  • Treatment of the prostate with folk remedies

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    Prostates( Greek) - standing in front.

    Our health is a state of delicate balance that is provided by many body systems. But one of the most important components of this balance is our confidence in our own health, in our own capabilities. When the disease strikes the foundation of our confidence in the very foundations of our own being, it very quickly destroys our "defenses".One of the cornerstones of our personality, whether we like it or not, is sexuality: the ability to perform sexual functions, confidence in the possibility of their fulfillment and in their own sexual attractiveness. Any encroachment on these "holy saints" of the person instantly creates a whole tangle of problems. Any prostate gland diseases affect the male sexual power in the most unambiguous way.

    Diseases prostate - one of the most common health problems that men face, and prostate cancer is one of the most frightening diseases. Prostate cancer, like breast cancer in women, affects the very essence of male sexuality. In addition to the cancer itself, the possible consequences of treatment may be frightening: problems with controlling urination( urinary incontinence) and the impossibility of erectile dysfunction( impotence).

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    However, here everything is not hopeless at all. Fear is born more likely because of a lack of information about these diseases and doubts about the possibility of even a simple continuation of life after the detection of a tumor. But medicine does not stand still, and today many tumor diseases are cured successfully and for good. The paradox is in the very structure of public opinion that forms in us an innate fear of any tumor disease, especially before cancer: we can easily list the familiar names of people who died of cancer - after all, the funeral is a crowded ritual. However, people who successfully disposed of cancer and continue to live and live well do not shout about it at every corner and do not gather relatives and friends to inform them about it. They just keep on living. And they are much more numerous than those who could still win the disease.

    If we return to the topic of our book, even prostate cancer is not the end of life( including sexual one).When the cancer is detected at an early stage, it can be completely cured. Improved methods of treatment significantly reduce the risk of impotence and incontinence. And if complications do arise, their manifestations can be compensated for by various medical means.

    It is important to understand that cancer is not the source of all problems associated with the prostate. The most common inflammation and benign tumors of the prostate gland. Unlike cancer, they do not pose a danger to life. But if timely and correct treatment has not been received, these diseases can turn into very unpleasant and painful consequences, undermining your strength and weakening the body.

    For many men, prostate problems become a real fact with age. And yet, without neglecting regular checks, in collaboration with a doctor, you can reduce the risk of a serious illness and not allow illness to interfere with your normal life. This book will help you better understand the reasons why prostate diseases occur, recognize their symptoms at an early stage and take a weighted, knowledge-based decision about treatment.

    Prostate adenoma is a benign tumor-like proliferation of the prostate. Most often it occurs in men over 50 years of age.

    Symptoms: frequent urination, especially at night;difficulty urinating until it is completely delayed.

    What's going on? The slow proliferation of the prostate gland, which gradually increases in size, eventually compresses the urethra and causes difficulty in emptying the bladder. First, the urine leaves a thin stream, then the excretion of even drops of urine requires a strong strain.

    What should I do? The most important thing for a prostate disease is compliance with a prescribed diet. Products containing zinc are useful and necessary, and therefore the diet includes peas, cereals and beans, pumpkin seeds and nuts. To exclude from the diet mustard and pepper, canned food and smoked products, alcoholic beverages and beer.

    Good surgical intervention results.

    Recipes. Traditional medicine recommends for adenoma of the prostate to drink 2 teaspoons of flaxseed oil, and also take fir water on an empty stomach. It is very useful to eat fresh onions.

    To provoke the development of prostate adenoma, to disrupt its hormonal balance can malnutrition( excessive consumption of animal fat), smoking, alcohol abuse and stress.

    You avoid visiting public places and taking long trips because you are afraid of waiting in line for the toilet. You get up in the morning tired of having to go to the toilet at night. You no longer wear light pants, because you are afraid to soak them and they may notice. It does with us benign prostatic hyperplasia( BPH), interfering with our normal life.

    However, many men are more likely to come to terms with the inconveniences caused by BPH than to be treated. But if the manifestations of the disease reach the point where they begin to seriously affect the quality of life, you better consult a doctor. There are different approaches to the treatment of BPH.

    If your symptoms are light - for example, you go to the toilet once or twice a night - and they do not bother you much, you and your doctor can decide not to do anything yet and observe the development of the symptoms. You will undergo periodic checks to find out whether the condition improves, whether it remains unchanged, or worsens.

    The benefits of waiting under supervision are that you do not get any radical treatment. You do not have to pay for treatment. The risk with this approach is that your condition may suddenly deteriorate sharply or other problems, such as an infection, may occur. But this happens, fortunately, rarely.

    Small changes in your lifestyle will help you keep BPH symptoms under control and prevent deterioration.

    Limit fluid intake. Do not drink water and other drinks for several hours before you go to bed, so that at night you rarely get up in the toilet.

    Empty the bladder. Try to completely empty the bladder every time you urinate.

    Limit yourself in alcohol. Alcohol increases the formation of urine and can cause stagnation of fluid in the prostate gland.

    Be cautious with unlimited intake of diuretics. They can cause a contraction of the muscle group controlling the exit of the urine stream from the urethra( urethral sphincter).This makes urination difficult.

    Stay active. Sitting in one place leads to stagnation of urine. Even doing a small number of simple exercises will help you reduce the problems caused by BPH.

    Do not overcool. Cold weather can lead to stagnation of urine.

    Drug therapy is the most common method of treatment and control of mild symptoms of BPH.It may also be preferred to men with a mild form of BPH who believe that the symptoms are causing them anxiety, or those who do not want to put up with the existing troubles.

    The Russian pharmaceutical market provides physicians and patients with a significant range of medicines for medical treatment of BPH.

    These drugs, which are different in their pharmacotherapeutic effects, can help solve patient problems, provided they are used rationally. Next, the main groups of drugs used in the treatment of prostate adenoma are listed. The choice of a specific drug by your doctor is based on many indicators and features of your organization's response, so we will not discuss these criteria. It is much more important that a man taking these or other drugs knows what "surprises" he can expect from his medicines. Whatever one may say, drugs that are completely devoid of "side effects" have not yet been invented.

    The use of hormonal drugs for the treatment of BPH is based on the fact that the growth of glandular tissue of the prostate gland is regulated by the level of sex hormones. In the development of prostate adenoma an important role belongs to sex hormones - androgens and estrogens, as well as tissue growth factors. Limitation of the influence of male sex hormones( androgens) is achieved with this particular group of drugs that block testosterone synthesis by the testes at the hypothalamus-pituitary level or preventing androgenic action at the level of the prostate gland. Despite the decrease in the volume of the prostate gland and the improvement of the urine removal rate, hormonal preparations currently find limited use because of the high incidence of adverse reactions( impotence, decreased sexual desire, etc.).These side effects are naturally scared away by most men. However, in the case when the doctor finds a high risk of developing hormone-dependent tumors of the prostate( cancer), then the choice of these drugs is justified even if there are already indicated unpleasant effects.

    The Russian pharmaceutical market for hormone therapy offers seven preparations of four active substances. These are progestogens "Megeys" and "Oksiprogesterona kapronat", semisynthetic estrogen "Synestrol" and gonadotropic releasing hormone - "Sinarel".

    The main use of these medicines is in the treatment of hypertension. At the same time, studies of recent decades have shown that a-adrenoblockers have a significant effect on the vessels of the prostate gland - their condition is normalized, blood supply improves. However, these drugs are characterized by adverse reactions from the cardiovascular system( pressure reduction, increased heart rate, dizziness, etc.).In addition, they must be applied several times a day, as they are relatively quickly removed from the body or their concentration in the blood drops to a level at which they cease to have a therapeutic effect. These circumstances led to new studies that revealed the existence of three types of( Xj-adrenergic receptors.) The widely used drugs-Prazosin, Alfuzosin, Terazozin, and others-do not act selectively on any subtype of the c receptors.the drug "Tamsulosin"( "Omnik"), which has a selectivity for c-receptors, mainly present in the prostate of men. The Omnik has minimal effect on blood pressure, and the effect of treatment comes quickly.

    α-blockers have a positive effect in about two-thirds of the cases, and they act quickly, in just one or two cases,two days after the start of the drug, many men note the increase in the urine stream and do not experience such frequent urination, especially at night.

    Doctors still do not know exactly all the long-term effects of c betta-blockers: their advantages and disadvantages. However, to date, these drugs are considered safe. Among the side effects can be headaches, nausea, dizziness and a sense of fatigue, so the drug is best taken at night. Some men also complain of weakness and darkening in the eyes with a sharp rise from the prone position( orthostatic hypotension).To reduce the risk of such side effects, your doctor can start treatment with small doses, gradually increasing them.

    The study group of drugs on the mechanism of action on the prostate gland is similar to hormonal( "Depostat", "Zoladex", "Supre-fact", "Flutamide", etc.).Some of the drugs in this group are used in the treatment of prostate cancer or in the presence of signs suspicious of latent prostate cancer, which can not be confirmed even with biopsy( "Fluorouracil").

    Experience shows that the following main "subgroups" of drugs are used in BPH therapy: antiandrogens, antimetabolites and analogs of gonadotropic releasing hormones. The largest share is occupied by antimetabolites( pyrimidine analogs) - 31.8%( "Fluorouracil");27.3% accounted for analogs of gonadotropic releasing hormones( Goserelin, Buserelin, Lei-prorelin);22.7% - on antiandrogens( "Bicalutamide", "Flutamide").The specific gravity of the use of sex hormones is insignificant: antiandrogens - 13.6%( "Cyproterone") and progestogens - 4.5%( "Gestonorona caproate").

    In the Russian market, 14 countries( Austria, Israel, India, Spain, Germany and the United Kingdom) registered their antitumor drugs for the treatment of BPH.

    At present, the antiparkinsonian drug "Bromocriptine" is included in the arsenal of a urologist for the medical treatment of BPH.The mechanism of its action is quite complex. Its use for the treatment of BPH is based on the ability to reduce the secretion of prolactin.11 synonyms of bromocriptine have been registered in the Russian market, among them two domestic ones.

    Since ancient times, medicinal plants have been widely used for the treatment of urological diseases. In the ancient Sumerian lists, dating back to 1750 BC.E., there are indications of their use for the treatment of disorders of urination in men. Basically, these were collections containing such plants as parsley, celery, St. John's wort, cowberry, nettle, pumpkin, etc. The collections had a number of inconveniences connected with the preparation of infusions, decoctions and restriction of shelf life. At the present time, the possibilities of phytotherapy have expanded significantly due to the appearance of ready-made medicines containing plant extracts in the form of capsules, tablets, solutions, etc.

    According to modern ideas, the effectiveness of phytotherapeutic agents used in the treatment of BPH is determined by the content of phytosterols in them,the most important of which are sitosterols. The mechanism of their action is multifunctional:

    suppressing the synthesis of prostaglandins in the prostate gland and thereby providing an anti-inflammatory effect;

    suppression of the growth of enlarged( hyperplastic) cells of the prostate;

    is an inhibitory effect against a number of enzymes involved in hormone metabolism;

    blocking effect on androgenic and other hormonal receptors;

    effect on tissue growth factors.

    The assortment of phytopreparations for the treatment of BPH is currently 21 trade names. Unfortunately, only one of them - "Tykveol" - produced by two domestic pharmaceutical companies. One third of the drugs are produced by German companies.

    Two drugs - "Koprivit" and "Spemann" - contain the active substances of many plants, therefore they are characterized as combined medicines. The remaining 9/10 assortments contain, in one form or another, the following plants: Serenoa repens - American fan-shaped palm;Cucurbita rero - pumpkin common;Pygeum africanum - African plum;Urtica dioica - nettle;Xanthium strumarium is common.

    The preparations from Serenoa repens include fatty acids and their derivatives, a small amount of phytosterols, aliphatic alcohols, various polyprenes. The results of the studies testify to the multi-stage mechanism of the drug's effect on the mechanism of development of prostate adenoma, which manifests itself in the form of effects of suppression of receptors sensitive to male sex hormones, inhibition of growth of glandular cells and treatment of inflammatory phenomena at the level of the prostate gland.

    According to domestic and foreign studies, Pygeum africanum extract does not have hormonal properties. It affects the growth of cells of the glandular epithelium of the prostate and restores the disturbed secretory activity. With the use of drugs, there is a decrease in difficulty during urination, the disappearance or relief of a feeling of incomplete emptying of the urinary bladder, the disappearance of discontinuity of the urine stream, etc.

    "Koprivit" is a combined preparation containing, in addition to nettle oil, pumpkin oil, tocopherol concentrate from sprouted oilwheat.

    Another combined preparation, "Spemann", containing extracts of herbs, contributes mainly to improving the speed and freedom of urine release.

    These antibiotics irreversibly bind sterols in the intestine, inhibit their absorption and resorption processes and affect the exchange of cholesterol and lipids. In this case, a decrease in serum estrogen levels is observed, which contributes to better urine separation and a decrease in residual urine volume.

    There are 6 preparations of two active substances on the Russian pharmaceutical market. Preparations levorina - all domestic, mepatritsina - Italian production.

    This group of drugs includes antimicrobial agents( uroantiseptics), finasteride and polypeptides.

    In the domestic pharmaceutical market uroantiseptics are represented by several active substances, but in the treatment of BPH, according to numerous publications, pimedic acid preparations have found wide application. Her appointment with conservative treatment, especially in the initial stages, is due to the need to eliminate urinary tract infection and normalize urination.

    This active substance is registered in 6 trade names produced by foreign companies, with a 50% range in the range of products from Slovenia. Individual drugs appeared in the arsenal of urologists in the late 80's.

    Finasteride( proscar, finast) is an inhibitor of 5-alpha-reductase. Currently, urologists consider it to be the most promising drug in the treatment of prostate adenoma. The mechanism of its action is due to the following changes: in testosterone cells, testosterone is metabolized by the action of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase in 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone;In the cytoplasm of the cell, it binds to the androgenic protein receptor and forms the androgen-receptor complex. This complex penetrates the cell nucleus and activates the DNA, which in turn leads to growth and differentiation of the cells of the prostate gland. Finasteride blocks the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. The drug does not bind to androgen receptors and does not give side effects that are characteristic of "classical" hormonal drugs. An important positive point of the treatment is its good tolerability and the absence of pronounced side effects. Although the data from some studies indicate a decrease in libido and potency, these disorders are restored independently during the treatment with finasteride or at its end.

    Finasteride preparations under the trade names "Proscar"( Netherlands) and "Finast"( India) were registered in Russia in 1995 and 1997.

    Advantages of alpha-blockers in front of preparations of finestried are stronger effect, rapid response, favorable effect on blood pressure and lipid concentration, as well as lack of response to specific plasma prostate-antigen.

    In the beginning of the 90s, polypeptides of domestic production "Prostatilen" and "Vitaprost" appeared in the arsenal of urologists in the form of powders for injections and rectal suppositories. They are isolated from the prostate of the bulls, they represent a complex of peptides and improve the processes of microcirculation. They are recommended for patients with prostatic adenoma, burdened with chronic prostatitis.

    The mechanism of action of homeopathic remedies for BPH is not fully understood, but they have a diuretic effect and an anti-inflammatory effect on the prostate.

    At one time, surgery was the most common treatment for prostate adenoma. But, as medicines have become more widely used and new, less radical methods of treatment have appeared, now they rarely resort to surgery. It is only needed when medications do not bring relief or when there are such aggravating factors as:

    Urine retention.

    Bleeding from the urethra. Stones in the bladder.

    Surgical operation is the most effective method of treatment of BPH.This is the gold standard, according to which all other methods of treatment are evaluated. But at the same time, he is most dangerous for his postoperative consequences. There is a small risk of impotence, the risk of uncontrolled leakage of urine and the risk of narrowing the urethra.

    Fortunately, most patients do not face such complications. Surgical intervention is not recommended for men with certain diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis, serious mental disorders or severe lung, kidney and heart disease.

    In general terms, indications for surgical treatment of prostate adenoma can be described as follows:

    Ineffectiveness of prolonged drug treatment.

    Acute urinary retention.

    Large( more than 50 ml) volume of urine remaining in the bladder after urination.

    Complications of BPH( bladder stones, frequent exacerbations of chronic inflammation of the urinary tract, impaired renal function and some others).

    Currently, surgical treatment includes open prostatectomy( removal of the prostate through the incision of the abdominal wall) in various modifications and transurethral( through the urethra without opening the anterior abdominal wall) of the operation( resection, excision, evaporation).

    Transurethral removal of the prostate site is the most commonly used operation in the treatment of the prostate gland.

    The operation is performed either under general anesthesia, or you are given a spinal anesthetic, in which the sensitivity is blocked below the waist. The surgeon inserts a thin endoscopic instrument into the urethra and scrapes the enlarged prostate tissue with special blades. After this operation, patients usually spend one to three days in the hospital. During the first few days, urine is excreted through the catheter.

    Transurethral prostate cleansing is the most common surgical procedure for benign prostatic hyperplasia( BPH).A thin instrument is inserted into the urethra to the point where the prostate gland surrounds it. Small blades "scrape" excess prostate tissue, improving the passage of urine.

    Transurethral removal of the prostate site very effectively and quickly alleviates the symptoms of the disease. Most men have urine flow a few days after the operation. Sometimes after surgery, blood or small blood clots appear in the urine. By the time of discharge from the hospital, the patient is already wetting himself. At first, you may feel pain or strong urge when urine passes through the operated area. These unpleasant feelings will eventually disappear.

    In very rare cases, this operation can lead to impotence or to urinary incontinence. Usually these phenomena are temporary. Exercises for the lower pelvic muscles( Kegel exercises) often help regain control of the bladder. The restoration of sexual function usually goes from a few weeks to a month. However, it may take up to one year for a complete recovery.

    Another unpleasant consequence of this operation may be the so-called "dry orgasm"( reverse ejaculation).This violation of sperm, instead of being thrown out through the penis, moves upward and enters the bladder, which leads to infertility. However, taking into account that prostate adenoma most often develops in sufficiently adult men, usually already having grandchildren, this complication rarely frightens patients.

    Transurethral removal of the prostate can also cause narrowing of the urethra or scarring in it. This, however, is treated by simple stretching procedures on an outpatient basis.

    From 10 to 20% of men who underwent transurethral removal of the prostate site need a re-operation in 10-15 years, as prostate tissue proliferates again.

    Transurethral incision of the prostate is suitable for those with prostate gland small or slightly enlarged. This is also an option for those who are not recommended for more radical intervention because of poor health, or for those who fear infertility during ejaculation.

    Excision of the prostate is done using a special tool that is inserted through the urethra. But instead of removing the prostate tissue, the doctor does on the prostate gland one or two small incisions. The incisions allow the lumen of the urethra to expand, making it easier to urinate.

    This procedure causes much less complications than other surgical operations. After that, you do not even need to stay in the hospital for the night. However, the incision of the prostate is less effective than the removal of the prostate site, and often requires re-application. Some men note only a slight increase in the flow of urine after this operation.

    The most common type of open prostatutomy is the radical removal of the prostate gland in cancer. In this case, the iron is removed completely. With partial prostatectomy, which is used in the treatment of prostate adenoma, only the inner part of the prostate is removed, and the outer part is left.

    This type of surgery is only used with a very much enlarged prostate or with other aggravating factors, such as stones in the bladder. The operation is called open prostatectomy, because to get to the prostate, the surgeon makes a cut in the lower abdomen, and does not insert instruments through the urethra.

    Open prostatectomy most effectively eliminates BPH symptoms. Improvement occurs in 98% of men who underwent this operation. However, open prostatectomy carries the greatest probability of postoperative complications. After the operation, patients usually spend four to five days in the hospital.

    Depending on the type of operation that you have transferred, it may take a couple of weeks to several months for a complete recovery. During this period, you should refrain from lifting weights and physical activity that causes the vibration of the pelvic organs. You should not work with heavy equipment, ride a bicycle and overstrain the muscles of the lower press, such as when playing bowling.

    To avoid constipation, eat more plant foods: fruits, vegetables and grains. Fibers soften the stool and improve the intestinal peristalsis. To clean the urinary system and speed up recovery, drink up to eight glasses of water a day.

    Thermal therapy - also called thermotherapy - is a more gentle method than surgical methods. Such therapy uses for the treatment of various types of energy: microwave, radio frequency and laser - to create a temperature that destroys the proliferation of prostate tissue. The main principle of this method is to provide enough heat for a short time to destroy the cells of the prostate gland. This method can be more effective in the treatment of moderate and severe forms of BPH than drugs. In addition, this method does not give such side effects as surgical intervention. There are several types of thermotherapy.

    Transurethral microwave thermotherapy is a computer controlled microwave irradiation for heating and destroying the internal part of an enlarged prostate gland.

    During the procedure, the device emits microwave energy through a catheter inserted into the urethra. A tiny internal microwave radiator is built into the catheter, giving a dose of microwave energy that heats the enlarged prostate cells and destroys them. Cool water circulates around the radiator, protecting the urethra from high temperatures.

    For local pain, local anesthesia is done. During the procedure, you can feel warmth in the area of ​​the prostate and bladder. You can also have strong urination and bladder spasms. Usually these feelings are easily transferred and disappear when the procedure is over. You will be allowed to go home when you can urinate, usually this happens on the same day. Approximately 30% of men after this procedure have to wear a urinary catheter for several days or weeks.

    This method of treatment will take several weeks, before you notice an improvement in your condition. How long the effect of treatment will last is also unknown. The study showed that after one year 60% of men were satisfied with the results of treatment, but after four years only 23% expressed satisfaction. Two thirds of them had to resort to additional methods of treatment of BPH.The best responses over time were given to men who initially had mild symptoms, or those who were helped by medication, but they did not want to take medication.

    Thermotherapy uses computer-controlled heating to safely degrade the proliferation of prostate cells. The source of heating can be microwave energy, as shown in Fig.6, radio waves, electric current or laser energy.

    During the recovery period, such manifestations as intolerable urge to urinate, frequent urination, a small amount of blood in the urine, are considered normal. You can also change the amount of sperm emitted by ejaculation. However, unlike more radical surgical interventions, microwave therapy usually does not cause impotence, urinary incontinence and back ejaculation.

    Procedure is not recommended for men with a prosthesis or a metal implant in the penis.

    In our country, currently used apparatus Direx( Termex II);Texnomatik( Primus II), etc.

    Transurethral needle ablation uses the energy of high frequency radio waves to heat and destroy prostate tissue. Energy comes directly to the prostate through two needles, which are injected with a special catheter, called a cystoscope. Gently adjusting the position of the cystoscope, the doctor introduces needles into the prostate.

    Usually, needle ablation is less effective in reducing symptoms of BPH and increasing urinary stream than traditional surgery, but roughly consistent with the previous method. This form of thermal energy gives the doctor the possibility of an individual approach in the treatment of the prostate of an unusual form. How long the effect of treatment lasts is not yet known. This method is not recommended for treatment of men with large prostate.

    This procedure does not cause neither impotence nor incontinence. Among the side effects may be urinary retention, blood in the urine, painful urination and a small risk of reverse ejaculation.

    Transurethral electrovaporization of the prostate is a modification of the transurethral microwave thermotherapy, which allows almost bloodless removal of the prostate tissue. This reduces the time and stay in the hospital, and the use of a catheter. However, the procedure takes more time than transurethral microwave thermotherapy, as the tissues are not cut off, but evaporated.

    A special metal tool generates a high-frequency electric current that "evaporates" excess tissue, immediately "brewing" it to prevent bleeding.

    Because this type of surgical procedure is technically simpler and causes less bleeding, it is suitable for patients with a high risk of complications, including those taking drugs that reduce blood clotting.

    As with other less invasive therapies, the long-term effectiveness of this procedure is not known.

    Laser therapy is performed in much the same way as other thermal treatments, but instead of microwave energy, radio waves or electric current, it uses the energy of the laser beam. It does not cause impotence and prolonged incontinence. However, some laser procedures require prolonged use of the catheter.

    Transurethral firing of the prostate is very similar to electrovaporization. The only difference is that not electric current, but laser energy is used to destroy the prostate tissue. The procedure is usually safe, accompanied by a slight bleeding, often gives a good effect and significantly enhances the urine stream soon after the procedure.

    Optical laser amputation of the prostate is the use of a sufficient amount of laser energy for the desiccation and destruction of excess prostate cells. The process of full recovery after this procedure takes from several weeks to several months. This method has one major drawback: due to swelling and exfoliation of dead tissues, you may experience urine retention for several days and you will need to wear a catheter. Also, for several days or even weeks after the operation, you may experience a burning sensation.

    Intermediate laser therapy. This procedure carries the laser energy inside the prostate gland, and not to the urethral wall. It slightly improves the index of the urine stream and reduces the size of the prostate gland. It also helps men with a large prostate gland.

    After this intervention, there is a strong inflammation of the prostate tissue, so you will need to use the catheter for up to three weeks. Intermediate laser therapy does not cause any blood loss and can become a way out of the situation for men who are contraindicated in a surgical operation.

    This method is that a small, metal-covered spiral( cmenm) is introduced into your urethra to increase its lumen and prevent the prostate gland from squeezing the urethra. The tissues grow around the stent, holding it in place.

    One of the advantages of this procedure is that it lasts only 10-15 minutes and does not require anesthesia. If it can cause bleeding, it is very insignificant, and does not require further use of the catheter. However, studies have shown that approximately 23% of men then have to remove the stent because of its wrong location or the complications that arise.

    Some men do not get a stent, others experience irritation during urination or develop a urinary tract infection.

    These complications, as well as the difficulties that can occur when removing a stent, if it causes trouble, have led to the fact that this method has become less common in recent years. Stents are usually recommended to men with urinary retention problems who do not want to use the catheter. They are also shown to those who can not do more complicated surgeries due to age or concomitant diseases.

    Benign prostatic hyperplasia is such a common disease that the search for new methods of its treatment is ongoing. Transurethral injection of various drugs, including alcohols, drugs or enzymes, can play a big role in the future treatment of the prostate. A combination of substances capable of dissolving prostate tissue is inserted into the urethra by means of a catheter. Laboratory experiments and preliminary studies show that the procedure is safe.

    Researchers are also studying the effectiveness of injecting a highly concentrated solution of salt into the enlarged prostate gland. To reduce the concentration of saline, prostate cells absorb additional water. They absorb so much water that they burst and die.

    All these methods are currently under development.

    There are so many treatment options for prostate adenoma that it is difficult to decide which one will be best for you. Each treatment can improve your condition, but in different ways. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. You have to decide the question: what treatment will most effectively solve your problems with the least side effects.

    During the decision, you and your doctor should consider the following important points.

    Severity of symptoms.

    Prostate size.


    Attitude to the development of possible infertility.

    Ability to lead a sexual life.

    If the manifestations of the disease do not bother you much and your condition does not cause any further problems, you probably should wait and see if your symptoms improve or worsen. On the other hand, if you have severe symptoms of urination disorder, impaired prostate function, or there are other complicating factors such as frequent urinary tract infections, bleeding, or bladder stones, you may need a surgery.

    The choice of any intermediate option depends on your personal decision. Do you agree to a slight improvement in symptoms, or do you want a more significant improvement? Do you want immediate relief, or are you ready to wait? Do you want to take medication daily? Do you agree with the possible side effects?

    Some treatments are more suitable for a significantly enlarged prostate( 40 grams or more).Others are more effective with a small or moderately enlarged prostate.

    Men with large prostate gland are suitable for the following therapies:

    Finasteride( Proscar).

    Transurethral removal of the prostate.

    Open prostatectomy.

    Transurethral microwave therapy.

    Laser Therapy.

    Men with a small or moderately enlarged prostate are recommended the following treatment:

    Alpha-blockers. Transurethral incision of the prostate.

    Transurethral needle ablation. Transurethral electrovaporization of the prostate.

    Laser Therapy.

    The best treatment option for a man of 50-60 years old may not suit a man at all after 80. The younger ones expect a longer lasting effect from treatment. For older men, immediate improvement may be more important than a lasting effect, In addition, younger men usually recover faster after surgery and other complicated procedures than men over 70 years of age.

    If you have other health problems, you may not be approached by a surgery and you may have difficulty recovering. Surgical operations are usually not recommended for men with the following disorders:

    Diabetes mellitus.

    Cirrhosis of the liver.

    Severe lung, kidney or heart disease.

    Serious mental disorder.

    Some patients are not suitable for medical treatment, since they do not tolerate certain types of drugs or medicines.

    If you want to have children in the future, you certainly will refrain from therapies that can cause infertility. Transurethral removal of the prostate, transurethral incision of the prostate, open prostatectomy and laser therapy can lead to reverse ejaculation. Thus the sperm rises in your bladder, instead of being thrown out through the penis. The risk of back ejaculation depends on the type of therapy. In the transurethral removal of the prostate site, the risk is about 70%, with a transurethral incision of the prostate - about 40. Open prostatectomy leads to infertility in 80% of cases. After needle ablation, intermediate laser therapy and the use of alpha-blockers, reverse ejaculation occurs less frequently. Unlike impotence, which can be temporary, reverse ejaculation remains forever.

    During surgery, nerves or blood vessels located in the immediate vicinity of the prostate gland can be damaged. This can lead to impotence. The probability of impotence after transurethral removal of the prostate is about 14%.However, often normal sexual functions, including erection and orgasm, are restored within a few months after the operation.

    Impotence - even temporary - is a cause of concern for many men. Discuss this question with your doctor before deciding on an operation.

    Does the improvement in the condition that you expect from a particular treatment method, the risk of complications, outweigh?

    Transurethral removal of the prostate is the most common treatment for prostate adenoma, largely because it has been used for a long time and doctors are aware of its long-term effectiveness. But it also involves risk. In addition to impotence and ejaculation, transurethral removal of the prostate can lead to the development of a urinary tract infection in 16% of cases and one percent risk incontinence. Open prostatectomy gives a greater effect, but is also more risky. To her resort less often than to the transurethral removal of the prostate site, because - this is a serious surgical intervention.

    Gentle methods of therapy have shown their effectiveness, and at the same time they are usually associated with a lower risk of complications. With sparing methods, the improvement is slower than in a surgical procedure. And since most of these methods are used recently, their long-term effectiveness is not fully understood.

    As for drugs, alpha-blockers and finasteride give a very good long-term effect, especially when used in combination. However, in some men they can cause side effects.

    It is always better to choose the method of therapy in which your doctor is a specialist. Usually the more experienced your doctor in this type of therapy, the less risk of side effects you experience and the greater your chances of a significant improvement in the condition.

    The length of the recovery period depends on the specific treatment. If you choose medications, you do not have to worry about lying in bed and missing work.

    Heat treatment procedures often do not require hospitalization. Sometimes patients stay in the hospital for one night. It all depends on the specific procedure, your doctor, and on how soon you can independently urinate. It usually takes a few days to recover from thermal therapy. An exception is laser therapy. Some old laser methods require the use of a catheter for up to three weeks. Many new technologies allow using the catheter only 24 hours after the procedure.

    Surgical treatment of prostate adenoma requires hospitalization. With open prostatectomy, the patient spends from two to five days in the hospital, with a transurethral removal of the prostate site - from one to three days.

    If you are going to have an open prostatectomy, you will have to take a month off at work. Within two months after the operation, you will not be able to lift weights, subject the lower pelvic area to vibration and strain the muscles of the lower press.

    Are the procedures used to diagnose prostate adenoma painful? Most of them are painless, but you can experience a little discomfort. Sometimes local anesthesia is used to eliminate any pain. The improvement of the flexible cystoscope has made the procedure for cystoscopy - which is carried out in your doctor's office - much easier to carry.

    The larger the prostate size, the heavier it is expressed in symptoms?

    No. This is a common misconception. The prostate can be large, but do not give serious symptoms. Conversely, with a slight increase in the prostate, the symptoms can be very severe. The fact is that in the adenoma of the prostate, not the external parts of the gland grow, but the internal ones. And although in general the dimensions of the prostate gland can remain almost the same, the tissues passing through the prostate turn out to be compressed.

    Over the past months, I have had several bladder infections. Can this be related to BPH?There can be a relationship. Sometimes BPH interferes with complete emptying of the bladder, which can lead to infection. Talk about this with your doctor and decide if you should do an analysis that determines the amount of urine remaining in your bladder after urinating.

    If I have been diagnosed with BPH, do I have to have surgery?

    If you have mild symptoms that do not bother you much, the doctor may suggest that you do not do anything yet, but wait and observe. If you become worse, you may be prescribed a medicine or the most mild treatment, so that you will be relieved. My father has BPH.Does this mean that I will become ill with this disease?

    Not required. But since BPH often recurs with relatives, you are more likely to get sick than someone who has not had BPH in the family.

    Can BPH treatment reduce the risk of cancer?

    Maybe, but it depends on the specific treatment. Recent studies have shown that the reception of finasteride prevents or delays the development of prostate cancer by 25% in men over 55 years of age. However, the same studies have found that finasteride can cause side effects associated with the genital area and slightly increase the risk of progression of prostate cancer in its severe stage.

    Other treatments for BPH do not reduce the risk of prostate cancer, except for complete removal. Even if you undergo treatment for BPH, you need to regularly check for the presence of cancer. Some treatments for BPH can help detect prostate cancer at an early stage. For example, during the TMU, 10-15% of men have prostate cancer.

    If the treatment method that was chosen first did not help, can I try another? Sure you can. Conservative treatment, such as medications, is usually the first choice that the patient and his doctor make. If conservative methods do not give the desired result, you can proceed to a more radical treatment.

    Do I need to hear another doctor's opinion before deciding on any treatment? Not necessary. It depends on how much you trust your doctor, and on the method that you prefer. If you have chosen a more conservative treatment, such as medication or gentle therapy, and your doctor has sufficient experience in applying this method of treatment, and you are satisfied with this choice, a second opinion is not necessary. But if you do not agree with the recommendations of your doctor, you better consult with another doctor.

    At birth, your prostate gland has a pea size. As a child, it grows very slowly, but it increases rapidly in adolescence. By the age of 20 she reaches her mature state.

    Most men, however, experience repeated growth of the prostate gland. When a man reaches the age of about 45 years, the cells of the central part of the prostate gland - where she surrounds the urethra - begin to multiply faster than normal. Expanding, the prostate tissue often squeezes the urethra and prevents the passage of urine( see the figure).In medicine, this condition is called prostate adenoma, but in recent years the international term "benign prostatic hyperplasia", or, briefly, BPH, has become more widespread.

    A urethra, a tube through which urine leaves the mochevic bladder, is surrounded by the prostate gland. With benign prostatic hyperplasia( BPH), the tissues of the central part of the prostate gland grow, increase and squeeze the urethra, disrupting the normal outflow of urine.

    The likelihood of BPH increases with age. It affects more than half of men aged 60 to 70 years and about 90% of men older than 80 years. The reasons for the increase in the prostate gland are not clear. Scientists believe that with age, the prostate becomes more sensitive to the effects of male hormones, including testosterone. These hormones, acting on certain gland tissues, cause them to grow. Other factors also probably matter. If your close relatives in the male line have BPH, it increases your chances of getting sick, as it indicates a certain genetic predisposition. This probably depends on the way of life. For unknown reasons married men are more prone to BPH than unmarried men.

    This condition can be so different that sometimes it does not cause any problems. Only about half of men with BPH manifestations become so noticeable and unpleasant that they have to address this problem to the doctor. These manifestations can be as follows.

    Frequent urination at night.

    Weak stream of urine.

    During urination, the urine stream is interrupted, then arises again.

    Urine continues to ooze after you finish urinating.

    Frequent or intolerable urge to urinate.

    Impossibility to empty the bladder.

    BPH creates a serious threat to your health when it starts to prevent the emptying of the bladder. A constantly full bladder can lead to a chronic recurrent infection of the bladder and kidney disease.

    BPH does not always progress with time. According to one study, mild, moderate manifestations of BPH worsen only in 20% of cases. In the other 20% of cases, the condition with age even improves, while in other patients the symptoms remain at the same level.

    Prostate adenoma is a benign prostate tumor. Most often, this disease occurs in men over 50, but now there are cases of disease in young men( 20-30 years).The main causes of the disease are chronic prostatitis, circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs, hormonal disorders.

    At the initial stage of the disease, attention is drawn to the lingering urine stream, frequent urination, more frequent urination at night. When the disease progresses, there are complaints of difficulty urinating, the need to strain the abdominal muscles to empty the bladder. The urine stream becomes intermittent, sometimes urine is excreted by drop.

    When it comes to health, any jokes get a bad taste. However, the absolute principle of communication - "how to ask a question, this one and get an answer" - also acts on medical admission. The doctor who listens to your complaints is only a person who is not happy with the gift of clairvoyance. The more clearly, clearly and in detail you describe your complaints and problems, the more accurate and faster the diagnostic process will be and the treatment will be more effective.

    If you have any problems with urination, make an appointment with a urologist or tell your doctor about the symptoms - the one with whom you are constantly communicating.

    Only a doctor will be able to reliably determine if you have BPH and whether you need treatment. If the manifestations of the disease do not bother you and it does not threaten your health, you may not need treatment. However, this does not mean that everything is in order and you can not pay any attention to these symptoms. Your symptoms may not be manifestations of BPH, but rather precursors of more serious diseases such as bladder stones, bladder infection, bladder cancer, side effects from taking medications, heart problems, diabetes, neurologic disorders, prostatitis or prostate cancer.

    The doctor first of all will ask you in detail about what is bothering you, how long it started, how the symptoms develop and how often you experience them. He may also ask if you have other health problems, whether you are taking any medications and if your relatives are ill with prostate diseases. Further, the examination may include the following procedures:

    Finger( rectal) examination to find out whether your prostate is enlarged and exclude prostate cancer.

    Urinalysis to exclude infection and other diseases that cause similar symptoms.

    Prostate specific antigen( PSA) test to exclude prostate cancer.

    If the results of the preliminary examination suggest the presence of prostate adenoma, the doctor may suggest that you do some additional tests that will help confirm or reject the diagnosis of BPH and determine its severity. One of the convenient tools to help systematize primary complaints is the following questionnaire of the total assessment of symptoms in prostate diseases.

    In the form of a short questionnaire, symptoms are presented, to which the patient can respond independently and without resorting to additional studies. The total score of "points" allows you to first assess the severity and persuasiveness of the existing disorders.

    The international system for the total assessment of symptoms in prostate diseases includes an additional question about the quality of life, allowing you to determine how troubling you are with the symptoms of the disease. Here is the question: "How would you react to the fact that you would have to live the rest of your life with the same manifestations of the disease as now?" The answer, called the anxiety score, is expressed by a number from 0 to 6, where 0 means "Perfect"and 6 - "Awfully."You and your doctor can use this assessment of anxiety to find the right treatment for you, if at all. For example, if you have moderate symptoms, but a low anxiety score, to minimize symptoms, you will be more likely to get minimal treatment, if at all, than radical measures and medications with possible side effects. On the other hand, a patient with the same symptoms, but a high anxiety score, will most likely agree to tolerate the possible side effects of a more radical treatment to get relief.

    Quality of life due to existing micturition disorders


    Weak symptoms: 0 to 7 points.

    Moderate symptoms: 8 to 19 points.

    Strong symptoms: 20 to 35 points.

    If you find moderate and severe symptoms, the doctor is almost obligated to give you an additional examination. What will include such a survey, say below.

    This test measures the strength and volume of the urine stream. A jet emitting more than 15 milliliters of urine per second( mL / s) is considered normal or indicates a disease in mild form. Moderate symptoms are often associated with a jet force of 10 to 15 mL / s. A jet of less than 10 ml / s is usually a sign of a severe form of BPH.By fixing the results of this test, your doctor can find out whether urine stream rates deteriorate over time, and how quickly. However, keep in mind that with age, the force of the jet is usually reduced. A weak jet of urine can be a reflection of other problems, for example, weakening of the muscles of the bladder.

    This test determines if you can completely empty the bladder. This can be done in two ways: by inserting a small catheter through the urethra into your bladder or by examining the bladder with ultrasound.

    The ultrasonic method for measuring residual urine volume is more common, but less accurate. Since the results of the study may vary, it is often necessary to repeat it several times to obtain an accurate result. Ultrasound is also used to measure the volume of the prostate gland. In addition, it can reveal problems with the kidneys, kidney stones or prostate or tumor.

    If the doctor believes that your symptoms may be more likely to be caused by problems with the bladder than BPH, he can recommend that you do tests to investigate the function and measure the pressure in the bladder.

    A small catheter is inserted into your bladder through your urethra. The pressure in the bladder is measured during urination. Then water is poured into the bladder to measure its internal pressure and to determine how effectively it contracts.

    This procedure is done using a cystoscope - a thin flexible tube that has a lens on the end with an illumination system. The cystoscope is inserted through the urethra and allows the doctor to see it from the inside, including the part that passes through the prostate, as well as the bladder. The procedure can reveal such violations as prostate enlargement, compression of the urethra or neck of the bladder, anatomical abnormalities or the formation of stones in the bladder.

    Intravenous( contrasting) pyelography is an X-ray of the urinary tract, which helps detect obstruction or pathology. Intravenously, a special contrast agent is injected, and an ordinary X-ray of the kidneys, bladder and ureters( tubes connecting the kidneys and the bladder) is done. Contrast substance, poorly permeable for X-rays, allows you to see the blocked area. Today, this procedure is used less often, since new, modern methods of obtaining images of internal organs have appeared. In addition, the contrast agent can cause an allergic reaction.

    1. Asparagus officinalis - 2-3 teaspoons of raw material per 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes. When the extract is prepared from the rhizome of the plant, cook for 10 minutes, for this take one st.a spoon of crushed rhizome. Prepared in this way, the extract is taken by a wine glass every 4 hours.

    2. Licorice is naked, smooth - 1 tbsp. Spoon the ground roots with 500 ml of water and cook for 10 minutes. After cooling, strain and take a glass before each meal.

    3. Tree hazel, hazel - 1 tablespoon chopped dried leaves or bark pour a glass of boiling water. Drink 1 to 2 tablespoons.spoon several times a day.

    4. Burdock large, burdock - 1 tablespoon chopped dried leaves or bark pour a glass of boiling water. Drink 1-2 tbsp.spoon several times a day.

    5. Burdock large, burdock - 1 tbsp. Spoon the crushed root cook for 10 minutes in 500 ml of water, strain and drink on a wine glass 4 times a day before eating.

    Points of the prefix of leeches:

    points along the midline of the abdomen at the base of the penis and above the pubic bone;

    points on the top of the coccyx and in the projection of the sacrum;

    point on 3 transverse toes below the navel;

    the point on the middle line at the level of II and III of the lumbar vertebrae, the points on 2 and 4 of the transverse toes outside of them in both directions.

    The number of leeches is 3-5 per procedure. Procedures are held every other day.12 treatments are recommended for treatment.

    For normalization of blood circulation in the pelvic organs, men should increase their overall physical activity: walking, actively practicing sports and physiotherapy, because sedentary sedentary lifestyle contributes to stagnant phenomena in the pelvic organs, which consequently leads to aggravation of the symptoms of adenoma. It is necessary to avoid hypothermia( wear warm underwear in the cold season, avoid swimming in cold water).

    Separately ill prostate adenoma shows special exercises aimed at improving blood circulation in the small pelvis.

    1. Stand at a distance of half a step from the wall( facing her), so that, gently resting your fingers on the wall, it was convenient to shift from foot to foot, without tearing socks off the floor. Such a "run" is like a dance, it involves the whole body. To breathe rhythmically. The duration of the exercise is 1-3 minutes.

    2. Sit on a chair facing back. Holding on to the back, continuously rotate smoothly with a basin in a circle, breathe the diaphragm and during an exhalation sharply draw in the anus( anus).It is recommended to inhale and exhale during one rotation. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.

    3. In the supine position on the back, bend the legs in the knees, hands under the head. Breathe in your belly 10 times at a fast pace, then 20 times slightly to move the basin from side to side, rubbing the cob. Breathe evenly. If, after performing the exercise, the loin is not warmed up, the exercise should be repeated.

    4. The starting position is standing, legs wide apart. Sit down, lean forward and try to reach with the palms of the floor between the legs as far as possible. Repeat 3-4 times.

    5. The starting position - lying on the back, the legs in the knees are bent and connected together, the feet stand on the floor. Spread the colonies, overcoming the resistance of the hands. Return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.

    6. The initial position is the same. The exercise is the same as the previous one. After the hips are raised, they swing from side to side. Repeat 5 times.

    7. The initial position is lying on the back, legs are stretched out, the arms lie freely along the trunk. Raise your hips without lifting your feet off the floor( your feet slide on the floor).Stay in this position for 4 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.

    8. The starting position is lying on the abdomen. Back deflection with support on hands and without support.

    9. The starting position is standing, legs together. Squeeze the buttocks, feeling the tension of the muscles of the perineum, stay in this position until it is comfortable, then relax. Repeat 5 times.

    10. The starting position is on all fours, hands are straightened, the palms lie on the floor. Lean forward, then bend back and sit on your heels, then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.

    11. The initial position is lying on the abdomen. Alternate and simultaneous lifting of straight legs. Movement with feet, as in style swimming, crochet, breaststroke.

    With adenoma of the prostate, it is necessary to closely monitor the function of the intestine - it should be emptied regularly. Remember: constipation leads to stagnation of blood circulation in the small pelvis and, as a consequence, to a worsening of the patient's condition. To improve the emptying of the intestine, the following foods should be introduced into the patient's diet: vegetables( beets, carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, cucumbers, tomatoes), fruits, berries, dairy products( cottage cheese, yogurt, curdled milk, cream, sour cream), dried fruits( prunes, dried apricots, figs, raisins), honey, vegetable fats( sunflower, corn, olive, cottonseed oil), cereals( buckwheat, pearl, millet).

    From the diet of the patient it is necessary to exclude alcohol, sharp, smoked, pickled dishes, as their use contributes to the violation of the outflow of urine, and also activates the growth of the tumor.

    1. Required:

    for 3 tbsp.spoons of the herb St. John's wort, hollyweed herb five-lobed, 1 tbsp.spoon of herb bearberry, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    1.5 tbsp.spoon collection pour boiling water, insist for 3 hours, drain.,

    How to use.

    Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

    2. Required:

    for 3 tbsp.spoons of grass horsetail field, nettle leaves dioecious, 2 tbsp.spoon of cowberry leaves, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    2 tbsp. Spoon the shredded collection with pour boiling water, insist for 4-5 hours, strain.

    How to use.

    Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

    3. Required:

    3 tbsp.spoons of mushroom chaga, 2 tbsp.spoonfuls of St. John's wort's herb, rhizome of the ara, common, 1 tbsp.spoon of yarrow herb, 1 teaspoon of herb celandine large, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    2 tbsp. Spoon the shredded collection with pour boiling water, insist for 2-3 hours, strain, add honey to taste.

    How to use.

    Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

    4. Required:

    at 5 tbsp.spoons of rose hips, hawthorn fruits, black currant fruits, 4 tbsp.spoons of flowers of calendula officinalis, 3 tbsp.spoon grass herbaceous five-lobed grass weedwort, 2 tbsp.spoons of chamomile flowers, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of hops of common horsemeat, rhizomes with the roots of blue cyanosis, herbs of sweet clover, 1 liter of water.

    Method of preparation.

    3 tbsp. Spoon the shredded collection with pour boiling water, insist for 1 hour, then boil in a water bath for 5-7 minutes, then insist another 2 hours, drain.

    How to use.

    Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before meals.

    5. It is required:

    on 2 items.spoons of yarrow herbs, St. John's wort, chamomile flowers, 1 tbsp.a spoon of celandine grass, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    1 tbsp.spoon collection pour boiling water, insist for 5-6 hours, drain.

    How to use.

    Take 1 glass 3 times daily before meals.

    6. Required:

    4 tbsp.spoons of leaves of plantain large, 1 tbsp.a spoon of chamomile flowers, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    3 tbsp. Spoon the shredded collection with pour boiling water, insist for 2 hours, strain.

    Method of use.

    Take 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day for 15-20 minutes before meals.

    7. It is required:

    on 2 items.spoons of chamomile leaves, herbs of oregano, leaves of plantain, 1 st.a spoon of rose hips, a herb of yarrow, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    2 tbsp.spoon collection pour boiling water, insist for 1 - 1.5 hours, drain.

    How to use.

    In a warm form for 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before eating.


    1 tbsp.a spoonful of dry licorice roots naked, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Shredded roots pour boiled water at room temperature, infuse for 12 hours, strain.

    How to use.

    Take 1/3 cup for 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day.


    2 tbsp.spoon dried leaves of hazelnut, 650 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Chopped leaves pour boiling water, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, insist for 30 minutes, strain.

    Method of use.

    Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.


    2 tbsp.spoons of dry roots of large burdock, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Roots chop, pour hot water, simmer in a water bath for 10 minutes, insist for 2-3 hours, drain.

    How to use.

    Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.


    2 teaspoons dried asparagus medicinal roots, 250 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Shredded roots pour boiling water, cook for 10 minutes on low heat, insist for 3-4 hours, drain.

    How to use.

    Take 2 tbsp.spoon 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

    If you want to use methods, practices or products of alternative, non-traditional or traditional medicine in your treatment, the following is recommended.

    Investigate the safety and efficacy of the product or therapy. The benefits you receive from taking the drug or undergoing a course of treatment should outweigh the associated risk. To learn more about this product or methodology, you can search the literature on this product or method in a public library or on the Internet. But keep in mind that many sites can be just advertising representations of this method or product.

    Ensure the reliability of the therapist or the seller. If your therapist has a license, ask for information about him at the local or regional health authority, check his diplomas and licenses and determine if he has any complaints. If you buy a product from a store, pharmacy or a company representative, also check to see if there are any complaints about the products of this company.

    Consult your physician. The doctor will help you figure out whether this treatment will benefit you and whether it is safe. Many additional and nontraditional methods of treatment and drugs may be incompatible with those drugs that you are already taking, or can cause an aggravation of your other diseases.

    Do not replace tried and tested medication with untried one. If it is scientifically proven that the drug, surgery or other treatment the doctor has prescribed to you can help you, do not try to replace this medication with an alternative drug, method or therapy, the effectiveness of which has not been proven.

    Strong health does not arise by itself. It is usually the result of important decisions we make, such as not smoking, not drinking a lot of alcohol, controlling your emotional state and having safe sex.

    Those decisions that you take every day, support the health of your prostate gland or help restore her health. Lifestyle changes, such as choosing healthy foods and increasing physical activity, can prevent the onset of prostate diseases or slow them down. Regular visits to the doctor and an annual examination of the prostate gland increase the chances of finding a prostate disease at an early stage, when it is treatable and can be completely cured. When discussing methods of complementary and alternative medicine with your doctor, you can avoid possible dangerous side effects of questionable drugs and treatments.

    The very fact of reading this book is already an important first step and a sign that you want to make the right decision regarding the treatment and prevention of prostate diseases.

    The information and tips contained in the book will help you maintain your prostate in a healthy state and live a long and healthy life.

    Does alcohol play any role in the likelihood of prostate disease? There is no evidence that moderate alcohol consumption leads to prostate disease. Moderate can be called two drinks( 70 ml) per day, and one drink( 35-50 ml) for men after 65 years. However, if you regularly exceed this rate, drinking alcohol can affect your health. People who consume alcohol in large doses often replace their food and do not receive the necessary amount of nutrients. Bad nutrition can weaken your immune system and reduce the body's natural defense against disease.

    Is soy sauce a good source of soy?

    No. Soy sauce does not contain enough substances that fight cancer, and it has a lot of sodium. If you are sensitive to sodium, soy sauce can lead to increased blood pressure. Is it true that stress can lead to prostate disease? It is not proven that stress increases the risk of prostate disease, but there is some evidence in favor of the fact that it can play a role here. Stress weakens the immune system, the body becomes more difficult to fight diseases, including cancer. Researchers also argue that stress can cause tension in the muscles of the lower pelvis, which interferes with the normal functioning of the prostate and can lead to prostatitis.


    for 1 tbsp.a spoon of dried leaves and bark of hazelnut, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Raw pour boiling water, insist for 2 hours, drain.

    How to use.

    Take 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day.


    1 kg of crushed hazelnut shell, 2 liters of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Shells pour boiling water, boil over low heat until the volume of the liquid is reduced to 1 liter.

    How to use.

    Take inside 30 ml 3 times daily before meals( or in between meals).

    1. Onion . Onions are used fresh.

    Quantity. The normal amount of secretion ranges from 3-4 ml to 1-2 drops.

    Color. The liquid is whitish in color, has a thick, viscous consistency. With suppurative processes in the prostate gland, the liquid becomes dull yellow, and the blood admixture gives it different shades of red.

    Odor. Normally has a characteristic odor due to the presence of a special compound - spermine. Inflammatory and other pathological processes in the prostate gland give a different smell to the secret.

    Reaction( pH).Normally, the pH is slightly acidic;In inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, the pH shifts to the acidic side.

    Leukocytes. In normal secretion, the number of white blood cells is from 0 to 10-12 in the field of vision or up to 2000 in 1 ml when counting in the chamber. The number of them increases with inflammatory processes, but the results are affected by the technique of taking the material and the admixture of the contents of the urethra.

    Erythrocytes in a normal secret are single;an increased amount is detected in inflammatory processes and neoplasms.

    Epithelial cells. The inferior ducts of the prostate gland are lined with a cylindrical and transitional epithelium. Normally, single cells of the cylindrical epithelium are found in secret. A large number of epithelial cells, especially in the state of fatty degeneration and in combination with a number of leukocytes, indicates an inflammatory process.

    Macrophages are found in chronic inflammation and stasis.

    Giant cells of the type of cells of foreign bodies can be in the same cases as macrophages.

    Amyloid stones( corpuscles) are a condensed secret of the gland, have an oval shape and a lamellar structure, sometimes an irregular shape. Normally absent. Their appearance indicates stagnation in the prostate, which can occur in inflammatory processes, adenomas, in elderly people with hypertrophy of the gland.

    Lecithin grains - a specific product of the secretion of the epithelium of the prostate gland, give a secret to the milky appearance, refer to phosphate-type;a normal secret is rich in them. A decrease in their number, along with an increase in the number of leukocytes observed in malignant tumors of the prostate, inflammatory processes. In the secretion of the prostate gland there may be a Trusso-Lallemane calf resembling wax-shaped cylinders, and Bettcher crystals, similar to the Charcot-Leiden crystals. Their appearance is associated with prostatitis.

    Malignant neoplasms. These cells are more often found in the form of complexes with scalloped edges, with the erased boundaries between the cells.

    Elements of the fungus are found in fungal infection of the prostate.

    Retention syndrome( stasis syndrome) is observed with gland adenoma;is manifested by the abundance of macrophages, the presence of multinuclear cells such as foreign bodies and amyloid bodies.

    Contrary to popular belief, prostate disease is not something inevitable for every man. Unfortunately, there is no such tool that could guarantee that you will not have problems with the prostate. But you can do something to reduce the risk of disease or slow the progression of the disease. The three most important rules that you must follow in order to maintain the health of your prostate gland - and the health of the whole organism - is to eat right, be physically active and regularly check with your doctor.

    The food you eat and the drinks you drink can reduce the risk of prostate cancer, especially cancer. Studies show that some herbal products are effective in preventing and controlling prostate cancer. You do not need to eat these products every day, but it's better that they often appear on your table.

    Tomatoes contain a lycopene substance that gives them a red color. Lycopene is considered a strong antioxidant. Antioxidants are substances that protect cells from free radicals, toxic molecules that can damage cells.

    Studies have shown that frequent eating of tomatoes, products from them, as well as other products rich in lycopene, reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Lycopene, present in food cooked from tomatoes - in soups, sauces and ketchups for spaghetti and pizza - is an even more effective defender against cancer than lycopene, which is found in raw foods: in tomatoes and tomato juice. Perhaps the reason is that our body is easier to absorb lycopene from tomatoes, when they have been culinary treatment.

    Other studies suggest that lycopene also prevents the development of bowel, breast, lung, abdominal and heart attacks. A small amount of lycopene is found in watermelons, pink grapefruits and in two tropical fruits - pineapples and guava.

    However, it should be noted that some authors( for example, the author of the method of "nutrition by blood group" Peter Dadamo) consider lycopene of tomato origin responsible for some inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and for the insulin-like effect of tomato sauces, which contributes to obesity.

    Soy products

    Soy is produced from soybeans, the birthplace of this plant is northern China, now they are grown all over the world. Certain components of soy( isoflavones) stimulate the binding proteins of our body( globulins) that support the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen at a certain level. Associated hormones are weaker. And since the cancer lives on testosterone, scientists suggest that the weaker its effect, the lower the risk of developing and progressing cancer.

    In Asia, where soy is one of the main food products, some cancers, including prostate cancer, are much less common. However, it is not exactly known whether this depends on the use of soy, other foods, the lifestyle or the gene pool of the population.

    In addition to preventing cancer, according to some reports, soy consumption reduces the risk of developing benign prostatic hyperplasia( BPH).Soy can also lower cholesterol.

    Sources of soybeans

    Soybeans. Soak them for the night, and then cook for about two and a half hours to make them soft. Soybeans can be prepared in advance, and then stored in a refrigerator, frozen or stored in a vacuum package. Add soya beans to your favorite dishes, for example, soups, chili, stew and salads.

    Tofu. Neutral taste and spongy structure make it very convenient for cooking different types of food. Tofu can be used instead of meat. There are tofu more liquid consistency, it can be added to soups-puree or used instead of sour cream and mayonnaise. Tempé and miso. Both these products are made from fermented soybeans. Tempe is sold as a cookie, miso is a paste. They can be added to soups and salads or used as meat substitutes.

    Textured soy protein. It looks like brownish meat and can be cooked in pots with other products, used as a filling for pancakes, etc. Also sold are hamburgers with soy protein.

    Soymilk. Use in any dishes and eat with flakes.

    Soy flour. You can add all baked products together with ordinary flour. Put two full tablespoons of soy flour into the glass, and then pour the usual to a full glass. In baked dishes, you can also replace the egg with one tablespoon of soy flour and one or two tablespoons of water.

    Green tea

    Green tea contains a natural substance, epigallocatechin gallate( EGCG), similar to those found in vegetables and red wine. Like other anti-cancer agents, EGCG interferes with the activity of enzymes necessary for the development of cancer. Studies conducted in the United States in 1998 showed that a weak concentration of EGCG placed in a tube together with cancer cells hinders their growth, and at a strong concentration, EGCG kills cancer cells. However, studies have found no evidence that green tea can help men with progressive prostate cancer, which is no longer amenable to hormone treatment. Most of the men who took part in the experiment had side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia and extreme nervousness during taking six to twelve glasses of green tea daily. Scientists believe that in order to determine whether green tea can be useful in treating cancer at other stages of the disease, additional research is needed.

    Ovoshi family of cruciferous

    The vegetables of the cruciferous family include ordinary cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, mustard, turnips and rutabaga. These vegetables contain substances that prevent the agents that cause cancer.


    In regions where people eat a lot of garlic, prostate cancer is less common, as well as cancers in general. One theory suggests that the sulfur contained in garlic increases immunity, helping the body fight the disease. Sulfur also slows the spread of cancer and increases the production of enzymes in the body that help to destroy substances that cause the growth of a cancerous tumor. An easy way to consume more garlic is to use raw garlic to improve the taste of meat and add it to vegetable sauces.

    Most studies of the role of vitamins and minerals in the prevention of prostate cancer do not come to any definite conclusions. There have been, for example, studies to determine whether vitamins C, D, E and mineral selenium contribute to the prevention of prostate diseases. Selenium is a residual element present in many foods, it enhances the antioxidant effect of vitamin A. Some scientists confirm that these substances can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Other studies show that they have no effect here. Studies that are currently underway must answer the question of what role - if one can talk about it at all - some vitamins and minerals play in maintaining the health of our prostate gland.

    Scientists also investigate the effect of zinc on the prostate condition. Most of all zinc is found in meat, seafood, poultry and whole grains. The prostate contains more zinc than any other organ, and scientists suggest that a lack of zinc can lead to the development of prostate diseases. For some men, daily intake of zinc supplements helped to reduce the size of the prostate gland and alleviate the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia( BPH).Zinc also helps to relieve inflammation in chronic prostatitis. However, it is not yet known exactly how zinc helps fight the disease and to whom it acts most effectively.

    If you think that you do not consume enough vitamins and minerals, you can take multivitamin or mineral preparations. However, most doctors do not recommend taking such supplements only for the purpose of preventing prostate diseases. It is not exactly known what role they play in the prevention of prostate diseases and in what doses they should be taken. Some vitamins and minerals in large quantities can be toxic.

    Talk about these supplements with your doctor or a qualified nutritionist and find out which medications are most suitable for you.

    Some researchers suggest that there is a link between a high-fat, high-fat diet and the development of prostate cancer. One study conducted by scientists at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, USA, showed that consuming large amounts of calories increases the risk of developing both localized and non-localized prostate cancer.

    It is not yet known exactly whether the development of cancer is associated with the total amount of consumed fat, or with some specific type of fat. It is also difficult to draw a line between the effect of a high overall level of calorie intake and a high level of fat intake. The establishment of this difference is complicated by the fact that usually fatty foods are both high-calorie.

    At the moment we can say with certainty: the less fat and less-caloric food you eat, the better.

    The best way to reduce the amount of fat and calories in your diet is to eat more foods of plant origin. Such food - fruits, vegetables and products made from whole grains, - contains many vitamins, minerals, vegetable fibers and components necessary for the body, protecting us from cancer. Consuming more plant foods, you limit fat intake and get many healthy components. It is very important that the food is balanced and sufficient.

    The following are the types and quantities of foods recommended for daily consumption.

    Fruits and vegetables: 8-10 parts in a daily diet. By increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet, you can improve your overall health. In addition to the fact that fruits and vegetables are practically fat-free and very low-calorie, they provide the body with fibers and a whole range of nutrients, including potassium and magnesium. They also contain phytochemicals that help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. Replacing more fatty and high-calorie foods with fruits and vegetables, we can qualitatively improve our nutrition without reducing the volume. Another important point - do not add to vegetables and fruits seasonings and sauces with a high fat content.

    Carbohydrates: 4-8 parts. This includes cereals: bread, cereals, cereal, rice, pasta. In whole grains contain more fibers and nutrients, including magnesium, than in processed ones. Carbohydrate foods not only contain little

    fat, but are also very rich in complex nutrients. Bread and pasta are very low-calorie foods and contain a small amount of fat. So that they remain so, watch what you eat with them. For example, it is better to eat pasta with tomato based sauces, ketchups and vegetable sauces, and not with cream, sour cream or cheese. Buy ordinary yeast bread instead of bread baked using dry baking powder( "dry yeast"), sweet rolls and other baking, which is added a lot of fat.

    Proteins / Dairy products: 4-7 parts. This group includes products of both vegetable and animal origin. Vegetable products rich in protein include beans: beans, peas and lentils. Animal products that contain a lot of protein include fish, seafood, poultry, meat, eggs and dairy products, such as milk or cheese. Portions are small: half a glass of beans, 80-90 g of fish, 40-60 g of poultry or meat, 1 glass of milk or 40 g of cheese. Note. There continues to be heated debate over whether there is a connection between eating milk and developing a cancerous tumor. Some studies show that consumption of dairy products rich in calcium may increase the risk of prostate cancer, but other studies deny this. Today, scientists conclude that as long as there is insufficient data to prove or disprove the existence of such a connection. But they believe that the main task at the moment is to determine whether any substances contained in dairy products, be it fat, calcium or other components, increase the risk of prostate cancer. Dairy products contain a lot of nutrients, so scientists suggest that men with an increased risk of prostate cancer do not give up completely and give preference to such healthy foods as skim milk and yogurt, in small amounts including them in a diet based on vegetables, fruits,whole grains and beans.

    Fats, sweets and alcohol: moderately. Alcohol, fats and sugar contain a lot of calories, but they do not have any useful nutrients. The most obvious way to reduce the amount of consumed fat is to reduce the intake of pure fats( margarine, butter and vegetable oil) that you use when preparing food. In addition, eat less sweets: sweets, desserts and drinks containing sugar.

    It is well known that regular exercise helps prevent heart attacks, such as increased blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood. As for cancer, it's not so simple. However, studies show that regular exercise can reduce the risk of oncological diseases, including prostate cancer.

    Physical exercises strengthen the immune system, increase metabolism and accelerate the digestion and assimilation of food, that is, benefit all processes that are factors of cancer prevention. Exercise also helps you maintain a healthy weight, which is another factor in preventing some types of cancer. Regular physical activity can also reduce the risk of BPH, or reduce its manifestations to a minimum. Men who regularly engage in physical education usually do not have such severe symptoms as those who have a low-activity lifestyle.

    If you are in the process of recovering from a surgical procedure or other treatment, be sure to consult your doctor before starting exercise( see "How to Get Started").

    More than 68% of the adult population in Russia do not exercise often enough to bring real benefits to their health, and more than 25% do not engage in physical exercise in their spare time. Federal health programs recommend 30-60 minutes of physical activity during a working five-day period or 20 minutes of intense physical activity at least three times a week.

    If most of the day you are sitting, your physical shape leaves much to be desired. Here are some signs of poor physical fitness:

    You almost all the time feel tired

    You do not keep up with your peers

    You avoid physical activity because you are quickly tired

    Walking even a little on foot, you are choking and feeling tired

    Even if you have not practiced gym, it's never too late to start. By regularly doing the exercises, you will bring your body to shape and improve your health.

    Three types of exercises will help you with this, and if you manage to combine them with a healthy diet, you will reduce the risk of prostate cancer or at least mitigate the symptoms. To exercise the maximum benefit to you, perform different types of exercises.

    Aerobic Exercise

    Aerobic exercise involves the training of the respiratory and circulatory systems, heartbeats and breathing quicken, heart and lungs health improves. In addition, they increase the overall resistance of the body and strengthen the immune system. Try to do aerobic exercises every day, or at least almost every day, for thirty minutes. If you do not get to practice thirty minutes in a row, break your classes three times for ten minutes.

    The easiest aerobic exercise is walking: easily, conveniently and cheaply. All you need is a pair of comfortable shoes. Other aerobic exercises include:

    I ride a bicycle. ATP Challenger Tour Volleyball.







    Flexibility exercises

    By doing exercises on flexibility before and after aerobic exercises, you will increase the amplitude of movements, stretching joints, muscles and ligaments. Exercise for stretching will also help avoid pain and joint injuries during training. Stretch should be tidy and slow. Stretch the muscle only as long as you feel a slight tension. During stretching, watch for breathing, so that it does not get off. Here are four types of stretch marks that you can try.

    Stretching of the ankles. Stand at arm's length from the wall, push forward a little and put your hands on the wall. Bend one leg in the knee and put it slightly forward. Move the other leg slightly back, knee straightened, try to put the heel on the floor. Feed the body forward until you feel the tension, while the back remains straight, the movement occurs in the hip joints. Hold for half a minute. Relax. Repeat the same on the other leg.

    Stretching of the hip joints. Lie on your back on the table or on the bed so that the hip of one leg is as close to the edge as possible. Relax this leg, and let it freely hang from the edge. Bend the other leg in the knee, grasp it with your hands and pull the knee to your chest until the lower back presses against the surface on which you are lying. Hold in this position for thirty seconds. Relax. Repeat the same thing by changing your legs.

    Stretching of pectoral muscles. Close your arms behind your head, take your elbows back, taking a deep breath. Hold for thirty seconds. Relax.

    Stretching of the lower back. Lie on your back on a hard surface. Bend your knees and lift your legs in turn to the body. Take your knees with your hands and pull them to your shoulders. Stop when you feel a stretch in the lower back. Hold in this position. Return the legs in turn to their original position. If you have osteoporosis or an implanted artificial joint, you do not need to do this exercise.

    Strength exercises

    These exercises strengthen your muscles, which allows you to improve posture, balance and coordination of movements. They also strengthen the bones and accelerate metabolic processes in the body, which allows you to control the weight. Do strength exercises at least twice a week. First, do each exercise five times, gradually bringing the number of repetitions to 25.

    Raising socks and heels. Standing, climb on your toes, then roll on the foot and transfer the weight of the body to the heels, tearing the socks off the floor. This exercise strengthens the calf muscles, the muscles of the feet and ankles.

    Exercise for the press number 1. Lie on your back on a hard surface and bend your knees. Press the lower back to the floor and focus on the tension of the muscles of the press. Relax and try again.

    Exercise for the press number 2. Lie on your back and bend your right foot in the knee, your left foot lies on the floor straight. Strongly strain the muscles of the press and slowly raise your left leg upwards, without bending it. Relax and try again. Change your legs. Do not do this exercise if you have osteoporosis.

    Push-ups from the wall. Stand facing the wall at about this distance to put your hands on the wall and at the same time your arms were slightly bent at the elbows. Slowly bend your arms, transferring to them the weight of the body. Bend your arms and return to the starting position. As your hands become stronger, move away from the wall. Squats on the wall. Stand with your back to the wall so that your heels are about thirty centimeters from her. Lean your back against the wall and slowly slide down on it until your legs are bent at the 45 degree angle. Just slowly unbend your legs and climb up the wall to the starting position. This exercise strengthens the quadriceps muscles of the thigh, which work when walking and climbing.

    Hand bending. Put your feet to the width of your shoulders, for a better work of muscles, take a small canister full of water into your hand. Bend your arm at the elbow until the canister is at shoulder level. Then slowly unbend your arm. This exercise strengthens the biceps, which work when lifting and wearing objects. During the exercise, stand straight, do not bend or bend at the waist.

    In most cases, we risk when we do too many exercises, do them too intensively, without a preliminary warm-up or with insufficient warm-up. To reduce the risk of unpleasant consequences, proceed as follows.

    Begin slowly. Do not immediately rush to do complex and intensive exercises. Gradually increase the rhythm and duration of classes. To come to a half-hour workout, start with ten minutes, and then increase the class time by five minutes. If you find it difficult to talk during the exercises, perhaps you are recycling.

    Exercise moderately, but regularly. Never bring yourself to nausea, dizziness, severe malfunctioning of your breathing, much faster heart rate, a feeling of pressure or pain in your chest. If you experience any of these symptoms, stop immediately and seek medical help.

    Always do a warm-up and a hitch. This will reduce the burden on the heart and prepare the muscles for work.

    The following tips will help you stay active and support your motivation for classes.

    Set goals. Start with simple tasks and gradually set for yourself more and more long-term goals. Usually it is worth sustaining regular classes for half a year, and then they just get in the habit. Set real goals that you can achieve. If your goals are too high, and you can not fulfill them, it will lead to disappointment.

    Add a variety. So that you are not bored, change activities. For example, try alternating walking and cycling with swimming and practicing uncomplicated aerobics in a group. When the weather is good, do stretching exercises and strength exercises in the air. Perhaps you want to become a member of the health club, where you will be offered many types of physical activity.

    Track improvements. Keep a diary, recording in it what you do in each lesson, how long or how many times you do each exercise and how you feel during and after classes. Such records will help you move towards the goal and will remind you that you are becoming much more trained.

    Encourage yourself. Think for yourself an inner encouragement based on the feeling of accomplishment, self-esteem and control of one's own behavior. After each lesson, sit down for a few minutes and relax. Enjoy the pleasant sensations that exercise, and think about what you have just done something good and useful. Such inner encouragement will help you not to give up your studies and make physical education an integral part of your life.

    Annual checks will not help you reduce the risk of prostate cancer, BPH, or prostatitis, as exercise and healthy eating can help. However, such examinations are simply necessary to maintain your health. If you still have any

    prostate disease, palpation rectal examination and a test for a particular prostate antigen will help to identify it at the earliest stage, when it can be cured. If you do not visit the doctor regularly, register with him right now to take a test, including the prostate gland, and make it a rule to do it once a year.

    If you have any symptoms or signs of a prostate disease: frequent urination, difficulty urinating, pain during urination, pain in the lower abdomen or back, blood in the urine or semen - deal with this as soon as possible, even if you arethink that nothing terrible is happening. After all, you can and make mistakes, so why risk your health.

    By and large, the prostate gland is not at all the organ of the urinary system, but because of its location has a strong effect on her health.

    Your urinary system actually begins with the kidneys, in which blood is purified from the metabolic products and the urine proper. Urine is then passed from the kidneys into the bladder through long muscular tubes called the ureters. Urine is in the bladder until another urination, during which the muscles of the bladder contract, and the sphincter relax, and the urine leaves the body through the urethra.

    The prostate gland is located around the upper part of the urethra. You can imagine the prostate gland in the form of a small apple without a core. The urethra just passes through this core. When the prostate is healthy, it does not cause any problems. But if the disease begins, the tissue of the gland can undergo swelling or growth as a result of inflammation, hyperplasia, or tumor growth, increasing in volume, compressing the urethra and thereby preventing normal urination.

    The main function of the prostate gland is the secretion, which is the most important component of the seminal fluid. This secret provides mobility of spermatozoa and due to this determines the most important indicators of the ability of the male seed for fertilization. It can be said without exaggeration that in the process of procreation this secret plays as important a role as the health of tiny spermatozoa. Through the tiny ducts of the glandular part of the prostate this secret enters the urethra( urethra), which then carries urine from the bladder or seed from the testicles through the penis.

    During male orgasm, the secret of the prostate gland is mixed with the secret of seminal vesicles located on both sides of the prostate, and with spermatozoa, forming a seminal fluid. Spermatozoa rise from the testicles along long tubes called the spermatic ducts. Muscle contractions cause ejaculation, during which sperm through the urethra is ejected from the penis.

    To prevent the reverse movement of sperm( and under the laws of hydrostatics this viscous liquid experiences great resistance to movement through the narrow urethra) and entering it into the bladder, during ejaculation the annular muscle of the muscular part of the prostate gland located around the neck of the bladder contracts( internal sphincter).The sphincter also prevents urine from entering the sperm. This m is not accessible to the control of consciousness and therefore is involuntary.