  • Treatment of bronchiectasis with folk remedies and methods

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    Bronchoectatic disease is a chronic disease with deep damage to the bronchi and lungs, bronchiectasis( bronchial dilatation) and other complications.

    The causes of bronchiectasis are different. For congenital bronchiectasis, this is an inappropriate development of the bronchi in the intrauterine period. Acquired bronchiectasis occurs on the basis of other diseases of the respiratory system( bronchitis, measles, whooping cough, pleurisy, pneumonia).

    Symptoms: morning coughing spells with copious sputum that has an unpleasant smell. Hemoplegia. A characteristic sign of bronchiectasis at the neglected stages is the "drumsticks", that is, the thickening, on the terminal phalanges of the fingers, and sometimes the legs, and the nails resembling the watch glass in form.

    When hemoptysis occurs, seek medical attention immediately.

    What's going on? Bronchoectatic disease is divided into several periods. The first period is characterized by a cough with sputum, especially in the spring and autumn periods of the year, when the street is wet weather. Often there are exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, pleurisy and pneumonia. The second period of the disease is possible in two forms. With the first variant of the development of the disease in the morning there are bouts of coughing, in which an expectorant mucopurulent purulent sputum is coughing up( up to a liter a day).Often there is hemoptysis. In the second, so-called "dry" version of the disease, cough with sputum is absent, but there is hemoptysis and recurring pulmonary hemorrhages. Body temperature increases significantly when sputum accumulates, dyspnea appears. Over time, cardiopulmonary insufficiency develops, manifested in the beginning with shortness of breath and palpitation, edema of the legs, enlargement of the liver. The third stage of the disease is characterized by the further development of the process with significant intoxication of the whole organism, exhaustion and severe complications leading to death.

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    What should I do? The treatment of bronchoectatic disease is directed mainly to slowing down the pathogenesis processes. Spa treatment in the south of the Crimea, in Kislovodsk and Teberda is effective only at the first, initial stage of the disease.

    Recipes. Traditional medicine recommends effective expectorants for easier separation of sputum:

    • take psyllium juice with honey;

    • drink melted fat, and even better - badger fat, stirring a tablespoon of fat in a glass of hot milk;

    • Drink the juice of black radish with honey, diluted in a 2: 1 ratio on a tablespoon before each meal, and overnight;

    • instead of tea drink at night hot infusion of Icelandic moss;

    • drink freshly squeezed turnip juice on a tablespoon up to 6 times a day.

    Prevention of bronchiectasis is to prevent the onset of pneumonia and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, avoiding atelectasis of the lung, that is, the fall of its alveoli.