  • at first limit the number of guests.

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    On the occasion of the birth of the child, relatives and friends come together in droves to congratulate their parents and see the baby. It pleases parents and fills their hearts with pride. However, too many visitors will tire their mother. How much is too much? In each case in different ways. Most mothers in the first weeks of the house quickly get tired. They have just suffered some kind of surgical intervention, besides they experienced serious hormonal changes. But, probably, even more significantly emotional shock, especially associated with the appearance of the first child.

    To some parents, guests deliver true pleasure, help to relax, distract, rejoice. But most of us are affected by only a few old friends. Other guests, to a greater or lesser extent, make you feel the tension, even when we are glad to see them, and tire, especially if we do not feel well. If a young mother gets tired, this immediately complicates the most serious change in her life and affects everyone around her. I believe that the mother of the newborn should strictly restrict visits from the very beginning, see how she tolerates them, and then very gradually increase the number of guests if she still has strength on them. The mother will help if these strict limitations are supported by the doctor. Then she can not be afraid of accusations of inhospitable: she just follows the instructions of the doctor. I would advise everyone who would call: "The doctor says that I can have only one guest a day, starting tomorrow, and not more than fifteen minutes. Can you take a look on Tuesday about four o'clock in the afternoon? "There are many additional arguments with which you can justify such a restriction: a child's anxiety, breastfeeding, a slow return of strength.

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    To those who come without a phone call, say with a joyful but guilty look: "The doctor says that I can, receive guests only from the next week and one a day, but still come for a minute."

    One mother told me that she hung an ad on the door: she does not need the insurance on the of the child, the baby's photos, the things to care for, the books, and so she does not disclose the salespeople.