  • When a child begins to speak, speech development

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    With the advent of the baby in the family, the life of all household members is changing dramatically. Parents are in an exciting anticipation of the moment when their baby will say his first word. As the child grows older, the excitement of the parents increases, and if he has not said anything for a year, the adults begin to torment themselves with questions: "Maybe something is wrong? And if this is not normal? ".Experiences add stories of friends that their child has already said this and that and that at such and such an age. As a result, unhappy parents begin to carry the baby to hospitals, referring to speech therapists and neuropathologists.

    Speech development features

    Individual features of speech development

    Do not panic, first you need to inquire about when the child begins to speak, as well as identify factors that contribute to the development of speech.

    Please note! There are no single dates for the appearance of active speech in children. Everything depends on the child and his environment.
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    As you know, children begin to speak while in a language environment, so for the speedy mastery of the art of verbal communication, one must constantly deal with the baby, motivating him to pronounce the words in the simplest method - repetition.

    If a one-year-old has learned to say a few words, it's all right. It happens that children under the age of two are less than talkative. Do not take it to heart. The child's speech is formed actively( speaking) and passively( listening and understanding).In the second case, development is faster. If the baby listens attentively to the conversation of adults and understands what was said to him - the development of the speech apparatus is normal.

    Problems of speech development in children

    Some parents themselves contribute to the fact that the appearance of active speech in a child is delayed. And they do not even know it!

    Please note! Trying to understand from the half-word or gesture of the desire of his crumb, the adults thereby do not give him the incentive to strain himself and ask for what he needs.

    It turns out, his passive vocabulary expands, while the active one is not used.

    There are "silent people" who persistently refuse to speak until 2 years old. However, it is not a fact that in the future the child will have problems with speech. Often, these children begin to speak spontaneously, and at once with complex, long sentences, not distorting words and significantly outstripping the development of their peers who began to speak in their first year of life.

    Speech development delay

    Speech development delay in a child in 2 - 3 years

    However, the child's speech is formed in close relationship with the mental and psychic processes. If the baby has a significant delay in speech development, then it signals that there are defects.

    Please note! It is important for parents to know exactly what and when the child begins to speak, and most importantly to know about possible deviations at each specific stage of the formation of the speech apparatus.
    • In the first months of life the baby tries to make sounds, babble. If this does not happen, then you need to be alert.
    • In 8-9 months the kid actively repeats syllables, and does it clearly and loudly with a pronounced intonation. Deviation is low activity and lack of emotional coloring.
    Child up to the year
    • Two months later the child imitates adults, assimilates and actively repeats new sound combinations, syllables. It is considered a deviation, if this does not happen.
    • By the end of the first year of life, the baby is able to speak simple words. By this time, he should be able to say "mom", "dad", "give" and a few more babbling words like "nya-nya-nya."He can already express the intonation of a request, a demand, a complaint. A connection is established between words and objects, the kid guessed faces and actions. If the child does not correlate the name of the object with the object itself or he knows only two babbling words, then this is an occasion to observe the crumb more closely.
    Speech Development
    • During the second year after birth, the child can talk in separate words, combine them in combination. At this age, the kid begins to actively learn the world around him, play, and in the process enrich his vocabulary.
    • By the age of three, many children are already talking with sentences, using pronouns and epithets, begin to ask questions "what?", "Where?", "Why?".

    Helping a child

    Motivating a child to repeat the words

    It should be noted that every kid is an individual. If you find that your child is not in a hurry to start talking, then help him do it in your power. For this, as mentioned above, we must encourage him to repeat the words for adults. It is not bad to pay attention to the crumbs on surrounding objects, calling and characterizing them in simple words. It is important to let your baby know how you express joy, discontent, request, curiosity and other feelings.

    Please note! The method of commenting your actions with words works well, please bring an object or help something to do.
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    You can also consider pictures and ask the child to tell what is painted on them. And you can just read him funny stories with a subsequent retelling.

    In general, there are a lot of ways to develop a speech device, the main thing is to pay attention to your child, to deal with it, then the happy moment of your full communication will not take long.