  • Treatment of constipation folk remedies

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    Constipation of is a rare, complicated bowel movement. When constipation is characterized by bowel movements every 2-3 days or less, feces in the form of solid "nuts" or daily stools in small portions.

    Symptoms: with constipation is characterized by a feeling of dull pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by bloating, poor gas leakage. A frequent companion of constipation is a headache and an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, a decrease in working capacity and a depressed mood.

    What's going on? The causes of constipation can be organic changes and functional bowel disorders. Organic changes include inflammatory bowel diseases and adhesions after surgery on the abdominal cavity. Functional disorders are the weakness of the intestinal musculature or spasmodic contractions of the intestine.

    The most common cause of constipation is the weakness of the intestinal muscles due to a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle and( or) a monotonous diet with a predominance of easily assimilated products. Spastic constipation is characteristic of hemorrhoids, especially complicated by cracks.

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    What should I do? Treatment of constipation is the right diet and exercise therapy( aimed at maximum strengthening of the abdominal press).It is also important to avoid nervous overexertion. There is no special diet, but foods with a lot of fiber, crumbly porridges, especially buckwheat and pearl barley, are useful. Products that have astringent and anchoring properties should be minimized as much as possible. Such products include rice porridge, any jelly, strong tea and cocoa, bilberries, etc.

    With constipation, it should be remembered that increased straining during defecation can lead to complications, including the formation of hernias, circulatory disorders of the brain and heart, andin the elderly and senile age - strokes and heart attacks.

    If you are suffering from constipation, it is advisable to consult a doctor who will recommend you the best means and methods of treatment, depending on the cause of constipation and your health. In some cases, a medical examination is required to exclude diseases that can also cause constipation.

    Constipation can not be treated with the same remedy. Sometimes, to achieve regular defecation, it is enough to adjust the diet and establish an optimal diet with a predominance of vegetables and fruits.

    Warning! Overuse of laxatives can eventually lead to intestinal paralysis. In addition, with enteritis and colitis, laxatives are contraindicated.

    Recipes. Traditional medicine for constipation recommends drinking aloe juice or fresh potatoes, as well as brine sauerkraut. Promotes the emptying of the intestines such food as green apples.

    Prevention of constipation is a healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced balanced diet, a daily complex of sports exercises and walks in the fresh air for at least an hour a day.

    For constipation, laxative drugs of both natural and synthetic origin are used.

    Of natural means, senna( cassia), varieties of buckthorn( including jaoster), rhubarb, plantain are more often used.

    Many popular laxatives are produced by the largest pharmacological companies based on medicinal plants: agiolax, depuraflux, mucofalk, mucinum, regulax.

    Among the drugs of synthetic origin, bisacodyl, gut-talax( syn: sodium picosulphate, laxigal, slacker), lactulose( syn: dyufalac, lisalac, normase), forlax are the most popular among them today. Magnesium sulfate( sulfate magnesia) is still popular.

    If we turn to the different reference books on pharmacotherapy, released in the last 10-15 years, it turns out that for the treatment of constipation, about 60 different drugs are offered. Among them there are drugs that have passed the test of time. So, in the textbook on pharmacology, issued in 1952( Academician NV Vershinin), more than 20 laxative preparations are indicated, in the prescription reference book for doctors and students( 1964) - 12 funds, in the most widely known in the Soviet era, the pharmacotherapy manual "Medicines »(MD Mashkovsky, 1977) - 17 laxatives, in the directory" Medicinal Preparations of Foreign Firms in Russia "(1993) - 12 drugs, in the Drug Register in Russia( 1999) - 26 drugs, in the Register of Medicinesfunds in Russia( 2002) - 18 titles, in farmVidal( 2003 and 2005) - about 20 laxatives( all textbooks and reference books include synonyms and analogs).

    To date, laxatives have come from the past on the basis of Senna, buckthorn, rhubarb, magnesium sulfate, as well as castor oil and petroleum jelly. However, both castor oil and petroleum jelly are recommended to be used occasionally, as a disposable remedy "on demand".

    All medications used to eliminate constipation differ in the mechanism of action:

    stimulation of intestinal peristalsis( bisacodyl, senna preparations), softening of stool( castor oil, glycerol),

    increase in intestinal contents( sea kale, laminaride, wheat bran),

    osmoticaction( from Greek osmos - pressure) - forlax.

    Forms of laxative preparations are different: tablets, drops, granules for oral administration;also produced rectal suppositories.

    The vast majority of laxatives are cheap.

    Drugs are sold without a prescription.

    Patients consider laxatives to be sufficiently effective and convenient to use.

    Laxatives are more often than other medications with constipation starting to take on their own, without medical advice and follow-up.

    Laxatives are most often abused( especially often such stimulant laxatives as bisacodyl, senna drugs, sodium picosulfate are abused).

    An appeal to a doctor should, as a rule, after a prolonged uncontrolled intake of laxatives results in their side effects( including constipation!).

    General rules for taking laxative medicines

    Laxatives are contraindicated in food( alimentary), neurogenic and endocrine constipation.

    Laxatives in most cases should play a supporting role;appoint them should be as short courses as possible, seeking to establish an independent emptying of the intestine.,

    If possible, avoid the use of laxatives for chronic constipation.

    The constant, habitual reception of laxatives leads initially to the dependence on the drug and the need to constantly increase its dose, then to complications from the drug itself, one of which is constipation( the formation of a vicious circle).

    before surgical interventions and diagnostic procedures( gut examination);

    in the postoperative period in patients on bed;

    for pain relief during defecation, when straining can worsen the course of concomitant diseases( exacerbation of hemorrhoids, hernia);

    with proctogenic constipation;with drug constipation;

    with persistent constipation in the elderly, especially with intestinal atony.

    Like any medicine, laxatives can cause side effects and lead to complications. With the use of laxatives, most often a long period, the following side effects are possible:

    allergic reactions,

    drug diarrhea( diarrhea),

    intestinal inflammation,

    liver and kidney damage,

    changes on ECG,

    cancer development.

    Intestinal obstruction is very dangerous - a disease in which the passage of contents through the intestine is violated due to closure of its lumen or compression or as a result of a disruption in the functioning of the intestine. Laxative drugs can disrupt the motor( motor) function of the intestine and lead to the development of intestinal obstruction. Intestinal obstruction is manifested by abdominal pain, vomiting, bloating, gas and stool retention. Emergency treatment in hospital is required.

    The safest of laxatives with a single intake is magnesium sulfate( 33% solution, 100 ml).

    When buying a laxative, check the availability of the annotation and carefully study it, paying attention not only to the indications, but also to the contraindications and side effects of the drug. Take the medicine in accordance with the recommendations stated in the annotation, do not exceed the recommended dose and duration of administration. No laxative is absolutely safe;any laxative can lead to the development of side effects and complications, including intestinal obstruction.

    Herbal preparation containing plantain and senna.

    Indication: the medicine can be used for any constipation, for children and for the elderly;However, pregnant and lactating women are allowed to take the drug under the supervision of a doctor.

    Contraindications: intestinal obstruction.

    Side effects: kidney damage( the appearance of erythrocytes and protein in the urine, they should not normally be);loss of important substances( especially potassium) by the body;defeat of the intestine( deposition in the intestinal mucosa of pigments).

    Prolonged use of the drug is not recommended.

    Synthetic preparation.

    Indications: for constipation of any origin, as well as intestinal dysbacteriosis, liver diseases, intestinal infection with Salmonella and Escherichia coli.

    Contraindications: intestinal obstruction, hypersensitivity to the drug.

    Side effects: in the first days of treatment, flatulence is possible, disappearing 2-3 days later. With prolonged use of large doses of lactulose, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea - stop treatment or reduce the dose.

    With prolonged treatment, there may be increased weakness, fatigue, headache, dizziness, muscle pain, convulsions, arrhythmia, loss of electrolytes.

    Herbal preparation.

    Preparations based on senna( cassia, Alexandrian leaf) are issued under different names: regulax( Regulax), sennalax( Sennalax), sennosides A and B( Sennosides A & B), bekunis( Bekunis dragees), etc.

    Contraindications: spastic constipation, intestinal obstruction, abdominal pain of unknown origin, strangulated hernia, acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity( appendicitis, peritonitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease), gastrointestinal and uterine bleeding, cystitis, disturbance of water-electrolyte balance, increasedsensitivePregnancy, breast-feeding.

    Side effects: spasms of the stomach, colic pain in the abdomen, flatulence;with prolonged use, allergic reactions are possible, loss of potassium and related muscle and heart weakness, albuminuria( a protein in the urine), hematuria( erythrocytes in the urine), as well as the deposition of melanin in the intestinal mucosa.

    Caution: if you take cardiac glycosides, antiarrhythmics, thiazide diuretics, hormones of the adrenal cortex, licorice root preparations, then you need to take senna either with a doctor or use another laxative.

    Senna specialists recommend. Use only in cases where a competent and prolonged change in nutrition or the use of swelling preparations does not give the desired effect.

    Synthetic preparation.

    Contraindications: intestinal obstruction, abdominal pain of unknown origin, acute inflammatory bowel disease, strangulated hernia, gastrointestinal and uterine bleeding, hypersensitivity. During pregnancy, taking the medication is only possible with the agreement of the doctor;For the duration of breastfeeding, bisacodyl is discontinued.

    Side effects: nausea, pain and bloating, a feeling of heaviness, intestinal colic;with prolonged use or overdose, it is possible to develop intestinal atony, diarrhea and dehydration.

    Caution: with liver and kidney disease, taking the drug is only possible after consulting a doctor.

    Mechanism of laxative action: bisacodyl retains in the lumen of the intestine water, irritates the receptors of the mucous membrane of the colon and enhances peristalsis. The laxative effect develops within the first hour.

    Contraindications: acute inflammatory bowel disease, rectal bleeding, acute hemorrhoids, acute proctitis, spastic constipation, intestinal obstruction.

    Side effects: possible abdominal pain, diarrhea, pain in the anal region;less often - muscle weakness, lowering blood pressure.

    Caution: In pregnancy and lactation, liver and / or kidney function, candles should be approved by a physician.

    Complex herbal preparation containing buckthorn, anise, cumin, coriander, fennel, mint, senna, centaury, field horsetail.

    Contraindications: intestinal obstruction.

    A plant-based preparation based on plantain.

    Contraindications: intestinal obstruction, narrowing of the gastrointestinal tract, severe form of diabetes, age under 12 years.

    Side effects: at the beginning of taking the drug, there may be an increase in flatulence and a feeling of overflow in the abdomen;sometimes there are allergic reactions in the form of urticaria. The drug contains carbohydrates, so taking the drug with people with diabetes should be coordinated with the doctor in charge. In addition, mucofalk should be taken no earlier than 2 hours after any other medications.

    Synthetic preparation.

    Indications: for symptomatic treatment of constipation in adults. It can be used in pregnancy and breastfeeding, with diabetes.

    Contraindications: nonspecific ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, intestinal obstruction, abdominal pain of unknown origin, severe heart failure, child age, hypersensitivity to the drug.

    Side effects: in case of an overdose, diarrhea may develop, which usually stops after 24-48 hours after drug withdrawal. When taking forlaksa possible abdominal pain, nausea, allergic reactions in the form of rashes, hives, swelling( appear very rarely).

    Forlax should be taken no earlier than 2 hours after any other drugs.

    Attention !Laxatives, even on the basis of exclusively medicinal plants, often have pronounced side effects and are contraindicated to a significant proportion of patients.

    Constipation may be associated with intestinal dysbiosis - a violation of the normal ratio of microorganisms inhabiting the intestine. In these cases, prescribe drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora: bifibumbacterin, bifiform, linex, hilak forte, etc. These drugs are much safer for the body, however, like any medicine, they can be taken only by indications, that is, if there is an established intestinal dysbiosis.

    The suffocating constipation of should be used to drink water in which plums or oats were cooked for a long time. It is also recommended to drink four to five times a day of radish juice, cabbage brine in a warm form, curdled milk and tea from dried cherries and dried apples.

    In the form of a laxative, the patient should be given four cups of cucumber brine per day. To get this pickle, you need to keep the cucumbers in the salt water for a month. When the brine is ready, then it should be consumed, but not cucumbers. It is also useful to drink brine cabbage with yeast, brewed bark of buckthorn instead of tea.

    It is useful to do the following enema. Take one tablespoon of crushed linseed. If there is no flax seed, then it can be replaced with oats or barley. Boil in four glasses of water, strain and add one tablespoon of salt or two tablespoons of linseed or hemp oil. The enema should be warm.

    Beet and spinach juice helps well. These juices can be mixed with carrot and celery juice and drunk during the day.

    A strong laxative effect has a salad made from finely grated fresh cabbage and apples.

    With burps

    In Russian folk medicine there is a simple remedy against eructation - goat's milk. If you drink goat milk daily after eating in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, then at the end of the third month of this treatment, and sometimes even earlier, the strongest eructation disappears. Once cured, a belch almost never returns.

    Constipation, as well as flatulence, is a symptom of many gastrointestinal diseases. Elimination of constipation is possible only in the treatment of the disease that caused it. To eliminate constipation, a wide range of treatment methods is used, one of which is acupressure. To combat constipation, you need to massage the following points:

    7.27 - Xiao-chang-shu. The point is symmetrical, located outside the center of the gap between the spinous processes of the 1st and 2nd sacral vertebrae.

    7.23 - Shan-shu( "The point of consent of the kidneys").The point is symmetrical, located at the level of the interstitial interval of the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae, 1.5 tsuni away from the depression under the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertebra.

    7.24 - Qi-hi-shu. The point is symmetrical, located at the level of the interstitial interval of the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae, 1.5 tsun from the indentation under the spinous process of the 3rd lumbar vertebra.

    7.25 - Da-chan-shu. The point is symmetrical, located at the level of the interstitial interval of the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae, 1.5 tsun from the depression under the spinous process of the 4th lumbar vertebra.

    3.25 -Tian Shu [404].

    3.26 - Wy-lin. The point is located 1 tsun below the level of the navel along the median-clavicular line.

    12.4 - Guan-yuan. The point is located at 3 tsunya below the navel level along the midline of the abdomen.

    4.6 - San-yin-jiao [403].

    3.36 - Zu-san-di [402].

    9.6 - Nei-guan [404].

    Cheng-shan - the point is located at the place where the gastrocnemius head passes into the Achilles tendon, at the apex of the angle formed by the calf muscle.

    1. Rowan red, berries. Ripened( before the frost) berries, pick, rinse. Pour a layer of berries in a large bottle, a layer of sugar to the top. Tie a rag and put in the sun or another warm place. After a while, the sugar will dissolve and a syrup will form.

    Insist 3-4 weeks. Until the syrup began to ferment, drain it and wring out the berries. Add the alcohol to the resulting syrup so that it does not ferment( 25 g per 500 ml of syrup).Take a syrup of 0.5-1 wine in the morning on an empty stomach, you can drink with cold water. Glorifies soon and gently. As soon as the chair is adjusted, take a break. Then the course can be repeated again. One of the best glorifying agents. .

    2. Wheat bran.2 tablespoons of bran pour a glass of hot milk. Insist, wrapped, 30-40 minutes. Is in the morning on an empty stomach a teaspoon of half a glass of bran. You can boil bran with milk for 15 minutes. So take bran 2 times a day for a month. In this case, once a week, it is desirable to do a cleansing enema.

    3. Flax seed. With chronic constipation, an infusion of 1 teaspoon of flaxseed is drunk daily for 1 cup of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 4-5 hours. Drink all the norm in the evening before going to bed together with the seeds.

    4. Honey - 300 g, agave, juice - 150 g.

    . Before cutting, the plant must not be watered for 2 weeks before cutting. Squeeze the juice from the leaves of the century, lightly melt the honey, if it is candied, and mix with the juice of the century. Keep refrigerated. Take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and at night, washing down with water.

    5. Aloe vera is a tree. Juice plants are used for chronic constipation: drink 1-2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.

    6. Pickle sauerkraut has a soothing effect, drink 1/2 cup of warm brine.

    7. Freshly potato juice is used for spastic constipation by 1 / 4-1 / 2 cup.

    8. Dandelion officinalis. Infusion of roots is drunk during constipation: 2 teaspoons of root pour a glass of boiled cold water, insist 8 hours. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times daily before meals.

    9. In doses of 0.2-2 g of rhubarb root powder has a laxative effect with intestinal atony, spastic constipation.

    10. The following fees are applied:

    a) elderberry flowers, jostler fruits( equally).A tablespoon of the ground mixture should be boiled with a glass of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes on low heat, cooled, filtered. Morning and evening drink a glass of broth for constipation;

    b) elderberry flowers - 2 parts, fennel fruits - 2 parts, buckthorn bark - 2 parts, anise fruit - 2 parts. A tablespoon of the ground mixture should be brewed with a glass of boiling water, insist 1-2 hours. After lunch and dinner, drink a glass of infusion with constipation;

    c) elderberry flowers, fennel fruits, licorice root, tri-colored violet grass, birch leaf white, buckthorn bark( all equally).Spread a tablespoon of the grinded collection with a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes on low heat, cool, strain, infuse sips for the day with skin rashes caused by chronic constipation.

    It is not customary to talk about this ailment with with relatives and friends. Moreover, many who suffer from regular constipation do not even consider it a disease. And yet constipation can provoke many diseases: hemorrhoids, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, inflammatory diseases of the uterus, pyelonephritis and even cancer.

    The filled intestine squeezes other organs, interfering with their work. In addition, the accumulated "wealth" is decaying, and toxins are absorbed into the blood. There is a poisoning of the body.

    To all who seriously decided to take care of their health, I would recommend starting treatment not with absorption of a huge number of drugs, but with cleaning the intestines: and you will feel better, and further treatment will become more effective, as the necessary substances will be better absorbed.

    Purification of the intestine is usually carried out by enemas from the infusions of herbs, beet juice. If you intend to clean the intestines, then consult a doctor. It will help you to choose the most suitable scheme and medicinal composition for enemas. Usually in the first week they make an enema every day( at night).The second - every other day. The third - after 2 days. Then - once a week. In six months, the course can be repeated.

    A week before bowel clearing, during it and some time after the end of the course, you must follow a diet, otherwise all efforts will be wasted. Give up this time from food of animal origin. Eat porridge from whole grains( buckwheat, whole oats, pearl, brown rice, but not mango), raw vegetables. At least in this period, try to lead an active lifestyle and move more. The effectiveness of cleaning the intestine will increase if in addition to enemas use the following composition.

    Take 2 cups of oats, steam for 1.5 hours, strain, drain 3 g of rock oil, drink 50 g 3 times a day.

    Constipation is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, but at the same time it is common among people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. But to itself constipation yet does not speak that at you any serious disease of an intestine develops, and it is not necessary, we think, at once to sound alarm in this occasion.

    Recently in pharmacies appeared a lot of medicinal chemicals that really help in a short time to clear the intestines and seem to immediately get rid of problems associated with constipation. But the impression of these "miraculous" means is deceptive. After all, treatment with these or other chemical preparations does not pass for the body without a trace. Getting rid of one ailment, you inevitably acquire some new problem.

    The systematic use of a single medicine, especially laxative, causes an addiction to it, which means that it will be extremely difficult for you to normalize the intestinal function in a natural way. In addition, many factory medicines, both domestic and imported, can adversely affect the work of the kidneys and urinary tract.

    Nowadays there is a kind of fashion for treatment with non-traditional, folk remedies. We support this fashion comprehensively, because it is able to give a person health, and what can be more expensive than this gift?

    Therefore, we sincerely recommend turning to the truly healing ancient recipes of traditional medicine.

    Honorable place among all kinds of potions, cooked on the basis of natural products and medicinal herbs, is rightfully occupied by milk and lactic acid products. After all, the art of healing with the help of milk goes back to the times of the great Hippocrates, and folk healers and sorcerers for centuries accumulated fertile knowledge about the healing of diseases with the help of this miracle cure. If you carefully read the previous chapter, then, of course, you will agree that milk( both fresh and sour) is truly priceless in its nutritional composition.

    What is the benefit of milk in this case, like the drugless treatment of constipation? First of all, you should understand that constipation is not a disease, but only an upset of the normal function of the intestine, which it will be easy to fight with simple folk remedies if applied wisely. Quite healthy people who do not suffer from any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are very susceptible to this phenomenon due to any violations of the usual regime of the day, forced long sitting in place, disruption of the regularity of bowel movement, etc. In other cases, constipation accompanies illnessesstomach, intestines, liver, bile ducts, and therefore, it is necessary to carry out the elimination of constipation in combination with the treatment of a major disease that upsets intestinal activity.

    In the old days healers recommended to treat constipation with sour milk( yogurt).Fermented milk products normalize the motor function of the intestine, prevent the formation of gases, and in addition, the special antibacterial substances available in abundance in sour milk, destroy most of the harmful bacteria that are harmful to the organism and inhibit the rotting process in the intestine.

    If you are suffering from chronic constipation, associated only with a sedentary lifestyle or with malnutrition( you mostly eat foods that are too easily absorbed and not rich in fiber), you first of all need to fundamentally reconsider your attitude to physical exercises anddiet. Saturating your daily menu with sour-milk products, vegetables and fruits, fresh juices, do not forget to exclude from it viscous cereals, kissels, strong tea, which in your case will only contribute to the development of constipation.

    Sour milk, as well as kefir, ryazhenka, varenets, we recommend to eat every day. And more fruit or vegetables - if, of course, you do not have certain diseases of the stomach or liver, which restrict or prohibit the consumption of raw vegetables and fruits. In addition, the rich heritage of the ancient znacharian experience allows us to give you a few tips and recipes, recycled and supplemented by us in a modern way.

    In the old days, traditional healers of the Tambov province treated constipation in this way: tincture was added to the fermented melted milk on the roots of horse sorrel. This remedy was given to the patient to drink before bedtime for 2 to 3 days. Usually the work of the intestine with the reception of such a drug is restored within 1-2 days.

    1 cup of sour milk is taken 1/2 cup tincture of the roots of sorrel. To properly prepare tincture of horse sorrel, take 5 tbsp.l.well washed, dried and crushed root of horse sorrel, pour 2.5 cups of boiling water, cover the dishes tightly with a lid and insist for 2 - 2.5 hours. Then tincture should be filtered through cheesecloth, as follows pressing roots. Ready tincture is left for storage in the refrigerator, but it can not be kept for long( no more than 1-2 days).It is best to use a freshly prepared tincture. Take half a cup of a mixture of drinking with sour milk for 20 - 30 minutes before going to bed. However, I want to warn you against too frequent use of this remedy( you should not take it more often than 5-6 times a month).In addition, the use of this drug is prohibited to people suffering from chronic and acute kidney diseases.

    If you suffer from chronic constipation, the most healing will be for you this way of treatment. First, prepare a decoction of the buckthorn bark used to treat constipation: 1 tbsp.l.finely crushed bark pour two glasses of steep boiling water and put on fire. Boil the broth for another 20 to 25 minutes, cool and strain through gauze.2 - 3 times a day after eating the patient should take 1/3 cup of this product and immediately drink 1 glass of sour whole or melted milk.

    For the treatment of constipation in the old days in many Russian provinces was distributed and this method. We took half a circle of fresh boiled milk and added to it 6 - 7 tbsp.l.decoction of oatmeal. This remedy was given to the patient 3 to 4 times a day. Such a mixture, which is quite available in our time, is recommended to be applied even now, but it will be effective if the constipation is one-time, non-chronic. With chronic atonic constipation, you will have to try to use stronger means.

    In the treatment of constipation in children, you may encounter their natural reluctance to take unpleasant tastes of medicinal mixtures. It is extremely difficult, and it's impossible to explain to the child in a hole that all this is done for his own good, no arguments in such cases help. But, fortunately, there is a way to treat constipation, which does not cause them to protest: in a glass of warm boiled whole milk, add 1 tbsp.l.honey, stir well and let the child drink before bed.

    It is necessary to get rid of constipation as soon as possible, because, in addition to unpleasant sensations, loss of appetite and lowering of the person's vital activity, they can lead to more serious consequences, including the appearance of hemorrhoids - rectum disease.

    Hemorrhoids are associated with dilated veins in the lower part of the rectum. Seals, cracks and cones are formed. This disease occurs most often in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, for example, drivers of vehicles, employees, accountants, etc. If you are overtaken by this painful illness, do not despair, remember the existence of traditional medicine and that italways ready to help. In fact, after all, hemorrhoids can also be treated with milk. There is one very effective way of treating with the help of milk and baked onions. We would like to tell you about him.

    Take a wide aluminum or pottery, pour into it 8-10 glasses of fresh whole milk. Clean several heads of onions, cut them in half and put them in a vessel filled with milk. Cover the dishes tightly with a lid and put in a low-temperature oven. Keep the milk in the oven on low heat until the bulbs are lowered into it. Then pull out the pot of milk from the oven, instead of the lid, put a wooden circle on the top with an opening in the middle and warm up the area of ​​the anus above the hot steam containing also the phytoncids of onions. Before and after heating, do not forget to lubricate the area of ​​the anus with any fat or sour cream. Such treatment can be done every 4 to 5 days. Usually several similar procedures already give effect.

    I would like to offer suffering from chronic constipation several developments of a special diet that is rich in lactic acid drinks and products that favorably affect the motor activity of the intestine. I recommend to adhere to this diet and people leading a sedentary lifestyle - for preventive purposes.

    Breakfast - 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 100 g of boiled beet, a slice of wheat bread, a glass of sour milk( curdled milk, fermented baked milk, varenets).

    The second breakfast is a glass of fruit kefir, prunes or dried apricots( dried apricots).

    Lunch - soup from fresh sorrel with sour cream, 150 g of salad from fresh white cabbage or red cabbage, 100 g of wheat bread, 1 glass of compote from apples of acid varieties.

    Snack - a glass of milk, a biscuit, cooked on sour cream or kefir.

    Dinner - buckwheat crumbly porridge with milk, 100 g of salad from boiled carrots or beets, 1 glass of curdled milk.

    At night it is useful to drink 0.5 cups of yoghourt.

    Breakfast - 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 100-150 g of pancakes or fritters, cooked in sour milk, 25 g of sour cream, 1 slice of wheat bread, 1 glass of herbal tea.

    The second breakfast is 1 glass of yogurt.

    Lunch - okroshka on kvass or yogurt, 100 g of wheat bread, vegetables with milk sauce, 100 g of mashed potatoes, compote of fresh sour apples or 1 glass of apple juice.

    Snack - fruit kefir, fresh fruit or berries.

    Dinner - pearl barley porridge, 150 g of salad from sauerkraut, 50 g of wheat bread, a slice of cheese, 1 cup of sour milk.

    Breakfast - pancakes with cottage cheese, 150 g of fruit salad with whipped cream, 1 glass of coffee with milk.

    The second breakfast - the apple is fresh( better than acid varieties).

    Lunch - soup rassolnik with sour cream, buckwheat crumbly porridge, 100 g of fried lean fish, 100 g of wheat bread, 1 cup of sour milk.

    Snack - yogurt, fresh berries( currants, plums, apricots).

    Dinner - 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream, 150 - 200 g of fresh apples or salad from apples and fresh cabbage, 1 cup of yogurt.

    Breakfast - soup of curdled milk with potatoes and herbs, 1 sour apple, 100 g of wheat bread, 1 cup of kefir.

    The second breakfast - tea with milk, a well-fried omelette with cheese.

    Lunch - soup from sauerkraut with sour cream, crumbly porridge porridge, 100 - 150 g of fried fish, 100 g of wheat bread, 1 glass of curdled milk or fermented milk.

    Snack - cutlets from white cabbage with milk sauce, 1 glass of compote from apricots.

    Dinner - salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers with sour cream, buckwheat crumbly porridge, 100 g of wheat bread, 1 cup of yogurt or curdled milk.

    At night eat 1 apple or drink a glass of cold water.

    Breakfast - 100 -150 g of boiled beet, 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream, 1 slice of wheat bread with butter, 1 cup of compote of prunes or apricots.,;

    The second breakfast - fried eggs, 1 glass of fruit yogurt.

    Lunch - borscht sour-milk, stuffed cabbage with fish or vegetable filling with sour cream sauce, 100 g of wheat bread, 1 cup of sour milk.

    Snack - fruit fresh with whipped cream. Dinner - pancakes, cooked on sour milk, 100 grams of fresh carrot salad, 1 cup ryazhenka or varenets.

    Before going to bed, drink half a glass of yogurt, yogurt, ryazhenka or other sour-milk drink.

    Breakfast - soup is full-fruity, 100 g of wheat bread with butter, 100 g of prunes, 1 glass of curdled milk.

    The second breakfast - fresh fruit( apples, pears).

    Lunch - soup with fresh cabbage, pearl barley porridge, 100 g of fish fried to hard crust, 100 g of wheat bread, 1 cup of kefir.

    Snack - 200 - 250 g of fresh melon or apricots.

    Dinner - 150 g of sour cream with sour cream, 100 g of salad from grated fresh carrots and beets, 100 g of wheat bread, 1 cup of kefir or curdled milk.

    At night, drink a glass of boiled sweetened water and eat a little dried fruit or 1 fresh apple.

    Breakfast - milk soup with carrots, 100 g of wheat bread, baked eggplants with tomatoes in sour cream sauce, 1 glass of curdled milk.

    The second breakfast - an omelette on sour milk, a glass of fresh fruit juice.

    Lunch - soup with fermented milk and cauliflower, 100 g of wheat bread, salad of fresh tomatoes, cucumbers and

    radish with sour cream and greens, 100 g of well-roasted pork, 1 glass of compote from plum or apricots.

    Snack - beet cutlets in dairy sauce, a glass of curdled milk.,

    Dinner - 50 g of wheat bread, 200 g of sour cream with sour cream, 150 g of salad from sauerkraut, 1 cup of kefir.

    For the night do not forget to drink a glass of broth of rose hips or kefir. Of course, all these tips and recommendations will benefit those who at least once a day will find the courage to "take a portion" of reasonable physical activity, and not more than the usual dose of alcoholic beverages for some fellow citizens. Do gymnastics, work in the garden or in the garden, just go for a walk in the fresh air - these are simple methods that will help you fight bowel dysfunction and always feel alert and healthy. But if the problems associated with constipation can be removed even in a few days, then treatment of serious diseases of the stomach and intestines will require you more time, perseverance and patience. We return to the recommendations to pay attention to the advice of old healers and traditional healers. Huge healing properties were attributed in the old days to milk and milk drinks, cooked on its basis.

    For seals, you can also use sea salt.

    • Spoon a tablespoon of crushed flaxseed in four glasses of water, strain, add two tablespoons of linseed oil and a tablespoon of finely purified sea salt. Enema at reception should be warm.

    • In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of sea salt dissolved in it.

    What can and can not be considered constipation? One child always has a chair at the same time of day, the other has different days each day. Both the first and the second are perfectly healthy. There is no need to try to make the child's irregular stool regular. Firstly, it is usually impossible. Secondly, there is a danger of emotional trauma if you force the child to defecate when he is not ready for it.

    When a child breastfeeding a chair happens every other day - this is not constipation, because the feces are still very mild and the baby does not need to defecate every day. Perhaps we should talk about something like constipation, when the baby is pushing to release liquid feces, but it is not real constipation either.

    Hard stool in a child on artificial feeding. One of the types of constipation - when a child eating a mixture on cow's milk, the chair of one hundred comes hard and comes out with difficulty. In this case, the child is uncomfortable. Talk to your doctor about this. If you can not consult a doctor, two options are possible.

    The simplest - replace the sugar in the mixture with the one that acts more like a laxative. If you used light corn syrup, replace it with a dark one. If this is not enough or if you used refined granulated sugar, take the uncleaned.(The amount of sugar remains the same.) With this constipation, the addition of plum juice or prunes to the ration of the child is also helped in the garbled form. You can start with two teaspoons of prunes( stew or canned) or juice( homemade, stewed plums or canned plum juice) during feeding at 6pm. If this is not enough, increase the intake of prunes or juice to 4 teaspoons or even more. Some children have spasms of prunes and plum juice, but most people perceive it well.

    Chronic constipation of rarely occurs in older children, especially with a varied diet that includes whole-grain porridges, vegetables and fruits. If your child has chronic constipation, be sure to consult a doctor - do not try to treat yourself, because you do not know what to do. Whichever means you use, it is very important that the child thinks less about his digestion. Do not start serious conversations with him about it, do not connect it with bacteria, or with his health, or with how he feels. Do not give him reason to watch his chair, do not pay too much attention to him yourself. Avoid enemas. Follow the doctor's advice as naturally and directly as possible, cheerfully and briskly, make the procedures as brief as possible, whether it concerns a diet, medicine or exercise, and do not discuss it with the child - otherwise you risk turning it into a hypochondriac.

    But, suppose you can not go to the doctor, and your child, otherwise healthy, begins to suffer from constipation.(Naturally, if he has any symptoms of a disease, you still have to show it to the doctor or take him to the hospital.) Give him more fruits and vegetables if he likes them;you can do it twice and thrice a day. If he likes prunes or figs, give them daily. Fruit and vegetable juices also help. Try to have enough physical exercise for the child. If the child is 4-5 years old and, despite all your efforts, suffers from constipation and irregular stools, although this does not cause him any special anxiety, calm down and wait for a meeting with the doctor.

    Do not use Vaseline. If a child inhales it, some can get into the lungs and cause chronic pneumonia.

    A painfully hard stool at an early age should be treated as quickly as possible. If your child has a painful stool at the age of one, two or three years, you need to quickly relieve his or her position. Otherwise, the pain will start to worry him too much, and he will get a psychological trauma( see paragraphs 295 and 382).If you can not consult a doctor and are forced to treat constipation yourself,.You can use the drug sold in pharmacies: acidophilus bacteria, petroleum jelly and chocolate for taste;A teaspoon in the evening is usually enough to prevent hard stools. This is not a laxative and does not soften the stool, which has already hardened. Let's a teaspoon every evening after dinner for a month or until you can consult a doctor. If the stool becomes normal, gradually reduce the amount - to three quarters of a teaspoon for three evenings, then to half and so on. If the constipation resumes, give again for a month to a full spoonful.

    "Psychological" constipation. There are two types of constipation, which are explained mainly by psychological causes and which develop at the age of one to two years. If a child of this age has had a hard stool once or twice, such a child can then be restrained for weeks and even months for fear of pain. If he restrains feces a day or two, the feces will thicken again and constipation will intensify. This problem is discussed in paragraph 382. Sometimes the mother is too zealous for the child to pot, and the child, being of the age when independence begins to manifest, automatically resists and restrains the stool, which leads to constipation. This type of constipation is considered in paragraph 381.

    Temporary constipation of occurs during illness, especially when there is a temperature. In earlier times, parents considered this to be the most important symptom of the disease, and the child was not considered to be recovered until he "cleansed."Some even believed that constipation is the main cause of the disease. It is more reasonable to assume that any serious enough disease can affect the whole digestive system, make it difficult for the intestines to work, deprive the appetite, possibly cause vomiting. These symptoms may appear several hours earlier than others. The doctor can prescribe a laxative from general considerations, but if the doctor does not come immediately, the parents should not think that they are missing valuable time.

    If you have to treat a sick child without a doctor, do not worry too much about his stool. In this case, it is better to do less, the more. If he does not eat anything, he has nothing to digest. If you are sure that a child has a cold or an infection and has not had a stool for three days, give him an enema.

    Spasmodic constipation. In this form of constipation, the stool emerges as small hard balls. Constipation occurs with artificial feeding or when a child eats solid foods. In the intestine, spasms occur, part of the stool is retained until it hardens and turns into a ball. No one knows why this happens in some people. In some cases, a possible cause is nervous tension. Such constipation is usually difficult to treat. Sometimes a change in the composition of the mixture or in a diet helps, but often this does not help either. A child at any age can tolerate spasmodic constipation.

    It should be noted that if a child does not go to the toilet every day, this does not necessarily mean constipation. The key here is how hard the stool and the painful defecation are. Most healthy children usually have a chair once a day, some have only three chairs a week. However, they will be considered healthy until their stool is soft. It is considered abnormal when a child has only one or two chairs a week.

    Children who have a stiff infrequent stool can periodically defecate in pants and dirty linen. Fecal incontinence can occur daily several times.

    Possible causes

    Normal bowel movement occurs when the processed food mass enters the large intestine and causes it to expand. In this case, the internal muscle at the exit of the rectum( anal sphincter) automatically relaxes, not subject to human control. Then the feces come into contact with certain nerves of the anal opening, which causes a urge to defecate. When the urge comes, the child defecates, unconsciously contracting certain muscles associated with the pelvis and relaxing the external sphincter.

    Sometimes, however, this sequence does not work automatically, and the child can delay the bowel movement. As a result, constipation may occur, and possibly stool incontinence.

    There are several reasons for the violation of the normal feces process.

    Improper diet

    Many children who suffer from constipation simply do not eat what they need. Common causes of constipation: in the diet too little water and too little fiber( including

    fruits and vegetables).In addition, the wrong diet can be burdened by hereditary predisposition to constipation.

    Emotional problems

    Exercise can be regular and gentle before the child learns to go to the toilet himself, that is, up to two to three years. During the training period, walking to the toilet can be difficult. For example, parents sometimes insistently insist that a child go to the toilet at the prescribed time, which can lead to a backlash. A child can begin to delay a chair also because he is afraid not to do everything right, may get nervous or just get angry that he is forcibly sent to the toilet. A child can be capricious, knowing that if he holds up a chair, his mother or father will finally pay more attention to him.

    At an older age, there may be a tendency to avoid stooling( often in public places).A child can so immerse himself in the game that he will not have time to overcome the urge. Sometimes he needs to go to the toilet during a trip, at a theater, at a school, at a train station, when the toilet is either difficult to access or too messy.

    Often the child is too concerned, anxious, embraced by other negative emotions. Then he will give secondary importance to the excrement. In this case the feces will accumulate and harden. Often the physiological process that causes constipation begins with the fact that the child deliberately reduces the sphincter at the end of the rectum, straining the muscles of the buttocks. The feces go up in the rectum. Soon, the urge to defecate disappears. If the child repeats it several times, the feces will harden and become harder. When the child finally goes to the toilet, then when a large amount of solid feces is eradicated, it will feel considerable discomfort and often severe pain.

    If this delay process lasts several weeks and especially months, the child begins to lose sensitivity to filling the colon with feces. In addition, the stool accumulating in the large intestine widens it so much that all physiological harmony in its work is disturbed. This leads to a constant leakage of feces from the rectum. As a result - a sense of guilt combined with anger at yourself, unpredictable behavior, isolation. More shortly - full sincere discomfort.

    This condition can turn into chronic, when special medical treatment is required from a child psychiatrist.

    Irregular bowel movements due to diseases accompanied by poor appetite, vomiting, physical inactivity, often cause constipation.

    Fortunately, it is usually temporary and disappears shortly after its obvious causes are eliminated.

    Fissure or rupture in the anal aperture

    Quite often it happens in children and makes the bowel movement painful, forcing the child to avoid it. There is a retention of feces and as a result, as a rule, constipation occurs.

    Inflammation of the rectum

    This disease, also known as proctitis, can be caused by infection due to a rectal injury or anus.

    Constipation sometimes causes the administration of diuretics and drugs to prevent the deposition of calcium salts in the vessels and used to treat hypertension( although such drugs are rarely used in pediatric practice), as well as antihistamines and various drugs, including those purchased on the black market( opiates likemorphine or heroin).

    Other physical disorders

    Sometimes constipation can be the result of physical deficiencies that have been observed in a child since childhood or developed later.

    This includes:

    • malformation of the large intestine;

    • tumors and cysts that can press on the large intestine and prevent bowel movements;

    • Inadequate development of the thyroid gland( a decrease in its function).

    Most cases of constipation, especially if they occur rarely, can be cured by the at home. The child's condition can be alleviated by a moderate increase in the intake of water, fruit juices( for example, pear or apricot), plums, raisins, dates, carrots, cauliflower, peas, greens. Follows

    In newborns, the first bowel movement must occur within the first twelve hours( at least not later than 36 hours) from birth. Parents should be in constant contact with the pediatrician. If the child does not defecate, then this may indicate anatomical changes in the digestive tract.

    Limit milk intake - no more than a liter per day.

    Four ways to rid the child of constipation

    There are four ways in which parents can achieve regular bowel movements or overcome other difficulties associated with constipation.

    Make sure that the child drinks more water

    For children aged 3 years and over, the norm is to consume 200 g of water for every 6.5 kg of the child's weight. The intake of water and liquids for children under this age should be agreed with the doctor. In general, the more water and fruit juices, the better. For precaution, give the child at least one glass of water( 200 g) daily, in excess of the calculated daily requirement.

    Change the child's diet

    Before you change her child under 12, consult a doctor. For children over 12 years old, you can increase the amount of fruit juices by 200 g per day. To include in the diet more food rich in fiber( whole-grain foods, vegetables, fruits), we must reduce( but not eliminate altogether!) The consumption of milk and dairy products. Once a day, you need to give the child greens, bread and flat cakes from wholemeal flour. Unfortunately, many children almost do not eat fruits and vegetables at all. Parents should pay attention to this.

    Encourage regular physical activity

    Boys and girls who play sports games several days a week regularly exercise, usually less prone to constipation.

    Regular visits to the toilet

    Usually the urge to excrement appears after eating. This reflex arises from the filling of the stomach. As a result, it is necessary to teach a child who has a tendency to constipation, to visit the toilet after eating for 5-10 minutes. It is better not to rush him if he had dinner at home. Try to teach your child to go to the toilet regularly after breakfast.

    How to put a cleansing enema

    A cleansing enema can be delivered solely for the doctor's prescription. The need arises with the development of long constipation, when the quality of life of a child suffers. To children of the first years of life, enemas are made with a rubber can with a soft tip, children of older age - with the help of rubber cylinders( pears) with a hard tip. The water should be at room temperature, for children - 28-30 ° C. The balloon is sterilized beforehand, and the tip is lubricated with petroleum jelly. The child is placed on the left side on the oilcloth and diaper. Legs - tightened to the stomach. With your right hand, gently inject the tip into the rectum for 4-5 cm. Infants are made in the position on the back with their legs raised upwards.

    If parents' attempts to cope with constipation do not lead to success and you seek help from a doctor, he will carefully study the case, find out the details of the onset of constipation, the general condition of the child, the features of his nutrition, the motor mode. He will also find out how the child goes to the toilet, what difficulties he experiences.

    In infants, the cause of constipation is usually of a dietary order. Causes of constipation in preschool children - a violation in the diet, motor conditions, as well as illness.

    The doctor examines the abdominal organs, rectum, including the internal sphincter, checks for tears or ulcers in the anus, any changes around the rectum,

    Inform the physician, if constipation lasts more than three days in an infant or older child. Perhaps parents will think that you can first talk with your doctor on the phone, but if the constipation does not pass, you need to show the child to the doctor.

    And yet the beginning constipation should not strongly disturb parents. The retention of fecal masses for several days for the large intestine is not dangerous.

    The child should be shown to the doctor, if sustained constipation lasts two weeks or more.

    The accumulation of large fecal masses can cause infections of the bladder or kidney. Prolonged constipation can also cause the formation of a large bowel ulcer, as the condensed feces rub against its walls. In this situation, the ulcer may begin to bleed. As a result, a bright red spot may appear on the laundry or in the toilet.

    The danger arises from also if:

    parents do not know when the child last defecated( normal case);

    the child has severe pain in the lower abdomen for one or two hours;

    will detect congestion in the intestine.

    In cases of constipation, an X-ray of the abdomen can be performed and further studies are performed in cases where there is a suspicion of the effect of neurological( nervous) diseases on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

    A physician may prescribe a full analysis of thyroid function and functions if the course of the disease and physical examinations indicate their need.

    The doctor will recommend changing the diet. He can also prescribe glycerin suppositories in the rectum or natural stool softeners orally( eg, malt-supex, metamucil, uncooked grain, agoral( without laxatives) or vegetable oil).

    To overcome repetitions of constipation, strong dietary changes may be required within one to three years.

    In the morning, still lying in bed, do a light massage of the abdomen in circular motions, avoiding the navel, finger pads - first two, then a wider circle - three, more broadly - four, then - the entire palm. Do not press or strengthen the pressure in any way.

    In the same position, move the diaphragm up and down, not breathing. This technique requires some training, and you can first touch the movement lightly with your hand to feel the movement of the diaphragm. A diaphragm should be and can be accustomed to obedience.

    In the same position, lying on your back, bend your knees and inflate your lungs and try to lift and lower your hips and stomach 5 to 30 times. This is a very useful exercise for the weakest, and for the strongest trained women, because it leads to a moderate movement of a variety of muscles.

    In the same position, lying on your back, bend your knees and raise your hips, leaning on your shoulders and feet;repeat the movement slowly up and down ten times. Staying in elevated position, count to ten and as much and the lowered state. It is better to keep the lungs inflated. No movement contributes to such a development of deep breathing. This exercise can be done both in the morning and at night;it is useful both for the sick and healthy.

    Standing, sniffing, slowly counting to 20, then exhale with a mouth, uttering the sound "ha!".

    Sit on the mat, keeping your legs stretched out on the floor in parallel;breathe, raising his hands in the castle over his head, slowly bend back and forth, as far as possible, then right and left, then around in both directions.

    Lie on the mat, raise your hands above your head;at the same time raise your legs and head, in this position try to hold out until K).Do not repeat more than 5-6 times.