
How to accustom a child to a pot - teaching the child to a pot

  • How to accustom a child to a pot - teaching the child to a pot

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    Many parents, sooner or later, face the question of how to teach a child to a pot. For many, this process may seem daunting, especially if parents do not know what they will have to face. Knowing what to expect and how to properly organize the learning process, this period can be made as comfortable for you and your baby.

    Is your child ready for learning

    ? The learning process is much easier for the child and for the parents, if the child is physically and psychologically ready for it. Most children begin to show signs of readiness at the age of 18 to 24 months, although some of them may be ready earlier or later than this age. Boys, more often than not, start later and study longer than girls.

    There are several ways to check the readiness of your child, so pay close attention to them:

    • your baby's diaper remains dry for more than 2 hours. If the child has signs of restraining urination for some period - this means that he develops muscle control;
    • your child lets you know when you need to change his diaper. Notifying you about a wet or dirty diaper shows the beginning of the child's awareness of the functions of his body;
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    • your child is interested in using the toilet. When a child starts asking questions about using an adult's toilet, he usually shows a willingness to begin training. This curiosity can manifest earlier if the family has older children.

    Encourage or Punish

    Want to quickly accustom a child to a pot? In this desire, many parents can succumb to the temptation to encourage the child to be rewarded. Knowing what not to do, you can avoid some problems in the way of successful potty training.

    1. Dangerous promotion. Although some incentives in the process of potty training will be beneficial, giving the child a sense of accomplishment, other types of rewards will actually make achieving your goal more difficult. Usually, encouraging toys or sweets will have a negative impact on the child. Instead of striving to become a big boy or girl, the child will perceive the pot as a means to getting pleasure or a new toy. In other words, by bribing your child, you take away from him the possibility of feeling from a sense of accomplishment.
      With this kind of encouragement, you not only undermine its self-esteem, but also negate all your efforts. A child who achieves success only with remuneration quickly regresses when there are no rewards, and, after all, you can not continue to encourage him for several years. So, if you do not want to go through the process of teaching to the pot twice - do not be tempted to bribe the baby.
    2. Punishments that punish you. For the most part, without thinking about the consequences of applying "punishments", you will only harm your efforts in the process of accustoming the child to a pot. Perhaps the worst thing that can be done is to try to physically or emotionally intimidate the child in case of failure of using the pot. Punishing the child physically for what he described, screaming, threatening - this behavior will only upset the baby, after that it will be much harder to convince him to use the pot. Another bad idea is to put a baby on the baby's diaper after he makes his affairs in panties. In fact, you show that he did not manage to do everything right, and many children often regress and refuse at this moment from using the pot completely.
    3. Scheduling. When a child first starts using a pot, there are usually two reasons for failure: either the child does not recognize the signs of wanting to emptied, or he was too busy playing to pay attention to it. In order to avoid the majority of failures in both types, it is necessary to seat the child on the pot at regular intervals. Initially, it is advisable to drop the baby every hour, this improves the muscular control and the emptying into the panties occurs less and less, later the intervals can be increased to two hours or more.
      If your child could not go to the pot during one of the attempts, do not press him, gently calm down and thank for the attempt, expressing hope that next time he will succeed. However, if you see that the baby has not peed for a long time, it will be a good moment to plant it on the potty.
    4. The power of praise. While material encouragement is not a good idea, a praise opposite will allow your child to understand that he is on the right track. Children tend to respond well to praise, as this gives them a sense of their own worth. Simply show the child how proud you are of him when he successfully uses the pot.
    Using Effective Management Methods

    Sometimes children do not like to sit down on a potty. Especially in the beginning, the child may have to try several times before the muscles begin to react to mental commands. Small children generally switch their attention quickly, in such cases something will be needed to keep their interest, while they learn to control their body. At such times, it is not harmful to use a "pot book" or "toy for a pot" - special items that are designed specifically for those cases when the child is sitting on a pot. Keep in mind that a book or toy will better serve its purpose if it is somehow connected with the necessary activity: an illustrated book about potting, for example, or a water toy that can cause an urge to urinate.

    Such promotions do not fall into the category of "harmful rewards", if they are properly used. Do not use small rewards as bribery if you are inclined to assume that the child is sitting on the pot just waiting for a reward. However, if you use a neutral moment to explain to a child about a new toy or book, the object will lose the quality of bribery and vice versa will mark the child for a new status such as "big boy" or "big girl".

    Choosing the right pot

    There are two basic pot options:

    • stand-alone, potty in size for the baby, in the form of an armchair with a bowl that is easily cleaned;The
    • is the size seat for a toddler, which can be located on the top of the toilet, and allows your child to feel more confident.

    If you choose to modify the toilet, you will need to provide the possibility of getting the child free access to the seat.
    Usually boys first need to learn how to use the pot sitting before starting to write standing. For boys who feel uncomfortable or are frightened of the toilet to urinate while standing, a small pot may be the best option.

    In any case, parents when choosing a pot should remember that the pot is a direct object, and not just another toy for the child. And attention should be paid to usability, not to decoration and color.

    What to expect

    While a child can be fully ready to use the pot during wakefulness, it can still be susceptible to urinary incontinence during day or night sleep. As a result, you may need to use diapers when the baby is sleeping.

    In general, all parents should remember that every child is unique. And different children will react differently to the same thing. Therefore, always take into account the uniqueness of your child before you begin the process of schooling to a pot. Although the above tips will help make the learning process easier, you still know your child best.

    Ultimately, the goal is to achieve a positive result when teaching your child, and not the desire to find the "right" way to do it.

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