  • Treating stone in the liver with folk remedies and methods

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    Symptoms: pain in the hypochondrium, mostly stitching.

    Treatment: diet, consumption of mainly dairy products, more lemons. You can not have eggs. During the seizures, drink pure glycerin or olive oil on a tablespoon twice a day. To ease the pain, take warm baths and put on the liver poultices.

    So advises the collector of folk remedies doctor O. Morozova. It also reports folk remedies from stones in the liver :

    1. Drink each day 4 cups of birch leaves hot.

    2. Drink a cup a day radish juice, can be a little. Who can not drink pure juice, you can drink in half with the juice of red beets, but it is weaker.

    3. Drink 10 glasses of hot tea immediately for 15 minutes. This greatly crushes the stones in the sand and facilitates their exit.

    4. It is very useful to take such a chef: grate four tablespoons horseradish, with a glass of milk, heat to almost boil and leave on the stove for about five minutes. Then strain, squeezing the thick, and drink. Helps with diseases of the liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, intestines, gallbladder.

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    5. Drink 2-3 cups a day infusion of flowers immortelle, better wild( small yellow leaves).

    Other ancient books and sources are recommended for stones in the liver and bile ducts:

    1. Beetroot syrup. Take a few beet heads, peel, cut and weld. Cook for a long time until the broth thickens and becomes like a syrup. Take 1/5 cup 3 times daily before meals.

    2. The rowan is red. From the stones in the liver and ducts, one must eat for 1.5 months a forest, but not a garden ashberry. Is with bread or tea, sugar, honey, etc. during the day for 2 glasses.

    3. Melissa lemon( grass) - 5 g, buckthorn( bark) - 10 g, mint( grass) - 10 g, rosehip( small-baked fruits) 30 g, celandine( grass) - 25 g, immortelle( flowers) - 10y.

    Brew 1 teaspoon in 300 ml of boiling water. To insist 15 minutes, to drink at one time with honey. This mixture should be taken with severe pain in the liver and gall bladder.

    4. Dandelion( root finely ground) - 10 g, nettle( root) - 10 g, calendula( flowers) - 40 g, sweet clover - 3 g, cornflower( flowers) - 20 g.

    Brew 1 tbsp.spoon collection in 1 liter of boiling water, put 4-5 pieces of sugar, stir and cover with a napkin, steam for an hour. Drink 200 ml 4-5 times a day before meals.

    5. Radish and honey. Cut the radish, squeeze the juice, mix it in half with honey. Take 1 / 3-1 / 2 cup, or even a glass a day. Up to a glass of reception to reach gradually. Prevents the formation of stones in the bile ducts and kidneys.

    For the purification of the liver, folk medicine recommends:

    1. Honey natural. 1 kg of honey mixed with 1 kg of black currant. Take 1 teaspoon in 30 minutes.before meals. Continue until the end of the mixture.

    With medical and prophylactic purpose for liver diseases, honey is recommended to be applied in the morning( 30-50 g) with the addition of royal jelly( one spoon for mustard), and after dinner - 1 tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of perga - flower pollen.

    A mixture of one spoonful of honey and apple juice is effective. Take morning and evening.

    2. White cabbage( juice). Good results of treatment of peptic ulcer of stomach, gastritis with low acidity, diseases of liver and colitis gives juice of vegetable cabbage. The juice should not be stored for more than 3-4 minutes. Take 5-6 glasses a day.

    3. Cowberry ordinary( leaves). 10 grams of leaves pour 1 cup of boiling water and boil for 3-5 minutes. Strain. Take the whole portion warm. Cook 3 times a day and take it shortly after preparation.

    4. Drink each day 4 cups of birch leaf infusion, in a hot state.

    Drink a cup of radish juice a day, can be mixed with red beet juice, but this mixture is weaker.

    Drink ten glasses of very hot tea immediately for 15 minutes. This well crushes the stones in the sand and facilitates their exit.

    5. In general, with kidney, bladder, bile, stomach and bowel diseases, such a cheesecake is useful: grate 4 tablespoons of horseradish on a grater, mix with a glass of milk, heat to boil( but do not boil) and leave on the plate for five minutes. Strain, squeezing the thick, and drink a little.

    6. Drink a day for 3-4 glasses of infusion of flowers immortelle, better wild.

    7. Pass through a meat grinder one glass of hemp seed, mix with three glasses of raw unpasteurized milk, boil up to one glass, hot strain and drink on an empty stomach one glass for five days. Ten days later, repeat. There is nothing acute. There are possible attacks of pain in the liver, but it is necessary to withstand. After a year, repeat the course of treatment. After this, as a rule, there comes a complete cure. Day to starve. During this time you can drink water. After doing an enema. An hour after the enema, drink one glass of olive oil and a glass of grapefruit juice. We must drink one by one. Usually after that, there is severe nausea. To avoid vomiting, you have to lie down and suck a lemon. You can not drink water. In case of acute thirst, you can drink one sip of salt water, but it is better to suffer and not drink. Fifteen minutes after taking Provencal oil with grapefruit juice, you should drink a laxative. In about fifteen minutes you can drink water. It is necessary to continue to starve, and a day later, drink olive oil with grapefruit juice, ie, repeat the same procedure. Then, when the stomach clears, it is necessary to see if the stones are coming out. They swim in the urine and have a greenish, brownish, and sometimes creamy color. When the urine cools, the stones will settle on the bottom. Continue to take the olive oil and, of course, continue to starve until all the stones dissolve. Sometimes to dissolve all the stones you have to drink this medicine for five to seven days.

    The method of cleansing the liver ( excretion of stones from the gallbladder and bile ducts).

    Only eat salad: beetroot( freshly rubbed), carrots( freshly rubbed), cabbage( fresh or sauerkraut), lemon juice.

    At 9 o'clock weld a porridge porridge on water 1/2 cup and eat( liquid, add salt and sugar to taste).

    Hercules creates an increased content of mucus so that the stones get better.

    At 12 o'clock to drink tea:

    St. John's Wort 1/2 teaspoon, mint 1/2 teaspoon + lemon juice + honey. All this for 200 g of boiling water.

    Within 15 minutes.before tea, take 2-3 tablets extract buckthorn, or rhubarb, or leaf Senna.

    In 14 hours on the liver area, put the heating pad on for 6 hours.

    At 15 o'clock drink 2-3 tablets laxative and drink hot tea( see above).Thus, let the liver warm up as deep as possible.

    In 18 hours, dry the black bread with thin crumbs, soaking them. Squeeze one lemon and bisect them with water. Cook the natural coffee ( 2 teaspoons per 1 glass of water).

    Drink 1 tablet no-shdy + 1 tablet papaverine. After 30 minutes.drink 150 g olive oil ( corn, good sunflower), heated to 50 ° C.To drink diluted lemon juice ( or grapefruit juice), drink a cup of black coffee and eat crackers. Lie on your left side, relax. Maximize the solar plexus. There should be no nervous tension and irritation. After taking the oil, the muscles of the gallbladder will drop sharply and the contents of the gallbladder will eject into the duodenum. After an hour, you can repeat the procedure by drinking another 150 g of oil. In 22-23 hours you can make an enema, as well as the next day. You can do without it. Gradually there will be stones, sand, excess bile and slime. During the procedure, there will be signs of pain - someone weaker, someone strong - do not be afraid of them, you need to suffer.

    One week before the procedure and within a week after it should take lean food.

    For liver diseases, sulfate waters, sulfate-sodium, sulfate-magnesium and sulfate-calcium are shown. This water resorts Pyatigorsk( Batalin spring), Lake Shira, Krainki.