  • Treatment of asthma with cardiac folk remedies and methods

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    Here is the story of the Russian healer PM Kurennov about how he cured a patient of cardiac asthma.

    This was one of the most difficult cases of my practice, and the final results of it have not yet been clarified. A woman of forty-eight and weighing 280 pounds could not lie down to sleep for the past year and a half never. She sat in her chair day and night, gasping. When I was called out at night, it seemed to those around him that her last hour had come. With a greenish-yellow face, blue lips, panting, she writhed in pain. Heart then stopped, it was beating with furious speed.

    The patient has been poisoned with strong doses of digitalis, bromine and even strychnine for a long time. Immediately we started a three-day liquid diet on fruit juice, but without drugs. After this, starvation began, and after seven days the tumors disappeared from her ankles.

    The patient was extremely pleased by the fact that she could again put her shoes on her feet, which she could not do for many months. Asthma attacks were less frequent and weaker, and in the second week they stopped. After 24 days, the patient insisted on ending hunger. In her diet were vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese, avocados with a mixture of vitamins and minerals. Five days after the end of starvation, she suddenly had an ankle tumor again. Tumors gradually spread up the thighs and up to the abdominal cavity;The previous picture was restored, although breathing was free.

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    It was evident that her heart, kidneys and liver were so established in the habit of getting support from drugs that they refused to function without them. No matter how bitter it was for me, I had to recommend the patient to resort to chemotherapy. True, now she had enough of the smallest doses.

    Experience has shown that generous portions of honey have helped her heart, digestion and kidneys more than other medications.

    The folk healer and prophetess the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga recommends for asthma in children:

    1. Take 40 leaves of coltsfoot, dry, let it brew in half a liter of rakiya ( Bulgarian vodka that can be replaced with Russian wheat).Each evening, put these leaves on the child's breast( the number of leaves depends on the surface that they need to cover the baby's breast) until they end.

    2. 40 leaves of the mother-and-stepmother are insisted overnight in 0.5 L of strong rakia. On the first evening of the next day, put one sheet on the child's chest, on the second evening - on the back, between the shoulder blades. So every night, alternate the position of the leaves until they end.

    3. 's mother-and-stepmother dried, then boil

    a handful of flowers in two liters of water and pour the baby with this infusion. After that, spread it with a mixture of 1 teaspoon of honey and a glass of rakia.

    4. Asthma in children in the initial stage. Helps cream of crushed aspirin and pure pork fat. In the for 10 days, lubricate the baby's breast with it.

    5. 40 heads onion-seed boil with boiling water and hold until they are soaked. Then immerse them in 0.5 liters of olive oil and mash. This mashed potatoes give children, before eating, one tablespoon each morning and evening.

    Known healer Bensuevna Lyudmila Kim, adopt the secrets of Korean traditional medicine from his grandmother, who has studied the experience of the most powerful Russian healer Praskovya Ivanovna Astakhova, considers himself a student of Vanga, recommended for bronchial asthma:

    1. 300 g honey lime, half a glass of water and crushed sheet aloe cook over low heat for 2 hours. Cool, mix and store in a cool place. Take a tablespoon three times a day.

    2. Leave eucalyptus with steep boiling water. Collapse from the paper "mouthpiece" and cover it with a wide part of the pan, and through a narrow inhale of a pair of eucalyptus. The inhalation time is 10-15 minutes.

    3. Cut off early flower bud buds mother-and-stepmother, dried in shade and pounded into powder. Daily boil and take 12 g of powder. Efficacy is enhanced if the mother-and-stepmother is added to the same amount of powder of the nucleoli apricot. Mix the brew and eat in 3 divided doses during the day.

    4. Cut the tops of fresh crimson stems ( 15-20 cm) along, pour a liter of boiling water and cook for 15-20 minutes.on a slow fire( until dark cherry color), insist an hour and a half in the thermos. Drink daily a glass of chronic colds.

    5. Take 15 g of juice aloe, 100 g internal fat ( goose or pork), 100 g creamy oil, as much honey and 50 g cocoa. Take one cup of hot milk with a glass of hot milk in the morning and evening.