a grass of a nettle dioecious, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Components of collection, grind, mix, 2 tbsp. Spoon pour boiling water.i

    Put on a slow fire, bring to a boil and boil for 10-12 minutes. Broth filter through 2-3 layers of gauze.

    Method of use.

    Take in warm form for 1 - 1.5 cups in the morning for 15-20 minutes before meals.


    for 1 tbsp.a spoon of roots of a medicinal soap, a willow bark of white, roots of a stalked herring, grass of a nightshade of sweet bitter, 500 ml of water

    Method of preparation.

    Components of collection, grind, mix, 2 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with pour boiling water. Put on a slow fire in a water bath, bring to a boil and simmer for 10-12 minutes. Decoction cool, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze.

    How to use.

    Take 1 glass 3-4 times a day 40-50 minutes after eating.


    for 2 tbsp.spoons of roots elecampane, grass sporisha, herb horsetail, 3 tbsp.spoons of corn stigmas, leaves of beans, leaves of bearberry, cowberry, 1 liter of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Components of collection, grind, mix, 2 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with cold boiled water. Insist for 40-50 minutes, pour the infusion through 2-3 layers of gauze and wring out the raw materials.

    How to use.

    Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day 20 minutes after eating. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.


    1 tbsp.a spoon of roots of a dogrose, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Roots of dogrose chop, pour boiling water, put on a slow fire in a water bath, bring to a boil and simmer for 2.5-3 hours. Mix the broth in a 1: 1 ratio with cold boiled water.

    How to use. Decoction to make compresses on the aching joints.


    4 tbsp.spoonfuls of raw Angelica, 625 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Raw pour boiling water, put on a slow fire in a water bath and simmer for 20-25 minutes. Decoction cool, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze. Bring warm boiled water to the original volume.

    How to use:

    Take 1/3 cups in a warm form 3 times a day after eating.


    2 tbsp.spoons of kidneys of Scotch pine, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Kidneys pour boiling water, put on a slow fire, bring to a boil and boil for 15-17 minutes. Decoction cool and strain through 2-3 layers of gauze.

    How to use.

    Take 2 tbsp each.spoons every 3-4 hours as a disinfectant.


    1 tbsp.a spoon of lilac leaves, 125 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Leaves the leaves, mix and pour boiling water. Put on a slow fire in a water bath, bring to a boil and simmer for 15-17 minutes. Broth to infuse for 3-4 hours and strain through 2-3 layers of gauze. Raw raw materials.

    How to use.

    Accept 2 des.spoon 3-4 times a day for 10-15 minutes before meals.


    300 g of lilac branches, 350 ml of vodka.

    Method of preparation.

    Brush the vodka and insist for 7-8 days.

    How to use.

    Tincture take 35-40 drops 3 times a day. Tincture can also be used in compresses on diseased joints.


    1 tbsp.a spoonful of herb veal, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Grass pour warm boiled water. Insist for 9-12 hours, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze.

    How to use.

    Take 1/3 cup 4-5 times daily before meals.


    2 teaspoons herb ordinary, 625 ml water.

    Method of preparation.

    Grass pour warm boiled water, infuse for 2-3 hours, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze.

    How to use.

    Take 1/2 cup 4-5 times daily before meals.

    In different people, rheumatoid arthritis is expressed in varying degrees. If you have a mild or moderate form of rheumatoid arthritis, these recommendations will help you, and you will not have to resort to any other medicines. In severe forms, it is necessary to take NSAIDs and other medicines. However, do not reject natural remedies: they increase the effectiveness of medications, which means that you can take the latter in smaller quantities. In the case when it is impossible to avoid taking medications, always use a licorice extract to prevent stomach and duodenal ulcers.

    And here is the last tip: be wary of people who promise "miraculous healing" from rheumatoid arthritis with natural remedies. Not all drugs are as effective as described in advertising. Before you try this drug, be sure to consult a doctor.

    In arthritis it is very important to recognize it in the early stages and to conduct consistent and full treatment.

    The prognosis of disease depends on the cause of arthritis, its nature and severity of the course.

    No specific prevention.