  • Varicella( chicken pox) treatment with folk methods and methods

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    Chickenpox is an infectious childhood disease of a viral origin, characterized by a rash of red spots on the skin, on which bubbles subsequently appear.

    Varicella( chicken pox) is an infectious disease characterized by the precipitation of a bubble rash. It is called so because it spreads by air. The source of infection is a patient with chicken pox. Most often chickenpox is children under 10 years old. Infection takes a mass character in children's groups, spreads quickly.

    If the child is not weakened by other diseases, the "chickenpox" flows easily and ends most often without complications. The main manifestation of chicken pox is a bubble rash, which appears 2-3 weeks after infection. First, it appears on the face, the scalp, the trunk, less often on the mucous membrane of the mouth. At the same time the child's state of health worsens, appetite decreases, and sometimes the temperature rises.

    The rash appears gradually. At first, these are small dotted spots, which then turn into bubbles with transparent contents.

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    Symptoms: with the exception of rash, at the initial stages of the disease other symptoms may not be observed, although often the appearance of the rash precedes the headache and general malaise. Veterinary pox can occur both without raising the temperature, and with a high temperature. Pryshchiki strongly itch, scratching leads to abscesses. More about the symptoms, see here.

    The susceptibility to chicken pox is recognized as universal, but mainly affects children from 6 months to 7 years. In typical cases of the disease, that is, in most patients, the diagnosis of the disease is based on clinical data. For laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis, the method of immunofluorescence( detection of the virus in the foci) is used, and for the detection of AT in the serum - RSK and ELISA.

    The first signs of chicken pox are a few characteristic acne on the body and face. Dots are reminiscent of ordinary pimples, but some have tiny yellowish watery blisters on top. The base of the pimple and the skin around turn red. A few hours later, the blisters burst and become crusted. When the doctor determines the diagnosis, he looks for fresh blisters among the bursting blisters. New blisters appear within three to four days.

    In older children and adults, the day before the appearance of blisters, the head may get sore and a general feeling of malaise may appear, but the small child does not notice these symptoms. The temperature in the beginning is usually low, but for a day or two it can appreciably increase. Some children do not feel sick, and their temperature does not rise above 38 degrees. Others have a high fever, and they suffer a severe illness. Blisters usually itch and itch.

    You should call a doctor to diagnose and treat your child as a sick person, especially if he does not feel well and has a fever.(The chickenpox is easy to confuse with smallpox and some other diseases.) The child is usually kept in bed while new blisters continue to appear. Itching is facilitated by placing the baby in a warm starch or soda bath for 10 minutes two or three times a day.

    Wash your hands with soap three times a day and short-cut your nails.

    Chickenpox usually develops 11-19 days after infection. Usually, the child is allowed to go outside and send to school one week after the onset of the illness or two days after the new blisters have ceased to appear. Dry crust is not contagious and can not serve as a basis for quarantine. However, some schools require that the child stay at home until all the corpses fall off.

    • A rash that occurs when chicken pox is easily confused with a rash that occurs in more dangerous diseases. If rashes appear, consult a doctor immediately!

    What's going on? First, there are only a few pimples, similar to the usual ones. Then the skin around them blushes, the blisters swell, which subsequently burst and dry up, forming crusts. New blisters appear within 3-4 days. Two days after the new blisters cease to appear, the patient ceases to be infectious. The incubation period of varicella, that is, the period from the moment of infection until the onset of pimples, lasts from 2 to 3 weeks.

    What should I do? To remove the itching, you can wipe the rash with cotton wool soaked in a soda solution, to grease blisters with greenery for disinfection. It is very important to monitor the cleanliness of the linen and nails.

    The patient should be isolated from others from the onset of the disease and until the expiry of 5 days from the appearance of the last pryshchikov.

    Recipes. With chicken pox, antiallergic drugs and vitamins help.

    As a rule, chicken pox does not require special treatment and it takes a week. Adults suffer from chickenpox heavier, they have a longer fever, intoxication and excessive rashes, which can even be on the palms and soles. Chickenpox can give complications in the form of encephalitis, pneumonia, myocarditis.

    In the early days, each of them can be greased with a green, then the next day you can see if there are new rashes.

    Zelenka also dries the bubbles, which speeds up the healing process. The vesicles dry out on the 2nd-3rd day, small crusts remain, which gradually disappear, leaving no traces.

    For the duration of illness the child is isolated. When fresh rashes stop, the child can attend a kindergarten or school, because it is no longer contagious.

    Do not allow the baby to comb the bubbles or rip off the crusts, as it is possible to carry an infection that will complicate the course of the disease.

    For the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to call a doctor who will prescribe the treatment. Pay attention to a few recipes that along with a doctor-appointed treatment will ease the course of the disease.

    Every 4 hours, put the patient in a cool bath for 15 minutes. Dissolve in water half a cup of baking soda. This will ease the itch. You can pour the oatmeal into the sock, tie it and put it in the tub.

    Mix 10 drops of bergamot oil with olive oil. The composition is used for rubbing and bathing. These oils dry the skin and relieve itching.

    In 5 liters of water, boil a kilo of barley. Strain. Wipe the patient with barley decoction. This bath has antipruritic effect.

    Grind the marigold grass. Preheat 60 g, pre-brewed in a liter of water. Pour the filtered broth into the bath and bathe the patient for a quarter of an hour in the morning and in the evening. Do not rub your skin.

    Warm 60 g of crushed chistel, pre-brewed in a liter of water. Strain the broth pour into the bath and bathe the patient twice a day for 10 minutes. After bathing, gently massage the body with a towel.

    Mix the vinegar, vodka and water in a 1: 1: 2 ratio. Wipe this patient's body 3 times a day.

    200 g of dry herb yarrow pour in 5 liters of water.3 hours to insist, then pour the composition into the bath. To bathe the patient for at least 15 minutes.

    If the itching in the oral cavity is disturbing, prepare an infusion of sage. For 2 cups of boiling water you need 20 g of raw materials. Let it brew for half an hour. Rinse your mouth with filtered decoction. You can also rinse your mouth with salt water or keep the ice in your mouth from time to time.

    For 2 cups of boiling water you need 20 g of chopped marigold. Infuse 3 hours in a thermos bottle, drain. This composition is useful to wipe the patient's skin.

    Take the baby lemon juice with honey one teaspoon three times a day;Preparation of medicinal product: lemon juice and honey to mix in equal quantities;

    Drink two or three times a day, a warm infusion from the following collection: in equal amounts, mix the flowers of chamomile, marigold flowers, lemon balm leaves and basil leaves;Preparation of the infusion: one teaspoon of dry mixture pour a glass of steep boiling water and insist, wrapped, about 15 minutes, strain;

    Take infusion of herb parsley;Preparation of the infusion: one teaspoon of dry raw material pour a glass of boiling water and insist 12-15 minutes, drain;drink a quarter cup four times a day;

    Take infusion of parsley roots;Preparation of the infusion: one teaspoon of dried rzgonlchennyh roots pour a glass of steep boiling water and insist, well wrapped, no less than half an hour, strain;take one teaspoon three times a day.


    0.1 g mummy, 100 ml water.

    Method of preparation.

    Mummy completely dissolve in warm water.

    How to use.

    Drink the solution within 10 days after the raids come down, once a day, on an empty stomach as an anti-inflammatory, restorative and restoring weakened body.


    0.1 g mummy, 40 ml water.

    Method of preparation.

    Dilute the mummy in boiled warm water.

    How to use.

    Lubricate with this rash solution.

    1. At a high temperature and a weakened body, the child needs a copious drink with a high content of vitamin C, which is contained in orange, grapefruit juice. The juice can be drunk without restriction throughout the day, replacing them with water and other drinks.

    2. During illness the child's appetite is reduced, so the food should be easily digestible and curative. It is better if it is puree of fresh berries and fresh vegetables.

    3. The juice of strawberry has a general strengthening and antimicrobial effect, normalizes the disturbed metabolism.

    4. Blueberries can be taken in the form of juice or fresh berries. The substances contained in blueberries are harmful to the causative agents of the disease.

    5. Celery juice improves appetite, has a laxative and diuretic effect. It is enough 1-2 tea spoons 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.


    1 kg of barley, 5 liters of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Water bring to a boil, boil barley in it. Strain.

    How to use.

    Wash with this child's broth. Do not wipe, let dry.


    1/2 teaspoon of potassium permanganate( manganese).

    Method of preparation.

    Dissolve potassium permanganate in a bath with warm water.

    How to use.

    Take a bath with severe itching 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes.


    3 liters of water, 3 tbsp.tablespoons of table salt, 1 tbsp.spoon of baking soda.

    Method of preparation.

    Water bring to a boil and add salt. The foam that appears during the boiling of water and salt is removed. Remove from heat, add soda and again bring to a boil, keep on low heat for 5-6 minutes.

    How to use.

    In the evening make a warm bath, do not wipe the body, but let it dry. The procedures should be performed every other day, until the rash disappears.


    1/2 cup soda.

    Method of preparation.

    Dissolve the soda in a bath with warm water.

    How to use.

    Take a bath with severe itching 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes.


    2-3 tbsp.spoons of chamomile flowers, celandine herbs or calendula herbs, 1 l of water, 5-6 drops of fir oil.

    Method of preparation.

    Grind the grass, pour water, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes, drain.

    How to use.

    Pour the broth into the bath, add 100% fir oil and bathe the baby 1-2 times a day for 5-10 minutes.

    You can also lubricate all elements of the rash neatly with a cotton swab, with tea tree oil.


    2-3 tbsp.spoons of chamomile flowers, herbs of celandine or herbs of calendula, 1 l of water, 5-6 drops of essential oil of tea tree.

    Method of preparation.

    Grind the grass, pour water, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes, drain.

    How to use.

    Pour the broth into the bath, add the essential oil and bathe the baby 1-2 times a day for 5-10 minutes.


    2-3 tbsp.spoons of herbs celandine, 1 liter of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Grass celandine grind, pour water, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes, drain.

    How to use.

    Pour the broth into the bath and bathe the baby 1 -2 times a day for 5-10 minutes. After steeping, gently pat the baby's body with a soft towel.